Quadruple split

Chapter 1389 Interlude·Countdown to the Final Act (II)

In the mirror, there is a young man with slightly curly black hair. He is not ugly, but his overall appearance is above average. He is wearing a silver cross necklace and a suit with the main tone of Wearing a black slim-fitting priest's robe, his expression is calm and indifferent, his eyes are deep and soft, and he looks very deep.

"how do you feel?"

Jia Wen slowly turned around in a circle, turned around and blinked at A Qing who was standing behind her: "Does it look like it?"

The girl tilted her head, then walked twice around the eldest lady who had completely changed into the 'Hei Fan' skin, and said with a smile: "Exactly the same, Miss, she is a perfect Hei Fan priest."

"Is it exactly the same..."

Gawen frowned, gently caressed Hei Fan's cheek, and whispered to himself: "But why do I always feel that something is not quite right?"

Ah Qing came close to Jia Wen and looked at her carefully, and said hesitantly: "Is it because the clothes I made are not very good? In fact, I think Miss, you can just use [Thousand Faces] to directly transform the appearance. It's not necessary. You have to use the appearance equipment I made.”

"No way."

Jiawen stared at herself in the mirror in front of her, slowly shook her head and said: "After all, it is during the exchange meeting. I have too little time to observe them carefully these days. Although I can basically remember their appearance and characteristics, some details will definitely be forgotten. If there is a discrepancy, it is impossible to obtain detailed data such as specific height, tail length, etc., so for example, someone who has been observing them with warlock skills must be asked to help.”

A-Qing nodded solemnly, raised her hand and said, "Don't worry, Miss. Whether it's the small details A-Qing provides you or the appearance and equipment modeled after them, there will never be any deviation."

"I know, of course I believe you."

Jiawen smiled, raised her hand and touched A-Qing's hair, and then said lightly: "So it should be my problem..."

A-Qing narrowed her eyes comfortably and enjoyed the caressing for a while before wondering: "But Miss, A-Qing feels that there is no difference between you and the real Heifan priest now."

"If there seems to be no difference, it's an internal problem."

Jia Wen left the mirror, casually took the black tea handed by A Qing, brought it to her mouth and took a sip, and said leisurely: "Looking at it this way, it should be the temperament, the temperament of Pastor Hei Fan..."

Although she didn’t think the person her young lady was currently playing was handsome, Ah Qing, who had watched [League of War] together before, still admired the pastor of the Dawn Sect, so she tilted her head and asked, “Is it depth? Could it be that there is missing the feeling of calmly scolding Fang Qiu, and the gun and oar being wiped out in ashes while talking and laughing?"

"No, on the contrary, I think I might be a little too deep."

Jia Wen shrugged helplessly and said with a wry smile: "Although I haven't observed Hei Fan in detail, my impression of him should be more... ordinary."

Ah Qing was shocked at that time: "Is it ordinary?!"

"Yes, it's more ordinary. Although he is a commander recognized by General Staff Lamolock, it does not mean that he has the depth you just described, Qing."

Gawen nodded, sat back on the sofa, and said with a faint smile: "But it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, it's just a matter of coping with the situation. As long as you pay attention not to make too many mistakes, you shouldn't be caught in a short time." See through it, after all, I don’t have to play him for a long time, after all, it’s just the boss’s task.”

Ah Qing made a face and said with a smile: "I feel like you enjoy working for that boss."


Jia Wen nodded slightly and said softly: "My ambition is actually not big. I just hope to do something well in a position where I can exert my full strength. It's a pity that the people in the group are not living up to expectations, especially my brother... After a lot of trouble, I finally got the position of the next heir to the Bai family."

Ah Qing sighed and muttered: "I'm afraid that the young master still thinks that you want to seize the inheritance rights of the entire group. In fact, you are not that ambitious at all."

"You can't say that. After all, if my 'position' is to be the helm of the Bai Group, then I will spare no effort to fight for it."

Gawen played with the silver spoon in his hand, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "But it's different in this game. Judging from the current rhythm, the role of 'Chief of Staff of the Sin Lord Faction' is really suitable for me. , rather than acting alone, it actually feels better to be his mouthpiece, and my colleagues are not simple people either."

