Quadruple split

Chapter 1397 Under Control

Game time AM07:12

Academy City Outer Ring District, Caizhu Street

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a meticulous hairstyle, a half-orc young man from the cat tribe is walking slowly with a book under his arm. He is wearing a rather loose student uniform and has a faint smile on his freckled face. He looks like It's unremarkable, but it just looks ordinary.

Although it was just a random appearance, Jiawen vividly performed a student whose core thoughts were 'ordinary' and 'mediocre'. On the one hand, she did not want to attract attention, and on the other hand, she was trying to Perfect for pretending to be someone doing exercises.

That’s right, practice.

Although these two words are a bit funny to a fraudster like Gawen, who knows that there is no end to learning, she does not think that she is doing anything unnecessary. After all, a task is still a task, no matter how difficult it is. No matter how low it is, it doesn't mean that you can reduce the technical content casually.

All in all, she quickly found her goal while walking through this street.

It was a man named Cole Shuren. It was the only reminder the boss gave him before the mission started. Although he only conducted the minimum inquiry due to time constraints, it was not difficult to guess that he had the same purpose as himself. , that is, to participate in social activities on behalf of some inconvenient people on certain occasions.

It's a pity that Jiawen, who openly bears the identity of "Sin Lord", is really inconvenient, and there are certain things that Aqing can't do for her, so she has obviously completed two misdirections, but the total of the two During her free time, she only found out one name - Tan Mo.

That was the person Cole Shuren followed and served. If Gawen remembered correctly, that name seemed to briefly appear on the comprehensive strength rankings, and then quickly disappeared, but no matter what, she was still there after all. Start paying attention to this name. After all, there are too few people in the world who have the same purpose as your boss.

With a slight smile in his eyes, Gawen turned into an alley that had been 'cleared' at some point, and was immediately blocked by an orc man wearing a silver windbreaker, with bulging muscles and a hunky back.

"Sorry, the law enforcement team is on duty."

Although he looked very fierce, he was a very polite member of the law enforcement team. This second-year law enforcement team 'boy' who studied at a certain knight academy shook his head at Gawen and said in a soft tone: "This classmate, please go around. ."

"Very good. It seems that the time is just right. This kind of punctuality is very flattering."

Jia Wen smiled, then raised her head before the other party politely chased people away again, and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth: "In ten minutes, no one needs to go around, no one has been here, and no one has been seen by you..."


"Don't argue with someone who doesn't exist. You have done your job well. Please keep up the good work."


"Yes, that's it."

Gawen smiled with satisfaction at the orc boy who looked forward again with a meticulous expression, and patted the other man's arm gently: "You did a good job, the law enforcement team will be proud of you."

"Thank you."

The other party smiled and answered, but his eyes did not move to where Jiawen was. Because the latter did not exist, neither the words, the body shape, nor the smell were logically valid, even if he heard the words and saw the body. If you smell something, you will automatically ignore it because of the inconsistency of logic.

This is a strange and unpredictable power, but it is not the power of whispers that we are familiar with.

The reason is simple. If you want to achieve this level with the power of whispering, then Gavin must be at least as powerful as Buffy Marshall, the former Duke of Marshall of the Violet Empire, and the latter is a real epic level powerhouse. , far from being comparable to Gawen, who cannot even enter the top 100 of the rankings.

So she is obviously using another kind of power.

Of course, we don't need to know how Gawen did it now, we just need to know what she did and what results she achieved.

In any case, she succeeded in making the young law enforcement team member in front of her ignore her, and then walked into the alley with relaxed and cheerful steps.

Two minutes later, she got her wish and met again the man she had befriended three times before, a young thief who claimed to be serving a man named Tan Mo - Cole Shuren.

At this moment, he was wearing a decent priest's robe, holding a simple pocket watch and a fine-quality mask in each hand.

Since this plan was coordinated by the law enforcement team, Gawen had no way to let him stay at his residence, so he had to take a roundabout way.

