Quadruple split

Chapter 1413 Chase

Gavin is very strong.

Although she has never been a serious combat unit, even if her responsibilities as the leader of the camp are incompatible with combat, she is still not a weak one. In fact, even if we put aside other factors, as long as Looking at the combat effectiveness on paper, its level is definitely among the best among high-level players.

And under this premise, coupled with her ability to remain calm in almost any situation, and her insanely tough and insane mental quality and astute thinking, it is not surprising that she would have an overwhelming advantage even in ordinary battles of the same level.

From an objective point of view, although Gawen failed to make it into the personal strength rankings, if she were to compete with Liadrin, Scarlett and others from the Diesel family, she could basically guarantee a winning rate of more than 90%. of.

You must know that the character of 'Tan Mo' is not weak, and has never been left behind by the large army. However, when he met Gawen in the capital of the Violet Empire, he was still almost killed by the latter who was not very popular at that time.

And now Gawen has completed a series of extreme tasks including [Assassination of the Chauvinian Crown Prince Arthur Bohe], and has become a complete body after a rapid increase in strength, although the progress of 'Tan Mo' in the past six months cannot be counted. It's small, but if the two of them meet again, the scene will probably be the same as when they were at Violet.

It's a pity that under Mo Tan's design, the character he initially had a head-to-head confrontation with today, 'Mo', who has a lawful good personality, is still completely without any consideration. 'Mo' can completely let go and fully exert his fighting talent. , under this premise, even Jiawen can only be suppressed to death, without any chance.

But the members of the law enforcement team who are chasing Gawen at this moment are not Mo. Although these people are not bad in strength and have far more practical experience than ordinary students. They are also from orthodox academic backgrounds, but their skills are not even as good as Liadrin and Liadrin. Scarlett is a leader of the younger generation.

Therefore, when facing these people, Gawen's style was not as embarrassing as when she was competing with 'Mo' before.

Boom! !

A burst of sparks suddenly burst out from the muzzle of the [Shadow Gun] that passed through the armpit, and the roaring [Evil Shadow Bullet] directly knocked a member of the law enforcement team into the wall next to him with the help of skills. Although there was no What kind of damage was caused, but it easily caused this three-person team that was in good running-in condition to become disconnected. After that, two more bullets randomly assigned to [Paralysis] and [Toxin] passed through the air and shot straight towards Another girl from the law enforcement team holding a big sword.

"Don't underestimate people!"

The girl shouted in a deep voice, and the powerful blue fighting energy spread directly to the sword, and she was about to strike out a sword energy to complete the counterattack. However, at the moment when the sword light that had condensed into a blade was about to be released— —

"What kind of empty pretense are you putting on?"

A crisp laughter suddenly rang in her ears, and then the fighting spirit that filled her body immediately dissipated, disappearing without a trace in an instant. The next second, two black bullets penetrated the piece of clothing. The law enforcement team's robes, which were equipped with several intermediate defensive magics, broke through the soft armor inside the robes and embedded themselves directly into her body.


The girl from the law enforcement team holding the giant sword swayed, and a wisp of slightly darker blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. She groaned and immediately shouted to the team leader who turned around at the same time: "I'm fine, slightly injured!"


Without any hesitation, the blond girl who was the first to attack Gawen immediately quickened her pace, leaving her companion behind without any hesitation and chasing Gawen at high speed, not wavering at all because her companion was injured.

“Good quality~”

Jiawen turned around and smiled at the other party, and even put away the [Shadow Spear] in his hand and clapped his hands gently: "He is indeed the elite of the law enforcement team."

"Sorry, we are not the elite of the law enforcement team."

The blond girl snorted softly, raised her hand and threw out three powerful electric beams, which directly hit Gawen's chest. She sneered: "But you can also understand that the members of our law enforcement team are all Elite.”


The next second, the girl suddenly felt a chill gradually spread from behind her, followed by a sudden spin, and her whole body fell to the ground uncontrollably, her eyes full of shock and horror.

"Haha, thanks~"

Accompanied by a burst of laughter from a short distance away, the girl was stabbed through the abdomen from behind by her short knife. The girl, whose consciousness had gradually begun to blur, raised her head with difficulty and looked at the place where the other party had fallen, only to find that she was lying there. The person in the distance was not the dwarf girl, but the senior law enforcement team member wearing the same uniform as himself.

