Quadruple split

Chapter 1210 Trial move (III)

【Sulfur Orochimaru】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Fire Specialization level 38, Negative Energy Specialization level 38, Intelligence 150, Strength 150, Constitution 150, have the talent [Fire Affinity]/[Son of the Elements]

Consumption/limit: 800 magic value, 800 physical energy value

Effect: Shortly charge up, cover the whole body with brimstone evil fire, launch a collision attack on the designated target within the melee range, causing a large amount of fire damage and physical damage to the unit, with a medium probability of triggering a knock-up effect, a low probability of triggering a stun effect, attack During the process, the damage you receive is reduced by 10%, your overall resistance is increased by 60%, and the cooldown time is 80 minutes.

Traits: If you receive melee physical damage during the charging process, you will immediately launch an attack in the direction of the attacking unit. The effect depends on the charging time.

[Remark 1: ↓←↓→+AC]

[Remark 2: It has nothing to do with 'Ura 180 Style·Orohanagi'. If there is any similarity, I will change the name. 】

Obviously, this is a very simple skill in a sense.

If we understand it superficially, we can regard it as a powerful attack skill with "slow attack, close range, and high damage", and it has very high requirements for the user, regardless of morality, intelligence, and physical... Well, whether it is strength or intelligence It also has high requirements on physical fitness, and it is a move that is difficult for most players to use effectively.

It’s not that the threshold is high. After all, aside from the rather buggy things like [Elemental Son], there are still quite a few players with the talent of [Fire Affinity]. But the problem is, whether it’s a player who can use intelligence A main strength professional whose attributes have reached 150, or a main intelligence professional who can train his strength to 150, must have methods that are far more cost-effective than [Sulfur Orochimaru]. There is no need to specialize in this.

However, in the field of 'high-level', the strength of this skill can definitely be said to be very top-notch. In terms of attack power alone, even Mo Tan's move [Sakura Waning Moon - Only Flash] is far less powerful than this Orochimaru. .

Of course, the shortcomings of this [Sulfur Orochimaru] are still very obvious...

First of all, even though I played the trick [Sulfur Orochimaru] in the notes, it is already seriously suspected of infringing the KOF series. Even the operation of the move in the notes of Special Meow is exactly the same. In other words, 'From a legal perspective, the skills Anthony Dabbs is using are not protected.'

Of course, this shortcoming is of no use in actual combat. To say the least, even if the innocent company is really sued, the worst case scenario is to simply change [Sulfur Orochimaru] to [Sulfur Orochimaru]. Who wouldn’t change the skin? Yes, it is an old trick that was used by various manufacturers more than 20 years ago.

So the question is, what are the real shortcomings of [Sulfur Orochimaru]?

In fact, as I said just now, it’s just that the moves are slow.

Huge slowness! So slow!

If the whole process of Mo Tan using [Sakura Waning Moon - Only Flash] is to 'complete an evasive counterattack and immediately draw the sword', and the average time does not exceed 1.5 seconds, then Anthony Dabbs's [Brimstone Orochi] light It takes at least 5 seconds to prepare.

He had to snap his fingers first, and then Dabus summoned a ball of high-intensity mutated evil flames to cover his whole body. In the process, he had to be careful not to burn himself, while Anthony needed to complete the above steps in Dabus After that, he concentrates on accumulating energy, and finally makes the spell and the body's state achieve 'synchronization', which meets the shooting conditions.

In other words, anyone with intelligence not lower than the average human, even a lame, has enough time to calmly slip out of Anthony Dabbs' attack range when he is preparing this move, so that this can only lock on melee combat (2 Mine) target's skills to fight loneliness.

So according to common sense, the skill [Sulfur Orochimaru] is very environment-intensive. Either the target will not move, or teammates will help contain and press the position, or it must be carried out through the skill [Devil Lock]. Actively limit it, otherwise the room for this skill to be used is basically zero.

After taking the trick [Sakura Waning Moon·Wei Flash] just now, Dabus thought briefly and came to the conclusion that if he wanted to restrict Motan through [Demon Binding Lock], he would directly use [Brimstone Serpent] in the process. Nagi] If he attacks the latter, due to proficiency and other factors, it may be difficult for him and Anthony to achieve perfect synchronization. Fortunately for him, it is still too early for the head next door to play multitasking...

