Quadruple split

Chapter 1489 Profile

Along the way, Femiguel, Cordoba and Mo Tan didn't say much.

Fimi simply closed his mouth and concentrated on controlling the elements to reduce the frequency of flapping his wings because of what he called rheumatic pterygoiditis. The impact was too great, and everyone was in a state of panic; while Mo Tan continued to think about what he had been thinking about since he went online...

There are thoughts about the ‘abyss’.

If nothing else happens, things should have already...or should be said to have already come to a head.

Perhaps before the incident in Academy City, Mo Tan still had many reasons to escape, prevaricate, and even seize on the obvious illusion in the City of Light to turn a blind eye to everything, but at this moment, he no longer has any There is no reason to face the 'abyss' that has never left you.

When all kinds of clues are connected together, when the scattered puzzle pieces are spliced ​​and integrated, when he really reaches out to explore, those confusing fragments instantly turn into a large amount of scattered and complete, true and sharp information, and in an instant, he is completely Swallowed in it.

Therefore, there is no point in continuing to close your eyes tightly.

Although he was far from ready, Mo Tan knew very well that he would never be ready, so it no longer mattered when he started.

[It would be nice if we were not too far behind...]

He gently pinched the scales between his eyebrows and muttered something silently in his heart. Then he looked at the floating clouds passing by outside, and his thoughts fell into a state that was infinitely close to emptying out, but in fact he was able to put his The angle of view has been raised to a whole new level, able to get rid of most of the state of perceptual thoughts.

This is a state that Mo Tan can enter stably regardless of his personality. Not only can he not be affected by subjectivity, but he can also view things three-dimensionally from all angles.

In fact, this is not his unique ability, but a way of thinking that many smart people use intentionally or unintentionally. However, Mo Tan has more advantages in this aspect. After all, he has three different eyes. His current personality will definitely be the main one, and he will be much stronger than many people.

In fact, in this case, in addition to thinking like this, finding someone to chat with can also have a certain effect, just like Mo Tan often asks Yi Dong to discuss things, although he may not need the other person's opinion at all, But as long as someone can get together and talk about it, he can get a lot of inspiration.

But it won't work this time, because what Mo Tan is thinking about at this moment is his only secret about Yi Dong, his best friend. He has never told about his 'fourth mental state' in the past, and now he will not Yes, and I won't do it in the future.

So in this case, thinking in a more laborious way is the only thing Mo Tan can do.

Of course, there is a better way, that is, Mo Tan finds a way to enter the extremely weird state before and chat with himself in an extremely weird space.

Since he's not completely crazy yet and doesn't really want to be completely crazy, he doesn't consider it at all.

All in all, Mo Tan, who was completely lost in his thoughts, breathed out a breath of turbid air and officially started thinking.

Mo Tan, who was immersed in his thoughts, 'saw' chaos, just like the 'field of vision' we have when we close our eyes but want to continue to see things.

[The order is from macro to micro, from the overall to the details...]

Like a broken mirror, two gaps suddenly appeared in the chaos 'in front of you', dividing everything that existed and did not exist into three, blending with each other, but independent of each other.

[The first thing to determine is that Mo Tan's mental state is theoretically divided into three types. Using the positioning in the realm of innocence, it can be specifically divided into 'absolutely neutral' personalities, that is, the Black Brahma and 'Chaos' in the game. The neutral personality is Tan Mo in the game, and the lawful good personality is Mo in the game. These three personalities are dominant in reality, but not all -]

A little deep mottled surface quietly emerged from the nothingness in the deepest part of my mind, like a bottle of ink that had been spilled in mid-air but had not yet hit the ground.

[In addition, there is a mental state that although it cannot be described as 'camp' at all, but if placed in a nine-square grid, only the concept of 'chaotic evil' can barely describe it. That is in reality. It is recessive and has not appeared for a long time, but it is a personality that accompanies Mo Tan into the realm of innocence and reawakens in this world. 】

The deep ink stains spread and turned into thin ripples, flowing silently as if blending into the background, like a nightmare or an illusion.

[In Mo Tan’s original vision, this was just an unexpected phenomenon unique to this game. It was the lingering sound of a long-lost existence that occasionally woke up. It was a ray of remnant that nothing could change or shake. soul. 】

The black ripples suddenly started to stir like boiling water, and turned into a blurry outline in the next moment. If the real black sandalwood was drawn as a silhouette, it should look like this now.

[But that is wrong. Everything 'I' saw was the product of some deliberate guidance. It was not a dream or an illusion, but a reality that had completely woken up and looked at everything with cold eyes. , is a 'concrete existence' that is not bound in this world, but breaks the cage and takes back the will. 】

The chaos that was originally divided into three gradually distorted and turned into three figures with different shapes and styles. They were Mo Tan who was wearing pajamas and a calm expression, Mo Tan who was wearing a white sportswear and a cheerful smile, and another who was wearing a windbreaker. Mo Tan had his hands in his pockets and smiled with his eyes narrowed, but the silhouette just now was still just a silhouette.

[This world did not divide the abnormal existence of Mo Tan into three, but divided him into four parts, three bright and one dark. 】

The black silhouette slowly retreated, standing quietly far away from the three people who couldn't stop talking, hiding in the blind spot of their vision, throwing out an equally dark puppet, and using the silk threads on the fingertips to control it to struggle, roar, and draw its neck. roar.

[From now on, all subsequent thinking must be based on two major premises. First, that malice is not without sanity. On the contrary, judging from the monster suppressed in the City of Light, I am afraid that he has already Set out to prove... not to prove one's 'existence', but to prove one's own 'non-existence'. 】

Two new silk threads spread out and silently connected to Mo Tan, who was wearing pajamas and sportswear, allowing the two of them to dance together with the two graceful figures that suddenly appeared. The dance was gorgeous and elegant, and the dance steps were seamless.

