Quadruple split

Chapter 1534: Bear the weight

Cordoba's problems are many.

At least judging from the recent games in which he was smashed into scrap metal, this guy has at least 80 flaws. All in all, he is riddled with holes and a mess.

One thing to say is that before Cordoba was forced into the arena by Rubi and replaced those champions as a goalkeeper from the fourth level to the fifth level, no one expected that he would be so watery and unwilling to resist beatings.

After all, according to Comrade Corvo's consistent style of painting in the game, it is basically taking action = the dust has settled. He has always bullied others, and others have basically never bullied him. As a result, after fighting in the past few days, level 4 to level 5 Not to mention that the level door was not able to be defended once, and each time it was smashed to the ground. In the more serious case, there were only a few pieces of the wreckage larger than the size of a palm.

It has to be said that this result shocked even Cordoba himself, let alone Mo Tan and others.

In Mo Tan's view, Cordoba's strength was limited in the previous game, and the 'sparring' where he almost crushed the opponent did not actually mean anything, because he knew very well that in this kind of mental virtual game, the physical ability was not coordinated. The impact is actually very large. At least six out of ten people will be unable to exert their original strength.

Among the remaining four, there are three characters: 'Hei Fan', 'Tan Mo' and 'Mo', as well as God knows which talented fierce man.

In fact, in the early stages of the game, when the gap between the character panels of the three characters gradually widened, even Mo Tan himself was very uncomfortable with it. Not to mention the "Hei Fan" who was relatively mediocre in all aspects, at least he was known for his dexterity and speed. 'Tan Mo' and 'Mo', who is known for his strength and physique, have a strong sense of separation from the other two characters.

To give a simple example, it's like you were able to carry a cauldron when you got up in the morning, but when you had lunch at noon, your original natural power suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a pair of flying legs. At night, you had nothing at all before going to bed.

Normal people may not be able to live a normal life if they are caught off guard and faced with this situation. Although there is a system in the game to help balance and assist, it is absolutely impossible to use your full strength in the battle. Tan.

Therefore, Mo Tan felt that it was difficult for Cordoba to adapt to his new board at first. It was completely normal for him to be beaten by him. As long as he was given some time, he could still show at least a normal level of strength.

That's what he said at the time, and Cordoba heard the same, but the reality turned out to be so painful that it could almost kill someone. Rubi lifted the restriction and Cordoba returned to his best condition in the arena. That performance is simply difficult to describe in words.

To sum it up in simpler terms - it's a complete mess.

Yes, it was a complete mess. In the first battle, the [War Bear] Garcia player who qualified for promotion took less than two minutes to steadily dominate in terms of strength, speed and anti-blow ability. The epic-level Cordoba was dismantled into parts, and considering that he regarded the latter as a mindless engineering creation, the method was extremely cruel, so much so that Cordoba turned off the 'Minor Sensory Protection System' After the game, I was forcibly disconnected by the system. It took a full half hour...that is, a quarter of an hour in real time before I could log back into the game.

However, Cordoba also showed amazing perseverance. Although he endured an extremely painful (for him) battle, he did not try to give up as everyone imagined, but was transferred to The other [mass-produced rune body] teleported back to the first outer mountain without saying a word, waiting for his next challenge with a fearless attitude.

He did not wait for long. After about an hour, a lizard man warlock who was accomplished in the fields of alchemy and engineering stood out and gained the right to advance with fifty consecutive victories, and Cordoba was also a natural progression. Earth once again stood in the center of the fourth-level arena as a 'tester'.

Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge, Yaya and Jadeka were all watching the match. Although Cordoba persisted for nearly fifteen minutes this time, the scene was even more ugly than the previous match with Garcia. Not only was he beaten The engineering creations that were rushing all over the field were blocked and were showered with various alchemical tools. Later, they were suppressed to the other side of the arena under the fierce attack of two large hellfires. When they were finally blown up, even the opponent's There was almost no one left in sight, and the defeat was extremely humiliating.

