Quadruple split

Chapter 1410 JOKER’s good plan

Game time AM09:10

Academy City inner ring area, law enforcement team compound, captain's office

"Calculate the time, it should be almost time, right?"

Foster pushed his frame and opened the folding fan with the four characters "military" written on it. He took a deep breath and turned to look at the man sitting in front of him with his legs folded. He was also wearing the silver of the law enforcement team. The chief secretary in the windbreaker, the elegant Lian Yuanrui, has an unnoticeable eyebrow tuft.

"Huh? What's almost done?"

Lian jumped down from the chair lightly, walked around behind Foster with brisk steps, put her arm around Foster's shoulders with a soft smile, and whispered in his ear with a soft and seductive voice: "Kiss~ Love~?”

Foster took a deep breath, and his frown seemed to deepen. After a while, he said in a voice without any emotion or warmth: "If you can, please don't talk to me like this... …Lady Ace of Clubs.”

"Oh, I've become like this, you don't even want to call me little spider~"

Wearing the [Hundred Forms] that he got from Cole before arriving, Spider tightened his arms around Foster's neck. The pretty face that looked exactly like Lian got closer and closer, and his big watery eyes were filled with tears. It's plaintive: "I came here specially to accompany you."

Foster closed his eyes expressionlessly and said calmly: "I just informed you. I didn't mean to ask for your opinion. I just worded it in a relatively tactful way."

"so what?"

Spider lightly sniffed Foster's hair, and even started to rub Foster's chin with his face. He always maintained the limit of how much a player could offend an NPC (except Tan Mo), and smiled: "What do you want to express?" What do you mean? Do you want me to do this to you with my own face? Ha... Although it's not impossible, it's just that we have a mission after all, so..."

"You told me that once."

Foster calmly interrupted the spider and sighed silently: "Let me not fool you with the same rhetoric that I used to fool Spencer and the others. If I was just an incompetent high-level summoner, there is no way I would have discovered that at that time Of you, right?”

The spider smiled brightly and nodded: "Yes."

Foster also laughed and said with a smile: "And my answer at the time was that I was really just an incompetent summoner."

"He also said, 'Other than that, no comment.'"

Spider smiled and blew into Foster's ear, caressing the latter's cheek, and said in a faint tone, "You don't know how sad I was at that time."

Foster nodded slightly, but his tone remained as calm as before: "Yes, so I have reflected on it. In view of my offense and lack of honesty at the time, I would like to express my most sincere apology to you."

Spider's eyes suddenly jumped, and he instantly distanced himself from Foster who seemed to have done nothing at an incredible speed. He looked at the other person in surprise: "You..."

"I think that since we are partners in the same organization, since we are both cadres of [Harlequin Brand], and you are the person JOKER trusts the most, you shouldn't hide too much."

After Foster finished saying this, he opened his eyes again and looked at the uncertain spider not far away with his pair of 'pupils' that had lost their sclera at some point and looked like a deep galaxy. He smiled as softly as usual, but made the latter feel extremely uneasy, and murmured: "I have to say, through the virtual image of the lotus, and then through the shell of the spider, your essence is much purer than I imagined. .”

"what have you done?"

Spider took out two daggers from behind with his backhand, stared at the King of Hearts who was completely beyond the limit of perception at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "King of Hearts, I warn you——"

"I've given you warnings before, but you didn't listen to my advice."

While Foster said these words in a soft tone, an indescribable shadow suddenly covered the room, accurately dividing this place from the outside world into two worlds.

The next moment, the spider suddenly turned into a blurry silhouette, suddenly appearing behind Foster, and the two daggers in his hands twisted toward his neck without hesitation.

And he froze in place for a fraction of a second before cutting off the head.

Then, without any warning, the spider suddenly let out a hysterical scream, fell heavily to the ground, and huddled up in a ball while shaking violently.

"I did nothing……"

Foster turned his head and stared with interest at the slender figure that was twitching and spasming on the ground. He smiled and said, "What binds you is your own nightmare."

"Stop... stop... I... uh uh... uh uh uh uh..."

Like a fish thrown to the shore by the waves, the spider's eyes were wide open, its hands were tightly stuck on its neck, its body was constantly flopping on the soft carpet, and drool even flowed from the corners of its mouth.

"More fun than I thought."

Foster leaned over and grabbed the spider's hair, stared at the other person's eyes filled with fear and confusion, and said softly: "Unfortunately, I originally wanted you to try my nightmare and 'His' nightmare again, but now It seems that we should forget it, after all, you aliens will be forced to disconnect when you are mentally shocked... Heh, if you put it that way, Ms. Spider, your mind is quite strong~"

The next moment, the disturbing aura that filled this space disappeared, and the deep dark galaxy in Foster Ward's eyes also disappeared like an illusion. Only the twitching spider still lying on the ground proved that before That chilling 'truth'.

"Then, although there is no need to add the sentence..."

Foster closed the folding fan in his hand and continued to deal with the pile of documents in front of him that were not urgent but more than enough to pass the time. He said lightly: "I'm really sorry for the following, but if Ms. Spider, you can use it again The appearance of Lian is superfluous..."

The spider let out a hoarse groan, stood up unsteadily while holding on to the table, wiped the saliva from the corner of his lips and grinned: "What do you think?"

"I can only ask JOKER to find another Ace of Clubs."

