Quadruple split

Chapter 1354 Super Spiritual Body·Possessed Body

The air in the box solidified for about two minutes...

"I said, can't you just expect me to do better?"

In the end, Mo Tan broke the silence. He threw the silver key in his hand towards Yi Dong and said angrily: "It's not the end yet. Even if my attack fails this time, it doesn't mean that I will do it on the spot." Killed by her."

A burst of ice-cold frost passed by, freezing the menacing silver spoon in mid-air, and fell to the table with a thud.

"I'm not prepared for anything unexpected."

Yidong carelessly put his legs on the chair next to him and shrugged: "And weren't you prepared to take action yourself at the critical moment? What, if nothing happens, can you still run away from her?"

Mo Tan shook his head and said helplessly: "Actually, if you ask me, it doesn't matter even if you don't do it yourself. After all, Frank Hughes is not a strong man. Even if you watch his 'friend' being killed in front of you, There is nothing we can do about it, but..."

"It's just that you won't be sure when the time comes, right?"

Yi Dong immediately caught up with Mo Tan's thoughts and said with a dry smile: "For example, you wanted to have more of a sense of ritual, so you finally decided to kill your old enemy with your own hands?"

Mo Tan nodded silently, unable to refute his friend's guess at all. Although 'he' was not that kind of person, 'he' really was that kind of person, so there was really nothing he could say about it.

"Oh... tell me about you, what a mess you have done..."

Yidong banged his head lightly on the table and said half-deadly: "Not only have you caused a lot of trouble for yourself, but I still have to worry about you, won't your conscience hurt?"

Mo Tan smiled, shook his head and said, "As you said, no."

"Depend on!"

Yidong was furious at that time and said angrily: "Who are you! You are definitely not the good student Mo Tan I know! Are you already sick but haven't been kicked out yet!?"

Mo Tan just watched Yi Dong going crazy quietly, laughing without saying a word.

For him, the friend Ito is not in the same concept as other friends.

They are true best friends, let alone stabbing each other. If necessary, whether it is Yi Dong or Mo Tan... and no matter what mental state Mo Tan is in, they will not hesitate to do it for them. The other party goes to die.

So things like gratitude and conscience are superfluous.

Another half a while passed

Yi Dong frowned and dropped his cup of coffee, breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his head and said seriously to Mo Tan: "Five-minute epic."

Mo Tan was slightly startled and said in astonishment: "What?"

"A five-minute epic."

Yi Dong casually took out a snow-white tablet with a texture as warm as jade from his pocket. While stroking the two blood-red Chinese New Wei [Winter] words on it, he curled his lips and said: "When you calculate my combat effectiveness, you just That’s it.”

Mo Tan was not shocked because the other party suddenly said that he could use epic level combat power, because he knew very well that the focus of the 'five-minute epic' in Yidong's mouth was not the last two words, but the first three words.

As we all know, the gap between high-level and epic levels is simply a chasm. Although there are many examples of temporary advancement in the Innocence Realm, most of them are from mid-level to high-level temporarily, or from the peak of high-level to half a step temporarily. Epic, some big guys have even accomplished the deed of temporarily advancing half a step into the legend at the peak of the epic, but starting from the high level, the explosion upwards is only a 'half step' at most, and there are basically no examples of explosions directly across the entire level.


After pondering for a long time, Mo Tan frowned and said, "What's the price?"

"The level has been doubled, and I have been in a weak state for two months. To put it simply, I can't transform into a human form, and I won't be able to see the light of day for a short time. I can still help warm up Ned's body, but there won't be anything Breakthrough progress.”

Yidong nonchalantly revealed all the costs he could foresee, shrugged and said, "The most important thing is, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything for you in the game these two months."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and continued to ask: "Be specific."

"You should know that my [Psychic Medium] is a special profession. It feels like Miss Futaba's [Dragon Controller]. It is not fixed at a certain level, but is accompanied by the strength of the professional owner. Gradually a rising tide lifts all boats.”

Yidong lightly tapped the tablet in his hand twice, and said after careful consideration: "And this provides a possibility, that is, under certain circumstances, I may indeed burst out with power that exceeds my current level, and even if you have This idea is also difficult to implement concretely.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "Well, what next?"

