Quadruple split

Chapter 1426 The second pair of eyes

"Your man?"

Andrea A. Azizolti was stunned for a moment, then took out a pair of reading glasses from her pocket and placed them in front of her eyes. She coughed lightly and then spoke again to confirm: "Your man?"

Diana smiled, nodded with a slight blush, and confirmed in a low voice with a slightly happy expression: "Yes, he is my man."


He is also a leader of the Achizolti family [Stars] and has a very good relationship with his niece. Although he is an academic figure with almost no fighting ability, he is also an outstanding astrologer among the previous generation. Leah was silent for about five seconds, then silently picked up her favorite teacup... and after thinking about it for a while, she replaced it with a teacup she didn't like so much, and looked at Diana seriously: "Be good. , will you tell your aunt again?"

"It's my man."

Diana repeated it obediently, and then added: "He is the man I like, and he also likes me. I want to help him."


The teacup in Andrea's hand slipped to the ground and shattered.

Diana: "..."

"Well, life always has a sense of ritual."

Andrea breathed a sigh of relief, gently rubbed her forehead, stood up slowly and cleaned up the pieces of the tea cup, and asked with a slight twitch in her eyes: "So, what kind of person is he?"

"He is a very gentle person, who can tolerate everything about me and is very patient with me."

"What about your identity? Are you a descendant of any big family?"

"He's a wandering bard, not from a big family."

"You like her very much?"

"I love him very much."

"How much love?"

"Just as the Eye of Lawrence in Mel in the Frost Moon will never be more than fifteen degrees deviated from the Triangle of Karin."

"Haha...it's the unique romance of astrology."

"He taught me that the most romantic thing in the world is not the starry sky above our heads."

"When did we meet?"

"The last time I came to Academy City, it was the afternoon after I visited my aunt for the first time."

"If I correct you and say that you saw me once last time you came here, will it make me look pitiful?"

"I'm sorry, aunt."

"What's that man's name?"

"Frank, Frank Hughes."

"What's his guardian zodiac sign?"


Suddenly, Diana, who was a little shy but still answered fluently, fell silent.

As she remained silent, Andrea fell into confusion, because she knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for Diana to not know which sign her partner was ruled by. In fact, even if her niece, who was favored by the stars, was Without asking anything, you can visually detect the other person's ruling constellation on any night, so Andrea didn't understand and asked: "Why don't you talk?"

"Frank's guardian constellation... ugh... none."

Diana lowered her eyes and said this hesitantly, which immediately shocked Andrea.

In fact, Diana was not lying, even though she knew very well that the star shining for the other party was the [Key to Mischief], and she had witnessed with her own eyes that the star was connected with the [Sky Light Cross], [Jianguan Four], and even a piece that had not yet been revealed. It was proven that it existed, but it was just an alternation of stars temporarily named [Dark Thirteen], but she knew very well that these were not Frank Hughes's guardian constellations.

Because the sky above me did not leave a place for a man named ‘Frank Hughes’.

But her theory is very easy to be misunderstood. For example, Aunt Andrea, who is also a master of astrology -

"He's undead!?"

So my aunt was shocked on the spot.

There is a piece of trivia here, that is, in the world view of the Innocence Realm, almost all astrology researchers believe that everyone is born with a corresponding guardian constellation. They believe that every life is captured by a certain corner of the starry sky at the moment of birth. This bond will not end until death, so in the eyes of these people, only those who have lost their lives will lose their position in the starry sky.

By the way, Diana told Futaba that her tracking failed because there were no undead in this sky. This was actually false, because the four members of Fenrir's team were not technically dead, but were related to Ito. A certain kind of life that is very close, and as long as there is life, whether it is new life or rebirth, there is no difference to Diana, they all have a place in this starry sky.

But Frank Hughes is different. Although he is not dead and has never been resurrected, that man does not have a so-called guardian constellation. The reason is very simple. There is no guardian constellation for a person who does not exist.

However, Andrea misunderstood the meaning of Diana's words just now, and subconsciously thought that her niece, who was extremely reserved, had found an immortal as her boyfriend.

Although this is very unbelievable, just as in the real world there are people who marry paper figures, dolls, and avatars, this type of weirdness is not common in Innocence Continent. In addition, Diana has been quite closed-minded since she was a child. Andrea was strangely able to accept doing such a strange thing.

However, Diana could not accept this statement. After all, no matter whether Frank Hughes existed or not, she did not want him to 'die' in any way, so she immediately shook her head: "No... of course he is still alive, alive very good."

"Well, that's it..."

Andrea, who has lived a long life and is very experienced in human relations, nodded and did not continue to expand on this issue because she knew very well that her niece had something on her mind, and it was not something she could do. He was worried about solving the problem, so he changed the subject and continued to ask: "So, does Kenneth know about this matter?"

"Before I came to Academy City this time, I mentioned... Frank's matter to Brother Kenneth."

Diana nodded, crossed her fingers with some confusion, and whispered: "Brother seems a little nervous. He doesn't seem to like Frank."

Andrea immediately laughed and said with a smile: "It's too normal. Kenneth is the person closest to you in the family. How could he not be nervous about your important matter? However, although the boy did not admit it, he was very concerned about it. In fact, I don’t even understand things like relationships. Don’t look at the sage who has now become the Miracle City. In front of his fiancée, it’s really... tsk tsk, let’s not talk about this, so Kenneth Are you just unhappy?"

"Mainly unhappy."

Diana looked down at her hands and muttered indifferently: "In addition, he also entrusted my apprentice and Evie of the Lehman family to secretly test Frank, and asked them to take action when they were sure that Frank had ulterior motives. kill him."