Foster conveyed a threat that could freeze the air in a brisk tone, and smiled lightly: "Of course, I know that you are an alien whose life will not be ended by death, but...if I am not wrong, I know you are an alien whose life will not be ended by death. If so, your activity in this world is itself a way to maintain the balance of life, right?"

Spider's smile that was originally full of disdain and teasing suddenly froze, and he subconsciously took a step back: "You..."

"If this balance is broken, Ms. Spider, you will be very troubled, right?"

Foster casually signed his name on the last page of a document, his tone still calm and gentle: "You will follow JOKER because he may have the ability to bring you back to life, although I don't know how long this process will take, and I... Although he can't do what he promised to you, if he just destroys you, it probably won't be too difficult."

Spider took a deep breath, and his whole temperament instantly changed from the unpretentious and wild before to as cold as ice. He nodded slightly and said: "A very effective threat."

"thanks for your trust."

Foster nodded casually, and then asked more casually: "By the way, is this appearance your disguise in another world?"

"It's the same me, but the one who can communicate normally."

Spider slowly walked to the chair in front of Foster and sat down, saying in the same calm tone as the other person: "I underestimated you, King of Hearts."

"No, you just trust JOKER too much."

Foster smiled, shook his head and said: "You think that because he ranked me in the K position, it is destined that my ability or potential will be inferior to you, Theresa and Mu Xuejian who have already obtained ACEs, but In fact, [Harlequin Card] is not an organization that needs to care too much about the order. Neither you nor I just perform our duties and bear our responsibilities."

Spider frowned, and after pondering for a long time, he finally nodded and said, "Maybe you are right, but for me JOKER..."

"It's probably a kind of religious worship, I can understand it."

Foster did not let Spider finish what he said, and interrupted lightly: "After all, in a sense, you are walking on the same road, and at this moment you can't even see his back. , so it is completely understandable to have a seeker-like mentality, but..."

Spider narrowed his eyes slightly: "Just what?"

"It's just that you took the wrong path from the beginning."

Foster poured a cup of tea that the real Lian Yuanrui had made before leaving, and gently pushed the cup in front of the spider: "You who can't suppress various emotions...can't learn from JOKER who has no emotions in this way. to anything.”

Rao is a spider who has forced himself to be immersed in the 'realistic state'. After hearing this sentence, he couldn't help but be stunned: "No... feelings?"

She couldn't understand Foster's words at all. After all, in her eyes, there was almost no one in the world who was more emotional than Tan Mo.

"This is an interesting misunderstanding. In fact, I have been hesitant to tell you this. After all, for whatever reason, what I said at this moment seems to be provoking."

Foster shrugged, raised his head and looked directly into Spider's eyes, and said softly: "But, if you think about it carefully, since that person still arranged you here even though he had other options, there is a good chance that he will Jiu could have expected that you disguised as 'Lian' would do what you just did, which means that he doesn't care about my opinions. It may even be the opposite. He really wants me to tell you this. thing."

"This...I don't understand..."

"You don't need to understand, Ms. Spider. I have reason to believe that he will find a way to get you the ending you want. However, I don't want you to imitate him, because that will not be good for anyone, including yourself. Inside.”

"Including myself?"

"JOKER is not a patient person, so although he will guide you correctly as agreed, he will not correct your mistakes. In this case, the road in front of you will start from one They become two extremes."


"Haha, it seems you already understand."

"Maybe, in fact, after hearing what you said, I admire that person even more~"


"After all, he arranged for me to be with you today, didn't he?"

"I don't think what happened just now was a pleasant experience for you."

"It would be even more scary if he would simply be gentle to someone."

"It's hard for me to disagree with you, Miss Spider."

"I apologize for my previous offense."

Spider stood up, took off his hat, and saluted Foster with his original appearance.

"I also apologize for my behavior just now."

Foster smiled and raised his glass to Spider.


"There is a saying, but I don't know whether to say it or not."

After a brief silence, Spider, who transformed into Lian again, coughed slightly, and the evil smile from before appeared on her lips again.

Foster sighed: "Although I have a hunch that those are not happy words... Okay, I'm all ears."

"I don't think JOKER placed me here just for what you just said."


"In fact, I think he may be starting from the point of view of the [Harlequin Card] and feeling that you and Miss Lian from the [Death Angel] are progressing too slowly, so he did it knowing that I would make a fool of myself..."


Foster suddenly raised his hand to interrupt Spider's words, a drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from his forehead, and said with a dry smile: "Ms. Spider, you are not going to publicize what happened before, are you?"

Spider immediately showed a bright smile: "Do you think that since we have been alone together for so long, and I still use Miss Lian's appearance, she might not ask me for details afterwards?"


"Of course, I know very well that the power that almost made me pee just now is not suitable for exposure to the light, let alone for Miss Lian to know. But other than that, I'm afraid I can only tell everything I know and say everything. That’s it, after all, we are all cadres, it won’t be good if there are misunderstandings in the future.”

"Uh, Ms. Spider..."

"So the final result is probably that although Miss Lian didn't know what method you used to punish me, Spider tried to tease Foster with Lian's appearance, but in the end he was offended by the latter and taught him a lesson. After a while, she will definitely know this level of information."


"In other words, Miss Lian will soon understand that she is you, the person who can deal with everything calmly and calmly no matter what happens... The only bottom line? Haha, even if it is not the only one, At least it’s one of the absolute bottom lines, right?”

"JOKER is really good at calculating..."

"That's right~"

Chapter 1401: End

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