Quadruple split

Chapter 1475 Sincerity and Transaction

"Then our next conversation will be very pleasant, Officer Hao~"

Mo Tan casually untied Hemis's shoelaces and tied them into a bow. He said this in a brisk tone and added a slight accent to the last three words.

And Hermes' expression suddenly changed in the next moment, and the handsome and handsome temperament on his body instantly disappeared, replaced by a deep and condensed aura of righteousness, at least in Mo Tan's eyes.

"who are you?"

After being silent for half a minute, Hermes took back his kick on the wall next to Mo Tan and asked without any emotion.

He did not try to cover up, pretend or quibble, because since the other party could accurately call out the word 'police officer', it was enough to prove that his identity had been exposed. If this was all a coincidence, it would be a lack of understanding of probability. Respect, so he directly used the above question to admit the fact that he was indeed 'Police Officer Hao', and began to quickly think about countermeasures in the current situation.

Then he found with great sadness that he seemed to be unable to think of any effective countermeasures...

The reason is very simple. Although he is a genuine 'Internet Police', it is completely, completely, and completely untenable to arrest the other party directly for crimes such as 'Invasion of Privacy'. The main reason is that [Innocent Bound] The game's information protection system for players is very good, and the background is very complicated. Even his boss's boss's boss's boss would have a hard time extracting player information directly from the database, let alone a grassroots employee like him. On the one hand, the information Mo Tan initially mentioned could be considered semi-public, and strictly speaking it could not constitute an infringement of Hemis's privacy rights.

As for the last sentence of 'Officer Hao', although it was information that ordinary people couldn't grasp at all, before Mo Tan made a fuss about it, Hemis, who had just been reported as a real occupation, still couldn't take any measures to deal with it. , can be said to be passive to the extreme.

Of course, if certain internal confidentiality regulations are referred to, Hermes cannot convict the other party, but the problem is that when he has been clearly touched, but has no understanding of the man in front of him, acting rashly is actually It is quite dangerous. You must know that there are many big bosses who have been thrown into the cell by Officer Hao over the years. Although there will be no historical problems as long as his identity has not been exposed, assuming that he has been identified by others, whether it is Both himself and those close to him will be in danger.

In the final analysis, justice in the eyes of Hermes has always been elastic. Not to mention that the guy in front of him who is obviously dealing with him under a pseudonym has not yet been defined as 'evil' by him. Even if he is really sure that the other person is a heinous bad guy, He will not risk his own life or the lives of other innocent people just to bring him to justice.

So up to now, Hermes has neither the reason nor the means to sanction Mo Tan. Under these conditions, directly asking for his identity has almost become his only choice. Of course, he is now——

"What you are most curious about now is probably why I know so much about you, Officer Hao~"

Mo Tan stood up, patted his dusty trousers and smiled: "You are a smart person, so you should know very well that it is impossible for a person like me to reveal my identity to you in this situation. "

Hermes, who looked much tougher than outside the game, raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Maybe you are a person who is not afraid of slanted shadows. If that's the case, it shouldn't matter if you are more open and honest."

"I stress again, Officer Hao, you are a smart man, so smart that you can even vaguely guess the purpose of my appearance here today, but..."

Mo Tan walked to the only chair in the room and sat down, folded his legs leisurely and said with a smile: "To be able to completely dominate this sideshow, I will undoubtedly be better, so my first suggestion to you is , try to keep your posture as low as possible in our subsequent exchanges.”

Hermes narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Mo Tan up and down before saying softly: "That was not your attitude just now, Mr. Feisel."

"Haha, for being able to accept my suggestion so quickly and continue the conversation on the premise that I am 'Feser', Officer Hao, you definitely deserve the evaluation of a 'smart man'."

Mo Tan, who was leaning on the chair, laughed approvingly, held his cheek and smiled: "As for why I changed my attitude, isn't it obvious? Of course it's because I have already called out the three names of 'Officer Hao' That’s a word.”

Hermes nodded, his originally frightened and angry expression completely restored to calm: "It's reasonable."

"Your question and answer session isn't over yet."

Mo Tan still looked that lazy and unenergetic. While playing with his pair of plain mirrors, he reminded: "If you have any questions, you'd better hurry up. I have many appointments tonight."

Hermes didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said in a deep voice: "It's still your identity, but you don't need the specific information such as your name and address, but what you are doing, what you want to do, and the purpose you want to achieve. .”

"I want to make a deal with you and am investing my time and energy into it."

Mo Tan answered without thinking, with an extremely leisurely tone: "As for my purpose, you will slowly know it after we officially start our cooperation, Sir~"

Hermes frowned, obviously not hearing the answer he wanted, but because he didn't have high expectations for it, he only paused for a few seconds before using an unpredictable answer. He said in a tone of voice: "I don't want to cooperate with criminals."

"I think most criminals don't want to cooperate with you until they're arrested."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "But what does this have to do with being a good, law-abiding citizen?"

Hemis walked slowly to Mo Tan and looked at the latter sharply: "It's hard for me to believe that you will be a good and law-abiding citizen."

"That's not the point."

Mo Tan, who could no longer rock the chair and made a creaking sound, smiled casually and put the glasses back on the bridge of his nose: "The point is, Officer Hao, you don't have any clues or evidence that I am a criminal, and I have no clues or evidence that I am a criminal. There are some bargaining chips that may interest you."

"For example?"

Hermes immediately followed.

"For example, in this intricate game called [Innocence Bound], I have the intelligence network you dream of. Many things that require you to follow up and investigate with great effort may just be a sentence from me. It’s just something.”