Immediately afterwards, a short and unfamiliar memory suddenly appeared in her mind without warning...

[As expected of the elite of the law enforcement team, but this kind of mistake of deliberately attacking one's own companions should not be made again in the future~]

Deliberately attacking your own companions?

Is this sentence meant for me?

Did I attack my companion?


Damn, my eyelids are so heavy...

Soon, she first knocked down her companions who came to help without hesitation, and then was attacked by an enemy who appeared behind her at an unknown moment. The girl who was almost overwhelmed by doubts before she fell into unconsciousness lost consciousness.

Jiawen, on the other hand, left the scene immediately after saying thank you, and galloped in the other direction without stopping, with a faint smile on her face.

The other party's movements were faster than he thought, and the quality was very high, but the situation did not necessarily become worse because of this.

At this moment, the goals of both sides are very clear. In other words, it is a competition of conspiracy. The other side plans to use Ye Ge and Chen Wangyu who are probably still nearby as bait to trap themselves, while the other side is planning to trap themselves. He will try his best to appear near the target while maneuvering around. From the scene, it seems that he is indeed at a disadvantage, but...

[The more clearly targeted the encirclement is, the easier it is for flaws to occur due to scheduling issues. 】

Although she is not very interested in board games and thinks she is not Lamorlock's material, she does not think she has no chance. You must know that she only studied it casually and reached the level of amateur fifth-dan. , although this does not prove anything, it at least shows that Gawen's overall view is not bad.

Under this premise, coupled with her intelligence, memory, reaction, mentality and many other factors, there is also the [Thousand Faces], a heaven-defying equipment, and she is completely different from Mo Tan. With an extreme sense of direction, it is actually not difficult to create a breakthrough in this situation.

It is true that the law enforcement team's encirclement and suppression will never be easy to deal with, but as a target, Gawen is not without advantages. For example, as a prey, he can tear apart the hunter's formation from the inside.

To give a simple example, if you want to control Jiawen at point A, the encirclement and suppression party must supplement its manpower in the corresponding direction, and at the same time send mobile troops to hunt and suppress her, and constantly block her activity space. If during this process, , Jiawen can break through the siege of point A and appear at point B, which is also in the encirclement. Then, if the number of opponents remains unchanged, there will be a brief and subtle imbalance in the area until the opponent targets the area where Jiawen is. After point B completes the scheduling, it will return to normal.

Jia Wen has settled her accounts a long time ago. She knows that her disadvantage is that no matter how she changes her image, she will be informed by an NPC who may be monitoring her wholeheartedly. Both her position and image are transparent to the other party. , in other words, before thinking of countermeasures, you will never be able to escape your opponent's control.

The disadvantage of the opponent is that it cannot grasp its whereabouts immediately. If the individual combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers is not good enough, they will be counterattacked or easily escape. If they concentrate their manpower, they will destroy the structure of the encirclement, and the most important thing... intelligence There is delay.

This is something that is easy to figure out. First of all, Gawen has determined that the person who monitors her throughout the process is an NPC, and NPC does not have the ability to communicate without delay such as friend messages; secondly, because she needs to conduct Continuous monitoring, so the possibility that the monitor himself is the scheduler is also very low, less than 20% chance.

The conclusion that Jiawen derived from the above two points is that even in the worst case scenario for herself, the monitor will be surrounded by the scheduler, and the scheduler himself is the player.

Under this premise, the dispatcher needs to make judgments based on the own intelligence fed back by the monitor, and then issue instructions. The only way to issue instructions is through friend messages between players. In the case where most members of the law enforcement team are NPCs, Next, this news definitely needs to be relayed twice.

To sum up, even in the worst situation, as long as you continue to change your image, the other party's message will be delayed by at least a few seconds or even more than ten seconds. If you make good use of it, even if you cannot break through the total encirclement immediately, you can still You can easily complete small-scale scheduling to deal with the opponent.

