Quadruple split

Chapter 1337 Captain Foster wants to chat with me privately, the love brain battle after the game (f

"The knot...is over..."

Lei Yisi let out a groan and slumped down on the chair without any image. His eyes stared blankly at the crystal screen showing the results of the game in mid-air for a long time before he used his expression as if he had been ruined. The ups and downs of the voice said: "As you can see, the Hei Fan player from the United Holy Church delegation won the final victory. After one hour and thirty-three minutes, he finally defeated the No. 1 seed player from [Danu Military Academy] Foster Ward successfully advanced to the top 16... Oh my god, the top 16."

In the end, the girl who had been almost numbed by stimulation finally came to her senses and sighed with extremely complicated emotions.

"You don't seem very excited."

La Yisi, who had long been paralyzed on the chair, twitched the corner of her mouth, then lazily propped herself up and raised her eyebrows at the camera, and smiled narrowly at all the viewers who were watching her: "You don't seem to be doing much. You’re excited, where’s the cheers? Where’s the applause?”

The audience, who had almost hoarse their throats, swollen their hands, and overturned the entire block in the previous ten minutes, looked at each other in shock. Finally, they burst into a large-scale cheers and applause, praising the winner and encouraging them with their utmost sincerity. Loser.

At this moment, there is no longer anything to say whether it is support or not. Whether it is Pastor Hei Fan or Captain Foster, in the eyes of all the viewers, they are all good for dedicating such a high-quality game. Yes, at this moment, any rhetoric seems pale and weak, and even a small number of people actually have a feeling of witnessing history.

"It's not that I'm not excited."

Lei Yisi, who was paralyzed for only a few seconds and then sat upright, shook her head, with the blush still on her face, and murmured in a low voice: "It just feels like I was about to burn myself out..."

La Yisi raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a evil smile: "Yes, yes, this is the first time I have seen you jump up, waving your arms, jumping and shouting!"

"elder sister!"

Lei Yisi's little face immediately turned red. Her silver teeth were lightly biting, her eyes were lowered, and she hesitated to speak. I don't know how many people were stunned for a while.

"Hey, it's nothing. It's not embarrassing. Didn't you see that there were a few others who fell from the stands before?"

La Yisi pinched her sister's little face and sighed: "Who would have thought? Who would have thought that on a map of this scale, someone would be so mad that he would send troops directly into the enemy's hinterland to carry out beheading tactics? , how about directly taking over the opponent’s headquarters?”

Lei Yisi stuck out her tongue and whispered: "I don't dare to think about it anyway..."

There is nothing wrong with what the sisters said, because in such a large-scale battle, the difficulty of implementing a beheading plan is completely different from the previous [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition].

We all know that the only strategic goal of both sides in this game is to defeat the enemy, and in the usual sense, there are only two ways to accomplish this.

Using chess as an example, it should be the first to capture the enemy's number of pieces or directly capture the opponent's coach.

In the deduction, although there is a dead theorem that the general headquarters will be defeated directly after being defeated, its difficulty is completely compared to that of playing chess generals. Compared with it, defeating a large number of the opponent's troops and accumulating them It is almost the only answer to reach a certain threshold and then achieve the [defeat] condition.

The low-end game may be easier to say, but for commanders of the level of Mo Tan and Theresa, it is simply a fantasy that the command center will be removed. You must know that the general command centers of both sides can not only quickly The move is usually located at the core of one's own control area, and is strictly guarded at the rear by a large number of troops and reserve forces. If this can be broken through, it is basically the same as being defeated on the frontal battlefield.

However... there are always exceptions to everything.

Just a few minutes ago, in this game that even a fool could tell was an absolutely high-end game, Priest Hei Fan, a member of the Holy Church United Delegation in charge of the blue team, was specially invited to be the sixth seed player. An independent force with a size equivalent to half an army and with terrifying combat effectiveness miraculously beheaded the number one seed player Foster Ward, and was almost completely defeated on the main frontal battlefield, leaving only The reserve team can resist the opponent's attack and penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland alone.

