Quadruple split

Chapter 1479 Campus Anecdotes

"One of the bad qualities of intelligent creatures~"

Mo Tan leaned lazily on the back of his chair, crossed his legs and tilted his head, complaining to Yi Dong who was sitting at the table behind him: "I just like to complicate simple problems, and then I feel smart."

Gay Friend A twitched the corners of his lips and said dryly: "I'm asking you what this class was about. What are you talking about?"

“This lesson condenses the distilled essence.”

Mo Tan grinned, grabbed a handful from the bag of potato chips in front of Yi Dong, chewed them, and said vaguely: "You're welcome."

Yidong, who slept through the class because the teacher's voice was too hypnotic, frowned and said hesitantly: "Are you sure? Will this thing pass the exam? Is it the bad nature of intelligent creatures to complicate simple questions? "

"Absolutely not."

Mo Tan gave the standard answer categorically.

"Then why are you talking to me?"

Yi Dong directly strangled Mo Tan's neck with his arms and stuck him on his table.

Mo Tan, who was being choked by a strong man, just yawned and said in a brisk tone: "It's because of your limited understanding. The teacher didn't talk about simplistic or complicated issues, but his class gave people It feels like complicating a simple problem~"


Yi Dong pinched Mo Tan's neck fiercely and said angrily: "I just want to ask you about some knowledge points that must be taken in the exam!"

Mo Tan casually opened Yi Dong's claws and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Is that thing useful?"

"Just because it's useless to a freak like you, doesn't mean it's useless to me!"

Yidong bit into a potato chip fiercely and said angrily: "I don't want to fail the exam!"

Mo Tan was even more puzzled: "What does not failing the exam have to do with memorizing knowledge points?"


Yi Dong looked at the textbook in front of him with despair, which was not much thinner than moving bricks, and weakly leaned on the table: "If I don't rely on knowledge points, how can I rely on you?"

Mo Tan turned the pen in his hand and raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you going to rely on me?"

"Why should I...wait a moment!!"

Yi Dong suddenly reacted mid-sentence and suddenly raised his head to look at Mo Tan: "Are you willing to help me cheat?! Damn it, the sun is coming out from the west?"

Mo Tan directly pulled the whole bag of potato chips in front of Yi Dong, shrugged and said: "I don't help you because it's useful for you to memorize those things. I've gone through almost all the lessons this semester. There's nothing you can use. owned."

"Really? I don't think I can even use it..."

Yi Dong complained at first, then suddenly his expression changed and he said in shock: "Wait a minute, although you have promised me now, what if during the exam... you suddenly get sick and regret it?"

Mo Tan shook his head and said lightly: "No, even if I am a perfect good boy, I will not ignore you who gave up studying hard after listening to my own advice."

Yidong, who has wanted this scourge in front of him to help him cheat in exams since he was a child, his eyes lit up and his whole body was radiant: "Really or not!?"

"You don't have to believe it~"

Mo Tan stood up lazily, grabbed the brick-like textbook in front of Yi Dong and shook it: "How about I give you the key points?"

Without thinking, Yi Dong immediately grabbed the brick in Mo Tan's hand and threw it out the window: "Don't even think about it! I've been waiting for you to help me cheat for more than ten years."

"Tsk, tsk."

Mo Tan smacked his lips, raised his eyebrows and said, "Even if it's the second floor, you might still kill someone if you throw that thing out."

Yidong, who was belatedly aware of this, was also panicked when he heard this. He looked out the window and forced a smile and said: "It's impossible, it's impossible. You know the probability of hitting someone by just throwing something out of the window... Fuck." groove!!!"

"Is it really smashed?"

Mo Tan was stunned when he heard Yi Dong's extreme yelling. Then he walked to the latter with his pockets in his hands and looked down. His tone was calm and low: "Fuck you."

Just below the two people, not far away from the teaching building, a man surrounded by many people was lying on the ground in a 'big' shape, and a pair of broken glasses and the book Idong had just thrown downstairs The book lay quietly next to the man's head.

After half a minute of deathly silence, Yi Dong stiffly turned his head to look at Mo Tan, whose expression was still joyless and sorrowless. His whole body was shaking like chaff, and he was so frightened that he was out of tune: "I...I, I, I, I I, I, I..."

"Well...it's not a big problem."

Mo Tan gently patted Yi Dong on the shoulder and said calmly: "Go buy a lottery ticket after you are released from prison."

