Quadruple split

Chapter 1365 Fifth Body

The big guys who are also on the first page of the rankings, aside from the ones like Cordoba who are not human at all, the ones like Mo who have almost become special guests in this book, the ones like Awakening Dragon who really understand the game, Christie Na's attributes are particularly curious and often fall off the homepage. In fact, there are not many people who can compare them to each other.

Among them, Futaba and Mu Xuejian, two players who are basically in the middle and upper reaches, can basically be divided into the first grade. Under the premise of being in the same grade, there is actually a lot of room for reference between the two sides.

On this basis, Futaba, who is always working hard to improve his strength, has watched the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition] before. Although it was only the finals, because of the singles between Mu Xuejian and Mo Tan at that time, The pick was very technical, and she even used her left-hand sword, so the reference value is of course unparalleled.

It is true that Mu Xuejian's profession belongs to the unique and special branch of the warrior swordsman branch [Sword Fanatic]. It is a proper physics profession. He wields weapons and cuts against others. It has nothing to do with mysticism.

Futaba's profession is a special branch of the mage system [Magic Controller]. He is a proper spell caster. He can't even use his fists and legs, and can only use various elements to bombard him. He is pure and pure. The occult route.

But this definitely does not mean that the two professions with completely different styles have no reference value.

To give a simple example, in an RPG game, would a professional mage player really not gain anything from watching a professional warrior player fight?

The answer is of course no. If it is PVE, then as a professional player, you can refer to the opponent's position, ideas, timing of releasing skills, ideas for dealing with BOSS, and the mastery and response to various increase and decrease states. Wherever you go, you don't need to bring yourself, but you need to absorb and improve the experience of others, make adjustments and apply them based on your own occupation, habits and even personality.

If it's PVP, you can learn even more. Not to mention anything else, just trying to figure out how to play when facing a warrior through the warrior's mentality is a big gain. More importantly, it is a way to develop ideas.

The reason why behind closed doors is a derogatory term is precisely because of the above reasons.

So in other words, as long as Futaba is not an idiot, after watching a match of such high quality as Mu Xuejian (PS: Due to different levels, Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan can only be reduced to backgrounds), she will definitely You can gain something somewhat.

Is Futaba an idiot?

The answer is obvious. Not only is she not a fool, but she is also a truly talented girl. Although her figure is quite poor, she still cannot hide her outstanding wisdom.

For Futaba herself, the gain after watching that game was not just a little bit, but a huge amount.

The direct result is what she shows at this moment, a scene that makes people shudder just by looking at it——

[Mastering the Law·Real Mirror·Five-fold Body]

Active skills of fire, wind, water, earth and thunder elemental schools

Requirements for mastering: Possessing the profession [Magic Controller], Level 45 of the School of Fire Elements, Level 45 of the School of Wind Elements, Level 45 of the School of Water Elements, Level 45 of the School of Earth Elements, Level 45 of the School of Thunder Elements, and Level 48 of Arcane Knowledge

Consumption/limitation: Single mirror 10 mana/s

Effect: Create mirror clones corresponding to the five elemental schools of fire, wind, water, earth, and thunder. All clones enjoy the bonus of the user's elemental specialization. Only the skills of the corresponding elemental school can be used. The main body is required to use the skills. Guide, and the body needs to bear 150% of the magic power consumption of the corresponding skill, and can accept simple commands. With the blessing of [Arcane Eye], [Elemental Flow Belt], and [Arcane Wisdom], it can The main body additionally expands the corresponding viewing angle, thereby obtaining complete control, with a cooling time of 0.5 seconds.

[Remark 1: Since the skill is created by myself, the skill remarks should also be acceptable...]

[Note 2: Ha! 】

[Note 3: A nerdy girl with barren breasts, after watching another fair-haired middle-aged girl show off her prowess, created a skill after studying a total of 68 game hours. In fact, she adjusted the composition of the mirror technique. , the technical content is extremely low, if there is no corresponding weapon, it will be a useless skill. 】

[Remark 4: Four-eye airport! Less than one meter six! Slightly, slightly, slightly! 】

To be honest, after Futaba successfully created and mastered this skill, she was stunned for a moment when she saw the note. However, she was not irritated by the excitement. Instead, she laughed with great pleasure. You must know that she had already suspected it. The system of Innocence is somewhat similar to its own artificial intelligence NAVI, and is even a super upgraded version of the latter in all aspects, so it has been conducting various investigations on the game system in its own way.

