Quadruple split

Chapter 1528 Report

September 4, 2049 AD

Mo Tan lost his appendix forever because it became inflamed and even perforated.

The signer was Yi Dong, and the surgeon was a senior senior from the medical school. It is said that he has been targeted by countless hospitals since half a year ago. In short, his knife skills are very exquisite. Even Yu Chen is well-known in the international medical community. All the prestigious foster mothers have heard of that senior's name, so one can imagine his level.

All in all, the general process of the incident is that Mo Tan was affected by a car accident on the way home. His right arm was hit by a flying fragment, causing a bone fracture on the spot. He also suffered from acute appendicitis at the same time. He was given a medical treatment immediately after being sent to the hospital. Cut.

It is worth mentioning that Mo Tan had no obvious external injuries at the time. In other people's eyes, he just fainted after being hit. In view of the fact that in this age where surveillance cameras are all over the streets, no one wants to touch porcelain. So there are still many good-hearted people. Some people contacted the hospital directly, and some contacted the school through his student ID card to try to find his family members. The reason why he was finally sent to Tanhua was simply because the school chose to intercept him.

The hospital that was shut down didn't have any temper at all, because anyone who knows anything knows that the level of the medical school in that school is very extreme, and many patients with difficult and complicated diseases are often transferred there for treatment.

What happened next was very linear. Mo Tan was sent to the medical school, which alerted Yu Chen. Yu Chen tracked the whole process and called Yi Dong to come to the school to sign. Then, during Mo Tan's surgery, he applied for a designated ward on the spot. During the nursing internship, I successfully entered the ward 716 where Mo Tan was located, and then stayed with me waiting for Mo Tan to wake up.

Quite coincidentally, Mo Tan's mental state when he woke up was neither the 'chaotic neutral' state when he first woke up, nor the 'lawful good' state when he went shopping. Instead, he was confused only because of Yu Chen. 'Absolutely neutral' personality.

Of course, after all, there is a one-third probability that he will be in any state at any time, so strictly speaking it is not a 'coincidence', but combined with the current situation, it will still inevitably lead to a feeling of ' Destined' illusion.

At least from a scientific point of view, this ‘destiny’ is definitely an illusion, an undisputed illusion.

But for Mo Tan at this moment, the word 'science' can no longer fully explain the current situation.


Looking at the girl in front of him who was looking at him with her chin raised, Mo Tan could not help but fall into a slight sluggishness as he gazed at those eyes that were so clear that they contained no trace of impurities.


Yuchen's face turned red and he gently poked Mo Tan's cheek, and said in a soft voice, pretending to be angry: "Why are you staring at me so straight?"

Mo Tan suddenly came to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream. At this moment, he seriously wanted to fool Yu Chen for the first time since he met him. He replied without thinking: "You look good in a white coat."


Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, his pretty face turned red visibly to the naked eye, and the little hand that poked the side of his face retracted as if he was electrocuted, and said in a panic: "You... you are talking about you, what are you talking about!"

Mo Tan coughed hard, fell heavily on the pillow, and read expressionlessly: "Ah... the anesthetic has not worn off yet, and my head is so dizzy that I don't know what I am talking about.png."

"Do most people deliberately add 'dianpienji' at the end of their words!?"

Yu Chen waited for Mo Tan angrily and puffed up his cheeks.

Mo Tan thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "Maybe it's because PNG is relatively high-definition?"

"It's a matter of high definition or not!"

Yu Chen wrinkled his nose and glared hard at Mo Tan, then pinched his shoulder fiercely: "Does it hurt?"

Of course it doesn't hurt. Although the anesthetic on Mo Tan's body has indeed faded away, and he can clearly feel the severe pain in his arms and abdomen at this moment, Yu Chen's pinch is really powerless, even if Mo Tan wants to There is no room for pretending to be in pain.

So he could only shake his head and said honestly: "It doesn't hurt."

"Well, it seems that the anesthetic is indeed not overpowering... Then... I won't argue with you for now!"

Yuchen turned her pretty face, which was still flushed, and looked out the window: "I'm wearing an intern white coat, which is different from a real doctor's white coat. Well... there's no intern nurse uniform!"