However, in order to save time, she had made sufficient preparations as early as the third... that is, the last time the two met, so now she only needed to activate the previous arrangements.


Without any unnecessary nonsense, Gawen briefly waved to Cole and then snapped her fingers in the eyes of the other party: "Congratulations on completing the mission, Mr. Cole."

At the same time, Cole Schulun's originally clear mind was suddenly replaced by another kind of 'clarity', and he showed a hearty smile: "I completed the task, yes."

"Of course you did your job, and you did it perfectly."

Jiawen smiled approvingly at Cole, whose eyes had lost focus, and then transformed the [Thousand Faces] into another form, directly transforming into the appearance of the 'Black Van Priest', while arranging Aqing to rush He made the priest's robe and said casually: "Now, what you have to do is to leave here and go back to that place to wait for the praise of 'Sir'. You know what you should say, right?"

"Of course, I know exactly how I got it done."

Cole grinned and turned to look at Gawen naturally: "Then, I'll go back first."

"Go back from where I came."

Jia Wen, who has completely transformed into the "Black Brahma" priest, and even his temperament almost perfectly matches the salted fish mode, nodded slightly and said simply: "Thank you for your hard work, we will see you later."

"Have we met?"

Cole, who had never 'seen' him until now, blinked, and then left with brisk steps. The member of the law enforcement team he was about to pass was still abiding by his duties, but within ten minutes he was There will be no awareness of any existence, so no one involved will know about Cole leaving with his true colors.

As for Gawen, she left from another guarded alley, briefly said hello to another member of the law enforcement team guarding there, and then quickly blended into the crowd on the street, making her presence felt. Extremely thin.

The agreed location is a commercial street in the outer ring area. There are still about twenty minutes before the meeting time. However, because Saint Chen Wangyu will participate in morning prayer today, our group does not need to move together. , so the rendezvous mode should be 1/1/2, not 2/2. In other words, the half-dragon knight named Mo will go with his beautiful half-orc friend, and he, the 'Priest Hei Fan' and Chen Wangyu went to the meeting place separately.

[I have to say that this arrangement itself is rigorous enough, but... why...]

Walking on the road, Gawen narrowed his eyes and subconsciously fell into thinking. From the beginning to now, he had made several vague guesses, but none of them had enough defensible reasons. Although he speculated about the reasons behind it, The inside story was not within the scope of this work, but out of habit, Gawen still did not give up exploring the truth that interested her.

I hope I can gain something today.

With this idea in mind, he walked slowly to an open-air cookie shop, smiled at the man and woman who had arrived earlier than him, and joked: "Is your system time faster than mine?"

"It's rare that we get up very early today, so I came here first."

The girl with the gorgeous long black hair like a waterfall was so charming that even a woman herself was a little shaken. The girl with a cheerful and optimistic personality smiled and winked at herself: "It's you, 'Hei Fan', how did you get here?" Is it so early? Where is Chenchen?"

The so-called Chen Chen should refer to the Holy Maiden of the Dawn Sect, and Hei Fan is the game ID of his current character. Because he can feel the teasing meaning in the girl's mouth, he should be motivated by some kind of opponent. , I brought it up for a reason that both myself and Chen Wangyu knew. After all, the Mo who should not be underestimated next to him, who was the person he played last time, had a rather puzzled expression.


"Don't laugh at me, Brother Mo is still here."

With a wry smile, he pulled up the chair and sat next to Mo. He tried his best to look like he was having trouble saying something but there were other explanations. Then he touched the tip of his nose and changed the subject with a slightly embarrassed feeling: "Wangyu should It’s almost time to come, right?”

Theoretically, Hei Fan, Ye Ge and Chen Wangyu are both real-life and game friends, while Mo should only be Ye Ge's one-sided friend. Therefore, due to some taboos, it is inconvenient to say real names in the party, and this It also reduces the difficulty of work for myself, which is generally quite gratifying.

