Quadruple split

Chapter 1172 Fatal Game (X)

In the end, Futaba didn't roast Frank's bird, nor did he actually tell the latter to go away.

After all, she had dragged this guy to the forbidden book area, and there was indeed a certain degree of danger in this place, so even if she felt a little unhappy, she would not really burn the bird or put the other person in danger.

After all, Futaba is always a little more humane than the being named 'Tan Mo' in the Innocence Realm. Although this does not prevent her from doing whatever she wants, it does affect her behavior pattern. .

But from an objective point of view, this is not actually a bad influence.

In this world, everyone is unique, and even if Futaba and Mo Tan, whose personalities are under the "chaotic neutral" personality, are exaggeratedly "unique", it does not mean how similar they are.

After all, they may be 'the same kind of people', but they are not 'the same people'.

"Let's go to the next level."

Finally, after passing the last row of bookshelves filled with "strange words" that ordinary people couldn't understand at all, and unusual people could rarely understand, the girl decided to head to the next floor.

Mo Tan, who had no way to turn back, had no choice but to follow with a wry smile, and together with Futaba, they entered the next level through the teleportation array, namely the 37th District of the Academy City Comprehensive Library, which was the second floor of the restricted book area.

Compared with the 36th District, which is the 'threshold', the area of ​​this floor is much larger, and it is not as empty as the place just now. Although the gloomy and depressing atmosphere is still the same, it is still A little angry.

A red-haired girl wearing a military academy uniform with a 'prefect' badge on her collar.

A blond young man with handsome appearance and noble temperament.

A red-robed female mage with an exquisite figure.

A kind-hearted old half-orc priest.

They were all quietly holding a book they liked, flipping through it with interest, their eyes filled with excitement, just like Frank Hughes who had previously faced a large collection of poems on the twenty-third floor.

But it's obvious that these people's 'interests' are much more picky than Frank's, otherwise they wouldn't be in a place like this.

"There is someone..."

Although not as 'terrible' as in reality, Futaba still wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows.

"It's normal. After all, although there are not many ways to enter the forbidden book area, it is by no means few."

Mo Tan lowered his voice and whispered in the girl's ear: "And now is a special period. You are definitely not the only one who can get temporary permission to the forbidden book area."

The girl laughed dryly: "Do you want you to talk nonsense and think I'm stupid?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head and cast an awe-inspiring look at Shuangye, saying that he had no intention of doing so. Then he sneered and took the lead in leaving the teleportation formation at his feet, and then...


Futaba grabbed Mo Tan by the back of the collar, pushed him back to him, and said calmly: "Let's go directly to the next floor."


After being stunned for a moment, Mo Tan immediately nodded calmly: "Okay."

In this way, the two of them left directly through the teleportation array without staying any longer on this popular floor.

The third floor of the Restricted Book Zone, their destination, seems to be much simpler in style than the first two floors.

To sum it up simply, it’s ordinary.

It's not that the collection of books on this floor is ordinary, but that there is no "forbidden book area" at all.

It is difficult for us to describe this place in concise language, because it is similar to most libraries in the outside world. It is more casual at best.

"Hey, why are music scores and ancient coins put together... and mixed with newspapers and ghost paintings?"

Sufficient light seemed to restore a lot of courage to Mo Tan. He walked to a large, semi-open wooden cabinet nearby, leaned over and looked at the things piled randomly inside with an inexplicable expression, and then——

Bang! ! !

A small thunderstorm suddenly exploded beside Mo Tan, knocking the unprepared 'Frank Hughes' to the ground. In the next moment, a sharp silver dagger and a green light exuding a cold aura , a series of black ripples suddenly appeared in the air and passed by the place where Mo Tan had just stood.


Futaba glared coldly at Frank who was knocked to the ground by him, quickly raised his hand and held it empty, and actually summoned one out of thin air. Although it was not very powerful, it was nearly two meters long. The hand of the wind attribute mage with extremely spectacular visual effects directly 'slapped' Mo Tan back, then stepped on the latter (shoulder) who slid in front of him, and said angrily: "Weren't you always vigilant just now? Is that so? Why do you get so nervous when you are really in danger!"