Combined with the original example, every time Gawen moves from one point to another, it will cause a brief round of imbalance within the circle. Then as long as high-frequency and large-scale displacements are continued through the time difference just sorted out, these subtle imbalances will It will gradually stack up, and when it stacks up to a certain extent, the opponent's encirclement will be broken.

What he has to do is, on the basis of completing the above theory, place the opening in the 'forbidden zone' that was just enclosed, which is where Ye Ge and Chen Wangyu are most likely to exist.

The amount of calculation involved was not small, and the hidden dangers were also great, but Jiawen decided to take the gamble because this was her most cost-effective option at the moment.

At this moment, Jiawen has already sketched out a complex three-dimensional diagram in his mind with Caizhu Street as the center, and constantly converts the members of the law enforcement team he encountered on the road into variables to fill in according to his position and movement rhythm. It is constantly being improved.

We must admit that if Mo Tan's sense of direction has an absolute value, then the absolute result will probably be the embodiment of Gawen's sense of direction.

Even though the scene was so chaotic, and even though she had to fight with small groups of law enforcement members and even use some laborious skills in the process, as time went by, the structural diagram in her mind became increasingly clear. .

Finally, after a full hour of this siege and seeing familiar faces for the first time, the regional structure map with detailed personnel ratios in Gawen's mind was completely completed.

[The surrounding circle is an irregular hexagon, and the center is Caizhu Street. 】

[In terms of thickness, refer to the place they initially circled. The street in the northeast is a bit unnaturally thick. If nothing else, Chen Wangyu and Ye Ge, who are still unaware of everything, are there. 】

[The number of people on the other side is beyond imagination. According to the information Aqing investigated after coming to Academy City, it is at least three-quarters of the total combat strength of the law enforcement team, and the average strength is basically at a high-level level. 】

[The delay is better than I imagined. It seems that the other party needs to transfer at least two or three times through the friend message mode, which almost wastes nearly ten seconds each time. The transmission sequence should be based on my position. Center from near to far. 】

[Very good, in this case, as long as we find a way to lead them to the southwest, slightly increase the speed by about one-third from now on, and last for half an hour, the northeast side will be riddled with holes. 】

[Hmm, let me think about it... I might as well reduce the frequency of using Thousand Faces a little, so that the opponent will think that this piece of equipment of mine has hidden dangers. It would be great if I could become more eager for quick success. 】

[At that time, I just need to pretend to rush to the west. After the last pull, I can walk straight back to the defense line in the northeast, and then directly transform into the appearance of the Black Van Priest and start trying my luck. As long as I touch it, the game will be over. it's over! 】

Jiawen secretly made up his mind and took a deep breath on the spot, and then started to implement this plan with a happy face that was both cost-effective and rich at the risk. The whole person began to bump left and right seemingly irregularly, but in fact However, they took advantage of the delay in the other party's news to continuously mobilize the law enforcement team to the southwest of the encirclement.

She is not worried about the other party seeing through her plan, because it is originally an upright conspiracy, but her trump card is enough to change the nature of this conspiracy with a breakout as the core, into a conspiracy that is still evil-minded and still delusional. A conspiracy that merges with Chen Wangyu and Ye Ge.

If the other party accepts it, he will proceed as planned.

If the other party doesn't pick it up, then he will directly protrude from the southwest. It may seem like he has returned without success, but in fact it is equivalent to abolishing the secret chess of the law enforcement team. At the same time, it will also make the efforts of the person who monitored this for more than an hour disappear. Nothing.

Jia Wen, who was thinking this way, knew that his situation at this moment was still very dangerous, but the corners of his mouth still curled up into a faint smile unconsciously.

It had to be said that this kind of life-and-death game of chasing and escaping, breaking through oneself, really made her excited.

Then, she smiled and realized that the three escape routes and five alternative routes she had planned were all blocked...

Realizing that this was the time, Gawen froze in front of an alleyway as if struck by lightning.

She was horrified to find that without any warning, she, who had always been leading the rhythm, turned into a turtle in a urn in the southwest corner of the encirclement.

What Jia Wen didn't know was that the witch who had been planning the encirclement and suppression despite delays was not even shedding a drop of sweat at this moment, and she even had time to tell minstrel stories to the little loli next to her!

Chapter 1,404: End

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