Quadruple split

Chapter 1328 Righteousness and Strangeness

As time went by, the red and blue sides continued to put troops into the battlefield one after another, and the battle situation gradually turned into a refueling mode. The smoke of the deadly battle spread to almost every corner of the contested area. In the eyes of an outsider, this battle The confrontation has almost evolved from a tactical game to an angry chaotic battle. Whether it is the Black Van Priest commanding the blue side or Foster taking charge of the red side, they seem to be adding more manpower to the front line regardless of the consequences, trying to pass the head count. Crush the opponent to death.

But this is just an appearance. In the eyes of experts, this seemingly broken style of play is the real essence of this game. Except for players like Lamorlock, Richard, and Andre who can easily keep up with the rhythm, In addition to others, whether it was Richard, Barty, Blake or the sisters La Yisi and Lei Yisi in the commentary box, almost all of them fell into a state of "watching for a while and taking it easy". The reason was for no other reason than the overt and covert game between the two parties. It was too intense, too dizzying.

Before the level reaches a certain threshold, the more knowledgeable people will be, the more unbearable this kind of frenzied confrontation will be, because they have the talent and skills to analyze various situations on the battlefield, but they are completely unable to adapt to the situation that has almost been pulled by both sides. Extreme rhythm.

God's perspective has become a pressure. When you will be overwhelmed by being unable to calculate if you put yourself on either side, receiving twice the amount of information at the same time is simply a huge burden.

That's why Lainan, who is obviously not good at it, can watch it with gusto and enjoy it, while Barty, who has a strong strategic talent, has run into the bathroom to vomit for the third time.

Can't keep up...

I really can’t keep up!

It's like a second-year junior high school student is faced with countless second-year junior high school questions passing in front of his eyes at high speed. He may be able to do any one of them individually, but at the same time, twenty, thirty, four, five, six, etc. are thrown at him. At the age of seventy, children who try to forcefully solve the problem will most likely be directly defeated, causing serious psychological and physical discomfort.

Yes, serious discomfort!

But even so, many people still endured the discomfort and gritted their teeth to watch the game. For example, after coming back from the bathroom swaying, Barty still managed to look up at the big screen, and then his face quickly turned from white to blue again. , the reason is very simple, because this kind of opportunity is really rare.

After all, what an expert sees is the doorway, and the 'doorway' can be used for reference and learning.

So you have to watch it even if it feels uncomfortable! Even if it makes you vomit bile, you have to watch it!

"Thunder bait silk, thunder bait silk..."

Raising her right hand to cover her eyes, La Yisi raised her head with difficulty and said in a trembling voice to her sister: "This can't go on like this."

Lei Yisi, who had curled up in a ball on the chair and was clutching his collar and taking deep breaths, shivered. While looking at the aerial view of the battlefield that almost crushed his nerves through the fingers of his left hand, he stiffened. He nodded and said in a dry voice: "But sister...I have already..."

"From now on, you will only see the main perspective of the blue Priest Black Van."

La Yisi took a deep breath and gritted her teeth and said: "And I only look at Foster's main perspective of the red side. Only in this way can we continue to explain. What we missed... we can review it later."

Lei Yisi was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted. She quickly turned her eyes from the main screen to the blue side's perspective on the left, nodded vigorously and said, "Okay! Sister!"

"Then, the game continues... no, we continue."

La Yisi, who also looked away from the main screen and only focused on the main perspective of the red side, looked better and said in her clear voice that was not enthusiastic but not annoying at all: "It can be seen that if If nothing else, the main tone of this deduction has been completely set.”

"That's right, whoever can gain an absolute advantage in the central theater and turn it into a victory will win this game."

Lei Baisi, who had also recovered some form, immediately responded and said sternly: "So if nothing else happens, this game won't last as long as we initially expected."

While looking at the red team dancing under Teresa's baton, Lai Si nodded and said: "If I guess correctly, this should be some kind of tacit understanding reached by the players from both sides at the beginning of the game. I'm afraid they both I believe that rather than engaging in a larger-scale, more comprehensive confrontation, this method of always playing in the same theater is more appropriate.”

