Quadruple split

Chapter 1448 Prologue (II): Play

On the same day, game time AM07:01

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Wenqiu, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Southwest Continent, Adolf’s Free Territory, Eastern Territory, Edes Territory


In a burst of distorted white light, a girl in a snow-white princess dress... or rather a girl appeared on a hilltop. She lazily stretched her delicate and slender body, and then jumped on the spot twice. I started doing radio gymnastics seriously.

That's right, even though there was no broadcast, Xiao Wenqiu still pursed her lips and moved her hands and feet seriously. Although the movements were not standard, the cuteness index was insanely high. After all, this pink and jade-like lolita is really pretty. , although there is still a gap between Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaoge more than ten years ago, his appearance is definitely not inferior to that of Hiroshi Black after his sexual transformation, and the latter is the famous beauty of the Holy Church, both in terms of lethality and The influence is very considerable.

"Breast expansion exercise! Hey! Hey!"

Finally, about five minutes later, Wenqiu, who had finished the last section, raised his little hand to wipe his sweat, then looked down blankly at his pair of bright red round-toed shoes, flattened his mouth angrily and pouted. He mumbled and complained: "It's too small...it hasn't expanded at all..."

It was obvious that this child had some weird cognitive bias towards breast enlargement exercise, and because of this, he lost his temper unreasonably.

As an overly precocious child, Xiao Wenqiu has always been worried about the upper armor of the saint sister of Shuguang Sect (PS: not the one who is not much stronger than herself), but she never thought that if she really changed If you look like that, even walking will be a chore if you don't grow taller.

All in all, Xiao Wenqiu was in a very bad mood. Even if all the pain disappeared after entering the game, it rarely made her happy.

As for the reason, 10% is because my breast enlargement exercises in the past few months have had no effect, and the remaining 90% is because brother Gajeres cannot accompany me today. If he is unlucky, he may not be able to do it tomorrow. Stay with yourself!

Big crisis! Wenqiu has no one to accompany her!

The girl pouted and clenched her fists, and her big, bright eyes gradually began to turn red.

Very aggrieved and unhappy!

But there is no way. After all, I am a sensible and good boy, and I cannot delay Brother Lei from doing his business, so no matter how reluctant I am, I can't make trouble for him. Well, the point is that it will be useless if I make trouble. Brother Lei's father His mother would definitely not allow him to delay his schedule just to accompany her.

I hate it so much, I want to kill it!

It's a pity that Xiao Wenqiu is just a well-behaved and obedient sick baby outside the game, and no one can kill her...

Thinking about it this way makes me feel even more aggrieved.

"Tomorrow is September 1st, the day when school starts."

Lying lazily on the grass, the girl muttered to herself. Because she wore lantern safety pants, she was not worried about being exposed at all. She kicked her calves randomly, and muttered to herself as she kicked: "Really, everyone Don't they all like school? Why does brother Lei look so happy? How good is that Academy of Sciences University? Why can't you take the exam to a school closer to home? You don't have to wait for the bus to accompany Qiu Qiu's school! Obviously the results are so so It’s so good but you can’t even do such a small thing, it’s so useless!”

Because she was alone, the girl complained unscrupulously. Also because she was alone, no one heard her complaints, let alone any answers or interactions.

"I hate it so much. It's like Wen Qiu is being willful! It's obviously brother Lei's fault!"

The girl began to roll around on the grass. After a while, she stopped due to insufficient physical fitness. She lay limply on the ground and groaned: "What is the Academy of Science University? What age are you still dreaming of becoming a scientist? Ask me. Qiu is not that naive! Wen Qiu wants to be an astronaut! Ah...it seems that astronauts are also quite childish. Damn it, why is Wen Qiu so naive too! Angry, angry, angry!"

The girl who was so angry with herself started to act unreasonably!

Then...she got tired.

This is not surprising. After all, Wenqiu is currently in the state of [Innocent Heart], and his physical fitness is only at the level of an ordinary loli outside the game. After such a torment, it is strange that he is not tired.

"Brother Lei said he can't go too far and can only play nearby, but it's so boring."

