Quadruple split

Chapter 126 Everyone has evil intentions

【Flawless Evil】

only talent

Active activation: Convert your camp to [Chaotic Evil] and replace this talent with Innocent Heart. Cooling time is 3 seconds.

Trait 1: Increase all your basic attributes by 20%, increase all resistance by 20%, and increase stealth level by 3

Trait 2: The effectiveness of all your damaging skills is increased by 20%

Trait 3: Obtain talents [Innocence], [Impermanence], [Self-interest], [Collapse]

Trait 4: The usage requirements, consumption, and cooling time of all skills or equipment related to [Chaos] and [Evil] are reduced by 20%.

Trait 5: Each point of the guilt value that should have been obtained in the last [Innocent Heart] state can replace the cooldown time of any of your skills by the same amount (each point of guilt value replaces one second of cooldown time).

Trait 6: You cannot gain reputation through any channels.

Trait 7: Any of your damaging skills have an additional 5% critical strike chance

Trait 8: All damage you receive has a 5% chance of being converted into life/mana or physical energy in a certain proportion.

[Note: You are like a child, arrogant, violent, and moody. 】

The bouncing back gradually faded away, and the laughter as clear as silver bells was still innocent and sweet, echoing for a long time...

at the same time

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Please help me judge~"

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

Black Tower City, Room 11, Liuli Pavilion

"Tsk, tsk, since even the system thinks that I am not suitable to be a nanny for children, there is nothing we can do." Mo Tan, who appeared in the lounge, whistled and picked up a small book on the low table in front of him. After reading the booklet, he put his legs up and absent-mindedly memorized the "Tips on Pickpocketing" in his hand while sighing: "Children are one of the most terrifying existences in the world, and their harm to society is second only to domestic early childhood education films. …”

Browsing the free books provided by Liuli Pavilion and the Thieves Guild, occasionally going out for a walk, letting Cole cooperate with him to test the system, and going to the Wanderer Inn every now and then to listen to jokes. This kind of life has been going on for three days.

[The time is almost ripe...]

Mo Tan hummed an unintelligible tune, with a teasing smile on his lips, and then heard a subtle knock on the door.

"Come in." He said without raising his head, "I'm here."

Cole, wearing a set of black leather armor, walked in silently and bowed slightly to Mo Tan: "I'm back, sir."

This young trainee thief looks completely different from three days ago. He carries a pair of black daggers on his back, and two sheathed daggers hanging on his waist, which are covered with complex patterns. Other equipment on his body It doesn't look like much, but each piece is expensive. Coupled with his cold and serious expression, he looks like a powerful mid-level professional.

But Mo Tan still seems not satisfied...

"I've told you many times, do you understand?" He raised his head and pointed at Cole's slightly stiff face, and said seriously: "A little further down the corner of the mouth, chin. Lift your eyes slightly upward, squint your eyes... Yes, make them sharper, do you understand? Don't you know the simple truth that squinting your eyes generally makes them stronger?"

Cole's facial muscles were twitching crazily, and he almost rolled his eyes as he looked at it, but it still did not reach the standard that would satisfy Mo Tan.

To be honest, this young and promising thief used to be considered a top-notch member of the Padin Knight Academy. Although he still held a 'trainee' rank in name, Cole was very capable in terms of concealment, disguise, response, combat, and detection. He is as good as most low-level thieves, which is something he is quite proud of.


At least in terms of disguise, his pride and confidence had been shattered to pieces three days ago!

Three days ago, after Mo Tan gave Cole a certain 'task', he personally showed him a series of 'disguises' that could be called art!

Without even needing to change his appearance or change his clothes, Mo Tan successfully subverted Cole's three views just by making subtle adjustments in his expression, demeanor, eyes, tone and movements.

A mercenary with a strong character...

A handsome noble...

A profit-seeking businessman...

A serious and rigid judge...

The gentle priest...

