Quadruple split

Chapter 1518 Fantasy Sword

twenty minutes later

Game time PM13:04

Competition map, northern part of the ice field, main battlefield planned codenamed [Thousand Sun Flames], outside the third defense circle of Pride of the Dragon

[Yuan Qu·Under the Shadow of a Little Feihong]

Along with an elegant sword light passing through the air like a rainbow, two tall men stopped helplessly again. They were wearing battle armor that exuded dazzling golden light like light casts, holding weapons with exquisite heraldic carvings. The giant sword, with the aura surging on the surface of the body flying up and down, continued to provide the most timely blessing effect. Not only was it unable to successfully tear apart the seemingly extremely thin line of defense in front of it, it was even forced to retreat after a fierce battle. A few meters away.

The next moment, an old man wearing a black runic robe who was carefully guarded by two people suddenly pointed his finger, and three high-level water magic [Chaotic Blade Torrents] swept through without any warning. came out, directly blocking Mu Xuejian's front, left and right directions.

At the same time, a bearded goblin who was half-crouching on the ground making temporary modifications to a small communicator suddenly stood up and took out a magic engraved weapon from his storage belt with extremely skillful movements. The metal barrel was aimed steadily in the air.

In the opinion of this senior member of the pyrotechnics and demolition engineering team, that area is the only direction the target can dodge, because according to the tactics of the white-haired girl opposite, it is absolutely impossible to be hit by the [Thousand Curse Floating Board] after three rounds. The amplified dense water blade was unscathed. In other words, she had to make a large dodge in a short period of time, and she could only jump upwards.

And although the one-time [Dragon Slayer Cannon] in his hand is obviously a bit exaggerated, but its power is indeed terrifying, it can definitely evaporate it in an instant!

【bring it on! 】

The field engineer who had already immediately adjusted the multifunctional tactical goggles in front of him to [Enemy Search Mode] and successfully completed the connection with the [Dragon Slayer Cannon] took a deep breath, licked his chapped lips, and only Wait for the opponent to jump up and pull the trigger.

But what he didn't know was that he no longer had the chance to blast out the [Dragon Conquest Bullet], which was enough to break the defense of an adult dragon with a single shot, because the enemy he was waiting for had already completed its avoidance half a second ago. , the foolproof kind.

The whole process was so simple that it was outrageous. The moment the old man who belonged to the Holy Miracle Thousand Curses Mage Group had just completed the silent spell and pointed out the three water blades whose power was close to the epic level magic, the ground under Mu Xuejian's feet began to collapse. It dropped two meters in an instant like an elevator, and because the three dense water blades almost locked the small area centered on Mu Xuejian, this incredible round of avoidance was not noticed by the enemy at all.

So it wasn't until the [Chaos Blade Torrent] whizzed past the place where the girl had just stood and gradually moved away that the field engineer who had been focusing his attention on the sky realized that the situation had changed.

Of course, as the 'correspondent' who was covered at the rear, it didn't matter if he reacted a little slower, but as the two soul-casting guards in the front row, they were unlucky. In the process of searching for the enemy again, they were suddenly caught by a drizzle of rain. The long sword shadow 'baptized' for five seconds!

[Wan Jian Jue]

The white-haired girl who was lifted up by a gust of breeze stood in the air with her hands behind her back like a sword fairy. The aqua long sword that had never left her hand since leaving the Tibetan Soldier Cave was constantly spinning in front of her, shooting out every round. Dozens of sword shadows that were both 'sharp' and 'feminine' were not physical, but their lethality was several times sharper than the [Ten Thousand Swords Technique] she used when she soloed with Mo Tan in the fighting skills competition.

On the one hand, it was because Mu Xuejian only used less than 50% of her strength when fighting Mo Tan, and she had to be careful not to accidentally kill or seriously injure the former. Now, not only did she use her full strength, she even With a calm and cold killing intent!

On the other hand, Mu Xuejian is not fighting alone this time!

[Fantasy Sword·Drowning Whisper]

Manufacturer: Futaba

Weapon Category: One-Handed Sword

Quality: only excellent - can grow

Attack power: strong

Attributes: Strength +5%, Dexterity +5%


[Utopian Structure]: This equipment is regarded as a skill

[Fantasy Sword·Feng Shui]: When attacking, it adds wind and water element attribute effects.

[Super Linkage]: When the maker is within a fifty-meter radius of the weapon, he can use it as a medium to cast low- and mid-level magic of the wind element school and water element school, and reduce the mana consumption by 50%.