On the one hand, he is afraid that he will see something he shouldn't see, and then be directly killed by the angry young beautiful girl; on the other hand, he is afraid that if he struggles hard, Futaba will lose his balance, causing him to appear during the battle. It's a mistake, anyway, after being stepped on, Frank Hughes barely even offered a symbolic resistance, and he just tilted his head and COSed the carpet in an obedient manner.


Realizing that the man at his feet was not struggling at all, Futaba unceremoniously put most of his weight on the latter's shoulders, and then gently clenched his small hands to pull back the mage who had just slapped Mo Tan back. With his hands, he pinched it into a crystal clear mana orb: "Whether it is used as a prank or a trap, it makes people feel very angry!"

In an instant, the mana orb spinning in mid-air turned into a sharp, strong, and constantly vibrating 'net', blowing like a breeze from the cabinet that almost killed Frank just now.

A silver coin engraved with a snake head emblem, a page of old and yellowed music, and a ghost painting with the main character being a clown were torn into several equal parts at the same time and scattered where they were.

"So, is the root reason why it hasn't been disposed of or sealed up actually because of 'too much food'? Isn't this place's management a bit too lazy?"

Futaba dispersed the fangs that were only exposed for a moment. Before crushing the few items, the 'net' was no different from an ordinary breeze. After complaining casually, she looked down at the body she was stepping on. Mo Tan narrowed his eyes and asked: "Let me explain in advance, you scumbag, this lady not only wears stockings under her robe, she also wears safety pants properly."

Because he tilted his head so much, Mo Tan could only see the floor with a wry smile and said, "You can rest assured, I swear that I don't have any immoral intentions."

"So, you didn't want to peek at my underwear, you just..."

Futaba squatted down on Mo Tan's shoulders, patted the latter's forehead gently, and said with a joking smile: "A pervert who simply wants to be stepped on by a beautiful girl? Let me guess, Do you really want to lick my boots now? Yes, if you are willing to beg me~"

Mo Tan, who finally realized that the danger seemed to have been eliminated, laughed twice, and then quickly stood up. Futaba, who had been prepared, was naturally not knocked down, but only jumped back lightly.

"What on earth was that just now..."

Ignoring Futaba's question about 'shaking pussy', Mo Tan turned around with lingering fear and looked at the cabinet where he had just poked his head, nervously staring at the remains that had been cut into pieces.

"If you guessed it right, the music sheet that can perform small-scale curse killing and the photo that can throw throwing knives are both cursed props. But since they can be received in such a place, they should probably be something more meaningful, such as a certain A musical score written by a great man, or a criminal profile of a murderer."

Futaba walked briskly to the cabinet, leaning down with his hands behind his back to observe the 'wreck' inside, and said in the same brisk tone: "As for this ancient silver coin with the glans tattooed on it, if nothing else, it should be An alchemical creation that can be mass-produced.”

Mo Tan followed Shuangye in a panic, tugged on the latter's sleeves vigilantly, and whispered: "Shuangye, be careful, I think these things are quite bad, for the sake of safety we still..."

"Cut the nonsense."

Impatiently interrupting Frank's chatter, Futaba rolled her eyes at the latter angrily: "It's quite bad for you. I don't think there's anything bad about these crappy things."

Mo Tan pondered for a moment, then quickly changed his words: "Okay, I think these things are not good for me. For my safety, let's..."

"Shut up!"

While checking the cabinet full of various dangerous props, Futaba interrupted Mo Tan again: "Those joke-like attacks just now are not even high-level. As long as you don't stay too far away from me, things of this level are fine. There’s no point in forming a group to cause trouble for you.”

Mo Tan nodded first, and then continued to say with lingering fear: "But no matter how many 'things of this level' there are, it will be useless. If you encounter something more powerful..."

"There are so many more powerful ones for you to meet."