"Ah! The blue side once again completed a decisive breakthrough, jumped out of the encirclement of the red side, and immediately reached a response with the surrounding troops. A very beautiful mirror tactic!"

Lei Yisi let out a soft cry, marked a certain point on the map, and then continued the previous topic: "But I still don't understand it. It stands to reason that with the level of both players, it can be more comprehensive. We can use this extremely comprehensive map to create many beautiful tactics, so why do we have to carry out this kind of attrition battle instead of developing more fronts?"

"Although it suffered some damage, the red side quickly refilled the gap. Foster blocked the terrain. You can focus on the area I marked. Originally, we relied on three positions for joint defense. The blue army has been separated! The entire red army has been split into two groups to bypass the rear. They do not intend to take these positions hard, but want to directly bypass them and continue to increase their control. area!"

Always paying attention to the movements of the red side, La Yisi excitedly marked out an area in the eastern part of the battlefield, and then answered Lei Yisi's question just now, saying in a deep voice: "Beautiful tactics cannot improve the chance of winning. As for developing new fronts, Yes, it is difficult to achieve the surprise effect on such a map generated under the premise of absolute fairness. It is true that both sides do have the ability to conduct multi-line parallel command, but this only allows your idea to be established. To put it simply, It’s just one of the choices, they can choose it, but they don’t have to choose it either.”

"Look, everyone! The blue side has once again integrated three elite battle groups whose average level is higher than that of ordinary units. They rushed into the hinterland to the north of the red side's control area and are quickly clearing out the latter's scouts. Black Fan The priest is trying to create an intelligence blind spot in the opponent's main control area!"

Lei Yisi looked at the three weapons running rampant at extremely high speeds under Mo Tan's command with bright eyes, and exclaimed with some excitement: "It's amazing! It's really amazing, sister! I really feel that if Hei Fan The priest can open up more fronts, and with his smooth rhythm changes, he will definitely get good results!"

"The red side forcibly established a temporary united front center without ideal terrain! Just behind the blue side's three positions surrounded by the middle, it can't be stopped. The blue side can't stop it anymore, even if there are no natural dangers. , the red side, which had an entire army group, still forcibly completed the formation of the position! Successfully suppressed this area!"

Lai Si let out a soft cry in the same excited tone, but the target was the opposite red side, and then smiled sweetly at her sister: "I agree that if multiple fronts can be opened up, the situation may be detrimental to the Black Van Priest. It’s more advantageous, but the question is, if even we can see this, can Foster not see it?”

Lei Yisi was immediately stunned: "Eh?!"

"I don't know who is stronger between Priest Black Van and Senior Foster. On the one hand, it's because their level is indeed much higher than ours. On the other hand, it's because of the concept of 'strength and weakness' among commanders. It is inherently ambiguous and will be affected by many factors.”

La Yisi smiled and said softly: "But even so, we can still see that if we increase the front line, it may be beneficial to Pastor Heifan. Senior Foster can naturally see it, so he started from the beginning I didn’t want to give the other party a chance to do this.”

"I understand."

Lei Yisi nodded, and then shook her head very honestly: "But I didn't see it..."

"The emphasis is on the aggressiveness of the red side."

La Yisi showed a soft smile that she would only show to her sister, and smiled: "I can see very clearly now. Senior Foster did not leave any chance for Pastor Heifan to breathe at all. He was always in control. He follows the rhythm, and although this rhythm cannot give him an advantage, it is enough to kill the opponent's possibility of changing moves without taking the lead."


"To put it simply, unless Senior Foster doesn't want to continue fighting like this, Pastor Heifan will have no choice but to fight with him!"

The rhythm is indeed in the hands of the red side. Under the prompts of La Yisi, many people who can barely understand the deduction have locked their perspective on one of the left and right screens instead of continuing to look hard with a splitting headache. That daunting God’s eye view.

No matter which side the focus is on, everyone can realize that the red side's offensive is incredibly coherent and extremely meticulous. It is like a precision machine, with every part in it They all perform their jobs perfectly and efficiently.