Yidong was shocked at that time, and roared in a voice that was almost like a scream: "It's not a big fucking problem if you call this!"

"Based on the thickness and weight of your book..."

Mo Tan frowned, ignored the increasingly intense noise downstairs, held his chin and murmured to himself: "Twenty years to life, if I remember correctly, the sentence for manslaughter has changed from 2000 to 2000." Already from the beginning..."


The pale-faced Yi Dong sat down by the window, his face already covered with sweat.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Seeing his virtue, Mo Tan stopped teasing him. He just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I think the victim won't be smashed to death so easily."

Yi Dong immediately raised his head and looked at Mo Tan, with the light of hope rekindled in his eyes: "Right! I knew this thing couldn't kill someone!"

"No, this thing could very well kill someone."

Mo Tan immediately poured cold water on him, and then grinned at the ashen Yi Dong across from him and said, "But I think there won't be any big problem this time. Well, if you're still worried... Well, let me give it to you. Send something over, check your email."

After saying that, Mo Tan took out his cell phone and operated it dizzyingly a few times, and then a ghostly ringing tone came from Yi Dong's pocket.

Without saying a word, the latter immediately took out his mobile phone, opened his mailbox, and downloaded the untitled attachment. Then his face turned dark visibly to the naked eye——

"what is this?"

He stood up and thrust the phone directly into Mo Tan's face, gritted his teeth and asked, "What is this!"

"You can't read?"

Mo Tan carefully looked at the medical records on the screen and made sure that it was not full of garbled characters before looking at Yi Dong again with some confusion.

"It's just because I know how to read! I'm asking you what this thing is!"

As Yi Dong quickly rushed out of the classroom and rushed towards the 'scene' downstairs, he turned to Mo Tan who was following him and said angrily: "Why do I have such an outrageous mental certificate!?"

Mo Tan slipped directly from the escalator and said sternly to Yi Dong who was running downstairs at the same speed: "Start from the first time you were dumped by a woman. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to think about it and went on a killing spree, so I gave it to you. I got a copy of this thing and will update it every year after that.”

"Why the hell should I go on a killing spree!"

Yidong rushed towards the crowd outside the teaching building and roared: "That normal person would secretly issue a mental illness certificate because he was worried that his friend would not want to kill him!"

Mo Tan coughed lightly and smiled coquettishly: "Sorry, I was a little impulsive at the time. When I thought about it carefully later, I felt it wasn't appropriate..."


Looking at his friend who was still sarcastic just now, but now his demeanor has changed drastically due to a sudden 'illness', Yidong felt bad: "Which one of us is sick? You are the one who needs treatment." Prove it!"

Mo Tan nodded and said sternly: "Well, I also have a similar certificate in case of emergency."

Yidong rolled his eyes, then squeezed into the crowd, looked at the unlucky guy who was obviously knocked down by his textbook, and then——

I saw the other party suddenly raised his head as if he were a resurrected corpse, and at first glance he looked like he was still dead.

The next second, Yidong, who knew that he had not become a murderer, let out a long sigh of relief. His anxious heart finally fell back. At the same time, there was still a mysterious and complex emotion permeating his thoughts. Come on, we can call it simply - egg pain!

"Brother... I'm afraid I won't be able to have lunch with everyone today..."

While Cui Xiaoyu squirmed towards Yi Dong Ye Mo Tan, he slowly stretched out his trembling hand and said with difficulty: "Help me find that bastard who threw bricks...I'll blackmail him to death!"

After saying that, he tilted his head and lost consciousness again in front of everyone.

At this moment, Yi Dong's entire body had turned pale.

In the end, Mo Tan, who was more reliable after his illness, smiled bitterly and squatted next to Cui Xiaoyu, gently shook the latter's shoulder, and said helplessly: "What, the book just now was accidentally thrown down by Yi Dong."


Cui Xiaoyu, who was 'unconscious', stood up immediately after hearing this and said in a shocked voice: "Really or not!?"

At the same time, the teachers and students, who knew that the murder was hopeless, also dispersed. Soon, only Mo Tan, Yi Dong and Cui Xiaoyu were left in front of the bleak teaching building.

"Sorry, Xiaoyu."

After coming back to his senses, Yi Dong immediately ran to Cui Xiaoyu, who seemed to be fine but his face was a little blue, helped him pick up his glasses that fell on the ground, and said with a dry smile: "I didn't mean to smash you. "

Mo Tan raised his hand and waved it in front of the face of Cui Xiaoyu, who looked a little distracted. He judged very firmly: "Well, it must be a slight concussion. It's not a big problem. Go to the infirmary." Let’s do a little check on the side, and then go back to the dormitory and take a nap. You should be fine when you wake up.”


