Quadruple split

Chapter 1503 Secret Service*3

Chapter 1503 Secret Service 3

The dark elf who called herself Ophelia Laurel and whose real identity was one of the senior chiefs of staff of [Female Bee] did not leave for too long. Less than a quarter of an hour later, she returned to the cubicle, with many more behind her. Two people.

The two were not familiar faces to Xiao Ai, but they were not unfamiliar faces either.

"I didn't hear that anyone else would come..."

Hermes smacked his lips and sat on the edge of the sofa on the side of the door, fiddling with the buttons of his leather jacket with a somewhat tangled expression. He looked dissatisfied at the puffing 'other' beside him and said, Asked: "By the way, why are you here?"

Elma Heche glanced at Hermes expressionlessly, her plump lips that were always curled up with a charming smile turned into a thin line: "Because I should have appeared here."

"Would you mind speaking a little more clearly?"

Hermes rolled his eyes a little irritably, and the street fighter aura slowly faded away, and was replaced by Officer Hao's style. Although it was not visible, it made people feel inexplicably decent.

He is not an idiot, so he knows that under the current circumstances, there is no need to continue to maintain the same external persona as before. After all, Alma, who obviously knows more than him, seems to have also 'taken off her disguise' and transformed into a new person. From that young madam with a fiery personality to a...

I can’t tell what it is, but she doesn’t look like a high-fashion lady who sells skin and flesh.

Faced with Hermes's question, Alma ignored it completely and just stared at Xiao Ai, who was sitting on the sofa in the middle not far away and seemed to be a very good girl.

So Hermes also looked over and turned his attention to Ms. Wormwood, who was most likely related to someone.

The bartender Ophelia was leaning against the door with her arms folded, looking at the three people in the room with interest.

"Let me introduce myself again..."

Xiao Ai gently put the soda in his hand on the table and smiled at the two of them: "My name is Ai Fanye, one of Mr.'s followers."

Hemis blinked and asked without understanding: "What about the senior advisor of the Kaivos family?"

"Countess Lesa is one of Sir's most loyal partners, and the so-called senior advisor is a position that is relatively convenient for us to get involved in certain specific matters. It can be me or anyone else."

Xiao Ai gave the explanation with a shy smile, and then emphasized: "Of course, the Kevos family is not anyone's puppet, they just gave us absolute trust, and the countess herself is a friend of Sir, so I I don’t want you two to look down upon her in the slightest.”

Alma immediately nodded solemnly and responded loudly: "Yes, Ms. Vanye!"


Hermes raised his right hand, folded his index and middle fingers together, and gently swiped them from the corner of his eyes, giving Xiao Ai a cordial forehead-wiping salute.

"Very well, if that's the case."

Xiao Ai clapped her hands happily and smiled at the two of them: "That's about it for the opening remarks. So, would you two consider introducing yourself a little bit?"

"Irma Heche."

The store manager of [Roman Abyss] raised her skirt elegantly, then leaned over without hesitation and said: "The leader of the 17th action team of [Night Hunt] under the Fire Claw of the Violet Empire."


Officer Hao had no choice but to keep up with the rhythm, and shrugged concisely: "Alien law enforcer."

Because he had already learned the identities of the two from Mo Tan, Xiao Ai, who had fully taken over the docking task, did not show the slightest surprise. He just nodded slightly and smiled gently at Alma: "Sit down, everyone. We are the ones doing things, so don’t be too formal with each other.”

"Okay, Miss Vanye."

Alma showed a bright smile to Xiao Ai, and then sat on the sofa opposite Hermes, while Ophelia still leaned against the door on guard, sipping the soda in her hand with restraint.

"Is this the first time that Miss Alma and Miss Ophelia meet today?"

Xiao Ai looked at the two ladies in front of him with some curiosity and smiled: "We are both working in the City of Freedom. I thought you knew each other."

Ophelia shook her head with a smile and said softly: "This question is more or less embarrassing..."

"Feel sorry."