"I'm afraid some people won't understand. Let's explain it first. Everyone looks up."

La Yisi coughed lightly and motioned for everyone to look at the aerial view of the sand table that was still floating in mid-air and fixed at the end of the game. She said lightly: "I think many people have noticed that whether it has been used as a battlefield before The central theater was still the red-controlled area that was later successfully penetrated by the Black Van Priest. In terms of the number of troops, the No. 0 Independent Army was always at an absolute disadvantage. Then it is very likely that some people will think about it. If he could kill his opponent, why did Foster lose in the end? Lei Baisi."

"Because it's not that simple."

Lei Yisi nodded understandingly, then looked at the crystal screen in the sky showing the overhead view with lingering fear, and said softly: "As you can see, although we have been making breakthroughs based on the wolf pack tactics, the blue team's The Independence Army has always paid attention to the distance and response between each other, that is to say, they are still an airtight whole, which results in a very limited area that can engage them head-on."

"The back is impossible. If the left and right sides are too crowded, they will be constrained. Therefore, the red side can only focus on the inherent position and roundabout blocking, and find ways to slow down the blue side's marching speed. This idea is very good of."

While marking the blue side's elite troops, La Yisi said sternly: "Encirclement and suppression is possible; outflanking is possible; consumption is possible; but all this must be based on the red side's ability to actually hold back, block, and Delay the enemy's pace, and in fact, you have all seen that under the command of the Black Van Priest, the blue team was not blocked at all even for a moment."

Lei Yisi nodded vigorously and agreed: "That's right. Although I don't know why, the army that has been repeatedly fighting, breaking through, fighting, and breaking through almost the whole process has not been attacked from the beginning to the end. The rhythm has been disrupted. In this case, except for the enemy troops that confront them head-on, the surrounding red troops cannot play any role at all. "

"To put it simply, it is a forced contest under relatively equal conditions, but the red side has countless opportunities. As long as those interceptions or blocks can be successful once, the blue side will be considered accountable."

La Yisi raised her hand to wipe away the fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and said dryly: "In other words, the latter only has one chance. Any mistake, setback, negligence, or slack will directly ruin this game."

“I just recalled the previous stalemate stage.

Lei Yisi tapped his forehead lightly and whispered: "Although the surprise attack of the Black Van Priest is very effective, in the head-on game between the two sides, even if the advantages of the red side in terms of space and depth are eliminated, it is still a blessing. Captain Ste won more, and the result..."

"In the end, the red team failed to seize a single opportunity."

"Yes...that's true. It's incredible."

"Lei Baisi, why do you think this is?"

"I don't know, but I think Captain Foster definitely did his best."

"I feel the same way, so let's chat for a while longer and let the two of them have a good rest~"


"Ah... I still lost as expected..."

Carelessly unbuttoning the top button of her collar, Theresa leaned back in the chair with a wry smile and closed her eyes tiredly.

Lian, who looked a little haggard on the side, walked forward uneasily, put her hands gently on Theresa's shoulders, and asked with concern: "Little Theresa, are you... okay?"

"It's not good. After all, we lost the fight."

Taking off Foster's plain glasses, Theresa lazily shook her head, and then suddenly laughed: "But I'm also very happy."

Lian blinked curiously and asked, "Why?"

Teresa stuck out her tongue playfully (Lian shuddered) and smiled: "Because this is the first time I feel this way."

"You girl..."

Lian gently poked the other person's forehead and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry for our limited abilities."

"That's not the case, let's go...ah!"

Teresa shook her head, opened her eyes and swayed out of the seat. As a result, she was unsteady and almost fell down. If Lian Yan hadn't quickly held her up, she might have been able to enjoy Fosse for the first time. It was a spectacular scene when Ted Ward fell to the ground.

Glancing down at 'Foster Ward' who was at least ten centimeters taller than herself in her arms, Lian's pretty face blushed slightly, and then she asked Theresa to stand up by herself, coughing slightly before leaving. He turned around and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I've always been clumsy."