It is obviously the same person, the same face, the same voice, and the same set of clothes, but it can instantly overturn the temperament displayed at the moment and become a completely different person in front of you.

Five seconds ago, he may have given you the impression of a fussy hawker, but in the blink of an eye, he may have made you think of him as a gentle scholar. But before you knew it, he had once again transformed into an unknown person. The stupidity of the world, the kind that makes you feel guilty if you don't defraud someone of some money...

So scary!

Cole was immediately deeply shocked at the time. He clearly remembered that this gentleman also had a very powerful magic mask that could give the user another face and even the voice could be completely changed. kind!

If you add that thing...

Although he didn't know how many secrets the master he followed had, at least one thing Cole was sure of...

I am a lucky guy!

Being able to interact with this gentleman, being able to follow him, being able not to stand against him...

Very lucky!

"Okay, you can practice it yourself later." Mo Tan saw that the other party's face was gradually cramping, so he stopped the 'teaching' and asked casually: "Is there any news?"

Cole immediately breathed a sigh of relief, quickly walked up to Mo Tan, handed over a small note, and said softly: "I just got this from the Thieves Guild..."

Mo Tan took the note, lowered his eyes and glanced at it twice, then immediately laughed foolishly.

"Finally took the bait..."

The content on the note was very simple, only one short line:

[Reward: Clues to the ancient seal box. Reward: Place in a certain ruins exploration team/50,000 gold coins. Contact the Thieves Guild for details. 】

This is what Mo Tan has been waiting for!

At the same time, the Black Tower City Thieves Guild, Level 1 reception room.

The fat bald dwarf with a big beard took a sip of tea and nodded to the elf in front of him whose entire face was wrapped in a mask: "First time meeting, Vice President of Muse, my name is Brian."

"It's an honor to receive you in person, Boss Brian of Wanderer Hotel~" The elf man whose face he couldn't see clearly said in a very soft voice: "I wonder why you are here this time?"

Brian sneered, but asked instead: "I don't think you don't know the reason?"

Muse immediately shook his head, and his two exposed long ears twitched slightly: "Forgive me for being stupid."

"I don't like talking in circles." Brian put down the teacup in his hand heavily and said in a deep voice: "We lost a very important item in our hotel three days ago. You don't know that, right?"

Muse's eyes hidden under the shadow of the mask narrowed slightly: "Is there such a thing? Then you are here to entrust our Thieves Guild to help you find your lost items, right?"

"I just said it! Vice President Muse..." Brian looked at the other party coldly and pointed at himself: "I don't like to talk in circles!"

But the second-ranked figure in the Thieves Guild of Black Tower City in front of him shrugged, shook his head and said, "I really don't know what you are talking about, Boss Blaine."

The old dwarf, who had just taken office not long ago, immediately stood up and stared fiercely at the high-level thief in front of him: "If I have to explain it clearly, let me ask you, that sealed box of the God Destroyer Society Was it stolen by you?!"

"No." Muse replied calmly: "Please sit down and talk, Boss Blaine."

"Haha, isn't it?" Blaine twitched the corner of his mouth, sat back on the chair, and asked in a deep voice: "Besides your Black Tower City Thieves Guild, there will be other people who are so eager to get that information. What?"

Muse sighed softly: "To be honest, I personally think there shouldn't be any."

"Haha!" Blaine laughed angrily: "I thought you wouldn't admit it!"

"Please be careful with your words, Boss Brain." Muse spread his hands and said, "I did not admit that the Thieves Guild 'stole' the sealed box. I just answered your question from an objective perspective."

Blaine was slightly startled: "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple." Muse explained slowly: "You and I both know that the key to the sealed box is in the hands of the Thieves Guild, and that information is indeed very important to us, so we are indeed very eager to get it. Get that box."

Brian laughed exaggeratedly and said: "Haha, yes, Vice President Muse, you are absolutely right. You have the key and we have the box, but the thing was stolen on the first day it was delivered to the hotel. The perpetrator is also a master of disguise, this thing is so strange! I can't think of anything, and the purpose of coming here today is just to have tea with you! Yes, that's it!"