Xiao Ai immediately apologized meekly, but did not change the topic. He just sat there quietly drinking a drink, letting the atmosphere gradually become silent.

Obviously, the girl has not given up on this seemingly casual question, so the apology is not so much because of the rudeness of the question just now, but rather as an apology for continuing to ask after knowing that this matter is relatively sensitive. .

"Actually, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. At least you don't need to hide it from Miss Fanye."

Alma took a puff of cigarette, subconsciously puffed out two eye circles, then turned to glance at Hermes: "It's just..."

[Sure enough, no matter how hard you try to reduce the sense of existence, you can't be treated as non-existent. 】

Sighing secretly in his heart, Hermes spread his hands helplessly: "Although I think my mouth is quite tight, if these ladies feel it is necessary, I can leave first..."

"No need, sir, we have given instructions to make Mr. Hermes feel our sincerity as much as possible."

However, Xiao Ai raised his hand to stop Officer Hao who was reluctantly standing up. Then he glanced at Alma and Ophelia respectively, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can guarantee Mr. Hemis's reliability." Sex, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Ophelia, who knew that she would have to write a report for a long time today, pinched her eyebrows, turned to Alma and asked: "You say what I say?"

"Let me tell you."

Alma took out a small iron box and knocked the cigarette ashes into it while saying: "First of all, you... no, at least Miss Vanye should already know that Ophelia and I are both from the Violet Empire, and our status is also Not too low.”

Hermes blinked, reflected for a long time, then gently clapped his hands, and suddenly said: "Oh, that Violet Empire in the south, right?"

"It seems that Mr. Hermes is indeed an alien."

Ophelia, whose eyes flickered when she said the last three words, raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "If we were 'natives', we wouldn't have lived to be so old without knowing about the Violet Empire."

Hermes grinned and happily accepted the rather narrow-minded squeeze from the other party. He was not a shabby person from another world. He felt that he would be thankful just to be able to figure out this little thing in the Free City.

"But although we are both from the Violet Empire, we are not in the same system."

Alma gently picked up her ruby ​​necklace, which had never been seen in its entirety because it was usually hidden in ravines, and gently shook it twice at a certain frequency: "I belong to the Fire Claw Territory. The secret service agency [Night Hunt] is directly responsible to the war chief."

Xiao Ai nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "Is the chief referring to... Grand Duke Rhinoceros and Bloodaxe?"

"Yes, it is the former eight lords of the Violet Empire...one of the current seven lords, Grand Duke Xiluo."

Alma gave an affirmative answer and said with a serious face: "But we people in the Fire Claw Territory still prefer the name Warchief."

【? ? ? 】

Hermes blinked with a dull expression, obviously unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"And the [Female Bee] I belong to is a special department serving His Highness the Regent."

Ophelia saw that what Alma said was so painful, she stopped hiding it and explained bluntly: "The object of allegiance is to the Royal Violet Family."


Hermes didn't understand much, but he was greatly shocked. While he was deeply aware of the close connection between the two, he was also deeply aware of how powerful his collaborator, the man called Mr. by the girl sitting in the middle, was. Great magical powers.

All in all, as the two ladies said, they are secret organizations affiliated to the regent of the Violet Empire and the Archduke Fire Claw, one of the seven lords of the Violet Empire.

It only took Xiao Ai a moment to clarify the positions of the two parties. At the same time, he also understood why Ofelia just said this question was somewhat embarrassing.

There can only be one reason, and that is that Prince Hugh Bresne, who has already become the de facto controller of the Violet Family despite holding the title of Regent, is far from completely controlling the entire empire.

Even though Xiao Ai is just an outsider, she has carefully studied the history of the Violet Empire and personally experienced the entire process of the Marshall Territory rebellion. She knows very well that this empire has not been an iron plate made of steel since a long time ago. A set of sharp-edged puzzle pieces.

There were a total of nine families in the founding era, Violet, Dantes, Hussein, Baroka, Marshall, Crystal Wolf, Fernand, Simon, and Fire Claw. Although they stood under the same banner, they acted independently from the beginning. , the relationship between them is very delicate, any two families have a record of countless friendships and frictions.