Wen Wenqiu, who was a little tired, rolled over and sat on his knees on the ground, sighing melancholy: "But the only one who usually plays with Wen Wenqiu is brother Lei. How can I play alone? Well, alone... Being alone...being alone is so boring..."

After holding his chin and thinking for a long time, Wenqiu suddenly clapped his little hands and opened his eyes happily: "That's right! Even if Brother Lei can't play with me, I can still play with the toys I made before! It takes a long walk. The toys seem to be smarter!"

After saying that, she stood up happily and took a deep breath——

"Cough! Cough cough cough cough!"

She coughed violently because she accidentally inhaled the catkin-like seeds. The girl wrinkled her face and took a while to catch her breath.

Then, the talent [Immaculate Evil] is activated!

"You haven't become handsome at all. The characters in the cartoons are obviously fashionable after they transform. Only Wenqiu has nothing. What's the point of just changing camps? Wenqiu is not evil!"

Unhappy because she had not become fashionable, the girl stamped her feet angrily, and then simply changed her equipment to manually make herself more fashionable.

The head equipment is a "robin mask" that is pale white in color and hangs diagonally on the girl's head. Since it doesn't cover her face, it's still very cute.

The top is a black princess dress of the same style. Originally, Gaheres bought it in an ordinary tailoring shop. It didn't have any additional attributes, but Wenqiu added the souls harvested by the 'toys' along the way because it was fun. After entering it, the name of this piece of clothing has become [Thousand Soul Sacrifice: Great Grudge]. Not only has it been directly upgraded from ordinary to epic quality, but it has also forcibly increased Wenqiu's weaker [Spirit Summoning] specialization by a full 10 level, the most important thing is, because the gray-white soul residue around him that is vague and occasionally wailing, is also much more handsome in terms of visual effects.

The bottoms are an ordinary pair of black garters without any additional attributes, the kind that come with safety pants. Although the core quality of the garters, which is sexy, has been completely lost after wearing them on Wenqiu, they are still very cute.

Finally, there is a pair of exquisite and beautiful short leather boots, also red in color. Although of ordinary quality, they recently had an additional effect of [not leaving blood stains], the meaning of which is unknown.

In this way, after a lot of efficient tossing, Wenqiu, who finally completed the change of clothes, finally raised her fashion value. Whether subjectively or objectively, she is now a cool, handsome, cute and cute girl. Such a beautiful lolita, the kind who can get at least half a ton of candy on Halloween.

Of course, this is not the point. After all, there is only one reason why Wenqiu changed himself to his current state, and that is - to find toys to play with!

To put it simply, wherever Wenqiu goes, he will throw some 'toys' nearby. On the one hand, it is to ensure the safety of Brother Lei and himself, and on the other hand, because those 'toys' will always make him unknowingly You become powerful, and after becoming powerful, you will get a lot of fun things, just like an interesting treasure chest.

When Wenqiu is in the [Innocent Heart] state, he cannot establish contact with his 'toys', so if he wants to find them, Wenqiu must switch to the [Immaculate Evil] state.

Normally, because Brother Lei is always with him, Wenqiu would not want to have more contact with his toys, but today was an unexpected situation. When Gaheres was unable to go online, he recalled those toys that were on the line. Playing with a 'toy' that can become more or less smart after wandering around for a few days is indeed a good choice~

As a result, when Wen Qiu closed his eyes as if in a drowsy sleep and tried to establish contact with the 'toys' that were still within his control, he discovered something very interesting~

"Oh oh oh oh~"

She opened her eyes wide in astonishment, her watery eyes filled with excitement, and the corners of her mouth pursed into a cute curve——

"This is really... an unexpected development."

at the same time

two kilometers away

"Rabbit! Make up for it! Why the hell are you paddling in the water!"

A grizzly bear that was more than four meters tall, with thick hair and double horns roared loudly, raised its claws and overturned the extremely agile skeleton soldier with lavender soul fire burning in its two eye sockets, and was killed by at least one at the same time. Three rusty long knives struck him, and he cursed while bleeding: "Silly cat, where are you! I was almost beaten to death, where are you!?"