"Please don't get excited. I have no intention of teasing you." Muse shook his head slightly, still looking calm: "In fact, we did arrange manpower at the Wanderer Hotel..."

Blaine said a string of curse words.

"Listen to me." Muse took a sip from the cup in front of him and said softly: "Since you don't like to beat around the bush, let me tell you the truth now. The guild has indeed arranged someone for you, and that is a very good person. An excellent high-level thief, he is not even inferior to me in terms of stealth and camouflage abilities. His purpose is to wait for an opportunity to steal the box after it is delivered to you."

Brian really didn't expect that Muse would tell this matter so generously, but he was not an idiot. Under the current circumstances, there was only one reason for the other party to honestly explain this arrangement, and that was... …

"Don't tell me that your people didn't succeed!" the old dwarf said in shock.

"Yes, he failed." Muse nodded: "The high-level thief passed the news back immediately, and as far as I know, he had no reason to lie."

Brian's brows furrowed tightly. He was silent for a long time before feebly asking: "You really didn't lie to me?"

"Yes, if we really succeeded in stealing the sealed box, I obviously have no reason to say what I just said to you." Muse spread his hands and leaned over to help Blaine refill his tea while saying: "Facts Go up, if you haven’t come today, I will personally visit you at the Wanderer Hotel soon..."

Blaine blinked: "Why?"

"I'm looking for you to buy the sealed box containing the Shadow Fang information." Muse's answer was concise and to the point.

"Buy it from me?" Blaine smiled weakly and bitterly: "What bullshit logic... Wait! Are you doubting that the thing is not lost at all?"

Muse nodded: "In fact, before your visit, I did have a suspicion in this regard."

"That's why you pretended to be stupid and stunned for so long?"


"Actually, it's just to confirm whether the box is really lost?"


"Okay." Blaine rolled his eyes: "You should have come to a conclusion now, right?"

Muse sighed: "Yes, based on the information I have obtained these days, as well as your remarks just now, I think the box is indeed no longer in the hands of Wanderer Hotel."

After learning that the sealed box of the God Destroyer Society had fallen into the hands of Wanderer Hotel and that it was about to arrive at Black Tower City, the Thieves Guild prepared two plans.

The first plan is the most ideal, which is to send people to sneak into the Wanderer Hotel in advance, always ask for information, and steal the sealed box immediately as soon as the existence of the sealed box is discovered.

The second plan is a backup plan, which is to purchase the sealed box from the Wanderer Hotel through a transaction after the above operation fails. Of course, the Thieves Guild is already prepared to be slaughtered by the other party, but that information is very important to them. It was too important for him, so even if they paid a very high price, they had to get it.

As for the method of intercepting and killing the courier halfway, they really can't do it, because no one will know who the specific 'messenger' will be. They can't send people to kill all the people who went south to Black Tower City during this period. ?

"I know." Seeing that Muse had already spoken to this extent, Blaine was already 90% convinced. He drank the tea in front of him in one gulp, then stood up and said, "Then don't bother me anymore. Yes, Your Majesty Muse."

The old dwarf was also helpless. He came here today just to try his luck. After all, even if the box was really stolen by the Thieves Guild, there was nothing he could do as long as the other party refused to admit it. Moreover, it seemed that a third party really intervened. The chances of achieving results here are clearly slim...

In fact, Blaine originally had two plans.

The first is to sell the sealed box to the Thieves Guild and earn a large profit.

The second is to send them to the Wanderer Hotel headquarters in the Free City if the other party cannot offer a satisfactory price to create a lot of business.


"Take care, Boss Blaine."

"To each other, Vice President of the Muses."

Both of them had a little bitterness in their eyes...

Who is causing trouble?

who is he?

What is his purpose?

Chapter 123: End

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