It has to be said that Futaba's sense in this regard is much sharper than that of Mo Tan, and she is also much more fanatical than Mo Tan. You must know that as early as the early days of the opening of the Innocence Realm, this girl began to deliberately smoke more than ten or twenty cigarettes every day. Minutes of harassing the system on the login interface, both in frequency and intensity, far exceeded that of Mo Tan under the 'chaotic neutral' personality. Even if he didn't receive any feedback, he still enjoyed it.

As an IT genius who could develop NAVI, a world-defying artificial intelligence, Futaba had long since determined that the 'system' absolutely had consciousness, and had an extremely strong thirst for knowledge about it. He even wanted to upgrade NAVI by referring to the system. .

But the progress of this process is very slow. In fact, apart from learning a lot of swear words and the number of downtimes significantly increasing, NAVI, which is almost the ceiling of artificial intelligence, has almost no changes, and there is no way to write a lot of words on the spot after Futaba gave an example. Romantic words or poems and songs are given to talents and skills as notes.

Therefore, if you want to achieve further results, it is imperative to deepen your understanding of the system sauce. It is best to have a discussion and let the other party show you its source code.

Well, the progress in this area has always been zero. Obviously, the system is not actually interested in Futaba.

Until this girl scolded it while being a [law enforcer]...

Ever since, after Futaba developed the [Fifth Doppelgänger], the system finally responded for the second time (the first time was to code the curse words Futaba wrote in the [Enforcer] notes), and it was still very intense. Reaction.

ah! It wrote three separate lines of notes to mock me!

ah! It scolded me! It's awesome! !

Wow! I am really happy! !

These are the three thoughts Futaba had immediately after seeing the finished product of his [Fifth Double Body]! It can be said that it is quite shaky.

All in all, putting aside these digressions, this skill called [Controlling Law·True Mirror·Five-Combination] is indeed as the system writes in Note 3. The technical content is actually not high. If there is no corresponding weapon, it will not be possible at all. It's just a waste.

First, let's take a look at the properties of any image -

[Real Mirror·Thunder]

Category: Summoned Creatures

HP: 100/100

Physical fitness value: 100/100

Magic value: synchronized body

Basic attributes: NA/NA

Skills: Synchronized body thunder element school skills

Traits: Thunder element affinity

Specialization: Thunder Element School Level 49


This is gone!

Although the stability is quite high, it is as brittle as paper. If it is undefended, even a Black Van can be destroyed with two [Condensing Light Arrows], which is more paper than Paper Man. people.

In terms of combat, the skills are exactly the same as what Futaba can simulate through [Control of Laws], and they are also restricted to all other skills except those corresponding to the elemental school. Not only that, if used, they must be guided through the main body! The concept that the ontology guides is that if you want to cast a magic that chants for two seconds, you have to read the two-second bar for this thing.

The consumption may not seem high at first glance, but 10 magic points per second is actually by no means low. A single real image consumes 600 magic points per minute, and five of them are a full 3,000 points. Doing nothing for one minute It will consume 3000 mana points. If you want to do something... well, just cast a spell. You can cast a spell. The mana cost is single, and it is 150% consumption. A Pyroblast that consumes 20 mana costs 30. Point, the power will not change in any way.

To be honest, if this thing falls into the hands of any normal-minded player, it will basically become a weapon used to bully weak children, and it will never be considered in serious actual combat.

It can only accept simple orders, which means that the intelligence of this thing is never higher than that of a mudkachu.

If you want precise control, you can. Look at those three skills. [Arcane Eye] and [Elemental Belt] consume three digits of magic value every minute. [Arcane Wisdom] is a one-time BUFF, but It takes at least 50 or 60 years of magic power to shoot a picture. Who can bear it?

Hmm... Futaba can handle it.

