Quadruple split

Chapter 1522 Targeted/Known

Chapter 1522 I’m aware of it.

Mo Tan, who took the initiative to place himself surrounded by the enemy team and had a lazy attitude, let out a faint smile...or maybe a sneer. His eyes that kept wandering between Aramis, Portos and Yu Shang were full of teasing, and his tone was brisk. He said: "To be honest, you have somewhat neglected to protect the fairy lady. I had a headache at first when I saw her sitting on the shoulders of that tough guy~"

[Provocation... No, he is telling the truth. After all, Wu Nian's talent like the law of cause and effect is really scary in this game, but... when did it start...]

Porthos watched vigilantly at the frivolous man with a calm and leisurely face not far away in front of him, wearing a simple black leather suit, and made a concealed gesture to Aramis with his right hand behind his back.

As friends who have been playing games together for more than ten years, the two have many ways to communicate in situations where it is inconvenient to talk and friend messages are sealed. Many times, they can understand each other's meaning with just one look. Even if the situation is a little more complicated, they can make gestures. You can always let the other party appreciate the spirit.

In short, the signal Porthos is sending to Aramis at this moment is to ask his friend, who is also a cunning professional, to determine whether the other party is a 'CD flow', that is, to use various methods to delay time and strive to win in a battle. The style of using long-cooling, high-power skills multiple times is an extension of the obscene style.

In Portos' impression, Aramis is the best among the wretched assassins. This kind of thing should be obvious at a glance.


"Oh, by the way, I only used a skill called [Shadow Continuous Flash] in the whole process. The cooling time is thirty minutes. I think if nothing else happens, there will be no chance to use it again in this game. "

Mo Tan enthusiastically answered the questions Porthos asked Aramis, squinting his eyes and showing a harmless smile, and suggested in a very pertinent tone: "So it doesn't matter if the three of you wait until you are ready to take action, I can Give you some more time for foreplay.”

After saying that, he actually sat directly on the spot, assuming an undefended posture in a leisurely manner.

"Thank you very much."

Aramis, who didn't know whether the other party was confident or bluffing, twitched his lips, carefully observed every move of the other party, and raised his hand to signal to Porthos, who immediately put the totem pole on the ground again and started concentrating on it. Cast a spell.

Because he was also distracted in observing Mo Tan's movements, Portos, who was afraid that the latter would find an opportunity to be dishonest in martial arts, did not move quickly. But even so, under his skillful guidance, within a radius of more than ten meters, he still moved within two minutes in less than two minutes. A large number of totem poles with strong elemental fluctuations and rather rough shapes rose up from the ground.

These non-entity elemental creations are generally over one meter tall, with different shapes and colors. There is some kind of mysterious energy that is highly active but different from magic. This thing is not unfamiliar to Mo Tan at all, because he I had seen it countless times before when I was a foreign aid in Sumir.

There is no doubt that this fierce Highlander's main profession is shaman, and unlike Huo Yanyang's [War Sacrifice] who is more inclined to support the group, in nine cases out of ten he is extremely comprehensive and has almost no partiality. [Elemental Sacrifice] genre.

This is a profession that is relatively mainstream among shaman players in the Innocence. It is very difficult to get started, but very difficult to master. Obviously there are not many people who are majoring in it, but those who can really understand it. But it is rare.

But even so, there are still many shaman players of the [Elemental] genre. Even though people know that this thing is not easy to understand, the number of active players in the questionnaire is higher than that of Internet celebrities like [Monk]. Occupation' (which has a great impact, and Awakening Dragon is playing) is nearly 50% more, which shows that it is very popular.

The reason is also very simple. The first thing that bears the brunt is that this profession has a very high fashion value. Apart from anything else, even a newbie who has just entered the profession will soon have it after learning the profession of Shaman and starting to develop towards the [Element] route. 'Call the wind and rain' and a series of similar abilities, and have high versatility, such as the 'air conditioning' effect that can only be attempted by mage players whose profession is at least level 40, and shaman players who take the [Element] route at level 20. You can ask the spirits of water and wind to help you escape the heat, enjoy the cool air, and flirt with girls and men.

