Quadruple split

Chapter 1526 Evil Heretics

Game time PM15:37

public space, private room

"I'm back……"

Following a flash of distorted white light, Aramis returned to his British-style study in the public space. He threw himself directly on the cushion next to the fireplace. Both his ears and tail drooped feebly, looking extremely depressed.

"I'm broken..."

Porthos, who followed closely behind, swayed on the spot twice in a daze, and then sat on the spot in front of the pure black painted wooden door that had been refreshed for decoration, and his whole body collapsed there.

Wu Nian, who was sitting on a large bookshelf and reading "Harry Potter and the Gold Bellyband", swayed his legs and asked with a smile, "Did you lose the fight?"

"No matter how you think about it, there is no second possibility."

Yu Shang, who was sitting at the desk and playing with a sapphire hourglass, smiled and said without raising his head: "We have reduced our number by two people after I was killed. Even if they get one head point from that person, the result will be The number of heads is one to two, and the remaining ones are tied two to two. Unless we can destroy the opponent's team, we will definitely lose."

Porthos looked gloomy and said nothing.

Aramis, who was lying on the mat pretending to be dead, said nothing.

"It's not necessarily hopeless~"

Although he had already seen the result from the reaction of the two, Wu Nian, who was a little angry because he was the first to be eliminated, smiled, raised his eyebrows rather narrowly and said: "Didn't those two girls never show up? This This guilt debate is not an arena match, so if they are beaten to a pulp by the NPC, Portos and the others will just happen to bump into them."

Yu Shang casually turned the hourglass in front of him over and said with a faint smile: "It would be great if that were the case, but judging from the appearance of these two people, I'm afraid their luck is not that good yet."


Aramis raised his head from the mat in annoyance, turned to Yu Shang and bared his teeth: "Although we both looked slumped, Wu Nian girl is really right."


Wu Nian, who was sitting on the bookshelf, was immediately stunned. The big book in her hand, which was a bit heavy for her, was thrown out directly. The falling path was less than three centimeters away from Yu Shang's head, almost wiping the back of her head. The tip of the speaker's nose hit the table, making a loud sound.

"What kind of book is this? The name is a bit strange."

Instead of being frightened, Yu Shang casually picked up the book in front of him and raised his head to ask Wu Nian.

“It’s written on the first page~”

Instead, Wu Nian, who was startled, patted his chest lightly, grinned and said, "It's called "Harry Potter and the Golden Belly"~"

Yu Shang: "..."

Porthos: "..."

Obviously, these two people who had read the HP series and were even light fans, who had dreamed about Owl Should Bear a Message when they were teenagers, and who firmly believed that they were just squibs and not Muggles, were confused at that time. Then he turned to look at Aramis at the same time, giving him an extremely strange look.

Obviously, as the 'house owner' here, this reading, which is a bit curious from any angle, can only be Aramis's.

"I watched the pirated version when I was a kid. I thought it was quite interesting, but I can't remember the content."

Aramis sat up slowly and explained expressionlessly: "Then one day I was bored and searched the book store in the public space, and I found it..."

Yu Shang nodded slightly and looked at the book in his hand with awe: "So... what story does this book tell?"

"Don't ask me, I just turned three pages, and after seeing that Hagrid is actually related to that motorcycle, I didn't dare to read on."

Aramis looked at the book in Yu Shang's hand with the same awe and shuddered: "If any of you are interested, I can transfer it for free."

Apparently shocked by the literary talent and imagination of the pirated author, Porthos hunched over subconsciously and opened his mouth, but did not dare to complain. He was probably afraid that Aramis would forcefully stuff the thing to him.

"Just keep it yourself. I'll come over and take a look when I want to."

Yu Shang put the book on the table calmly and casually brought back the topic: "So you really bumped into the remaining two people?"

Aramis nodded, shrugged and said: "To be precise, it should be Futaba and Mu Xuejian in a semi-disabled state."

"It's shameless. What does a semi-disabled state mean?"

