Quadruple split

Chapter 1440 4V1

On the other side, accompanied by a piercing scream, the little lemure that did not disappear immediately after being penetrated through the skull finally exploded on the spot after this voice. Under Foster's conscious control, the hidden The twisting power in his body leaned out towards 'Mo' without any reservation, but was still avoided by the latter who had already gained a lot of room for action.

Also avoided was the [Fire Storm] summoned by Jadeka. Although the old mage did not hesitate at all, the opponent's dodging speed was still faster than the raging tongue of fire, and in the end he was completely unscathed. The injured one fell back to the ground, and he praised without hesitation: "You are worthy of being an elder of the Diesel family and the captain of Academy City's law enforcement team. It's rare that I used the holy words of my own gods for once, and I didn't deceive you." .”

Having said that, the 'Mo' in front of everyone transformed into the flower elf girl just now in a burst of distortion, and had already turned around during the heroic leap. At this moment, Mo, who was pressing the blade directly towards Gawen, also changed. Returned to myself.

"Ya Ya, Thunder Silk! Take the spider away!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Tan reacted as soon as his body plummeted, and directly killed Spider, Yaya, Thunderbolt Silk, and Lu, who had managed to survive with Foster's help but had completely lost their fighting power. The two of them were excluded from this operation, and then they changed their moves in the air, using a sword energy that could only leave the blade less than half a meter away from the two swords with [Venomous Poison] and [Armor Shattering]. The effective bullet was chopped into pieces in front of him.

Through the study of Mu Xuejian's "Sword Guide", Mo Tan has initially mastered the use of 'Sword Qi'. In Mu Xuejian's writing, although the so-called 'Sword Qi' is not the same as the mainstream 'war Qi' in the Sinless Continent/ The basic theory of fighting spirit/blood energy release is similar, but a lot of unique and even deviant understandings are added to it.

The technique used by Mo Tan at this moment is precisely the technique that can launch long-range attacks through cold weapons even though his own strength is not enough to complete the separation of Qi from the body. He relies on the Qi that can be attached to the sword to affect the air, and then A technique that allows normal attacks to have an effect infinitely close to that of a 'vacuum blade'.

Although it is far inferior to Mu Xuejian's free-flowing sword attacks, and cannot even carry out long-range attacks without any skill support, and will also consume a lot of extra physical energy due to the high concentration of energy, this This technique can be called a substitute for [Knight Skill·Tiger Spear], but it is still useful enough.

For example, let Gawen's two bullets fail because there is no medium.

After fighting for so long, Mo Tan had already roughly guessed that the gun in Jiawen's hand was definitely extraordinary, and he was even more aware of the fact that every bullet in it would be given a powerful effect, so even if it was useless, he didn't want to give it any more. Wen directly hit her own chance.

At the same time, when he completed this breakthrough move and brought Jiawen into his attack range, he also made a decision.

Kill her!

That's right, Mo Tan has given up on his original idea, which was to use extreme means to imprison Gawen and subject her to such a high-intensity detention that she couldn't even commit suicide before she told the truth. Instead, he decided to directly kill the person in front of him. this person.

It's not that he suddenly developed unnecessary kindness and felt that the method that could almost force ordinary people to retreat was too cruel, but that the strength that Jia Wen showed at this moment far exceeded the corresponding plan. The threshold, in other words, is not that Mo Tan is unwilling to end the hunt in the most ideal way, but that after the previous temptation, he felt that he simply could not do it.

So he decisively changed the preset battle plan and decided not to give the opponent any chance and kill him directly!

Mo Tan believed that even if he were under the other two personalities, facing the situation before him, he would definitely make the same choice.

What's more, he has already grasped some very key clues in the short period of time when Gawen had some strange changes. Under this premise, the purpose of this operation has basically been completed, and the capture of Gawen itself The meaning has been infinitely close to 'checking'.

From the beginning, Mo Tan never thought that everything would develop according to his ideal ending. After all, the opponent in this round of the game was too valuable. A person who could perfectly find out his identity, regardless of whether the opponent relied on his own The ability or the help of some kind of special help is not the kind of existence that can win, defeat or be counted dead casually.