Andrea, who had known that Kenneth would not let this matter pass so easily, was slightly startled, and after reacting for a while, she asked: "This is indeed something that boy can do, but why don't you seem to be very good at it?" Do you care?"

"I believe in Frank Hughes. I believe he is the one person who loves me most in the world."

Without any hesitation, Diana spoke her answer without hesitation, and then added softly: "And...I am here."

"Haha... I am worrying too much."

Andrea laughed and sipped the coffee in front of her: "You are the person who has gone the furthest in the field of astrology for hundreds of years. How could you not protect a lover who is bathing under the same starry sky as you? "

Diana smiled shyly, then suddenly stood up and saluted Andrea: "Then, I'll take my leave now, aunt, and I'll see you again when I have time."

"Go ahead. Auntie is actually very happy that you can do something now. Well, study things other than the stars."

Andrea nodded slightly and said softly: "I have told you before, dear, rather than looking at the stars, we should enjoy life under the stars and do what we want to do, aunt I’ll support you.”

Diana smiled with some emotion, and then looked at Andrea hesitantly: "And... Aunt, what you are drinking is..."

"The honey bud bitter coffee was sent from home a few days ago."

Andrea laughed, raised the cup and shook it at Diana: "Actually, I don't like drinking coffee very much, but now that I'm old, and I can only draw star maps at night, I have to drink some of this. Things have spirit.”

"Aunt, drinking coffee all the time is not good for your health."

"Haha, you are still sensible. Don't worry, my aunt rarely drinks this."

"Can you give me some?"


"Honey sprout bitter coffee, after all, you don't like drinking it very much."

"This... is not impossible..."

"Thank you, aunt~"

"Well, Diana..."


"You are so young, how come you are so good at this?"

"I only like drinking water, aunt."

"Then you are afraid that I can't control myself, so you want to take these away..."

"Frank likes to drink."



"Oh, I understand Kenneth's mood somewhat now..."

ten minutes later

Game time AM12:25

Academy City Central District, Sixth Bell Tower, top of the tower


No longer paying attention, almost half of her body was dyed red. At this moment, the blood was still flowing from her right eye. Evie took a deep breath, leaned softly on the railing in front of her, and stood with her hands behind her hands. The elf boy beside him smiled slightly: "Thank you for accompanying me, little Gandalf."

"If you have the strength to talk to me, how about taking care of your eyes a little."

The young man glanced at her coldly and hummed: "Speaking of which, with the amount of bleeding you have, you are not far from death, right?"

Evie shook her head and shrugged nonchalantly: "Don't worry, there are many things that can maintain my vital signs. In a short period of time, it won't matter even if all the blood in my body runs out."

The young Gandalf twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "Are you an artificial human?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Evie rubbed the boy's head vigorously, then took a deep breath and said lightly: "Also, from now on... no, starting from two minutes later, try not to say anything unrelated to the order to me. , I might need to refocus a little bit."

Gandalf was immediately stunned and said in astonishment: "Concentrate again? What happened?"

"That person has been trying ways to block my surveillance from the beginning. Most of them have no effect, but a few have."

Evie lowered her left eye and smiled happily: "And her current attempt can be said to be particularly effective."

"Exceptionally effective?"

Gandalf frowned and asked curiously: "What did that man do?"

"Do you still remember the tentative location I just asked you to send over there? That is the Gray Alley area of ​​Academy City, where the Thieves Guild and some other strange organizations are based."

While gradually liberating the power of the [All-Seeing Magic Eye], Evie patiently explained: "Her current location is about three hundred meters underground, and she is still moving deeper. If I If my guess is correct, she will probably try to enter the core area, which is more than two kilometers above the surface, in an attempt to get rid of my surveillance."

Gandalf licked the corner of his mouth and asked solemnly: "So it's not easy for your weird eye to penetrate the ground?"

"Yes, it's not easy, but it's just not easy."

Evie waved her hand nonchalantly, then took out a medicine bottle from her pocket and threw it into Gandalf's hand: "There are three blue crystals in it. When I ask for it, give me one. "

"What is this?"

“It helps me focus more and eliminate distractions.”


"What you're asking is a bit unlovable~"

"Why don't you take it yourself?"

"Because I can't help but eat them all myself."

"Can't I hold it? What if you ask me for one every second?"

"My willpower is not that weak yet."

"Okay, take it back."

"Little Gandalf?"

"I'm not going to do you any favors."

"You have to help me."

"No, and I also suggest you close your eyes."

"Do you think I would thank you for this thoughtfulness? Or like you?"


"Now is not the time to be willful, little Gandalf, I must..."

"You must stop acting immediately and take a good rest."

Gandalf interrupted Evie forcefully, then raised his head and grinned: "This is the order of the Ace of Hearts."

Evie was stunned for a moment, then looked down again and said without looking back: "I can't accept this order. No matter what you secretly said to her before, please tell her immediately. I know what I can do." To what extent..."

"Your job has been taken over."

Gandalf casually threw out a thin layer of ice, directly sealing Ivie's right eye, and forcibly suppressed the buzzing [All-Seeing Magic Eye]: "The Ace of Hearts also said that if you don't believe it, If so, she can tell you the name of that person. Although I don’t know him, but from what she said, you should know that person.”

"Impossible, quickly remove the interference with my eyes! It's still too late, I can still keep an eye on her. I know very well that in this situation, no one can replace it..."

"The name is, Diana A. Azizolti."


"Do you know this person?"

"...Well...we know each other, quite familiar..."

"So you agreed?"

"I just can't agree anymore..."

"Then what should we do now? You're fine. I should have completed my mission."


"Let's go, there's no point in staying here any longer."


"What? Still want to see? If you don't use that eye, you shouldn't be able to see anything, right?"


"Hey, hey...are you okay! Hey! When did you faint?"

Chapter 1,417: End

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