Mo Tan blinked at Hermes, waggled his fingers and said, "Officer Hao, you must also know that this is not the kind of place where you can become a big boss with hundreds of thousands of krypton, or where the police can call anyone." A normal game with player-specific profiles, in other words, you and your units don't have enough influence."

Hemis sneered and warned Mo Tan in a deep voice: "I suggest you not to underestimate the government."

"Officer Hao, you are joking. I am just discussing the matter."

Mo Tan laughed frivolously and said in a playful tone: "We must admit that [Innocence Boundary] is different from other spiritual virtual games. It has its own set of systems and rules, and we players just integrate into it." It's hard enough to get in, that's a hard fact, so in this case, if you want to get the job done properly, you have to use some stupid methods, such as..."

"Like me, creating the [Blue Codex] and struggling to gain a foothold in this disgustingly chaotic place."

Hemis interrupted Mo Tan in a deep voice and said straight to the point: "Let's stop the unnecessary testing. Let me see your sincerity."

Mo Tan seemed to have expected this, and immediately said in a relaxed and cheerful tone: "There is a mercenary group that has recently been entrenched in the Baidu District of the Free City. Their leader is named 'Tazdin Xun', and he is an orc warrior. As a sub-profession, the alchemist level is very high, and the financial strength is also very strong. During the time when the server was first launched, it has been floating around the 190th place in the comprehensive strength rankings."

Hermes frowned and asked, "So?"

"According to reliable information, Mr. Tazdin Xun is an expert in contraband manufacturing outside the game. He still remembers the second-level hallucinogenic drug [water] that was popular in major nightclubs and clubs five years ago. Velvet flowers]? If nothing else, it should be that gentleman’s handiwork.”

Mo Tan took out a thin envelope from his bag, lazily raised his arm and lifted it to the tip of Hermes's nose, smiling: "By the way, the last two characters of his game nickname happen to be he My real name is Ding Xun. I am currently working as an executive director of a private company in T city that specializes in medical equipment. My life can be said to be quite comfortable. I have four properties under my name and some small hidden assets. I have all these. It was marked on the information. Oh, by the way, he just got married the year before last. His wife is a native of T City. She looks just like that, but she is a good citizen. When she was in school, she was commended for her courageous actions. Last year I just gave birth to a big fat son~"

Hermes took a deep breath, and then directly opened the 'information' that Mo Tan handed him and read it. In just a few minutes, his expression changed several times, and finally settled on a rather solemn expression. , whispered: "This information..."

"It's free and true. If you don't believe it, you can ask someone to investigate it yourself. After all, there is a lot of content on it that won't stand up to scrutiny if it's fake."

Mo Tan waved his hand nonchalantly and said without looking back: "So, is this thing sincere enough?"

"As a greeting gift, it's a bit too heavy."

Hermes put the stack of information and the envelope in his pocket with great solemnity, and said bluntly: "This makes me very doubt whether I have the ability to repay your favor."

Mo Tan whistled and grinned, "You know the stuff."

"It doesn't count as knowing the goods."

But Hermes shook his head and said helplessly: "I just don't want to bargain."

"It doesn't matter."

Mo Tan took out two bottles of soda from his luggage, threw a grape-flavored one to Hemis, and then opened a bottle of Laobaigan himself. He took a sip and narrowed his eyes happily: "I'm not a People who believe in fairness don’t like to study prices, so you just need to consider your own gains and losses.”

Hermes nodded slightly and asked, "So, what do you need me to do?"

"Hiccup~The Street Committee of Bella Street..."

Mo Tan burped with a strong alcohol smell, stood up unsteadily, turned around and winked at Hermes: "Tomorrow, a new registration application will be received, and I need your approval. , and then give up his seat to the new member."


Hermes asked subconsciously.

"A friend of mine who should be familiar to you."

Mo Tan did not answer directly, but continued after passing him by in an understatement: "In short, if you agree, Officer Hao, you can offset the 'meeting gift' I gave you just now, and give it to you this time." Transactions that may not be reciprocal are viewed as 'proof of friendship' or 'beginning of cooperation'."

Hemis didn't hesitate at all and immediately laughed: "I have no reason to refuse at all, Mr. Feather, because you really suffered a huge loss in this transaction."

“Don’t people often say that suffering is a blessing?”

"As a police officer, I don't believe that kind of bullshit. You, who has a little bit of both black and white, shouldn't believe it either, right?"

"Haha, sir, please don't taint my innocence. We are good citizens."

"I would rather believe that suffering is a blessing..."

"Don't say that, Officer Hao, aren't you a street gangster in the eyes of countless people?"

"Confusion doesn't work for me, Mr. Feather."

"Uh...who is Mr. Feather?"

"You said your name was Feisel..."

"Oh, that's okay."

"Even if it's a fake name, don't just forget it."

"Sorry, sorry, it's a bit hard to pronounce. Please don't call me that in the future."

"Then what should I call you?"

"Just call me..."

Mo Tan smiled at Hermes, who subconsciously showed a little anticipation, and said cheerfully: "Just call me Tom."

Hermes twitched the corner of his mouth, and after a while he said helplessly: "It's also a fake name?"

"Yeah, but this one sounds easier to read. It's a pity that the Dragon-awakening master is too famous. Otherwise, I would definitely let you call me Li Lei. That one is easier to read."

Mo Tan laughed slyly, then put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly towards the door: "Well, since everyone has reached a basic consensus, I will leave first."

"How should I contact you in the future?"

Hemis regretted it as soon as he said these words. He felt that he was now just like a stalker, and even more so a homosexual lover.

"Didn't I say that the applicant tomorrow is my friend?"

"I have one more question."

"If it's the last one."

"How did you know I was a police officer?"

"Oh, you finally asked this! Come on, sit down and chat, I'll explain it to you~"

Chapter 1,466: End

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