Therefore, when there are variables in the default plan, the flexibility in action naturally cannot be too low. Looking at the entire process of hunting Gawen, whether it is the foundation of the plan he laid under an absolutely neutral personality, or when he was doing it under a chaotic neutral personality, There is huge room for adjustment in every detail, and even Teresa, who is responsible for on-the-spot command, is always making adjustments.

Mo Tan was no exception at this moment, so he didn't hesitate at all and immediately decided on the final lineup based on his own decision——

The final lineup aims entirely at killing each other and will not interfere with each other at all.

Jadeka Diesel.

Foster Ward.

According to Jie Laite or Mu Xuejian.

Plus Mo Tan himself!

Only this lineup has a high probability of killing Gawen at the lowest cost, and it is only a high probability, because the methods shown by the latter at this moment are too weird and changeable, and The extremely threatening black pistol is the core, and the combat methods assisted by the magical arts of various religions are simply impossible to target.

If other people are allowed to face this kind of opponent, if they are not careful, they may be killed continuously in a short period of time. Not only that, in a battle at this pace, pure quantity stacking has almost no effect. , so instead of using all the combat power in hand to swarm them, it is better to directly screen out the most efficient light and sharp lineup.

"damn it!"

Yaya roared indignantly, and the unwilling Yaya finally put the weapon into the box, flew to catch the spider that had been subjected to the [Slow Fall Technique] by the lightning bait wire, and covered the two of them as they left the small square at high speed. This was She initially promised Mo Tan that she must unconditionally obey the latter's instructions in the final round of siege. There was no room for discussion, let alone bargaining.

At the same time, Mo Tan was also forced out of the melee range by a bloody handprint summoned by Jiawen out of thin air. If nothing else happened, it should be the magic of the Blood God's followers.

There was no intermission, no talk session, and no forced pause. The moment Mo Tan was swept away, Yi Zuo had already driven a shining war horse and rushed to Jia Wen, holding the simple cross in his hand. The sword was also full of light, and it slashed at the side of Jiawen's neck without hesitation.

There is no need to communicate on the spot. Yi Zuo has long been told by his seniors that no matter what happens, as long as there are only himself, the captain of the law enforcement team, the old mage and the half-dragon knight named Mo, he will kill directly!

The same explanation was given to Jadeka and Foster, so when Mo Tan retreated and Yi Zuo used [Morning Horse] to drag Jia Wen into close combat, their fighting styles also emerged. A drastic change.

Blue-purple flames fell from the sky. Although it was the first time to use the high-level fire magic [Blue Fire Pendant], Jadeka relied on his incomparable deep magic power reserves to forcefully destroy this single target with extremely destructive power and super-powerful abilities. The spell with high adhesion completes the guided casting. To put it simply, it is an uninterrupted continuous release!

For ordinary high-level mages, this method of casting spells is not theoretically valid. The reason is naturally not because of the skill CD, but because it is extremely difficult to continuously construct the same elemental array in a short period of time. In view of the relatively large amount of professional knowledge involved Many, we can give a more abstract example - mages below the epic realm construct the same type of magic circle in a short time, which is as difficult to understand as us writing the same 'word' continuously in a short time. Even the most difficult to understand. The simple word "一" or "上" will cause us cognitive confusion when we write it repeatedly or read it to a certain number, which will lead to a situation where we know it in most cases, but suddenly think, "What the hell?" What's the situation?

And if even a little bit of this cognitive confusion appears in the construction process of the elemental array, it will directly lead to chaos in the injection of magic power, which will lead to spell casting failure.

The more profound and complex the magic, the longer it takes to alleviate this situation, and vice versa. In the eyes of players, it is a relatively intuitive skill CD.

Futaba can cast spells continuously in front of the epic realm because she is a genius who uses elements as codes.

The reason why Jadeka, who is averagely talented in this area, is able to do the same thing is entirely because this old man has worked hard in the past few decades and forcefully continued to cast fireballs (Jadeka in his youth) Can only fireball) overcomes the physiological phenomenon of cognitive confusion!

In other words, as long as the magic power reserve is sufficient, there is no cooldown time for Jadeka's spell casting!