A-Qing blinked and asked curiously: "What do you mean, miss?"

"You should have met Merlin, right?"

Gawen casually opened the message board, flipped through a large list of materials that Merlin had sent to her before, and asked absently: "Tell me how you feel about him."

Ah Qing did not hesitate and said succinctly: "Frankenstein."

"Yes, Frankenstein, a genius who will do anything to explore the so-called truth and new technologies, and has no bottom line, moral and ethical concepts. He is obviously a player, but he can master and accept this game in a short period of time. Our world system, whether it is materials science, pharmacy or engineering, is far beyond the limits that ordinary people can imagine, and it has insane talents in bioengineering."

Jia Wen briskly summarized her knowledge of Mr. Merlin, paused for a while and then asked calmly: "You may not believe it, Ah Qing, I'm afraid I have found Merlin's identity in reality."

Ah Qing was immediately stunned: "Huh?"

"Mu Changchun, sixty-four years old, was awarded the title of academician seventeen years ago. He is humble and gentle. He has made outstanding achievements in molecular biology, physics, and genetic engineering. In recent years, he has only published heavyweight papers. There are eleven articles. Although he is not too outstanding compared to other academician titles, he is very stable in the academic world."

Jiawen took another sip of tea and said eloquently: "I am currently working at the Academy of Sciences University in City B. I have my own laboratory with a very low threshold. I have brought out many students over the years. Although there are no particularly powerful talents, I They are all down-to-earth backbones, and none of them is cheating. If I guess correctly..."

Ah Qing's eyes widened, and her small mouth was almost big enough to swallow an egg: "You mean that Academician Mu Changchun, the Merlin we know?!"

Jiawen nodded slightly: "Nine times out of ten."

"Oh my God, Academician!"

Although Ah Qing has a solid understanding of the business world and knows nothing about academia, she still knows very well how important the word 'academician' is, and she can still have her own laboratory at the Academy of Sciences University in City B. Academician, this kind of person who is supposed to be far away has actually seen her, which really caught her off guard.

Not only that, in Jiawen's words, Academician Mu Changchun should be a scientific researcher with good reputation, character and personality, and the Mei Lin that A Qing recognized...

Let's put it this way, when she first met the old man, the latter was dancing with joy in front of a culture tank full of flesh and blood in the drowsy workshop, and there were countless 'experimental subjects' wailing around him.

That scene, which looked like a drawing from hell, still makes Ah Qing feel frightened even when she thinks about it now.

"So, people should not be judged by their appearance..."

Jia Wen covered her mouth and chuckled, and said in a relaxed and cheerful tone: "I have nothing to be dissatisfied with being able to work with such a person as a colleague, at least for now."

Ah Qing keenly captured the key words in this sentence and immediately repeated: "Currently?"

"Yes, after all, I'm not completely sure. Boss Mo does have the ability to control us. Although his current performance is impeccable, it will take more than a short period of time to really convince people like me and Merlin. Perfect performance will do it.”

Jia Wen shook the black tea in the cup and said with a half-smile: "No one is perfect. I don't believe that the boss has no weaknesses. In fact, the special commission he gave me this time is a bit difficult..."


A-Qing, who has always understood her young lady's character, answered it just right.

"I can't say that, but it's really not challenging. And for employees like me, if they do too much of this kind of unchallenging work, their mentality will easily change."

Jiawen smiled implicitly, then changed back to her own appearance, took off the priest's uniform tailor-made by Ah Qing, and said with a playful smile: "But it's not that there are no things that people care about. If it doesn't come out, If something unexpected happens, I might be one step closer to the boss’s secret.”

Ah Qing made a face: "I think that boss is full of secrets."

"Yeah, so this better not be something he really cares about."

Jiawen looked at the tea leaves in the cup and said in her usual unpredictable tone: "Otherwise, it would be really boring..."

at the same time

Academy City Central District, No. 11 Milhouse Avenue [Chuanqing Hotel], lobby

"Hey, isn't this our Commander Heifan?"

