Quadruple split

Chapter 1190 A free day?

Although Idong's expression is quite serious and his tone is very sincere, the former Fenrir team sitting next to him are also Ned, Yinna, Crabbe, and Salazar, who are also nicknamed the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" It is still difficult for the four of them to have a real feeling about this, which is understandable. After all, in their perception, they are just very ordinary people.

No matter which world view we are in, there will always be a minority of outstanding talents or geniuses, and their specific proportion is even far lower than we imagined.

However, because those people always stand in the spotlight, they give people the illusion that they have a lot of power. In fact, there is always only a small part of the spotlight.

To give an inappropriate example, the accident rate of airplanes is much lower than that of cars, but every plane crash is basically reported. If you switch to other mainstream means of transportation that account for a huge proportion in the industry, such as cars or bicycles, unless it is Those situations such as a large-scale serial car accident, a broken-down car with a beautiful boy trainee who was scratched but still strong, etc., are influential or topical. Otherwise, most people will not know about this kind of situation. intelligence.

All in all, what the author wants to express here is probably that although in this era of information explosion we often pay attention to those big names either actively or passively, ordinary people still account for the vast majority.

In the same way, although the nearly five million words of this book are filled with a lot of geniuses, monsters, and capable people, whether it is the players and NPCs in the Innocence Realm or the people living in the real world, they will always Most of them are ordinary people.

Of course, the word "ordinary" is not a derogatory term here. After all, everyone has their own life and excitement. Worrying about national affairs is a kind of life, and running around for firewood, rice, oil and salt is also a kind of life.

Therefore, it is not easy for these fresh undead people beside the campfire to suddenly change their thinking patterns that have been used for decades or even hundreds of years (especially Yinna Morning Dew).

It's like if a person said to Mo Tan under the "chaotic neutral" personality: "Brothers, let's plan carefully and go to the White House to throw two pounds of shit in front of the White House." Then the latter would probably readily agree and then happily Start planning where to dig out the feces, how to hide the feces, the font of the warning letter, the angle when throwing the feces, and the escape route after the fun is over.

But if it were the same thing, what the person would find was not Mo Tan with the "chaotic neutral" personality, but an active-duty man who lived a calm and comfortable life, and was quite mainstream in terms of family background, grades, personality, and outlook on life. College students are likely to be regarded as mentally ill by the latter.

It’s not that the latter thinks, ‘You lied to me, you can’t really want to throw shit at the door of the White House with me.’ It’s that he thinks it’s impossible for him to achieve such an extraordinary feat as ‘throwing shit at the door of the White House.’

So it wasn't that Ned and others didn't believe in the 'Master of Winter' in front of them, but they subconsciously felt that there was no reason why they would become a giant.

"You will know later."

Yidong did not go any further to popularize science. He just smiled indifferently and said: "In short, don't think about so many things now. Your top priority is to complete the matching of soul and body as much as possible, and improve the state. Thoroughly consolidate it.”

Crabbe patted his chest hard, grinned widely and said, "I feel very good now. It's no different from when I was alive before."

"Mr. Salazar."

Yidong raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Please give him a punch."


In the next moment, the lizardman monk, who struck swiftly and swiftly, knocked Crabbe into the air with a rising dragon punch.

"What are you doing!"

Crabbe, who fell hard to the ground, glared at Salazar.

The latter crossed his arms and shrugged, as if he was not the one who had just shot Shenglong.

"Does it hurt?"

Yidong interrupted Crabbe before he jumped and scolded him, and asked calmly: "Does the place where Salazar just hit him hurt?"

Crabbe, who looked almost the same as before because of his dark skin, blinked, then subconsciously raised his hand to touch his chin, which had just been hit hard. He reacted for a while before shaking his head and saying, "It doesn't hurt. Hey!"

"See, that's the problem."

Yidong smiled, spread his hands and said, "Salazar's punch was so hard just now. Isn't it strange that Crabbe didn't feel any pain?"