[Wind Pressure]: When blocking an attack with a 'ballistic' nature, the physical energy consumption is reduced by 10% - 30%.

[Water Fold]: Low probability of knocking away non-physical attacks with 'ballistic' properties, and extremely low probability of rebounding non-physical attacks with 'ballistic' properties.

Equipment requirements: Approved by the manufacturer, any sword specialization>40

[Note 1: A highly versatile weapon carefully made by Futaba for Mu Xuejian, whom he fell in love with at first sight. 】

[Note 2: Cheap favor for mass production. 】

[Remark 3: The system fools you@#]

The above is the specific panel of the long sword floating in front of Mu Xuejian. Although it is not very strong at first glance, it is completely incomparable with Futaba's own Law Enforcer series, and the quality is only "uniquely excellent", which is comparable to Futaba's own Law Enforcer series. Mu Xuejian's beloved sword [Wushuang] can be said to be in the sky and on the earth, but this weapon is extremely versatile as Futaba said in the notes.

For example, at this moment, Mu Xuejian activates the [Ten Thousand Sword Art]. Not only is each sword shadow enchanted with wind and water attributes, making it sharper and more powerful, the surroundings will also be randomly enchanted. The upper layer of [Low Frequency Sound Front] or [Body Covering Cold Wave] are both mid-level magics, but they are really large in terms of 'quantity'.

To sum up, this round of physical range skills, which originally did not pose much threat to the two soul-casting guards, turned into a large-scale continuous bombing at this moment. In just a few breaths, the The two of them had a lot of troubles. Although the expensive light-cast armor was always repairing itself, the light wheel flowing on it as the core of energy had dimmed a lot.

However, this suppression seemed complicated, and in fact it only lasted a few seconds. You must know that what Futaba and Mu Xuejian faced were not just some idle people, but a well-equipped and experienced four-man army. Human reconnaissance team, and as we all know, the combat effectiveness of the 'reconnaissance team' in a legion is definitely at the forefront. In other words, they are all the elites invested by the Sun Dynasty in this battle.

The imaginary enemies of these elites are generally adult dragons with epic levels of strength!

Even a reconnaissance team must ensure that they have the strength not to be instantly killed by one or more giant dragons in a single encounter.

The mechanical master who belongs to the Fire Explosive Engineering Group, the caster who belongs to the Holy Miracle Thousand Curses Mage Group, and two full members of the Soul Casting Kingdom Guards. If nothing unexpected happens, relying on the strength of this mixed reconnaissance team, they can surpass the rank. It is definitely not impossible to kill an epic strong man.

It is true that their personal strength is basically at the high-level peak, but with the blessing of many external forces and long-term high-intensity training, the strength they have exploded cannot be underestimated!

It is true that Mu Xuejian and Futaba are strong, but after all, they are only the top strong among players, and in the world, at least until they advance to the level of epic, they are not considered to be the most famous people.

The major armies of the Sun Dynasty are the most powerful armies in the Sinless Continent in the past twenty centuries! Although what was in front of the two girls at this moment was just a reconnaissance team, there was still a high chance that they would be taken away by a wave if they were not careful.

"Lock her up!"

With a scream, the goblin engineer who raised the [Dragon Slayer Cannon] suddenly pulled the trigger, and the old mage standing not far in front of him waved his staff almost at the same time and fired it in mid-air. Mu Xuejian in the center forcibly used three high-level arcane spells to create a mana turbulence zone, which not only offset the elemental effects of the [Utopian Sword], but also completely eliminated the conditions for Mu Xuejian to borrow power. .

The two soul-casting guards who had been bombarded by the [Ten Thousand Sword Art] since just now also counterattacked as soon as the pressure suddenly dropped. At the same time, they pulled out the prepared swords hung on their waists and swung two light slashes. A square frame was spliced ​​in mid-air to accommodate Mu Xuejian, not to kill the enemy, but to restrict it!


With a deafening roar, there was no time to set up a stabilizer, and the goblin engineer was directly shaken by the recoil and vomited blood. The goblin engineer fell to the sky, and an unknown silver-black light flowed, containing a huge amount of negative energy and three groups of disordered space fields. Zhenglong Bullet] shot straight towards Mu Xuejian.


A calm and almost lazy voice sounded in Mu Xuejian's ears. Without any hesitation, she immediately twisted her body in the air, stepped hard on the stone platform that quietly appeared under her feet, and was only the size of a palm. She staggered. Stepping on the [Drunken Immortal Moon-Watching Step], he shot out to the left, completely ignoring the four square sword lights that formed the frame.

