Quadruple split

Chapter 1185 Career Direction

Lian Yuanrui studied at the [Danu Military Academy] in Zhongcheng District, and served as an occult worker in the student union of the academy. The captain of the law enforcement team in front of her, Foster Ward, was not only from the same background as [Danu]. Military Academy], and also serves as the president of the student union of that prestigious school. Although the latter has transferred his main energy to the law enforcement team two years ago, the school still trusts and relies on this person very much, and never thought that But before Foster officially graduates and leaves school, he will be replaced.

Lian and Foster, who entered school in the same year, were admitted to the student union in the same month, and became cadres on the same day, have a very good relationship. When the two of them are together, whether it is in the college's student union or in the office of the law enforcement team, they will always Constructing a very harmonious and pleasing picture.

Foster Ward, who was working on documents behind his desk, and Lian Yuanrui, who was either reading a book by the window where the light was best, or standing quietly beside the former with a folder in his arms and smiling, had become law enforcement officials a long time ago. The top eight scenery of the team is firmly above 'Spencer with his ponytails down and wearing casual clothes'.

No matter from which point of view, Foster and Lian should be a model couple. In fact, the subtle and harmonious atmosphere between them has indeed discouraged a large number of their respective admirers, but after so many years, the two have become People have never established a romantic relationship that everyone thinks is just a matter of time. The distance between them is far closer than that of 'friends', which really makes people around them a little impatient.

However, the two parties involved were not very conscious of this, and they didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Anyway, they just got along with each other as they should, and they never cared about the unnecessary layer of window paper.

"Maybe I should have made it clear earlier."

Foster slowly picked up the 'report' that Lian put in his hand, and while scanning it with no emotion, he said calmly: "The lady you witnessed at some point is nothing like me. My friend, even if I say the nicest thing, she is just my 'senior' in another workplace."

Lian smiled, put away the bag on the table that was not high in cost, but filled with the heart of the cultivator, the handmade tea leaves that members of the law enforcement team and student union would receive every once in a while, and smiled: "I asked you to explain something. What?"

"I just think you need to know this. After all, that person's mood is always very unstable. Even if he won't do anything to me, a junior, out of some concerns, the same cannot be said for others."

After reading the report, Foster turned to his gentle partner and said sternly: "Unlike me, those people are not easy to get along with."

Lian nodded slightly, then tilted her head and said, "Then what? What do you want to express?"

"I hope you don't get too involved in this, Lian."

Foster's expression rarely became serious, and he frowned and said, "It's not that I want to hide anything, it's just for safety reasons."

Lian nodded and smiled slightly: "I understand."


Foster breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relieved expression.

Obviously, in his opinion, although Lian's own strength is indeed good, and her financial background is completely unmatched by an 'ordinary student' like himself, considering her personality, she is more suitable for those noisy trivial matters. Spend every day leisurely and elegantly in the ivory tower.

Although there is no such thing as an ivory tower in Academy City, and Ren's family has completely adopted a laissez-faire education for this girl who has been doted on in every possible way since she was a child, under Foster's unintentional intervention, [Danu... Military Academy】The student union and law enforcement team are still comfortable enough in terms of atmosphere.

He didn't do anything intentionally for her.

Nor had she asked him to do anything.

And this subtle and harmonious relationship...

"It will end one day."

Quite abruptly, Lian turned her head away and muttered something incoherently.

Foster raised his eyebrows, a flash of surprise in his eyes: "What?"

"Life here."

Looking at the night sky outside the window, the gentle and quiet Lian said softly: "Whether it is the academy or the law enforcement team, these fulfilling and happy days will eventually end. Foster, we are already in the sixth grade. Now, I will graduate from here in one year.”

Foster Ward nodded: "Yes, to be precise, it was less than a year."

"If I remember correctly, you have been planning what to do after graduation since two years ago."

Lian smiled, walked slowly to the window, looked down at the lights, slogans, green plants in the law enforcement team compound and Spencer peeking into the duty room, and said leisurely: "A glorious future is waiting. You, Foster Ward, will one day be famous, I have no doubt."

Foster touched the tip of his nose and coughed slightly: "Are you saying that I am not low-key enough?"


Lian shook her head and sighed softly: "I'm just a little worried about whether you left a place for those who used to be around you when you were planning your future."

Foster's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Some people may not care, such as Spencer in the law enforcement team and Ji Liang in the student union, but some people enjoy the comfort zone centered around you, Foster Ward."

The long purple hair was fluttering in the warm wind, and the flower elf's eyes were clear and soft: "Like me."

Foster, who was always calm, looked stiff.

"You like challenges, you like change, you like to create order, and you like to create balance."

Lian did not look away, but continued on her own: "And I like to be in the position closest to you... just like now, watching you do what you like, if I can do it in the process If you can help, I will be happy too.”

These words, which were tantamount to a confession, did not make Foster show any emotion at all. He just picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, nodded calmly and said: "Continue."

"So I didn't want to be left behind, so I was a little willful."

Lian gave Foster the same calm answer.

Foster finally became nervous...

Because in his impression, the girl standing beside the bed with her hands behind her hands had never been a willful girl, and combined with a series of information that few people knew, when she clearly stated that she was "a little willful" , then this 'willfulness' can never be as simple as 'eating twelve small cakes in one breath while being extremely angry'.

The girl's next words perfectly confirmed Foster's guess.

"Harlequin Card, a small underground organization established a few months ago, has an unknown leader, unknown business scope, unknown member distribution, and a loose organizational structure."