"Then the profession of psychic medium is different from that of necromancer."

Yi Dong scratched his hair and said to Mo Tan based on his own understanding: "To be honest, this profession is a bit mysterious. It's just...you know, it's just based on feeling?"

Mo Tan shook his head without hesitation and replied with certainty: "I don't know."

"Blank! Let's put it this way, for most necromancers in this world, the spell casting process and spell intensity are the same as what is written in the recipe. XX grams of salt, XX grams of MSG, and XX milliliters of soy sauce are very accurate. No matter what the cost, Both the cost and the final result are accurate and predictable.”

Yidong raised his silver spoon, shook it twice, and said with a wry smile: "But the profession of [spiritual medium] feels like a lot of cooking tips in our country... a little salt, appropriate MSG, aniseed Sichuan pepper Several, many skills are very vague in terms of consumption and benefits, and they rely on spirituality."

Mo Tan immediately understood what Yi Dong meant, smiled and nodded: "You have always been quite spiritual."

"You're not spiritual, I'm a staunch materialist."

Yidong twitched the corner of his mouth, spread his hands and said: "But after being a [spiritual medium] for so long, I am basically a little tired of it. Let's put it this way, I have two ways to burst out with power far beyond my current level. A five-minute epic... note that it is an epic, not a half-step epic. It should not be a big problem, but the price is not small, as I said just now."

"Go on."

Mo Tan frowned, and although he didn't quite agree, he still motioned for Yi Dong to continue.

"The first way is to extradite my natal ghost, which is the thing in this tablet. My soul is attached to my body, which can improve my overall strength in all aspects."

Yidong knocked on the tablet in his hand, looked at the word [winter] on it awkwardly, and explained: "The advantage of this method is that it is highly controllable, because basically there will be no problems in my skill system. The change is simply stronger. You can understand that originally I could only suppress low-level fireballs, but after extraditing the natal ghost, the destructive power of my fireballs can reach an epic level."

Mo Tan nodded. This principle is easy to understand. As the pure attributes go up, the power of the skills will also go up.

"The disadvantage is that my realm can't keep up, so I just add the values. You should understand this and I won't talk nonsense."

Yi Dong made a funny expression at Mo Tan, then put away the tablet in his hand, then took out a short knife from his bag and said seriously: "Another way is to use this..."

Mo Tan looked at the weather-beaten dagger in Yi Dong's hand, which was gray-white in color, full of cracks on the blade, and asked: "This is it?"

"See the item information yourself."

Yidong threw this thing on the table and said calmly: "This is the reward I got after completing the special mission called [Awakening Fenrir Team] some time ago."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then took a closer look——


Category: Special

Quality: The only epic - can grow

Activation conditions: Have a profession [Psychic Medium], have a talent [Super Spiritual Body·Possessed Body]

Additional attributes: Strength +100, Intelligence +50, Agility +190, Constitution +100

Effect of use: Obtain the effect [Possessed Body·Remnant Rainbow], lasting 315 seconds. During the duration of the super spirit body, obtain [? ? ? 】All abilities, cooling time is 24 hours.

Consumption/limitation: 1 drop of heart blood, spiritual power value? ? ? ,? ? ? ,Sex: Male

[Note 1: The blade reflects the sky and the light path is endless, the split shadow splits the light and cuts off the remaining rainbow. 】

[Remark 2: The question mark content is available for payment. 】

[Note 3: Sorry for the typo, the content of the question mark will be visible after completing [Body Possession·Can Hong] once. 】


Mo Tan raised his eyes and glanced at Yi Dong, laughed dryly twice and pushed the broken rainbow back in front of him: "The confidentiality measures are really good, basically nothing has been revealed."

Yidong put away the short knife casually and said with an indifferent expression: "Hey, it's normal for a layman like you not to understand. In fact, when I first got it, my eyesight went dark, but after studying it for a while After some time, I will probably be able to come to a close conclusion.”

"tell me the story."

Mo Tan casually took out a bottle of soda and gave it to Yi Dong. After all, the latter didn't like drinking coffee very much.