"Crying in mourning for your father!"

Not far away, a slender elf woman with beautiful long golden hair suddenly waved her giant shield and lifted a skeletal knight off his horse. She was seen wearing plate armor that was not gorgeous but quite heavy, and kept saying Smashing the enemy with a warhammer, he turned around and cursed mercilessly: "You damn Yuan Fang, you have really turned into a bear physically, haven't you? Can't you see these gangsters are chasing after your mother? ?”

"You two are so annoying...can't you do more output when you're quarreling?"

White light flashed, and a precise [Prayer of Healing] brushed from the back of the druid named 'Yuan Fang', quickly stopping the latter's wound. At the same time, the expressionless half The orc priest young man slightly raised the cross on his left hand and drew an arc in mid-air. He blessed the elf woman with a [Powerful Recovery] and at the same time shot a [Condensing Light Arrow]. He dealt the final blow to a resurrected corpse that had just fallen to the ground and whose soul fire had not yet been completely extinguished.

"I'm a fucking T, what the hell do I do?"

"Rabbit, if you keep talking nonsense, my plate will fly right in your face."

The two comrades, who spoke fiercely, protested at the same time.

At this moment, a scorching fire wheel fell from the sky, followed by a second, third, and fourth fire. In an instant, a total of five mid-level flame magic [Spin ​​Fire Flame Wheels] crashed down, directly hitting the shield-wielding man. Several skeleton knights in front of the woman turned into ashes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Accompanied by extremely wild and ear-piercing laughter, right next to the priest who had just shown off his super-fast and seamless spellcasting, a human man with long hair was waving his staff crazily, hysterically outlines large and small in the air All kinds of elemental arrays, for a time, countless mid-to-low-level magics such as [Arcane Missile], [Flying Flame], [Ice Spear Technique], [Lightning Impact], etc. seemed to open and poured out in all directions with him as the center. When he came out, he perfectly avoided his teammates and blasted a large number of low-level skeleton warriors, zombies, and skeletal birds into pieces, constantly shouting: "Come on! Come on again! Don't be arrogant to me anymore! They all will die!" Ahhhh!!!”

"Damn, Ararayu is crazy again."

The burly Ox Tribe half-orc twitched the corner of his mouth, slammed the mist-shrouded totem pole in his hand on the ground, and quickly swayed out the torrent of water elements formed out of thin air, constantly restoring the health of everyone around him. He rubbed his neck and shouted: "Just take it easy. If anyone accidentally goes out of the treatment range, I will release him immediately. Damn it, Apo, what are you doing!"

"I! Want! Gan! It! Their! All! Home!"

Already out of the coverage of the healing totem, the handsome human youth, wearing heavy black armor and surrounded by black energy, shouted without looking back. The long bone knife in his hand left several traces in the air. The slash mark directly turned the two-digit skeleton knights around him into skeletal scum.

The Ox Tribe orc suddenly slapped himself in the face, turned around and shouted in the other direction: "Brother Jie! Go and milk Apo, that kid is on top again!"

"But the Harvest Sect has very few healing skills..."

The tall lion orc knight replied listlessly, and ran past the opponent with his war hammer filled with green light: "Why don't you just go and get drunk?"

"I'm a shaman! I can only stand still!"

"Aren't you the best at jumping around and moving to increase blood..."

"That was from the last game!"

"It's so troublesome, we might as well just let Apo die in there..."

Although he said this, the man known as Brother Jie still slowly chased the black-armored man towards the pile of monsters. All the monsters in front of him were smashed flat with a single hammer.

Around them, there were more than twenty people fighting hard. The scene was passionate and there were constant curses.

If we zoom out further, we will find that there are already more than three digits of undead remains scattered on the ground, and they are quickly approaching four digits!

Real time PM19:24

"[Bathing in Fire] The guild's elite group has officially settled in the Realm of Innocence?"

On a train heading to City B at high speed, He Lei, who only bought a ticket, looked down at the latest news from the APP [Innocent Community] and shook his head absentmindedly——

"I feel like I'm from two different worlds... Sigh, I don't know how Xiao Wenqiu is doing."

To be continued

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