Porthos snorted and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Those two girls are basically disabled, as if they encountered more than 20 Gundams while walking halfway. That's terrible."

Wu Nian let out a 'wow', then flapped his wings and flew to Bodos's shoulder, curiously pulling the latter's head twice: "How miserable is it?"

"In their own words..."

Porthos, with a purple complexion, took a deep breath and said dryly: "One is 90% dead, the other is 80% dead."

"Then what?"

Yu Shang also looked over with interest and asked angrily: "You two have turned them into 10% dead?"

Aramis sighed and said hesitantly: "We do think so, so we directly asked those two people to ask if they could fight with the 90% dead person first, and we would fight her."


Wu Nian's eyes suddenly widened with admiration: "You are so shameless!"

Yu Shang didn't express any opinions on this aspect, but continued to ask: "Then what?"

"Then they readily agreed. The one who died was 90% Futaba. At that time, his whole body was almost blown into black. He didn't even have a weapon in his hand, and he was only 1.5 meters tall."

Aramis raised an index finger expressionlessly and said without audible emotion: "The most important thing is that as a mage, she was less than half a meter away from me at the time."

Yu Shang raised his eyebrows: "What happens next?"

"Then we'll be back."

Porthos twitched the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "The whole process takes less than three seconds."

When Wu Nian saw Portus showing off, he immediately grabbed the latter's hair and started to pull it: "Expand it and tell me!"

"I can't elaborate on it, I didn't see it clearly."

Porthos spread his hands helplessly and raised his chin towards the fireplace: "Ask Aramis, I really want to know too."

Aramis was not ambiguous, and immediately explained without reservation: "To put it simply, the Futaba girl who is almost dead accepted our challenge, and then threw a small fireball into the sky as a signal for the start of the game. Then start reading."

Yu Shang turned the hourglass in front of him again and asked, "What about next?"

"Portos gave me a Wind Fury BUFF on the spot, and shot a Lightning Bolt to interfere with Futaba's spellcasting. I just opened [Killing Feast] A and went over."

"Oh, that's not good."

"It was pretty good, but guess what?"

"What's wrong?"

"Mu Xuejian, who is probably dead, just hit both of us from behind, killing both of us."


"Tsk, tsk, my dear, you really impress me~"

Reclining on the huge bed, after listening to Shuangye's explanation of the second half of the race, Mo Tan's eyes widened, and he raised his hand to gesture to Mu Xuejian: "Even if someone instigates you, you can take this step." It’s not an easy task either.”

Shuangye, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, immediately raised his foot and stepped on Mo Tan's shoulder when he heard this, then grabbed the latter's ear and said angrily: "Who are you calling darling!?"

Mu Xuejian, on the other hand, looked at the man and woman in front of him, who frequently made people feel chills on their backs, and after a long silence, he said seriously in a concluding tone: "We are evil heretics, and we don't need to talk about morality when fighting with others. "

Evil Heretic No. 1: "..."

Evil Heretic No. 2: "..."

It has to be said that Mu Xuejian's complaint was impeccable, especially since she looked at the two of them for a while before saying this, and then confidently defined herself as an 'evil heretic'. No matter the expression, tone or demeanor, it makes people feel a strong sense of innocence, and it also reflects the concentration of the two evil heretics.

To be honest, even people like Mo Tan (current personality limit) and Futaba couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed after being complained about by this girl, so after a brief silence, they all said in unison -

"Hey, actually I'm not that good either~"*2

With two dazed blushes on his face, the evil heretic scratched his hair at the same time and showed a shy smile.

"I'm not bragging...forget it."

Mu Xuejian shook her head in frustration. She was not a fool. She knew very well that there was nothing she could say in front of such a person who had no sense of shame at all, so she simply shut up.