Because the weapon in her hand is called [Law Enforcer Xingyue], which is specially used with arcane school spells, so it is not difficult to maintain three arcane spells classified as low, medium and high level respectively, and the consumption is very low. .

Under this premise, she is very good at multi-threading operations, so multitasking is not a problem, and the problem of controlling multiple real images at the same time is also solved.

Not only that, although Futaba is only a high-level mage, she has already been able to easily cast all the spells she has mastered instantly and silently, so casting the true mirror image does not require chanting or holding spells.

The most important thing is... Although one person can only equip one weapon, as we have said before, Futaba's [Law Enforcer] has a special nature, it is made on the spot, and it consumes almost nothing, so instead In other words, since she can make one on the spot, then... it shouldn't be a big problem to make five more, right?

It is true that a person can only equip one weapon at the same time (thieves can dual-wield daggers, mages cannot dual-wield staffs in principle, and the off-hand can theoretically hold a magic ball or code), but if the main body only uses one [Law Enforcer· Stars and Moon], and then make a few more for different mirror images?

You didn’t say no, right? No one stipulates it, right?

Previously, in the team battle finals of the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition], Mu Xuejian was able to use the skill [Sword Shadow Step] to create an additional clone, and at the same time use [Wu Shuang] and [Devil Sword], both of which were two-handed swords. 】, I, Futaba, directly come to five mirror images, and it is reasonable for each mirror image to have a staff that can be played with, right?

To be honest, reasonable, but not entirely reasonable.

Everyone should still remember the basic effect of [Law Enforcer], that is, when the user equips this thing to cast a spell corresponding to its attributes, the cost will be greatly reduced based on the user's understanding of the magic itself, and the minimum can be reduced to 10 points. .

And who are the users?

After all the mirror images are blessed with the three arcane skills, the user of the spell naturally has complete control over the real mirror image Futaba himself.

So what is Futaba’s own ‘level of understanding of the essence of magic’?

Let's not talk nonsense. You can directly regard any magic that Futaba uses successfully as 100% mastery. In other words-the magic value loss is constant at 10 points.

Of course, these are only mid-level, low-level, and high-level spells. After the epic level, even if Futaba has the [Magic Controller] profession, it will not be so easy to master it. The spell consumption will still increase after all. However, all magic before the epic level , no matter what school it is from, as long as it is magic, when Futaba uses the corresponding attribute [Law Enforcer] to cast a spell, the consumption is a real 10 points!

Then let's go back and look at the cost of real mirror casting. Well, it's 150%.

That is - 15 o'clock.

Yes, even the system, which has a big prejudice against Futaba, says in the remarks, 'If it doesn't have a corresponding weapon, it's a waste.' In other words, if you have a corresponding weapon, this skill is a little bit inferior. It’s so shocking!

"Welcome to my party, friends~"

As five Futaba, filled with fluctuations of fire, water, wind, earth, and thunder elements, appeared out of thin air, they neatly grasped the [Enforcer] floating in front of him, with completely matching attributes, and stood in the middle. The 'self' grinned and clapped his little hands cheerfully: "Let's start the carnival!"

The next moment——

The unbreathable heat distorted the air, and the [Blue Flame Fire Wheel] burning with blue and white flames fell from the sky!

The cold that could almost freeze the blood swept out, and [Zero Degree Ripples] whizzed past the attackers from all directions, covering everything they passed with icy frost.

Amidst the deafening roar, a dark yellow pattern continued to flow on it. The square boulder pushed away the clouds, and the unpretentious [Stone Guard] high-level magic [Fangshi] followed the blue flames and fell sharply. .

But the cumulus clouds that had just been pushed away did not dissipate. Instead, they quickly turned from white to purple, turning into deep vortices that rotated wildly. After a brief pause, countless [Thunderthorn Storms] crashed down.

Silent fluctuations passed through flames, frost, thick soil, and thunder. [Vacuum ripples] spread out at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, eager to tear apart human bodies and armor.

The star-like stream of light falls gently, protecting the weak elemental body behind the powerful [esoteric barrier], making it mysterious, remote and indestructible.

A sudden carnival kicked off like this——

Chapter 1,356: End

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