Therefore, Dabus chose the second best method. First, he used the chain to throw Motan to a high altitude where there was no way to rely on him. Then, he judged the landing point and positioned himself in advance, using [Sulfur Orochimaru] while the opponent was falling. 】, calculated the time perfectly.

I have to say that this is a very perfect performance. After all, most of the skills of the two people have two directions of 'high energy' and 'low energy' because of the talent [Symbiosis]. In other words, as long as Anthony is a little better, No, this is the most powerful combo in Dabus's imagination.

However, maybe it's because the tacit understanding between the two (heads) has improved in recent times, maybe it's because Anthony is in high spirits and performed at a super level throughout the whole process, or maybe it's just good luck. From the beginning of this competition to now, he hasn't... Idiot' once.

In other words, Mo Tan's current situation is very bad!

If he were a master like Mu Xuejian who could control the sword according to his heart and mind, the [Sulfur Serpent] at Mo Tan's feet would probably turn into a joke.

If it was Ji Xiaoge... well, if it was Ji Xiaoge, Dabbs wouldn't have fought like this.

Even Jadeka, as long as he is willing to detonate his staff in the air, he will most likely be able to blow himself out of the attack range of [Sulfur Serpent].

There was nothing Yaya could do, but she could at least try wagging her tail crazily and see if she could move one and a half meters in the sky using the propeller principle.

Only Mo Tan really had no choice at all.

Although his displacement skills are by no means small, whether it is [Blast], [Charge Stab], [Crazy Rush] or [Heroic Jump], these skills all require 'borrowing'. To put it simply, at least There is something like the ground to push on, otherwise it would be impossible to start it directly.

Although the game "Innocent Bound" is quite unreasonable, most of the places that should follow logic are also very realistic. When falling off a cliff, [Charge] or [Shadow Step], innocent animals on the ground avoid falling damage. This kind of operation is definitely not possible.

It was with this understanding that Dabbs formulated such targeted tactics.

Of course, this is not unsolvable.

In fact, as long as Mo Tan activates the second-level reverse scale transformation, he can easily dodge this attack with temporary wings. It is precisely because of this that Dabus can use this kind of killing in a competition with friends. trick'.

After all, in his eyes, Mo Tan has a trump card.

What he didn't know was that given that the second-order reverse scale had a very high probability of exposing his identity, Mo Tan would probably rather be beaten to death than change.

In other words, if it were Mo Tan who had been there some time ago, he would have had no choice but to activate the first-level scale-reverse move [Sulfur Orochi] and be beaten to death.

But now Mo Tan has other options, because the ‘new weapon’ in his hand is of dilapidated quality!

A flash of silvery cold light suddenly appeared, and the raging sulfur flames on Anthony Dabbs' body were detonated in advance, blasting straight upward before the target had even landed.

Due to the characteristics of their skills, neither Dabus nor Anthony could change the angle of attack. In fact, before they could react, [Sulfur Orochimaru] had already pushed out of the clouds!

In this case, although this skill achieved the effect of 'auto-calibration', it still failed to produce the best effect due to the user's lack of reaction. The physical attack that should have followed the Sulfur Evil Flame was half a beat slower. It failed to hit, so it only took away 27% of Mo Tan's health.

"what is this?"

Dabus subconsciously exclaimed. You must know that Mo Tan cannot pass skills such as [Sword Wind]. Although it is considered a physical attack, it is classified into the concept of 'long range'. The skill triggers in advance [Sulfur Orochimaru] , and based on the length of the sword in his hand, it is absolutely impossible for him to...

【! ? 】

Staring at Mo Tan who appeared in front of him again, with his left half slightly charred and looking quite embarrassed, Dabus suddenly widened his eyes: "What is this?!"

"Huh? This?"

Mo Tan tilted his head and glanced at the snow-white spear that was carried on his shoulder. He gently stroked the elegant cloud-like glyphs on it and smiled: "This is what I asked you to try. Here’s the reason, how is it, is it fun?”