Futaba kicked the cabinet in front of her hard, then grinned and covered her boots while jumping on one foot and said: "This is a restricted book area, not a slaughterhouse. There are usually a lot of people coming in and out, so even if There are some dangerous items inside, but they are definitely not particularly powerful. I think that except for the last few floors where even my pass cannot go, the threat in the forbidden book area is at most this level, otherwise those good students will still be there. Can’t you die piece by piece?”

Mo Tan thought for a while and felt that what the girl said seemed to make sense, so he stopped coaxing him any further and casually changed the subject: "But having said that, Futaba, you just destroyed those three things. Are you sure?" no problem?"

"Of course there is a problem."

Futaba waved her hands and said nonchalantly: "After all, although my behavior just now can be interpreted as self-defense, it still destroyed Academy City's property, but..."

"But what?"

"But Uncle Kenneth told me before that behind us is the City of Miracles, and he will take care of it for me no matter what trouble we make."


"I am the 'Sage of the Fog Moon' of the Parliament of Truth. I can definitely handle this little trouble. Why are you worrying about it?"

"Okay, let's just treat it like this..."

"Hey, what you said is that you look down on your future uncle, right?"

"no no."

"Don't you think Uncle Kenneth is proud enough?"

"No no."

"Who are you looking down on?"

"Can't, can't."

"Hmph, let's go~"

In this way, after simply cooking a few small threats that were indeed not very strong, and visually judged to be bullying, Futaba and Mo Tan, who was closely following her, began to explore.

Different from the first two floors, the third floor of the forbidden book area seems to be a place similar to a 'comprehensive area'. It is full of things that are difficult to classify, weird, or have no place to place. In short, it is very chaotic.

Most people who go to the library with a purpose will avoid this level, because the difficulty of finding the corresponding knowledge here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

But for Futaba, although she did come with the purpose of 'finding an opportunity to break through the epic level', we all know that there is absolutely no way this girl can skip such a 'fun' place, so before determining After understanding the main tone of this floor, not only did she not immediately move the place with Mo Tan, she even strolled around as if visiting a temple fair.

In this situation, Mo Tan, who had no other choice at all, could only accompany her crazy. What's more, as a bard who likes to pursue new things, this level is quite to his liking.

In this way, the two people who hit it off happily went shopping.

During this process, Futaba would occasionally play the role of a bodyguard, rescuing Mo Tan from various crises that were not particularly lethal.

Frank Hughes, who is well-informed, will guest-guide as a tour guide from time to time to educate his friends who have not yet had time to work hard in history on what he knows, such as the secrets of the previous Hamilton Empire and the royal family, such as those who did not know that they were Which little clever guy threw the Imperius VII golden toilet on this floor, such as the 'Clown Lord Rhodes' who threw a throwing knife in the photo before and appeared in front of the two in the form of a portrait not long after.

All in all, both of them had a pretty good time.

Futaba, who had never seen the big world (such as the weird things run by the Rice brothers), got excited for no reason and completely forgot about his original purpose; while Frank Hughes had a rare opportunity to Wandering around these monumental things without having to worry about your own safety is also very exciting.

"Wow! This statue is not big but its expression is so shitty!"

"Well, this should be the statue of Iron Emperor Togepi. He was originally just an ordinary soldier, but because he was very powerful in fighting, so..."

"Becoming an emperor?"

"Uh... um."

"Like Napoleon?"

"Who is Napoleon?"

"No one, just a guy who repairs the wheel, eh! Frank, look at this, it looks like he came here for a late-night snack and forgot to take the pot away!"

"That was the first generation steam fish pot. Tsk tsk. I had only seen it in a picture book. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see the real thing. I'm so touched."

"Steam fish pot? What is that?"

"It's a great invention. There are many steam fish pot shops in Academy City."

"Is it great?"

"It's pretty awesome."

"How powerful?"

"The predecessor of the Steam Consortium was the No. 1 store of Steam Fish Pot."

"What the hell?"

Chapter 1,165: End

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