In fact, Violet is not so much an empire as it is a federation similar to the Southwest Continent Silver Wings Alliance, except that the relationship between the various member forces is much closer.

To put it bluntly, it is a Violet family that is responsible for maintaining balance and being supported in the most advantageous position, and several other countries within a country.

Regardless of the so-called appearance, in the history of this empire, there is no clear affiliation between any two forces, even if one of them is the Violet family that is named the country.

But since the fall of the Marshall Territory, the assassination of Crown Prince Ribo, Emperor Clairvaux's retreat into the background, and Hugh Bresne officially becoming active as regent, many people have realized that the Violet Empire may be about to change.

His Royal Highness the Regent has never concealed his purpose, which is to completely eradicate the behavior of the major lords from enclosing land as kings, and turn this empire into a veritable 'Violet Empire'.

Everyone knows his ambition, but it is difficult to stop him.

The first Marshall family to be caught has become history.

The Dantès family, who intended to murder Emperor Clairvaux and assassinate Xiu, was directly suppressed by the latter from within. They had already completely surrendered to the regent.

The Crystal Wolf family has become increasingly weak in recent decades. Its head, Grand Duke Emmeline, is engaged to the Prince Regent. If nothing happens, the entire Crystal Wolf territory will become her dowry.

Contrary to the Crystal Wolf family, the Hussein family, which has grown stronger over the years, was liquidated by the regent with nearly 40% of its property due to its close contacts with the Marshall family, and was also forced to disband. More than half of the leaders have become fish on the chopping board.

In this way, the regent miraculously absorbed nearly half of the nutrients from the ruins of the Marshall family in just half a year, and completely became subordinates of the other two families, turning the Hussein family from the most prosperous to the most prosperous. decline.

However, this is the limit that His Highness Xiu can achieve after seizing a wave of opportunities. As for the remaining Fernan family, Baroka family, Simon family and Fire Claw clan, they are busy digesting and integrating the existing forces. The regent, who continued to put pressure on the Hussein family, had no power left to do anything more to them.

Therefore, these four families, which were originally the most firmly on the side of the royal family during the counter-insurgency war, are now the furthest away from the royal family.

Because of this, as the secret service departments of both parties, there is naturally no direct contact between [Night Hunter] and [Female Bee].

In other words, Ophelia and Emma, ​​two women who were both born in the Violet Empire and were both civil servants, had a very subtle position with each other.

Of course, this subtlety did not turn into hostility. After all, the Chief of Rhinoceros still had a good impression of His Highness the Regent, and he always remembered that he personally helped the Fire Claws to kill Marshall and avenge the blood feud that had lasted for decades. File matter.

It's just that the political aspect is too involved. Even if the Fire Claw clan is willing to be loyal to the Violet Family instead of the Violet Empire, this is destined to be a long process. No matter how powerful Xiu is, no matter how he can promote the development of the situation, it is impossible. Take this process straight to zero.

[Night Hunt] and [Female Bee], two organizations of similar nature, may work together under the same system in the future, but it is only 'maybe' and 'future', not even half a cent compared to now.

They are now just...

"According to the order of His Highness the Regent, from the end of the Academy City exchange meeting until the next time we receive clear instructions, all forces in the Free City will fully cooperate with that adult's actions."

Ophelia suppressed a smile and made a rather extreme statement meticulously.

"According to the orders of the Great Chief, from the time when the object codenamed 'Ghost Card' arrives in the Free City, the three [Night Hunting] operation teams in the Free City will mobilize all resources to cooperate with the operation of 'Ghost Card'."

Alma also put down the pipe in her hand, turned to Xiao Ai and said seriously: "As long as I have trust, I will not give up even if I die."

"I... belong to the alien spy department [Internet Police]..."

Feeling that he was out of tune with the current atmosphere, Hermes tugged at the corners of his lips, and after a while he sighed deeply——

"I can help delete the bad website browsing history of your friends from another world."

Chapter 1,494: End

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