Teresa touched it awkwardly and showed a warm smile.

As a result, Lian didn't buy it and just said calmly: "I can still tell the difference between falling down because of clumsiness and being so tired that I can barely stand."

"Hey...Actually, I'm not particularly tired. I've been sitting here all the time, but you, Senior Lian..."

"I'm fine. Just take this bottle of neutralizer. I'll accompany you to find a place to cancel the transformation in a while, and then quickly go back to the dormitory and take a nap."


"Don't show such an expression. Whether you want to relive it or review it, there will be plenty of time in the future."





"I think……"

"you think?"

five minutes later

【ah! Waiting for me, waiting for me, waiting for me! 】

When Teresa and Lian walked out of the command room together, although she didn't mean to, she accidentally ignored Yuchen who was constantly kicking Mo Tan's calf with the toe of his shoe (after the game, she remembered the morning jogging incident and started to hold grudges) , only the latter who was leaning beside the [Baizhan Type 6] console with a stupid look on his face was left in his eyes.

[Trash Foster, you’ve been beaten to death by me and you still can’t come out. I’m dragging your sister! 】

Mo Tan subconsciously blocked Yu Chen, who was a little taller than him because he was wearing high heels, with a smile as hypocritical as possible on his face, facing the oncoming Foster Wo De' nodded and said in a business-like manner: "That's awesome, Captain Foster."

【He praised me! He praised me! He praised me! 】

Teresa, who has completely exited the [Witch] mode, cheered loudly in her heart, spinning and jumping, while shaking her head reservedly, and said softly: "Well... Well, Priest Black Van is over praised. I am convinced of the defeat."

[Is this guy really such a girl? Could it be that he is a secret homosexual? 】

Mo Tan's expression froze, and his hand that was half-stretched also froze in mid-air.

【ah! He wants to shake my hand! He wanted to shake my hand! 】

Teresa's face turned red immediately, and then she quickly grabbed Mo Tan's paw that was frozen in mid-air and squeezed it hard. In the process, she couldn't help but... she definitely couldn't help but pinched it gently.

【Oh shit! Could it be that you really have a crush on me? Get lost, pervert! ! ! 】

Mo Tan, who was good at 'empathizing' with others, turned green. He immediately took his hand back, twitching the corner of his mouth without embarrassment, and coughed lightly after Yu Chen held his arm thoughtfully. He said with a subtle expression: "Then I will go back first..."

"Please wait a moment, Priest Black Van."

At this moment, Lian, whose face was a little green, suddenly interrupted Mo Tan, and said to the confused latter with the same subtle expression: "Well, actually the captain wants to talk to you alone..."

Mo Tan: "WTF... ow!"

Yuchen pinched him hard.

Lian frowned in confusion: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"It's okay, I just suddenly remembered a friend named Wang Defa. He died early. I often talk about him to comfort my friend's spirit in heaven."

Mo Tan said casually, and then looked up with a strange expression at 'Foster' who had turned his head away at some point. He felt that his throat was a little dry: "What... Captain Foster wants to go alone with me?" What should I talk about?”

"It's just...something about the game just now."

Because her elementary school girl was too shy, Lian, who had no choice but to help pass on the message, twitched her lips and tried to look solemn and expressionless: "So if it's possible, can you bother me for a few minutes?"

【no! ! ! 】

Mo Tan, who had already begun to feel cold, was anxious at the time, but just when he was about to refuse categorically, Yu Chen next to him suddenly let go of his arm and said with a smile: "Okay, it just so happens that he also has a lot to say. Captain Foster is chatting~"

Mo Tan turned his head in shock, but what he saw was the girl's harmless, sweet and clear smile, as if she didn't remember the previous topic about morning jogging at all... What a ghost! This is obviously naked revenge!

And on the other side——

[Pastor Hei Fan actually has a lot to say to me! ! ! 】

Foster Ward, in full view of everyone (Lian, Mo Tan, Yu Chen), subconsciously rubbed the floor with his toes.

use! Toes! Rub it! floor!

Chapter 1,328: End

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