Quadruple split

Chapter 1196 Isaac Comprehensive College

Isaac Comprehensive College is located near the north gate of the outer ring area of ​​Academy City. Although it has the name "Comprehensive College" that seems to be quite intimidating, in terms of scale, heritage, history and outstanding graduates, this college is Compared with other peers in the city, there is no advantage, and the teaching staff is quite satisfactory. If analyzed from a more objective perspective, the word "third-rate" is relatively appropriate.

Of course, the so-called "third rate" is the result of horizontal comparison with other colleges in the city, which naturally includes a series of big names such as [White Oath Knights Academy], [Danu Military Academy], [Attenborough Mage Academy], etc. But if we make a vertical comparison within the scope of the entire continent, [Isaac Comprehensive College] is definitely the first-class among the first-class, the kind that can make most young people fight for a spot.

By the way, in Academy City, the vast majority of [XXX Comprehensive Colleges] are generally not very strong. The reason is very simple, that is, they simply have no characteristics.

Those who are knights are called knight academies, those who are outstanding in the military field are called military academies, those who have at least two digits of epic peaks among the teachers and even have sages are called mage academies, and those who are full of big scammers are called seminaries. There is nothing special... …Then let’s call it a comprehensive college.

Of course, nothing is absolute, and the reason why some colleges are called [comprehensive colleges] is really because they are very good in various fields.

For example, [Phoenix Comprehensive Academy], which is firmly ranked No. 1 in Academy City and has more than 170 professional departments, is very, very, very fortress, with truly no blind spots.

However, unlike most regular colleges, [Phoenix Comprehensive Academy] does not accept ordinary students, and it does not even have special admissions. Its admission threshold is very simple and clear, that is - complete five years of courses at any college in Academy City, and Complete the credits at least one year before graduation.

As long as you meet this seemingly simple condition, you will be eligible to enter [Phoenix Comprehensive College] for one to two years, and then... you will graduate. What else can you do?

If a diploma from any college in Academy City is enough for someone to have a smooth path, then a certificate of completion from [Phoenix Comprehensive Academy] can make that person have a bright future and be in demand.

As for why it's said to be 'seemingly simple', of course it's because...it's actually very difficult.

In order to maintain their reputation, although the various colleges in Academy City are different in all aspects, they still have a lot in common under the coordination of the Presbyterian Council. For example, no matter which major in which college they are in, most of them have Generally speaking, it is a seven-year system. Simply put, it is divided into seven grades, and each grade has two corresponding prefects, usually one boy and one girl; at the same time, each college usually has one to The two student council presidents are, in most cases, a man and a woman, namely the male student council president and the female student council president.

However, having said that, given the scarcity of male/female students in some colleges all year round, the system of dual prefects and dual student union presidents is no longer universal.

Finally, regardless of the college, only students who have completed 700 credits are eligible to graduate.

Under the control of the Presbyterian Church, although the types are different, the credit standards and difficulty of obtaining credits in each college are roughly the same. Mo Tan once did a simple survey (when his personality was 'chaotic neutral') and concluded that if A student who is good both in character and study, never arrives late or leaves early, and is excellent in all subjects including practical exams, can probably earn about 105-110 credits in one year. If he is also a prefect ' or 'Boy/Female Student Council President', which is about 108-113 credits.

As for most students who are not so 'good kids', as long as they can do well in their studies and can successfully pass three major make-up exams at the end of the semester, even if they occasionally arrive late and leave early, stay out late, get into fights, etc., they can get as much as they want every year. The credits will also be around 85-100.

To sum up, we can draw two conclusions:

First, as long as the student is not too hopeless, then after seven years his theoretical credits will be difficult to fall below 595 points no matter how low they are. For students whose credits are below 100 points each year, each college will award some value 10-15 credits of "extra internships" for public welfare. For students with less than 650 credits upon graduation, each college will also provide some "graduate internships" that just allow these students to reach 700 credits. To put it simply, as long as Don't be too fussy. Graduating smoothly will not be a big problem.

Second, even the theoretically best group of students with the best academic performance can only get a maximum of 791 points in seven years. If you push it forward one year, it will be 678 points, which is far away from the further studies at [Phoenix Comprehensive College]. The threshold is still 22 points away.

Since students with an average annual credit score of over 100 cannot participate in ‘additional internships’, they cannot obtain additional credits through this method.

In other words, even if a student scores 100 points in all subjects every year, has served as a prefect since the first year of enrollment, and takes over the job of student union president after entering a senior year, he will not be able to revise his credits in the sixth academic year. Full.

Of course, there are ways to get extra credits, but...it's difficult.

How difficult is it exactly?

Let's put it this way, Mu Xuejian, who won the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition], was awarded an additional 3 credits by the Academy City Council of Elders (she is nominally a student of the Paladin Knight Academy).

Although they won the runner-up in the team competition, the students from the Paladin Knight Academy who still performed well were each awarded an additional credit.

So, the question is, in this story that is not intended to follow the academic route, why should I introduce the knowledge of acquiring credits in Academy City in such detail?

First of all, it is to highlight the threshold height of [Phoenix Comprehensive Academy], and this fortressed academy is the goal of [Isaac Military Academy].

Secondly, I want everyone to know how awesome Foster Ward is who can easily complete his credits a year in advance.

Third, I am free (bushi).

"So, the cram school that Dabus is currently teaching in the Innocence is partnered with [Isaac Comprehensive Academy]?"

Carefully taking the tea eggs from Ji Xiaoge, Mo Tan carefully peeled the shells and asked the girl who had just inquired about the specific situation: "What is the specific method of cooperation? We teach those local students over there Knowledge?”