"It should be soon. Do you want to send a message to ask her?"

Perhaps because she was not particularly familiar with Hei Fan, or simply because she was very nervous, Yege didn't notice anything unusual about her at all, but her proposal was quite dangerous. After all, this was the most troublesome task for her. It should be a 'friend message'. Once this tone is established, uncontrollable variables are likely to occur later, so... it is better to stay in a daze for a while and decide the next strategy based on the other person's reaction.

"There's no need to ask specifically, there's still a while before the appointment time."

Sure enough, he knew what he was saying and helped himself out. To be precise, he should help 'Cole Shuren' out of the siege, but it didn't make any difference. After all, neither 'Gavin' nor 'Cole' could do it. It is reasonable to have a friend with the character Chen Wangyu.

Not only that, this Mo also seemed to have a relatively complete understanding of Chen Wangyu. At least from what he said just now, he was very sure that the other party would not be late.

Ye Ge seemed to care about Mo's words, so he didn't mention the news about his friend anymore. He just ran to the counter on the other side to buy cookies. Although he didn't know Hei Fan's financial strength, he didn't get a single gold coin from Tan Mo. Without analyzing these two points to Cole Schulun and without making any further explanation, he either didn't have much money, or Chen Wangyu was in charge of the money.

In the next few minutes, I had a brief chat with the silent knight. The topic was mainly about the previous League of War. Thanks to Lamorlock who had been giving commentary to me before, I could still cope with the content. When I came over, I even got the admiring look from this little brother Mo.

So far, everything has gone smoothly. The problem is that after Chen Wangyu comes, there will definitely be more things that need to be handled carefully.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Her Royal Highness, the newly promoted saint of the Dawn Sect, trotted over from not far away. She did not wear the usual high-level priest uniform. Instead, she was dressed quite casually like Ye Ge, but her body was The clothes she wore were made of a lot of fabric, and they were obviously one size too big, probably to cover up her proud bust that she was so envious of.

"Sorry for the long wait."

Because she was running here, her face was a little red, and the soft-spoken Holy Maiden of Dawn smiled at us sheepishly. I shook my head slightly, implicitly saying that no one would mind, and then left the topic to Ye. Song, that lively girl is very suitable for controlling the rhythm of the conversation, and is also convenient for intervention and control.

I don’t know if it was my imagination, but Chen Wangyu seemed to be stunned for a moment, but she quickly took her seat with a normal expression. The seat was next to Yege. Because the table was very spacious, the current arrangement was Chen Wangyu, Ye Ge, Mo, and I, who is a Black Fan priest, were next to each other, while Chen Wangyu and I were separated by about half a table.

If I remember correctly, these two people should have done it next to each other during the last gathering.

Is it because the table is larger this time?

No, thinking this way is too optimistic. From a theoretical analysis, on the premise that both parties are convinced that they are not lovers, the relationship between Chen Wangyu and Hei Fan should be closer than the relationship between Mo and Ye Ge. After all, they have real friends. The identity bonus, and some of Ye Ge’s previous remarks and unintentional remarks also confirmed that the two were indeed ambiguous, so...

Did I expose a flaw myself?

I thought of this and decided to continue to wait and see what happened, while speaking as little as possible. If I wanted to interact, it would be best if the person I wanted to interact with would be Mo, who roughly knew the identity of 'Cole Shuren'.

I have to admit, this meeting was a little more stressful than I imagined.

But everything is still under control, assuming Chen Wangyu didn't send a message to Hei Fan.

In this way, the stressful breakfast ended quickly, and I was greatly relieved by what happened next.

That is, at Yege's suggestion, the two girls decided to go shopping together.

In this way, Brother Mo and I naturally formed a ‘following group’.

Pressure plummets.

Walking behind two high-spirited girls, Brother Mo and I exchanged glances and smiled at each other.

Chapter 1,388: End

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