Mo Tan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Nurse uniform!?"

"I told you there are no nurse uniforms!"

Yuchen suddenly stood up with a blushing face and rushed out of the ward without looking back. "Lie down and I'll prepare some rice porridge soup for you!"

Mo Tan didn't ask why it was just rice porridge soup. After all, he had just lost his appendix a few hours ago. It would be a problem if Yuchen peeled an apple for him or got some hard vegetables... and it was also a criminal issue.

All in all, as Yuchen fled, he used the excuse that the anesthetic was not enough to hit him with several critical blows, and finally achieved his goal, temporarily keeping the latter away. Mo Tan let out a long sigh of relief and closed his eyes tiredly. eyes.

Mo Tan had a lot to think about, and Yu Chen by his side would not only hinder this process, but might even discover something with his unreasonable intuition. That's why Mo Tan worked hard for himself as soon as he regained consciousness. Strive for such a thinking environment.

Of course, as an intern taking care of this room, Yu Chen won't be away for too long, but Mo Tan feels that she won't be back very soon. As for the specific time... it will probably take two to three days to prepare a normal rice porridge soup. times.

As a dabbler who has studied medicine for several years, Mo Tan is very clear that he will have no problems in a short time after having completed the operation, so he can be sure that Yu Chen also knows this. In this case, although Mo Tan didn't want to admit it, but the reality was probably... Yuchen could vaguely sense that the other party was deliberately trying to distract her, and she, who was always so considerate, would naturally 'dalway' for a short while on purpose.

[Although she can be a bit naive a lot of the time, her insight into certain situations should not be too great...]

Mo Tan turned over carefully, his expression suddenly turned bitter, and he murmured in a low voice: "I seem to be in a 'certain situation' now."

We all know that in most cases, being called a 'special person' in the eyes of your sweetheart is a very fortunate thing, but at this moment, there was no joy on Mo Tan's face.

Because even if he wasn't in Yuchen's eyes, he was 'special' enough.

And this special trend has even become more and more intense recently.

For example, a vicious accident that is bizarre in nature and completely logical.

There is no Dr. Pepper in the refrigerator because I drank it all before, and it did not disappear out of thin air.

Those two street bombing riders didn't appear out of thin air. Mo Tan believed that they must have had good reasons to appear at that place at that time. No matter how he checked, there would be no logical loopholes.

As for the big truck, Mo Tan had an impression of it. It passed that road several times every week. It was no coincidence that it appeared there today. It was just a daily occurrence.

The street bombers behind him directly collided with each other and blew themselves up. The wreckage of the motorcycle was scattered in all directions, affecting innocent people, and even sending passers-by to the hospital was able to complete the logic of self-consistency.

The only problem is that the innocent passerby who was affected was himself, who happened to have acute appendicitis at the same time.

To be honest, no matter if this happened at any other time, Mo Tan could laugh it off and sigh at most about his bad luck, but not now!

Although there was no evidence at all, Mo Tan had every reason to believe that what happened to him today was not innocent.

He clearly remembered the direct conversation he had with 'System-chan' last night——

【A piece of advice...】

[Interacting with me will cause you to be affected by the 'retribution', and you have to solve your own problems by yourself...]

【You will know soon...】

[I just make everything as fair as possible...]

When Mo Tan first heard these words, he had a very strong hunch that the 'retribution' the other party mentioned was definitely not a good thing.

But he didn't have the right to choose, because if everything was true as the system said, just interacting with 'it' would be affected, then he who had talked to others for more than ten times at that time had probably been arranged.

The result was far beyond Mo Tan's expectation, because in his expectation, the so-called 'retribution' would most likely appear in [The Realm of Innocence] in some form. As for the specific process... please refer to Starting from Account Creation Mo Tan could vaguely figure out that Cordoba didn't follow the ordinary path and was not subject to ordinary crimes.

After all, people say it is 'retribution', so it naturally means some kind of 'retribution'. However, referring to the last sentence of the system, 'I just want everything to be as fair as possible', plus the fact that it came to him directly without any explanation, Mo Tan believes that even if the level of 'retribution' is not low, it will not kill him.