After that, as if under some kind of strange spell, Cordoba was tortured by various players for three days, and he became something like a point-giving boy. At least 60 people have successfully advanced to the fifth-level arena.

Under normal circumstances, there may not be so many people promoted in the first half of the year.

Of course, those who picked up Cordoba at a bargain price did not have an easy time in the fifth-level field. Except for people with real strength like Garcia, most of the people he sent up were in a short period of time. After twenty consecutive losses, he fell back to the fourth level. As for the remaining ones, the possibility of accumulating 100 defeats before 100 wins is more than 90%, so in general, in addition to giving some achievements to the big players in the fifth level Almost no impact.

To sum up, those lucky people who advanced experienced the atmosphere of the fifth-level field and got at least 20 handicap dividends, which was not a loss.

And the five-level bosses who were matched with those lucky ones made a lot of wins for nothing, easily got a lot of bonuses and dividends, and made a lot of money.

Audiences who rarely see one-sided situations can still enjoy it without being slapped in the face frequently because of their insufficient level. They are happy.

Only the injured world of Cordoba was achieved.

In these three days, Cordoba's mood also changed to some extent.

First of all, it is positive. His originally rather inflated and arrogant mentality has completely collapsed. His so-called "master's dignity" has also been shattered. His spirit has become stronger and tougher, and he has gradually adapted to the lack of minors. Sensory protection' world.

The first few points are easy to say, but the last point is just a literal meaning. After all, the negative sensory weakening originally provided by the system is already powerful enough, and Cordoba is not like those outside the game more than 20 years ago who just wanted to break their skin. [DATA EXPUNGED], who posted more than 300 Weibo posts and wished he had been hospitalized for a year and a half, was not a hypocritical person. After being abused for a few times, he was naturally used to suffering.

There are naturally not many negative contents. For example, Cordoba's self-confidence is slipping from one extreme to another, and there is even a pessimistic mood of 'I just don't have talent, I am basically a waste'. The original motivation for 'special training' gradually cooled down after repeated fruitless failures, and even slowly fell to the freezing point.

Losing is not terrible. What is terrible is that you don’t even know how you lost.

You must know that although the [mass-produced rune body] Luvi gave to Cordoba is a bit ugly and has a shorter battery life, its strength is not inferior to the genuine prototype as a prototype. Even if it is fully used, it can still complete the task. He couldn't finish any battle that lasted no longer than one session, not to mention that there wouldn't be any games that allowed him to run at full capacity throughout.

But the problem now is that even if the power of the rune body can be sustained, Cordoba himself cannot. In fact, in most cases, he is killed when more than 50% of the energy reserve is left. Exploded.

He didn't feel that he was making progress at all, he just repeated the process of "starting fighting in a daze, losing in a daze". Sometimes he even felt that he was getting better and better.

Although Cordoba concealed it very well and neither Ji Xiaoge nor Jadeka saw anything wrong with him, Mo Tan was keenly aware that his good friend was already in a state of spiritual confusion. It's a very dangerous situation, and big problems may occur at any time.

In his opinion, the reason why Cordoba is still persisting is probably because he has promised everyone that he will appear in the [Inquisition Controversy], so he desperately wants to become stronger after realizing his 'weakness' a little.

Whether it’s Cui Xiaoyu in reality or Cordoba in the game, although their personalities are a bit rough and not very face-friendly, they still have their own self-esteem. It is precisely because of this self-esteem that he became Now it looks the same as usual, but in fact it looks a little sick.

As the saying goes, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. Cordoba, who has been the second person in [Innocence Boundary] since the day the rankings were released, is a powerful figure in the game and is always highly discussed. Dude, the pressure I am under at this moment is much greater than it seems at first glance.