"Your sister, why don't you give it to me earlier if you have something delicious to drink! Well... first let's talk about my talent [Super Spirit Body]. After I completed the special mission, that thing has an extra branch, called [Super Spirit Body] ·Body Possession], I have roughly studied this skill and understood it. To put it simply, it means actively inviting ghosts to possess you, which is quite scary."

The materialist Yi Dong shuddered, took a sip of his drink to calm down his shock, and then continued: "As for the specific effect, although I haven't used it, I can probably guess that it should make me gain the upper body. The power of ghosts is very high."

"Hmm... So, assuming you summon Captain Ned's soul into yourself before resurrecting him, then you can gain the power of a mid-level warrior?"

Mo Tan immediately drew inferences and asked curiously: "It shouldn't be that simple. There must be other restrictions, right?"

"Definitely, I can't complete the possession of a soul that is too strong. If I force it, it may be taken away directly. That is, the player [Lin Dong] dies, and then [Lin Dong]'s body is occupied by other souls."

Yidong shrugged, spread his hands and said: "If you want to complete the possession and integration, you must first deploy [Little Ghost Realm], and then use the two skills [Invisible Hand] and [Soul Capture] to drag the target to me. It only works if it's in the body, well, that's usually the case, it's in the talent description."

"What about this?"

Mo Tan pointed to the [Media Canhong] on the table and asked, "This one should be different, right?"

"It's different. This thing itself is a medium. There is no real soul in it, but a memory that is similar in nature to the soul. I have been messing with it for a long time before, and I can probably confirm that this memory does not have consciousness, but it is Having instinct, the instinct of a strong man.”

Yidong nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "So, if nothing else happens, I should be able to directly use [Super Spiritual Body·Possession Fusion] on this [Remnant Rainbow] to force the instinct inside. And then be able to use its power freely.”

Mo Tan frowned and asked again: "Epic level?"

"Probably, even if it doesn't work, I can possess another natal ghost and force myself to the epic level."

Yi Dong knew everything and said very carefully: "The success rate can be guaranteed, but in that case the price may be doubled, but within five minutes, my combat effectiveness can definitely be stabilized at epic level. Not only that, according to my research, this The memory inside [Remnant Rainbow] should belong to an assassin, and is very suitable for cooperating with your plan.

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "But the price was too high. It took a lot of effort for you to..."

"You don't need to think about it. The side effects are told to you just so that it doesn't affect your schedule."

Yidong waved his hand lightly and said impatiently: "Besides, although this thing has a lot of side effects, it definitely has benefits. For example, it will give me an epiphany after possessing the body, and the experience of upgrading in the future will be reduced. Ninety percent, wouldn’t it be nice?”

Mo Tan couldn't help but laugh: "Do you think it's cheating? And the upgrade experience will be reduced by 90%."

"Cut the nonsense."

Yi Dong picked up the [Crane Rainbow] in front of him, raised his hand and pointed the tip of the blade at Mo Tan: "Are you going to use it or not?"

"we'll talk about it then."

Mo Tan waved his hands in annoyance, and after a while he said helplessly: "Anyway, you should prepare first. If I need you to take action, I will tell you directly as a friend."

Only then did Yidong put away [Crane Rainbow] with satisfaction, nodded and said: "That's pretty much it."

"do not worry about me."

Mo Tan stood up, walked to Yi Dong and stretched out his fist, grinning and said: "Brother, you are very strong."

"The key is that this girl is also awesome."

Yi Dong raised his arm and punched Mo Tan, then stood up lazily: "Then it's settled, I'll go back and prepare now."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Mo Tan nodded, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said: "Speaking of which..."


"You are in reality..."

"Am I in reality?"

"Have you ever had... uh... for example, the experience of being able to feel any kind of demons or ghosts?"


"That is to say, aren't you a [psychic medium] in the game? Then are there people outside the game...do you know?"

"I know nothing, are you sick?! You know I'm a coward and you're trying to scare me!?"


"No! You're almost done! Besides, I don't dare to get up at night to pee!"


Chapter 1,345: End

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