Quadruple split

Chapter 1165 The cheater’s game (I)

Mo Tan still remembered that when he was still in the Violet Empire a few months ago, he would often talk nonsense with the prince named Xiu Blaise.

Of course, the former prince has now become the regent and is implementing drastic reforms. Not only does he tightly hold the two families with Baroque and Dantès as the core, he is also implementing them every minute and second. The will that truly belongs to Violet even went to... Well, he came to marry the patriarch of the Crystal Wolf family, the Archduke Emmeline who should theoretically be bisexual, but has now probably been completely converted into heterosexual.

It has to be said that Xiu is a rare NPC who can penetrate the eyes of Motan (limited by chaotic neutrality) and is willing to admit that his height is not inferior to his own. Similarly, in the eyes of the unfathomable regent, whether it is 'Tan Mo 'Fangye' or 'Fangye', they both belong to the kind of people who cannot write their own stories, and will cause various accidents if they are not careful.

Of course, the so-called 'disaster' here is not a derogatory sense. After all, for Xiu Blaise, there is no one who can be so troublesome even when there is no absolute strength gap and even when resources are inferior to his own, and he can even be afraid of him. several.

Therefore, even though he had given up the idea of ​​bringing Mo Tan into the group the day after he met Mo Tan, Xiu, who was not very impeccable at that time but was actually qualified to overthrow the entire empire, still never thought about getting involved with that person. The elusive bard kept his distance. On the contrary, he sincerely hoped to become friends with this outsider with whom he was relatively friendly.

Friends who should never work together, but can help each other out a little if necessary.

As for the reason, both of them knew it well.

And Mo Tan obviously had the same idea. After all, he had no interest in the matter of one person being inferior to ten thousand people, and he had no intention of staying for a long time in Violet, which was about to lose its fun at that time. So in a sense, these two It is said that some similar people get along well with each other.

By the way, the pair of Motan and Futaba, who have chaotic neutral personalities, are a very unharmonious example.

All in all, Hugh Blaise and Mo Tan, who got along well with each other, spent a lot of time chatting in [Female Bee] during that time. The topics they discussed ranged from the principles of toilet flushing in the two worlds to how to kill all the Marshalls. There is no one in the family that two people cannot talk to.

In a certain chat, Mo Tan heard Xiu say something that really interested him. We can briefly summarize it as the Buffy Marshall prison break.

After being proven guilty by Zach Freese and being found guilty on Judgment Day, Buffy Marshall's life changed from being under house arrest to being under house arrest. He was 'detained' and imprisoned on the 16th floor of the [Grey Prison] in the noble district of Salamoon, where he confessed his crimes deep underground.

Then he ran away.

Just... jailbroken.

The jailbreak itself is actually not something worth mentioning to the two of them. Its nutritional value as a topic will definitely not exceed the question of "Which is more energy-saving and emission-reducing, a flush toilet or a flush element toilet?"

Because Buffy Marshall's escape from prison itself is one of the necessary conditions for the next plan.

If he doesn't escape from prison, how can we destroy him? If you can't kill him, how can you kill his whole family? If the entire family is not uprooted, will those cultists be allowed to celebrate the New Year?

It is absolutely impossible for Hugh Blaise to allow this situation to occur, and neither he nor Mo Tan feels that Buffy Marshall is a person who can sacrifice himself for the survival of his family.

If there were no Whispering Cultists hiding in his family, and even his children had become believers early on, Buffy might have considered some of the above possibilities, but this world did not exist. If that happened, Buffy knew very well that from the way he chose to interact with those evil god believers From the day they worked together, the Marshall family was already standing on the edge of the abyss, and just thirty years was not enough for him to completely seamlessly integrate the cultists with the family, so...

If he had been alive, he might have been able to bury those hidden dangers deeply before he died.

It wouldn't be a big problem if one of his children was at least 50% the heir of Xiu Bresne.

But when neither condition is met, Buffy's death will inevitably lead to a series of chain reactions. It is almost inevitable that the cooperation between the Whispering Sect and the Marshall family will be exposed to the sun.

So he couldn't sit still and wait for death. He had to escape. Only in this way could he get a chance to make a comeback.

Xiu and Mo Tan, who had already calculated this point, naturally knew that Buffy would escape from prison, so they also arranged some corresponding measures, such as...

Jean tried to make the defense of the gray cell relatively loose, and did some tricks on Buffy's imprisonment.

Yes, although the purposes are completely different or even completely opposite, no matter which party it is, Buffy's jailbreak is a necessary factor to achieve the purpose.

So the problem was never the jailbreak itself, but Buffy's method of jailbreaking.

He disappeared out of thin air from the gray prison without triggering any alarm. All the guards abide by their duties but turned a blind eye to the mysterious disappearance of the person they were supposed to be guarding. This is what Xiu is concerned about.

The guard's job is to watch over Buffy Marshall.

The guard was well aware that the room where he was being held was empty.

The guard knew better that the person in that cell was Buffy Marshall.

But no one felt anything was wrong.

Everyone was staring at the cell meticulously, because Buffy Marshall was locked in it, and their task was to guard this evil Grand Duke, even though...it was empty.

This is so similar to Cole Schullen's previous experience.

"It's a whisper~"

Mo Tan raised the corners of his mouth and murmured in a low voice: "It's the power of whispering, it can only be the power of whispering."

Cole's eyes widened in surprise, and he hurriedly asked: "Sir, are you talking about the whisper, is it the one where Dave is..."

"That's right, it's the organization that Dave lived in back then, the Whispering Sect that believes in evil gods."