Not only that, there is almost no partiality in the [Elemental] system shaman in the early stage. It is definitely a snake oil profession, and it is not an ordinary snake oil, it is a snake oil in all senses.

In terms of attributes, unlike most mages who practice a single element or two or three elements, shamans can calmly control various elements as long as they have a good relationship with the power of the elements and have a deep understanding of the spirits of nature. The foundation of his power is that of a hexagonal warrior. Although it takes a certain amount of time and energy to master various skills, it is still much simpler than most occult professions headed by mages. .

Not only that, [Elemental] shamans also have various fighting methods. First of all, the physical growth of this profession is not low, let alone other spell casters. It is even higher than that of thieves, rangers and other professions, and they use the elemental spirit. There is no such thing as "accidental injury" in the skills you perform, so you can give yourself and your weapons elemental blessings to engage in close combat with others.

In addition, they also have good long-range combat capabilities. It is not easy to throw out a ball of lightning, storm, torrent or lava at every turn, and there is still no possibility of accidentally injuring one's own people. As a turret, It is far more free than spellcasters such as mages and warlocks.

In addition, elemental shamans also have enough blessing and recovery methods. Although they are not as good as those of most clergy and druids who are deeply involved in the healing field, they can heal wounds, restore physical strength, remove toxins, It's not a big problem to dispel a curse or something.

Finally, it is the totem summoning technique that is the signature of this profession. With the growth of strength, shamans who major in the direction of elements can summon various totems with different effects. Its wide area covers almost all fields. It can not only assist And control the field, if the time is right, you can even suffocate the enemy inside. Of course, this takes time to build up, and most of the incorporeal totem poles themselves are very fragile and can be easily eliminated by the enemy, so for combat The environmental requirements are very high.

However, at this moment, Portos got a perfect opportunity! An opportunity to set up a totem formation in front of the enemy without restraint!

So, in just a few minutes, he had deployed [Molten Core Totem] and [Earth Majestic Totem] for summoning elemental puppets, and [Earthbound Totem] and [Frost Vein Totem] that could restrain the enemy. ], [Turbid Current Totem], [Electric Field Totem], [Cyclone Totem], [Tide of Life Totem], [Windfury Totem], [Stoneskin Totem] with buffing effects, and [Fire Tongue Totem] for direct attacks. ], [Thunder Explosion Totem] There are twelve pillars in total, and not even a second of the preparation time given by the opponent's "kindness" was wasted.

As for Yu Shang, while Bodos summoned those totem poles, he used the pendulum in his hand to greatly distort the current range. To put it simply, he doubled these totems in Mo Tan's five senses. By the way, It's a bit wrong.

As for Aramis, he disappeared quietly without knowing when.

"Tsk, what a mistake~"

Mo Tan, on the other hand, smacked his lips after the last two totems rose from the ground and immediately locked themselves, stood up reluctantly, and said helplessly while looking around at the group of empty and solid totems around him: " If you fight in such a place, I'm afraid you'll be killed by these guys in a matter of minutes."

Porthos, who had completely constructed the position, grinned and suggested with a very pertinent expression: "Maybe you can try to escape?"

"Then I got stabbed in the waist by that old man who was hiding somewhere and was planning to kill me at any time?"

Mo Tan smiled, and then crossed his arms in front of him seriously: "Dah."

Having almost used most of the totems in his skill list, Portos, who no longer needed time at this moment, shrugged and launched an offensive without hesitation!

In an instant, all the totems on the field were activated at the same time. Not only did Bodos, Yu Shang, and the unknown Aramis have a lot of buffs, five of them had gravity, frost, restraint, paralysis, and wind pressure. The restricted totem also directly held Mo Tan in place at the same time, unable to move.