[Secondly, at a certain point in time not long ago, certain things changed. Taking the player who could change his own form as an introduction, he began to 'interfere' and 'adjust' certain things. From an objective point of view, This approach is beneficial and harmless to the black sand itself. 】

With his hands in his pockets and wearing a black windbreaker, Mo Tan suddenly turned his head. Although he didn't see the silhouette in the distance, he found the two silk threads floating in the air, and his smiling eyes widened.

[This is not a deliberate signal. In fact, if I, as 'Tan Mo', had not gone to find Cole on a whim that day and got stuck in the gap period when nothing should have happened, I would probably have All the credit should be regarded as Cole Shuren's superb performance. In other words, in the opponent's plan, this exposure was still just an accident. 】

The black silhouette Feng Danyun gently dropped the thread in his hand and stood calmly, turning a blind eye to the three people who slowly turned to look at him.

[But from another perspective, if this risk has been calculated from the beginning, does it mean that he no longer cares...at least not as much as he cared about being noticed at the beginning? 】

The black silhouette stepped forward, walking like a leisurely stroll, and in the process passed by countless familiar figures of Mo Tan, whether it was Yu Chen, Ji Xiaoge, Yi Dong, Cordoba or Mo Tan. Tan's other acquaintances were all under his panoramic view.

[The next thing is the key point. According to the information that the player has, that person knows the existence of Ji Xiaoge and Yu Chen very well, and even has a great understanding of the circle that the four of them belong to. There is a huge secret here. The problem is that the other party holds a large amount of information that is theoretically absolutely impossible. 】

The curtain of chaos disappeared, replaced by a pair of huge eyes.

[His method is very clever. At first glance, it seems that the player is simply extracting words from Cole and using that information flexibly, but the problem is that it appears further forward and can directly target the ' Mo' and 'Hei Fan', and he is very clear about Cole's role. The person who is behind everything and is in charge of everything knows too much. 】

The reflections of the three people were reflected in the dark pupils.

[When you stare into the abyss, is the abyss also staring at you...? So, the top priority now is indeed...]


Accompanied by a throbbing pain in his head, Mo Tan suddenly woke up from the thoughts just now, and when he called up the character panel, he found that his physical fitness value had returned to zero.

After all, this kind of high-intensity thinking that requires forcing oneself to abandon emotions and fixate on a transcendent perspective cannot be sustained for too long. During the period just now, Mo Tan's physical fitness level has always been increasing at a steady rate. It continued to decrease, until now, he finally found it difficult to maintain that state and passively broke out of it.

However, thanks to the intense thinking just now, he finally cleared his mind completely and set a tone for himself.

That is--

No matter what the situation, you must act and think on the premise that the other party can spy on your thoughts!

Because the only reason that can explain the player's previous actions is that the person who ordered him has a very high level of understanding of the existence of 'Black Brahma', 'Mo Tan', otherwise it would be impossible to directly transfer 'Black Brahma' and 'Mo Tan' ' and 'Cole' are three key units connected in series, and the exposure of Cole means the exposure of 'Tan Mo'. Therefore, if you want to grasp this kind of information, it is unrealistic to focus on any character alone. Unless you can keep an eye on three at the same time!

And in this world, the only person who can keep an eye on Mo Tan's three characters in "The Boundary of Innocence" at the same time is himself! Beyond that, absolutely no one can do it.

This is not a fantasy, because Mo Tan has experienced this memory synchronization countless times. There is no need to return to reality. Even if the process of switching personalities completely occurs in the realm of innocence, he is removed from the role. The memory will naturally be synchronized to 'self'.

For example, if you have two characters in your account in a game, even if they have different names, genders, camps, and social circles, you will not lose the memory of using the previous character after changing accounts.

So Mo Tan is very familiar with this matter, very familiar with it, so familiar!

Admittedly, there are still many doubts about this matter. For example, the memories and thoughts of the three personalities of 'Absolute Neutral', 'Chaotic Neutral' and 'Lawful Good' that make up the current Mo Tan have been completely interoperable since a long time ago. Yes, using the example we gave before, just like you who wanted to eat noodles yesterday morning, you who wanted to eat steamed buns this morning, and you who wanted to eat rice tomorrow morning are all undoubtedly the same person, and that is almost the same person now. The personality that has been confirmed to exist and has always been hidden in the dark, although it seems to share the life of 'Motan', it stingily does not share anything that belongs to 'himself', as if that personality is not 'at all' Motan', but something else.

In addition, there are also many doubts about the fact that the player did not see through his plan. You must know that in order to plan the 'big picture', Mo Tan spent a lot of time and energy, not only racking his brains in reality Thinking about it, every character in the game has tried their best, but if all this can be read nakedly by the opponent, the opponent can choose to stop early at the same time as the player who can freely change the appearance, instead of just This will allow you to complete the kill in a logical manner.

All in all, there are still a lot of issues that Mo Tan can't figure out at the moment, but he is still determined to act as if his every move is being monitored from now on, although it will be difficult to move, and even his thoughts will be to a certain extent. Xanadu is no longer free, and this must be remembered.

Of course, many people may have thought that for Mo Tan now, there is a more secure solution, that is to abandon the pit [The Realm of Innocence], but in fact, this is his most dangerous solution now. An act that is impossible to consider.

The reason is simple. After knowing that the 'personality' has not disappeared, but still exists in his own spirit, the nature of the matter has changed.

Mo Tan could tolerate having a bomb hidden in his head, but he couldn't tolerate it no matter what personality he had. He didn't even know what model the bomb was!

Chapter 1,480: End

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