In view of the presence of Mu Xuejian, a friend who has not yet broken the water, for the sake of the atmosphere in the team, Mo Tan and Futaba did not go too far. The former smiled and started playing with Futaba's bubble socks. (Pull as far as you can, then let go, repeating the cycle), and the girl who was still stepping on Mo Tan's shoulders said in a brisk tone: "I think the strength of our team should be about the same. Although the shortcomings are obvious, there are no It is necessary to continue to recruit people. Unless I am looking for someone who is also on the home page, it will be difficult for Mu Muguang to protect me alone. The balance of the system will further tilt towards the enemy team. The gain is not worth it... Can you please stop playing? Do I have socks!"


Mo Tan, who was kicked in the head by Futaba, tilted his body, and then immediately echoed seriously: "I think Futaba is right, we have no shortage of top-notch combat power, and I am the only one who can do the dirty work." Enough is enough, unless you find the right one, no matter how many people you have, it will just become a burden."

Mu Xuejian, who had already walked to the bar and sat down, opened a can of Dr.Pepper and took a sip. Then he opened the mall page with a frown and bought himself a bottle of sugar-free Coke. He said nonchalantly: "Whatever you decide is up to you. Well, I just want that good ranking."

"Then it's settled."

Mo Tan said something in a concluding tone, and then asked in a brisk tone: "How are you two getting along?"

"It's not at its best yet."

Futaba, who had his legs hanging on Mo Tan's chest, shook his head and said with a smile: "But there is no need to be too anxious. One or two more simulated battles of this level will be enough. Considering the quality background and the quality of the opponent, it will be enough , a conservative estimate of about ten games.”

Mo Tan nodded, tilted his head lazily and leaned on the inside of Futaba's knees: "I know, then in the next month, let's find a rhythm of ten to fifteen games and play slowly. Time will allow me to Let’s decide?”

"Whatever, I don't have much to do in the City of Miracles anyway. You two can call me whenever it's convenient for you two to work hard in the City of Freedom."

Futaba answered in the affirmative happily, and while trying to braid Mo Tan's hair into twin tails, she said, "I'm going to have a room with Mu Mu for some extra training soon. What are your plans?"

"It's a private battle room."

Mu Xuejian corrected lightly.

Mo Tan lazily slapped Futaba's little hand away, stood up slowly and said with a smile: "I won't accompany you. There are still a lot of things in the Free City. Someone has to do the work, right?"

"The words coming out of your mouth are really not convincing at all."

"Anyway, just know that I don't have time to waste."

"Okay, let's see you later, Darling"

“Don’t forget to miss me, Honey~★”

In this way, the two 'evil heretics' in Mu Xuejian's eyes said goodbye sweetly, one left and the other did not.

The person who left immediately logged out of the public space after teleporting out of the Futaba room, returned to the narrow secondary interface, opened the [Inquisition Simulation Battle] interface again, and without hesitation raised his hand and clicked on the middle one. There is a weird [criminal simulation battle - character selection] everywhere.

At this moment, even Mo Tan, who was under the "chaotic neutral" personality, couldn't help but get excited. Although there were some performance elements, it was as shaken as chaff on the visual level.


The moment Mo Tan touched the [Character Selection] option, the [Investigation Simulation Battle - Individual Matching] and [Investigation Simulation Battle - Team Matching] on the left and right sides of his field of vision disappeared in an instant, and were replaced by They are two familiar yet unfamiliar figures.

There is no need to describe too much. They are naturally the human priest Hei Fan with the 'Absolute Neutral' alignment in the Innocence Realm, and the half-dragon knight Mo with the 'Lawful Good' alignment. Although Mo Tan himself has not seen much of their appearance. , everyone basically knows what’s going on, so I won’t go into details.

"Oh haha~ Let's put aside the question of whether to repay or not."

Mo Tan glanced at the selection interface in front of him, which God knows which game the Innocence Master system was 'borrowed' from. The smile on his lips was almost filled with joy: "This feeling... shouldn't be too good. What if?" If it can continue like this, even if I have to back up Cordoba a little bit, I will be willing to do it, haha, hahahahahahahahaha~~~"

next day afternoon

Real time AM13:13

A man named Mo Tan lived in the laboratory building of Tanhua University School of Medicine.

Chapter 1517: End

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