In a sense, Mo Tan guessed right, because after he determined the specific form of the 'retribution', he was indeed not killed.

In fact, the price Mo Tan paid was much smaller than he imagined, just a few cracks in the bones and an appendix.

The only flaw is that the place where he pays the price is not in the realm of innocence, but in the real world.

And the form is also very simple and direct. Compared with the plot similar to "Death is Coming" that Mo Tan imagined, the "retribution" in the mouth of the system sauce can be said to be quite straightforward, and he was given to GANK in the first round.

At this point, Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and further spread his thoughts——

[So the most critical question now is how deep this so-called 'retribution' is. It would be fine if it only caused direct harm... but is it really that simple? 】

Mo Tan turned his head to look at the door of the ward, and soon noticed the subtle expectation in his heart. He knew exactly what he was expecting, but this expectation was wrong from the beginning.

I had just tried to find a way to leave Yuchen in the game, but in the blink of an eye I was brought closer to him in reality. The duration was a recovery period for hospitalization after appendicitis surgery. Is this really a good thing?

If Mo Tan is the 'Black Brahman', then this can certainly be regarded as a good thing. After all, his bone fracture will not even leave the root of the disease after healing. The appendix is ​​also the dregs of human evolution, and it can be cut. That's it. It's not a good deal to exchange this for spending three days with your sweetheart day and night.

But the problem is that the 'Black Brahman' is black sandalwood, and black sandalwood is not the 'black Brahman'.

This problem may not have been fatal in the past, but the girl named Yuchen has proven many times recently that Mo Tan's methods in the past did not work.

Mo Tan can clearly feel that as long as he is under the personality of 'Lawful Good' or 'Chaotic Neutral', no matter how hard he tries to interpret the personality state of 'Absolute Neutral', he will be criticized in a very short time. Chen noticed the clues. Sometimes he only needed a word, and sometimes he didn't even need to speak.

Under the current personality, Yu Chen's sensitivity made Mo Tan feel very complicated, while under the other two personalities, Mo Tan felt a kind of obscure 'anxiety'.

It was the anxiety of being stripped of all pretense and nakedly exposed to the spotlight.

In the 'Lawful Good' state, Mo Tan rationally chose to avoid it, and even secretly took Luna with him to distance the two of them.

In the 'chaotic neutral' state, Mo Tan happily started to show off. After realizing that no matter what he did, it was useless, he simply stopped pretending when they last met.

He was absolutely sure that Yuchen would not do anything detrimental to 'himself'.

Mo Tan, who was in the state of 'absolute neutrality', fell into hesitation, because he felt that if this continued, even if Yu Chen did not force him to say anything as before, he would still be able to deduce the truth from the information he gradually obtained.

No one cares about someone they have a strong crush on. In Mo Tan's view, just as he has almost gone through Yuchen's interpersonal relationships and family situations, it is impossible for Yuchen to force himself not to think about things about himself.

The previous trials were a dangerous signal.

At this moment, this signal has directly turned into danger itself.

Once things are exposed... Once things are exposed... Once things are...

"Expose it and expose it."

The trembling pupils suddenly became calm and soft, and Mo Tan, whose painting style suddenly changed drastically, took a breath, then showed a complicated smile, and murmured in a low voice: "It wouldn't be a bad idea to get rid of it as soon as possible. Good thing."

"Yo! Tan-chan~"

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and the playful Gu Xiaole and the beaming Yi Dong siblings squeezed in, followed by a panicked Yu Chen.

"I allow you to visit, but you can't be so noisy! The same goes for Sister Xiaole!"

The soft-spoken girl hugged Gu Xiaole from behind with an anxious look on her face. She looked like she was about to cry: "He was just pushed out of the operating room not long ago!"

"A real man!"

“Stop reading katakana in Chinese!”


"There are relationships!"

"Why! It used to be that men and women couldn't hug each other without kissing each other. Now that they've been cut off, why aren't they allowed to hug them?"

“It’s the appendix that was cut!!!”

Chapter 1519: End

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