In addition to the person involved, Ned, Yinna and Salazar all looked at Yidong in unison, and gave him a look that could be understood as "Isn't this weird?"


Yidong laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "Could it be that in the eyes of you, the so-called undead are those beings who are completely ignorant of pain, tireless, and simply use their souls to drive their bodies?"

Yinna blinked in confusion: "Isn't it?"

Ned also scratched his beard in embarrassment: "Well, I have always felt that I was a corpse. Well, at best, it can be regarded as a living corpse."

"Our blood no longer flows and our hearts have stopped working."

Salazar pressed his chest, which had just been penetrated by Yinna, and said in a deep voice: "This body is undoubtedly 'dead'. Isn't it normal to be unable to feel pain?"

"Although your body has indeed 'died', but..."

Yidong shook his head, then looked around at the four people in front of him, and said calmly: "You have nothing to do with the corpse now. Listen up, guys, you are the 'immortal', not the 'dead' .”

"Just...why won't you die?"

Crabbe thought for a moment and then said nonsense.

Everyone ignored him, including Ito, who was polite to everyone.

Ned frowned, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of Idong's words, so he had to take the initiative to ask: "Can you explain it? Master Winter."

"The body will rot."

Yidong said calmly (Yinna shivered violently at the same time, looking horrified), and then said leisurely: "But you won't."

Then there was nearly a minute of silence again...

"Uh, is this the end?"

Ned, who hadn't waited until the next step, couldn't help it.

"Isn't that enough to explain the problem?"

Yidong sighed, held his cheek and said: "The corpse will rot but you won't. The corpse is fragile and you are strong. The corpse cannot be held together and it will get tired and crooked, but you can. To sum up, you are not a corpse. The proof is complete. "

The four of them were stunned.

Although what 'Master Winter' said was reasonable and seemed to be true, they still felt that the proof process... was too sloppy, just like a joke.

"Oh, let's put it this way."

Yidong, who could tell at a glance that these people didn't understand, stretched himself, then slowly stood up, walked slowly to Salazar, and patted the latter on the shoulder: "Do you think that the reason why you are... You can move because your own soul is controlling your own body?"

The cold lizard man, who knew nothing about mysticism, was slightly startled, then nodded hesitantly.

Although he didn't quite understand what it meant specifically, he felt that that was what happened.

"How do you control it? How strong is your 'soul'?"

Yidong chuckled, and then continued to ask without waiting for Salazar's answer: "Let's not talk about it for now, why are you looking at me now, my soul?"

Salazar blinked subconsciously, and then Idong raised his hand to cover his eyes.

"Can you still see me now?"

Yi Dong's voice sounded in the not-so-tight darkness.

Salazar felt that this person was talking nonsense. After all, which normal person would still be able to... after his eyes are covered?

【? ! 】

As if he suddenly noticed something, Salazar suddenly raised his arm and gently pushed away Idong's hand that was blocking his eyes.

It made sense, he could see it again.


Yidong laughed with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Very good, dear fellow, it seems that you have successfully discovered the problem."

Salazar nodded in surprise and subconsciously raised his hand to touch his eyes: "I'm seeing with my eyes."

"Nonsense, can you still see with both hands...Eh!?"

Yinna, who had been complaining for a long time, suddenly reacted and whispered: "Wait a minute! Why are our eyes so useful?!"

Obviously, not only Salazar, but Yinna also discovered the blind spot.

Like most people who don't know much about necromancy, even though they have been awakened by Idon as an 'undead', Ned and others still feel that they maintain the one-sided concept of 'undead = corpse' and have a negative view of themselves. understanding has great limitations.

"A real corpse cannot see with its eyes, nor can it move freely like you."

Yidong shrugged, his face full of inscrutability: "Don't confuse yourself with those expelling shells awakened by low-level psychic skills, heroes."