Mo Tan nodded briskly and said calmly: "As far as I know, the Whispering Sect is different from the various cults that have appeared on the road in the past few hundred years. They are comparable in size, strength, foundation, influence and radiation range. It is even wider than some small sects that believe in serious gods but do not have many believers. All in all, it is a very interesting organization."

Cole's eyes suddenly became piercing. You must know that in the 'Hero Dave' incident, he and Xiao Ai could almost be said to be victims of the Whispering Sect. Lorna and Lada could even be said to be directly victims of the Whispering Sect. Killed by the Whispering Sect, this hatred has never faded even today after he followed Mo Tan for several months.

"In short, the influence of whispers is the root cause of this abnormality in you."

Mo Tan lowered his eyes and looked at the butterfly knife flying up and down between his fingers, and said calmly: "Coupled with the fact that I can disguise myself as 'Mo' to replace you in the dinner just now, I really thought of it. I found someone I had briefly interacted with a few times before."

Cole nodded and asked without thinking: "Who is that...?"

"have no idea."

Mo Tan shrugged and said calmly: "The name, appearance, and gender are all a mystery. In fact, for a long time, a certain deadbeat and I thought that the person who helped Buffy Marshall break the situation was the same person. team, but now it seems that the reality seems to be more consistent with another speculation we made.”

"Another speculation is..."

"A person who combines many qualities such as intelligence, meticulousness, and cunning, has a deep understanding and scheming, and is impenetrable in his work. In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, he may also have the ability to change his appearance. ."

"Change his appearance? You mean that person has something similar to [Hundred Forms]..."

Cole couldn't help but be astonished. To a thief, the value of [Hundred Forms] was almost equal to that of an artifact. It was hard for him to imagine that such a thing would be as common as cabbage.

"No no no."

Mo Tan shook his head and narrowed his eyes slightly: "If our judgment is correct, whether it is equipment or skills, that person's abilities are probably far superior to [Baai]. In addition to appearance and Apart from characteristics, I highly doubt that the other person can even change his race and gender at will."

Cole was so shocked that he could hardly speak, after all...

"This kind of thing may be far beyond the knowledge of a country thief like you, but, Mr. Cole, I don't want you to always be a fool with no experience and no hair."

Mo Tan patted Cole's shoulder lightly, winked and said: "Broaden your horizons, this world is full of intoxicating mysteries and incredible things, if you and Xiao Ai will always be like a bumpkin and tie yourselves to I would be disappointed in those low-level notions.”

"Yes, sir!"

Cole pursed his lips and nodded heavily.

"With the power of whispers, the ability to change identities at will, and a meticulous executor, this should have been a perfect plan that no one could detect."

Mo Tan took a deep breath and raised an unpredictable arc at the corner of his mouth: "Unfortunately, I didn't go back to [Stars] directly after taking back the various forms as written in the script, but came here on a whim. I looked for you and unintentionally created a huge loophole."

Cole immediately understood and followed Mo Tan's thoughts: "Sir, what you mean is that if the cultist's plan is implemented smoothly, then you should not be able to find anything abnormal about me and Miss Liz, but because you came here suddenly Such a trip, so..."

"So we have about a 50% chance of regaining the initiative in this game."

Mo Tan pushed Cole back into the chair behind him, and he lay comfortably on the lounge chair on the other side of the fireplace, folded his legs and said with a smile: "Perhaps, this will be a gamble full of risks, but It’s a pity that we don’t have the right to choose. After all, the other party’s preparations can be said to be far beyond my expectations.”

Cole's thoughts did not linger on the word 'risk' for even a second, but he asked without hesitation: "What do I need to do, sir."

"You need to forget some things, and of course the process may put some strain on your body, both physically and mentally."

Mo Tan gave a straightforward answer, smiling: "In a few minutes, I will call Liz down, and then use some methods that only blood seekers can use to put you into chaos. Since her body is still recovering, Stage, to put it simply, means that your strength is greatly reduced, so during this process, you cannot resist at all, and you must agree in advance that the feeling does not seem to be good, it can even be said to be... quite painful."

Cole still didn't hesitate at all: "No problem, sir."

"very good."

Mo Tan laughed, raised his index finger and shook it slightly: "After that, I will give you some hints when you are extremely confused. If nothing else, I will rely on the knowledge I have accumulated in the past, plus a few A useful skill that has a high probability of implanting a 'hint' in your heart."


"Yes, if everything goes well, you will forget that I ever returned here, and the memory gaps during this period will be filled through a method similar to hypnosis. In short, in Cole Shuren's memory , I never came back.”

Cole took a deep breath: "I understand, sir."

"That's all part of the preparation."

Mo Tan smiled and stretched his body lazily: "Then, things will go in two ways. First, if that person can detect my return, for example, he is wandering outside the door right now, or There are 'eyes' monitoring this place, so we just wink at the blind man and continue to be at the mercy of each other in the established rhythm. Well, it wouldn't be surprising even if everything ends in the end."

Cole frowned slightly, swallowed and continued: "So, what about the other situation?"

"The other situation is that the other party is not aware of this, and the set time for whispering to you again will be after I leave. In this case, the arrangement I just made will not be exposed."

Mo Tan shrugged and spread his hands and said: "In short, no matter what the outcome is, I will try to facilitate a second 'party' and make some arrangements. If that person pretends to be you and appears in front of me again..."

Having said this, the frenzied killing intent flashed in Mo Tan's eyes.

"I am always forgiving of myself, but I am not willing to give others a second chance, not to mention that the seriousness of this matter has exceeded the threshold."


"I'll make him pay, if this beleaguered makeshift plan is lucky enough to go smoothly, if I can."

Mo Tan licked the corner of his mouth and laughed domineeringly.

"Cheating is never a person's prerogative."

Chapter 1,158: End

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