And just when the girl's delicate body was about to collide with the refined sword light on the left, two [Evil Thunders] with a diameter as large as a healthy adult ogre suddenly flashed past, blocking the one in Mu's body in an instant. The slashes on the path that the Snow Sword must pass were directly defeated in mid-air.


As a result, Mu Xuejian's figure also staggered around a corner in an instant, avoiding the invisible sword light, and subconsciously let out a soft cry.


Futaba, who was standing more than ten meters behind her, raised his hand and patted his forehead. He raised the law enforcer in his hand with some helplessness and sent his voice to the former's ear through the wind element: "Mine, continue."

Obviously, the two of them had just exchanged a wave of skills in an awkward manner, and at the same time responded to the attack that restricted Mu Xuejian's avoidance direction. The main person responsible should actually be Mu Xuejian. After all, As the initiator who asked his companions to dodge, Futaba had no reason not to arrange follow-up measures to ensure that his companions could escape smoothly. However, Mu Xuejian's reaction to the 'sword' was so fast that his head could not keep up with his body. level, so I subconsciously used the [Drunken Immortal Moon-Watching Step] to ensure that I could successfully avoid that shot and also dodge the subsequent sword light.

Of course, neither of them paid attention to this small episode, because 'running in' was the purpose of their simulated battle, and so far, the cooperation between the two can be said to be quite perfect!

At least for Mu Xuejian, she has never had such a comfortable fight since she entered the world of innocence!

The slender figure spun in the air, and the girl swooped down like thunder toward the two soul-casting guards directly in front of her. At the same time, the aqua long sword in her hand suddenly and strangely dissipated into the air, and floated down. In an instant, it was replaced by a weapon of the same style burning with dim yellow flames - [Utopia Sword·Rock Flame]

In the blink of an eye, a sword light with a diameter of more than three meters and surrounded by majestic flames roared out of thin air and swept forward with a huge force. It was also surrounded by a sword light that roared and breathed in the surging flames like clouds. The dragon shadow that swallows thousands of miles.

[Immortal Sword Ao Shenzhou] + [Gravity Technique] + [Rumble Dragon]!

The two soul-casting guards didn't hesitate at all. The moment they were sure that they were inevitable, they paused. They crossed their swords in front of them like mirror images and used all their strength to activate the halo of light flowing on the armor. , trying his best to block this scalp-numbing sweep.

Bang——! ! !

With a teeth-piercing loud noise, the auras on the two men's armors went out at the same time. Their pupils suddenly shrank and spit out a mouthful of boiling blood. The off-hand sword guarding the outside instantly broke into two pieces.

However, their efforts were not in vain. The sword light, which was as heavy as a thousand swords, was eventually intercepted in mid-air and did not cut the two of them in half. Therefore, in terms of consequentialism, they did work together to break the relationship without any dispute. one move.

But...it's just this move!

The girl standing quietly in front of the two people raised her lips slightly, and the delicate hand holding the [Utopian Sword Mingdong] also raised——

[Sword Qi Rushing into the Sky] + [Variety] + [Negative Energy Explosion]

The thin and mysterious black mist spread quietly, and at the same time, dozens of dark ancient sword shadows rose from the ground, completely engulfing the two soul-casting guards whose armor had been shattered at some point. And in the next moment, there was a rain of blood all over the sky.


Because the other party was just a background in the simulated battle, after listening to Mo Tan’s popular science, he didn’t have the slightest fondness for the Sun Dynasty at this moment. Mu Xuejian, who even felt a little disgusted, stepped forward without any psychological pressure and wiped away [Fantasy] After a trace of blood appeared on the sword Mingdong, he inserted it into the ground and smoothly grasped the two 'Xinhuan' swords in front of him that quickly condensed into a solid form.

Forehand - [Fantasy Sword·Flowers Splashing Tears]

Backhand - [Fantasy Sword·Bird Jingxin]

"Good sword."

Raising his eyes and scanning the panels of the two weapons, Mu Xuejian smiled sweetly, and then he closed his eyes. Under the perception of [Sword Heart is Transparent], he raised his hand and struck a sword to shred the [Force] shot by the old mage. [Arcane Pulse], then he breathed a sigh of relief, stepped out slowly, and created another move——

[Shanhe Sword·Spring Hope]

Chapter 1509: End

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