The four knights of the apocalypse, who were not worthy of their name, looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

After a while, Ned, who was still the captain, broke the silence. He smiled casually, grasped his right hand, which was just like an ordinary person except for being slightly pale, and said softly: "It seems that we can still send Put it to some use."

"That's natural."

Yidong also laughed, raised his eyebrows and said, "That person has said that as long as it doesn't violate your principles, I will definitely 'use' you well."

Yinna rolled her eyes and snorted: "It's really not a flattering statement at all."

"I don't like owing favors to others."

Salazar cracked his knuckles, then glanced at Ned, and said with a half-smile: "But I don't mind if others owe me."

The latter laughed dryly and wisely did not answer the question.

Although the two were about the same strength during their lifetimes, and even Ned was stronger, Salazar was the one who recovered the fastest during this period. The reason for this is actually due to the degree of control the monk has over the body. Much higher than a warrior.

So at the beginning of his resurrection, Ned, who was beaten up by everyone because of his "excessive pretentiousness", thought about it again and again, and finally shamelessly pretended not to hear it.

"Try to adapt to your new self, everyone."

Yidong took a deep breath and said in a slightly serious tone: "Someone has high hopes for you. Although this may not be a good thing, but..."

He looked at the steady beating blue flames in the eyes of the four people in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised——

"It will probably be exciting."

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, a day passes.

next day

Game time AM07:16

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Academy City Central District, No. 11 Milhouse Avenue [Chuanqing Hotel], 205 double bed room

Although he was quite troubled by the fact that he was impersonated by an unknown person, Mo Tan was in a pretty good mood at this moment. The reason was very simple, that is, he rarely had some leisure time today, no matter which character he played All very 'liberal'.

On the 'Tanmo' side, because Futaba had to accompany Diana to go out for socializing today, Frank Hughes, who according to the agreement could not sneak away to the restricted book area alone, was fine, and he who didn't want to alert the snake naturally wouldn't I was in a hurry to find Cole and Liz, so...very free.

Over at 'Mo', the newly acquired [Xiao] cannot be studied and understood in a short while. Yaya has been going out with Jadeka all day recently to eat and drink. Ji Xiaoge has been there since the dinner party the day before yesterday. She and the two masters of Artisan Town were busy working on several large orders, and her days were quite fulfilling. Although Liadrin tried to ask him out for a walk after he had just recovered from his serious illness, Mo Tan, who was like a mirror in his heart, thought that he was just recovering from his serious illness. I declined for some reason, so... I am very free.

Not to mention 'Hei Fan', who was just a trainee in the United Holy Religion delegation, he had nothing to do after finishing his work as a judge, so... he was even more free.

All in all, after briefly reviewing the situation of each of his characters, Mo Tan was shocked to realize that he actually got a day off and was so moved that he almost cried.

Because of this, he rarely cooked a good meal for himself tonight. As a result, he accidentally got too excited (referring to the cooking process) and forgot about the time, and was unable to go online as usual.

But what does that matter?

Mo Tan opened his eyes and stretched out beautifully on the soft bed without any panic.

[Anyway, I have been idle all day today. Apart from not being able to see Yu Chen for the first few minutes in the evening, there was no loss at all, no loss at all~]

Trying to put those bad things behind him and trying to enjoy today's 'holiday', Mo Tan straightened up comfortably, and in the next second he got his wish and saw the picture that haunted him... Well, at least there was The pretty face that haunts me for a third of the time.

"Are you awake?"

The girl leaning against the window smiled sweetly.

"I have less time today~"

Mo Tan also showed a silly smile.

"Oh, that's just right. Captain Foster has something to do with you. Shall we go downstairs now?"


"I said I want to invite you to participate in some kind of competition!"


"Fiyali almost agreed for you."


"But I stopped her!"


"Then Senior Tom agreed for you."

"Meow meow meow?"

Chapter 1,183: End

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