【Xiao·Su Snow Spear】

soul binding

Weapon Category: Special Weapon

Current form: gun

Activation conditions: Two-handed weapon specialization>1, Strength 7, Constitution 5

Quality: only broken - can grow

Attack power: very low

Attributes: Strength +8, Constitution +3, Basic critical hit rate +0.5%

Additional skills: Snow Dance Mountains and Rivers (currently sealed), Destruction of Shifang (currently sealed), Bullet Tears (currently sealed), Broken Thoughts (currently sealed),? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?

Traits: Slightly

[Remarks: omitted]

Obviously, Mo Tan just used this spear with a decent shape and artistic flavor to stab the air and forcefully triggered Anthony Dabbs' [Vulcanized Orochi].

As the saying goes, an inch long is an inch strong. This 2.3-meter-long [Xiao·Suxue Gun] has great advantages in terms of attack range. In Mo Tan's imagination, the best way to break the situation is to attack first. Then use the force to distance yourself to complete the avoidance.

However, he failed to calculate that Anthony Dabbs' [Brimstone Serpent] actually had an unreasonable mechanism such as automatic counterattack, so he was still hit in half of his body after all, although he was already hit by the bomb when he was hit. After completing the borrowing, he was not rushed too completely, and he also avoided subsequent physical attacks, but in the end he still lost nearly 30% of his health.

All in all, neither party was able to fully implement their ideas, and neither party suffered too much.

"Please be my sparring partner."

Without giving Dabbs too much time to react, Mo Tan immediately activated [Charge and Stab] after laughing. The spear in his hand pulled out several spear flowers like a swimming dragon, and thrust them out erratically.

Although his profession is a knight, in Mo Tan's skill list, except for knight skills such as [Tiger Spear], [Falcon Strike], and [Thorn Charge], there are not many skills suitable for gun weapons, so he changed the weapon. After changing his form, he is quite limited in skill selection, and the skill [Crash Stab] is one of the few skills he can use without the cooperation of Wang Badan.

Three dark purple light arrows shot out in a glyph shape. Dabus's reaction speed was not unsatisfactory. He had already reacted almost as soon as Mo Tan got up and tried to use this move [Corrosive Arrow] to defeat the enemy. To eliminate the latter's momentum, Anthony raised the blazing war hammer in his hand, staring closely at his 'Big Brother Mo' with a pair of rare clear eyes, ready to attack him head-on at any time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As a result, the three corrosion arrows were accurately exploded in the air in an instant, and the dark purple mist that burst into the air was instantly thrown behind Mo Tan.

The march of collision and stabbing continues!

[Obviously it’s just a low-level skill! How could there be such a large room for maneuver... No! That's not the effect of this skill at all! 】

Dabbs, who had already recognized [Collision and Stab], was thinking about it, and he quickly came to an incredible conclusion, that is, it was not the collision and stab that had just destroyed his three corrosive arrows, but Mo Tan's attack. [Collision Stab] A normal attack performed during the process! ’

He made full use of the characteristics of the spear as a weapon, and swung out three thrusts in a short period of time. With its length advantage, he accurately destroyed his own corrosive arrows. Those few spears before were definitely not a joke. Handsome, but a detail that makes one's scalp numb just thinking about it. It's a volley attack style that Mo Tan had already expected that he would use instant medium and long-range skills to deal with!

Dabbs was shocked when he finally guessed what Mo Tan had done in those two seconds. Anthony, who didn't think much about it, subconsciously swung his hammer to attack, but in the middle of the process of exerting force, At that time, he was hit by the white spear that came first and hit his wrist. Although he did not suffer any damage, the attack angle was indeed completely distorted.

Three meters!

Mo Tan only used a low-level skill that was given to him by the system when he first entered the game, and he broke through to three meters in front of Anthony Dabbs. He easily maintained the distance between the two sides at a distance of one. For the latter, It's very uncomfortable, but it is extremely suitable for the scale of my current performance.

In an instant, the gun shadow was like a rainbow!

Chapter 1,203: End

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