This is not surprising. On the one hand, the character of 'Tan Mo' is not considered a strong character. Even if he changes to high-end equipment, it will only add a few points, which is far from causing a 'qualitative change'. Although Portos entered the trap relatively late, , but his level is no less than that of most professional players. Although he is not satisfied with the game time, he is still far better than the character of 'Tan Mo'. Therefore, the overall strength of both parties is actually about the same. Even if 'Tan Mo' 'A little stronger, but definitely limited.

On the other hand, Mo Tan failed to perform the entire process when Portos was setting up the totem array without even disturbing him. Therefore, even if the two of them are about the same strength, this behavior of directly handing over the rhythm to others will make the situation worse. Become one-sided.

So if nothing unexpected happens, even if Aramis and Yu Shang don't take action, Portos alone is enough to kill Mo Tankeng on the spot.

And we all know that since Mo Tan is in a bad mood, the probability of an 'accident' can basically be regarded as 100%.

Sure enough, at the moment when two huge elemental puppets condensed and formed in the air, intertwined with several tongues of fire and electric light, they rushed toward Mo Tan. Along with Yu Shang's exclamation, a dark blue fireball with a radius of at least three meters appeared. It whizzed down, pressing down with a suffocating power, aiming directly at the totem formation centered on Motan!

To be more precise, it should be a dragon's breath centered on the totem array where Mo Tan was just now. In terms of power, visual inspection can directly incinerate all the players present!

In fact, when the dragon's breath was still nearly twenty meters away from everyone, an indescribable feeling of heat and oppression had already evaporated about 30% of everyone's health, and those seemingly solid The totem pole was instantly destroyed by the air and turned into a cloud of free elements that exploded in the air. It was really beautiful, but it was useless at all.

And Mo Tan activated the [Disappear] skill almost at the moment when those totems exploded. After avoiding Aramis' sudden [Instant Prison Kill], he performed a wave of evaporation on the spot, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. .

"BUFF Yu Shang! Run!"

Aramis, who appeared in a hurry, immediately gave a low drink and then jumped out.

Portos also blessed himself and Yu Shang with [Light Grace] without hesitation, and ran away with the latter.

Two seconds later, centered on the landing point of the dragon's breath, countless dark blue flames spread out in an instant, and in a few breaths, the piece of frozen soil where the few people were before was melted into a large Although Portos, who was closest to the second round of strikes, barely escaped from the flames, he was still blown away by the burning current and shock wave from behind, leaving most of his health, as if only a layer of blood skin was left.

Aramis, who was the fastest, and Yu Shang, who was farthest from the center of the explosion, also lost some health. At this moment, their health points were around 50%. They were not as embarrassed as Porthos, but their condition was not much better.

But losing this little blood is not the most fatal thing for the three of them!

What really sent chills down Aramis' back was that because of the emergency evasion just now, the relative distance between the three of them had been stretched to a very, very, very dangerous distance!

"Oh shit!"

Without even glancing at Portos, who was in the worst shape but was also the least likely to be the target of an attack, Aramis ran directly towards Yu Shang, who was at least twenty meters away from him. At this moment, he He had belatedly thought of the man's plan, but now that the rhythm had completely changed hands and the identity of the hunter had been swapped, he could not do anything more besides swearing and speeding up.

Bodos, who was also belatedly, did not pursue him. Instead, he raised his hand directly above Yu Shang's head and summoned a thundercloud with dark purple light flowing, which could be charged in just three seconds, and shouted: "Yu Shang Be careful! You are being targeted!"


Yu Shang, who had been standing still after the dragon's breath passed, turned to look at Portos in shock and asked loudly: "How do you think I was..."


Mo Tan, who quietly appeared behind the half-dragon girl and passed her neck with a dagger without hesitation, smiled: "He said that you were targeted by me."


As a result, the next second, the other party's voice suddenly sounded from not far behind Mo Tan——

"I already knew it."

Chapter 1513: End

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