As for Uncle Jia's magic power reserve... Let's put it this way, the magic power reserve of a mage has nothing to do with the realm, but is only linked to the length of meditation and physical fitness.

Well, I understand everything.

All in all, after paying the price of exploding a bottle of [Spicy Powder] with his bare hands and now bursting into tears, Jadeka, who seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire elements, directly fired more than fifteen rounds at Gawen [ Canghuo Pendant]!

On the other side, Foster, who had just saved Spider's life with the Little Lemur, was not idle either. He launched a two-sided summoning array directly behind Gawen!

It's really just a simple summoning array. Captain Foster didn't summon anything. He just placed two arrays behind Gawen. The other side happened to be connected to the two summoning arrays in the deepest part of the [Alien Lord]'s lair.

The so-called [Alien Lord] is not a specific existence or ethnic group, but the strongest existence in the alien plane. In other words, in an alien space filled with low-level miscellaneous fish, a person Any aberration in the middle level can be titled "Alien Lord".

But Captain Foster, who claims to be just an ordinary high-level summoner, is obviously not an honest person, because at the moment when the two summoning arrays were unfolded behind Gawen, there were several cold silver-white pulses and a beam that was almost compressed. Lines of space distortion burst out from the array!

The intensity is epic!

Although Foster's high-level summoning array collapsed immediately after sending two attacks, as the saying goes, it is difficult to recover after flooding, and the two attacks blasted out by the [Alien Lord] to vent their anger actually hit Gawen!

And then... nothing more.

After being slashed on the neck by Yi Zuo with a sword, hit on the head by several [Blue Fire Pendants], and hit in the back by two attacks of epic strength, Jia Wen surprisingly didn't do anything. Not even the curvature of the corner of his mouth was reduced.

Immediately, she turned to look at Mo Tan, ignoring Yi Zuo's long sword that slashed hard on his neck without leaving any trace, and blinked at the latter in a ball of blue-purple fire, comforting him. Said: "Don't worry, although [Big Lie] is considered a little invincible to you, it only lasts for ten seconds, and the cooling time is as high as 480 hours of game time. I can't use it anymore."

Yes, Jia Wen was comforting Mo Tan, seeming to want him not to be disheartened by this temporary failure.

When Jadeka, Foster and Yi Zou also heard this sentence, they all for a moment wondered if this woman was crazy.

Only Mo Tan didn't think so, because at this moment, when he looked directly into the latter's eyes, he found that Jia Wen's originally dark eyes had regained their clarity at some point. Except for the pupils and sclera, which had changed color, There is simply no difference from a pair of normal eyes.

They are not the kind of white pupils and black whites that make people panic at first sight, but eyes that are extremely gentle and natural. It is difficult to notice anything strange at first glance, but they are indeed extremely strange.

Those bright pupils have completely dominated the surrounding darkness and become the absolute center.

And this also means that Jiawen, who was originally forced to liberate a certain concept, but could only barely inspire the power deep in his soul, finally succeeded in controlling himself.

Yes, from the beginning to now, what Jia Wen has been working hard on is actually just controlling himself.

Just like a person who had been paralyzed for several years but recovered in an instant, until just now, Gawen was still in a state where she was completely unable to control her body and almost forgot how to walk.

And now, she has finally adapted.

Once you get used to it, you will become more relaxed.

Boom! Boom boom boom boom! !

Accompanied by a series of gunshots, Gawen suddenly fired six shots in a row, emptying the magazine of [Shadow Gun: Original Sin Liberation] at once. What was strange was that, although the angle of her shooting was extremely random, each bullet However, the bullets all stood strangely still in the air the moment after they were discharged, as if they had been pressed on the pause button, frozen in place and motionless.

Then, Jiawen threw another black dice, caught it, spread his hands, and the number was [one].

Double the damage, double the speed, double the effect.

Jia Wen frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with the result, and then picked up the dice in his palm, found the [six] side, turned it to the top, and put it back in his palm.

Very good, the judgment is successful.

Then, Jia Wen suddenly pointed the muzzle of the Shadow Gun at Mo Tan and smiled slightly: "Bah~"

When everyone reacted, Mo Tan, who had been shot through by six bullets at the same time, had already fallen to the ground.

Chapter 1431: End

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