Cui Xiaoyu, whose eyes were a little straight, nodded, then turned around and moved towards the infirmary with difficulty. As the culprit, Yi Dong immediately ran up to support him and expressed his gratitude to Mo Tan. I will accompany Xiaoyu to the infirmary first, and then meet him in the cafeteria later.

Just like that, Mo Tan suddenly turned into a person. He looked quite lonely standing in front of the teaching building, pinching his wrist as if he had been wronged...

But in fact, I just planned to use my little genius phone watch because I suddenly had no acquaintances around me.

Soon, the little genius's phone watch, which is much more accurate than the GPS of a mobile phone, locked onto San Canteen, and in the next second he issued an instruction with great confidence: "Please turn left along the current road."

Mo Tan immediately turned left confidently.

Five minutes later, the watch spoke confidently again: "Please turn left along the current road."

So Mo Tan continued to turn left.

Ten minutes later, the watch asked to turn left, and Mo Tan turned left for the third time.

Fifteen minutes later, the watch continued to order its owner to turn left, but Mo Tan, who had completely lost himself, continued to turn left, and then saw the large library of Tanhua University.

At this moment, Mo Tan couldn't help but feel deeply grateful that he had texted Kang Lan long after Yi Dong and Cui Xiaoyu left, asking him to go to the popular new restaurant in San Canteen for him, which is where everyone decided to have lunch today. Space takes up seats.

But even so——

"It would be too outrageous to run into the library, which is completely in the opposite direction from the Third Canteen..."

Mo Tan sighed deeply, turned to look at the watch on his left wrist, and shook his head helplessly: "Something went wrong again."

Well, the use of ‘again’ is very charming.

To put it simply, this is not the first time that Mo Tan has damaged the little genius phone watch.

As for the reason, just like many people with special physiques often wear watches with errors, it can be attributed to the special biological magnetic field unique to humans.

According to scientific research, among every thousand people, there are one or two people with special biomagnetic fields. Although they seem to be no different from everyone else, the electronic devices they wear personally, such as electronic watches, mobile phones and the like, have a lower failure rate. will be significantly higher than the average.

This is a normal phenomenon. Although it is not common, it is not too special. It is about the same proportion as the population with 'Rh-negative blood'.

Mo Tan is that person with a special biomagnetic field. Although it does not affect things like refrigerators, washing machines, and laptops, small electronic products such as electronic watches, mobile phones, and walkmans around him are easily damaged.

All in all, this is quite a bummer.

Mo Tan sighed again, and then took out his mobile phone with more than a dozen navigation software installed, randomly opened one and prepared to go back as soon as possible.

As a result, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded not far away from the side——

"What are you doing here?"

Ji Xiaodao, who was wearing a school uniform, had cold eyes and an even colder voice, looked at Mo Tan with slightly frowning eyebrows, and asked curiously: "Didn't you go to the cafeteria with Yi Dong to get a seat? He went there by himself?"

Mo Tan, who was not very good at dealing with Ji Xiaodao under his current personality, coughed lightly, shook his head and said, "Yidong sent Xiaoyu to the infirmary."

"He ate the biscuits my sister gave everyone the day before yesterday?"

"No...he was hit by a book thrown out of the window by Yi Dong. It seems that he suffered a concussion."

"Who are you lying to?"

"I really didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, Xiaodao-san, go back and ask them yourself."

"Okay, what about you? Why did you come here?"

"I wanted to go to the cafeteria, but I got lost here."


"You believe this very quickly!"

Seeing that the girl nodded as she should, even Mo Tan under his current personality couldn't help but complain, and then changed the subject with a dry smile: "Speaking of which, Xiaodao-san, where have you been looking at the scenery recently? Yes?"

Ji Xiaodao narrowed his eyes subconsciously and asked, "Why do you ask this?"

"Just out of curiosity. After all, you are not very gregarious. You have never met anyone in the game."

"You speak very directly."

"Another purpose is to change the topic. I really don't want to hear you complain about my sense of direction."

"...over there on the southwest continent."


"I mean, I was looking at the scenery in the southwest continent recently."

"Oh, does it look good?"


"Where to the southwest?"

"The jingoistic empire."


Chapter 1,470: End

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