Fairy Graham, who was sharing a newspaper with Yu Chen, turned to Mo Tan, who had just walked downstairs, and blinked. She smiled narrowly and said, "Are you cured?"

"That's almost it."

Mo Tan, who had previously claimed that he was ill but had abstained from the last few rounds of the [War League], responded with a stern tone, then pulled out the chair next to Feiyali, and spoke silently under Yu Chen's gentle gaze. Pushing it back, he walked around and sat down obediently next to his Dawn Saint.

"Today is the finals. As a formal member of the delegation, I am very busy. Don't you two want to go and have a look?"

Feiyali sighed, fell weakly on the chair, and wailed: "No business opportunities! No business opportunities! The appetites of the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce and the Steam Consortium are too big, I feel so wronged! Ugh!"

Mo Tan glanced at the Saint of Fortune who had just negotiated a large deal with 'Link Zelda', and it seemed that she would soon have to count the money until her hands cramped, and complained: "Fiyali, you represent the Holy Church. United is not the Church of Wealth... Just stop there, right?"

"The Union of Holy Religions doesn't want money? Who do you think is in charge of the little public money that the big guys have squeezed out?"

Feiyali glared at Mo Tan fiercely and said angrily: "Everyone in the family is so picky, especially you Dawn Sect and those gangsters from the Justice Sect. Asking you for some money is like asking for your life. Yes! If our Wealth Sect hadn’t been helping with the trusteeship, the sanitation workers in the City of Light wouldn’t have money to pay their wages!”

Mo Tan and Yu Chen shrank their necks at the same time. Knowing the painting style of their own sect, they had already made up the pictures in their minds, including but not limited to Xia Lian putting one foot on the table and shouting angrily for money or her life. …

"Oh, it's the Sun Sect that is so powerful, it can give you an extra fifty or eighty thousand every time."

Feiyali let out a long sigh, then suddenly stood up and opened her arms toward the stairs: "Hurry! Children from rich families, hurry up and throw yourself into your sister's arms. Let me caress and caress your painful little fart. child!"


The Holy Son of the Sun, who had just woken up, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded under the horrified gazes of Mo Tan and Yu Chen, staggered down the stairs, jogged two steps, and went straight -

He threw himself into the arms of Eliza Logan who had just walked through the door.

"My stupid brother is asleep."

Her Royal Highness turned her head and smiled at the stunned Holy Cult trio. Then she pulled out the chair next to Fiyali and sat down. While holding the boy who was struggling to sit on the chair next to her in her arms, she He chuckled and said, "Good morning, you three. How is Pastor Hei Fan's health?"

"It's okay now."

Mo Tan scratched his cheek, then raised his hands in surrender and said, "Actually, I'm not sick... Your Highness should know that I just don't want to be in the limelight anymore."

Eliza smiled brightly and nodded: "That's right. After all, you defeated Foster Ward under those circumstances. You have proven yourself very well. There is no need to fight with that Lamorlock priest again." One game.”

Feiyali laughed dryly, spread her hands and said: "Who would have thought that Lamorlock would also withdraw from the competition? It's so awesome. The newspapers have already said that this competition is probably the most valuable in history. This [War League] is also the [War League] with the lowest championship value, but I am quite curious about who will win the championship in the end, Hei Fan, what do you think?"

"Barty Arthur."

Mo Tan said the name without hesitation, catching everyone off guard.

"Barty Arthur..."

Yuchen blinked and whispered, "I remember that he also participated in the team competition of the fighting skills competition."

Then at this moment, Elisa suddenly clapped her little hands and whispered: "Ah, I remembered that when we were in the audience before, that handsome boy from the Fox tribe came over and invited me to have dinner!"

"oh oh!!"

Fiyali immediately became excited. First she glanced meaningfully at Blake in Elisa's arms, and then asked curiously: "Then what?"

"Then maybe it's because the weather is too hot..."

The handsome Shota, who was tightly held in Elisa's arms, smiled harmlessly and shrugged his thin little shoulders.

"He suddenly fainted from heat stroke."

Chapter 1,380: End

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