This kind of pressure is normal. In major game clubs, there are even dedicated psychological teams to provide psychological counseling for members with various qualifications and low experience, but high-profile members. Even Xinglong had a period of being criticized in the past. This kind of pressure makes me breathless.

Looking back now, Xinglong, who has become a big brother in the gaming industry, has naturally survived, and even completed countless transformations in the process.

But Cordoba is not an awakening dragon. This pressure, which is not too strong in the eyes of professional players, is likely to directly destroy him, and the probability of 'breaking and standing' is too low. Most of them Basically, people are broken when they are broken, and they can never stand up again.

Mo Tan, who saw this problem, didn't want this to happen, so he found Lu Wei a day ago and pointed out the situation bluntly, hoping to temper Cordoba in another way.

The reason given by Mo Tan is very sufficient and very real, that is, if a person with almost no combat experience (numerical crushing does not count as combat experience) suddenly fights with a group of experienced warriors, unless a miracle happens, he will be beaten. The possibility of becoming autistic is far higher than the possibility of rapid progress.

To give a simple example, if you ask a 71 kg ordinary adult male to compete in the 71 kg class of the World MMA Championship (World MMA Championship: World Mixed Martial Arts Championship) for 100 games, the probability of him becoming an excellent fighter is at most 1 %, but the probability of him being killed is ridiculously high.

To give an exaggerated example, many people can do "100 push-ups a day, 100 sit-ups a day, 100 squats, run ten kilometers a day and not turn on the air conditioner in the summer", but after a few years of persistence they can The person who gave the earth a middle part is just a bald person, and he is a character in a comic book.

Therefore, based on the above reasons, Mo Tan protested against Lu Wei, believing that if this continues, unless a miracle happens, not only will Cordoba not become stronger, but it will most likely even collapse.

But Lu Wei rejected him without hesitation.

"Don't underestimate the experience and experience of the elderly."

Master Lu, who was fiddling with the mass-produced Rune Body assembly line at that time, didn’t even look back, and just said calmly: "I admit that what you said is right, kid, but you have to know that Cordoba’s existence itself is a miracle. ."

Mo Tan was confused at the time and reacted for a while before saying helplessly: "No, no, no, Master Lu Wei, you have to understand that the reason why Cordoba woke up on your creation is just because of him..."

"I know your theory about people from other worlds, and I also know what you want to express."

Lu Wei raised his hand impatiently and interrupted him, saying calmly: "But you still can't deny that this is a miracle, can't you? Do you know how many rune bodies were about to be destroyed in the workshop at that time? Why are there only Did Cordoba successfully 'wake up'?"


"I'll be honest, I believe in that kid, so unless he gives up voluntarily, I will only give him special training at my own pace. It's true that you are the light of the apocalypse, but you are just an outsider after all, Cordo It’s true that Wa is an alien from another world like you, but after all, I gave him a body, so he can be considered half of my creation, do you understand?”

"what do you mean?"

"You can raise your opinions if you have any, and the special training plan can be changed, but he has to come to me himself and say that he can't hold on anymore and can't stand it anymore. Otherwise, let alone you, the little pigeon will be useless."

"Okay, then the last question..."


"You must have enough reasons to believe him so much, right?"

"I guess so."


Mo Tan shook his head and dismissed yesterday's scene in Rubi's workshop. Mo Tan, who did not convey the conversation between the two to Cordoba, stood up, walked slowly to the former, and patted his shoulder hard. : "Come on for the game."

"Ha...I'll try my best."

A (=.=) popped up on Cordoba's monitor, and he immediately stood up, turned around and walked towards the aisle leading to the ring, and said without looking back: "Try not to get crushed as soon as you get up. Lose."

Mo Tan hesitated for a moment, and finally added before Cordoba left his sight: "Your opponent for a moment should be the weakest in the past few days."


Cordoba paused, but in the end he said nothing and didn't look back. He just waved his hand casually and walked away with his Punisher's Staff.

Chapter 1525: End

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