The situation of the war has become clear, and at the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of both sides have become clear——

As of now, although the red side commanded by Teresa has been annihilated more than three armies, overall, the red side's control area in the combat zone has exceeded 60%, and this area continues to expand. middle.

There are no loopholes, no mistakes, and no blind spots. Every instruction is absolutely correct, every dispatch is in order, and a large number of common or unpopular tactics appear coherently and smoothly at the most appropriate place at the most appropriate time, and then win. The undisputed ideal results are always just right.

But even so, the red side is still suffering losses. A large number of blue side troops complete the disintegration and reorganization in every corner of the battlefield at an astonishing speed, appearing elusively at every point included in the strike range, starting again and again. Appearing in unexpected places, causing unexpected losses, and the accumulation of these losses has shockingly offset the red side's advantage in control range.

Not only that, as the territory occupied by the red side is getting larger and larger, the frequency of surprise attacks by the blue side is also increasing exponentially. No one knows how the Black Van priest accomplished this under the pressure of maintaining more than twenty fronts. , but facts have proven that although there is no way to be as watertight as the opponent, the blue team's resilience is astonishingly high, and it can even beat the opponent in terms of battle loss ratio.

This means that if the two sides always maintain such a rhythm, when the game reaches a relatively late point in time, the blue side will have an overwhelming advantage in terms of strength and gain chips that can defeat cleverness with strength.

However things are not that simple...

Although the blue side does have the advantage in terms of battle loss ratio, even those who support Mo Tan from the bottom of their hearts can see that in the face of the opponent's extremely precise command skills, the former, who is not a professional, is actually at a disadvantage, because no matter how talented he is , and can't stand the red side and keep trying to find the 'optimal solution'.

The so-called optimal solution is to never lose two people if you can lose one person, and never spend even a single extra resource if you can achieve results at the minimum cost.

This means that it is difficult for the blue side to organize the other side to achieve its goals through serious tactical games, while the red side’s purpose is already very obvious, which is to completely control the plain where the two sides are fighting as quickly as possible, which is the point in this map. 'Chuhe-Hanjie'.

All exchanges are within the plan, and all losses are expected. When the core purpose is extremely clear, the blue side may be able to exploit loopholes to increase the red side's losses, but it cannot prevent the latter from destroying the position step by step. The more we spread, the longer the front becomes.

To sum up, it is not the red side that is in trouble at this moment, but the blue side that seems to have an advantage in battle loss ratio.

To calculate it from another angle, assuming that the battle loss ratio between the blue and red sides at this moment is 1:3, then when the red side's control range exceeds 70%, the battle loss ratio is very likely to be reduced to 1:2, and when the blue side's When the space for movement is reduced to less than 20%, no matter how dispersed the opponent's forces are, the best result is just a 1:1 fight.

It is impossible to change tactics and use the map to open up a new front as Lei Yisi said, because as long as Mo Tan is distracted for a moment, Theresa will eat up the core battle area without hesitation, and then erode it step by step. Blue's 'home'.

If they don’t change their tactics and continue fighting at the current pace, the red side will eventually win the core battle area at some cost and continue to squeeze the blue side’s living space.

"Any fighter will win with the right combination and surprise. Therefore, those who are good at making surprises are as endless as the heaven and the earth, and as endless as the rivers and seas."

Lamorlock chuckled, turned to Gawen and raised his eyebrows: "I always think this sentence makes sense."

The latter nodded slightly: ""Sun Tzu's Art of War - Military Strength Chapter".

"The red side is strong in 'righteousness', and the blue side is strong in 'oddness'."

"So Blue is going to win?"

"No, now it seems that the red side actually has a better chance of winning."


"Because the latter cannot block the 'goodness' of the former, but the former leaves a lot of room for error for the 'oddness' of the latter."

"So you're more optimistic about Foster?"

"No, I am more optimistic about Hei Fan."


"Because even in a game like this, the outcome is not entirely limited to the battlefield itself~"

Chapter 1319: End

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