Lian turned to look at Foster, who looked a little stiff, and calmly narrated: "Among them, the cadre-level members whose identities can be confirmed so far include [Seven of Clubs: Scarlett Diesel], [Ace of Clubs: 'Other World'" Spider], [King of Hearts: Foster Ward], [Queen of Diamonds: Lessa Keyworth], [Ten of Hearts: Dodolong Steam Pump], a total of five people."

Because he did not expect that Lian, who had been with him day and night, could investigate to this extent, even Foster could not help but be confused for a few seconds, but he still adjusted his thoughts immediately and asked in a deep voice: "Could it be that, Lian, you..."

"Yes, I used the power of my family."

Lian nodded and said with a smile: "Although it has been slightly weakened in the past few decades, under the intelligence network of the 'Death Angel', for this kind of... well, in the words of those from other worlds, it should be said that Is it the 'chaos side organization'? Anyway, it's not difficult to get this level of information."

Foster was silent.

Even though he was very optimistic about the 'Harlequin Card' who could easily marry into the [Death Angel], he had to admit that the former's background was much stronger, and as long as such a behemoth was willing, the Harlequin Card would no longer No matter how different you are, it’s hard to keep any secrets.

"My uncle's assessment of this organization is 'unstable', 'non-threatening' and 'difficult to control'. To be honest, I don't know much about this aspect, and I don't want to interfere with any of your decisions, but …”

Lian brushed away a strand of hair hanging in front of her eyes, and a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes: "I don't understand why you would choose that place as your career candidate when you can obviously have a smooth road."

"Compared to this kind of thing..."

Foster did not give a direct answer. He put on a rare serious look and looked seriously at the person in front of him who was only a high-level entry-level person. His hobbies were reading, growing flowers and growing tea. He had rarely followed him a long time ago. The eldest lady [Angel of Death] who was in the family asked: "I would like to know more about why you are suddenly interested in the Harlequin Card and why you suddenly use your family connections."

"One of the reasons I just said, Foster, is that I enjoy being in a comfort zone with you as the center, and we don't have much time left before graduation, so you don't seem to have deliberately planned to leave a place for me. Under such circumstances, I always have to do something so as not to be left far behind.”

Lian smiled, and then said calmly and generously, "Also, on the day the fighting competition ended, I saw the girl named Spider hugging you, and even kissed your neck afterwards."

"That's not kissing, it's smelling."

Foster corrected him immediately, and then shrugged with some confusion: "Although I don't know why she sniffed me, I need to clarify one thing, that is, although we are both Harlequin cadres, the relationship between me and Miss Spider is The relationship is definitely not harmonious. In fact, even though we have only met a few times in total, every time she comes to me, I feel more and more that we are very incompatible."

Lian followed Foster's example and shrugged, spreading her hands and saying, "But I don't know, so after accidentally seeing that extremely impactful scene, I was probably carried away by strange emotions and couldn't be said to be rational at all. I wrote a letter to my family as soon as possible, using the time I recently took to have a meal with my father as a price to ask them to investigate the workplace of you and that spider lady as much as possible."


Foster laughed dumbly and shook his head helplessly: "What can I do?"

"You can be angry because I investigated your privacy privately."

Lian gave the advice seriously and said seriously: "You have the right to lose your temper with me."

"Yes, of course I have it, but the right to use this right...is also mine, right?"

Foster smiled and slowly closed his eyes: "You have already stated your reasons, and I think it is not only very sufficient, but also well-founded, so I have no intention of losing my temper with you."

"I know."

Lian covered her mouth playfully and laughed.

"I know you know."

Foster snorted slightly unconvincedly, rarely feeling a little emotional.

For the next five minutes, neither of them spoke anymore, and the atmosphere in the law enforcement team's office remained as harmonious and peaceful as ever.

"I have my own considerations."

Foster was the first to break the silence and said softly: "So don't worry."

"I've never worried about you because you're Foster Ward."

Lian shook her head and chuckled: "I'm just a selfish woman, so I don't intend to give up my current position, let alone give it to others."

Foster burst into laughter: "So, you are just asking me for an answer?"

"That's right."

Lian nodded slightly and looked calmly into the other party's dark red eyes: "I didn't even intend to raise an opinion on this."

"You can mention it."

"How about marrying an angel into your mother-in-law? The name Foster Yuan Rui seems to be quite nice."

"I will seriously consider it."

"Have you considered it?"


"the answer is?"

"Maybe I will agree, but not now."

"What a pity~"

"Who says it isn't?"

The two looked at each other and smiled.


"Harlequin card."

Foster sighed softly, gesturing at the card that appeared in his hand at some point: "If nothing else happens, after graduation... no, to be precise, it should be after this exchange meeting, my focus will be on It will gradually tilt that way.”

"As expected, you secretly completed your credits."

After getting the answer she wanted, the flower elf girl raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "As promised in advance, that organization seems to be planning to do something since its establishment. Although it has not attracted much attention now, it can be said in the future Not allowed anymore.”

“As one of the original full members of this organization, I can relate to that.”

Foster pretended to sigh, but his face was filled with an interesting smile: "So, although I know it is nonsense, please allow me to ask, what are your thoughts?"

"as always."

The girl answered without hesitation.

"Heh, it seems there is one more headache."

"I won't apologize."

"It doesn't matter, I will find a way, as always."



"I have initially grasped what 'poker' is. Do you have any good suits to recommend?"


Chapter 1,178: End

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