Ji Xiaoge shook his head and shrugged: "I thought so at first, but after I sent a message to Dabbs last night, I found out that their principal just spent money to rent a few classrooms and give money to Those unlucky kids are here just because they have signed up for school, and I don’t know how they got so much money, and Dabus also said it was free tutoring.”


Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then tapped his forehead and said suddenly: "Well, I may understand."

Ji Xiaoge tilted his head and asked curiously: "What do you understand?"

"Although Dabbs didn't go into detail, I can probably guess that the place where he works is probably a prestigious school, and it can be seen from the attitude of his leader that it is a prestigious school that attaches great importance to the admission rate. "

Mo Tan took a bite of the tea egg and asked casually while staring at his status bar: "Do you think they will be short of money?"

"can you?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked and had no intention of using his brain to think at all.

"Of course not. Just imagine, a school that can hold high-quality free cram schools and also provide subsidies and game cabin fees for participating teachers, how could it be short of money?"

After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem with his physical condition through the character panel, Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "So if we guessed wrong, the shrewd person in charge should have found a professional studio to purchase a large amount of currency. , directly used money to build a cram school in this rare game without any side effects."

Ji Xiaoge nodded like a fool: "Oh!"

"It's really a big deal..."

Mo Tan secretly distanced himself from the girl, fearing that the latter would bring out some food for him. He shook his head and said, "Although I think this is a bit too utilitarian."

Ji Xiaoge glared angrily at Mo Tan, who was about to reach the door, and curled his lips and said: "Dabbs thinks so too, but after all, he is a formal teacher there, so no matter how reluctant he is, he can't just give up the job." Don’t do it, it’s not easy to make ends meet these days, I found it very hard when I was working during the summer vacation!”

[You are simply experiencing life...]

Mo Tan vomited in his heart. He didn't think that the girl in front of him who was very popular at first glance would go to work for the reason of "making a living".

However, complaints are complaints, and Mo Tan, who is just a 'netizen', will definitely not take the topic outside the game, so he casually brought it back to the topic: "Then when are we going to find Dabbs and Anthony?"

"He said that he has no classes this afternoon. It would be okay if we go earlier and we can wander around the college."

Ji Xiaoge walked briskly to Mo Tan, opened the door behind him, and went downstairs to press his chin: "Ya Ya and Lao Jia are having breakfast downstairs. We discussed it before and decided to use your wake-up time. ' is subject to change, so it can be released now..."

Before he finished speaking, a slender and graceful figure swept up the stairs like a hurricane, slammed into Mo Tan's arms, and knocked the latter directly back into the room after he had just leaned out half of his body.


After a while, Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge, Yaya, Jadeka and Wang Badan left the inn in one fell swoop and strolled leisurely among the trees. The atmosphere was very relaxed and comfortable.

The morning breeze carrying the fragrance of earth blew gently, and the girl with snow-white wings flapped her wings gently, with a refreshing curve at the corner of her mouth, guiding her friends in the air.

The old man carrying the long staff has a kind face and white beard and hair. He is dressed in a standard spellcaster's attire. His eyes are bright and deep, and the gaze that rests on his partner is very soft. Although he is doing the "one-finger alternating handstand and retreat" The impact of the method is quite strong, but it is still difficult to conceal his extraordinary temperament.

Although the bastard walking at the back kept cursing, he didn't seem to hate this kind of late 'outing' activity.

And walking in the middle was a pair of young men and women who were having fun. Well, to be more precise, they should be a silver-haired half-orc girl who was playing, and a half-dragon knight who was being played with. The former was jumping up and down every moment. Unable to rest, the latter looked at his overjoyed partner with gentle and doting eyes.

Compared with the "Beloved" that hung in the Ascension Chapel of the City of Miracles hundreds of years later, another masterpiece called "Hymn", also by master Leon Rotti, is more accurate in restoring historical facts. It is obviously better. Even though the Night Angel in the painting is not as beautiful as himself, even though there is an extra "holy master" Anthony Dabbs with a transcendent temperament and profound eyes, and even though the bastard is upright and heroic, it is still compared to the same figure. The "Hymn" about the two fabricated 'darlings' is already very realistic!

All in all, in this pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, four people and one turtle soon arrived at [In front of Isaac Comprehensive Academy], which is also located in the outer ring area of ​​Academy City, and then...

Then he went in without even taking out his ID.

The reason is very simple, because the two third-year girls who are doing work-study studies (looking at the gate for the old school janitor who has rheumatoid arthritis) are both students in the knight department of the college, and they have both seen the popular comprehensive knight fighting game not long ago. Competition, so I immediately recognized the half-dragon knight who turned the tide in the team competition finals and received a lot of close-ups, that is, Mo Tan, and his eye-catching tortoise mount.

So they didn't even ask what they were here for, they just welcomed the Wangwang team into the academy with great shouts, and successfully put their responsibilities aside, and kept asking about Mo Tan. Personal situations, such as 'What is your age this year, are you married, do you have a girlfriend, are you still a virgin?' These questions are from a rather unique angle.

This is human nature. After all, 'Mo' in the Innocence Realm can be regarded as a good-looking, talented person with a very friendly temperament. Coupled with his outstanding performance in the team battle finals, it is normal for him to be popular. .

Ever since, Mo Tan, who was a little unprepared for this unexpected situation, was forced to reveal a lot of information with the talent of [Chivalry-Honesty].

For example...


After finally sending away the two female students who had remembered their responsibilities, Ji Xiaoge said to the sweaty half-dragon next to him without any surprise at all -

"Mo, you are indeed a virgin."

Chapter 1,189: End

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