Quadruple split

Chapter 1541 Mountain and Sea Traveler

【it is as expected. 】

After hearing Lu Wei's explanation, Mo Tan, who had already discovered some clues before, immediately sighed in his heart.

Ji Xiaoge also reacted immediately and whispered: "Ah, it turns out, teacher, you downloaded a lot of ready-made information for Cordoba?"

"That's right."

Lu Wei nodded slightly and said calmly: "Part of this information was collected in the Tianzhu Mountain Arena, and the other part was collected by agents from the outside world, although the streamlined amount is not counted. There are many, but the advantage is that they are rich and comprehensive. If you can fully integrate them...with the power of that rune body, it will be difficult to have an opponent within the range of half a step below the legendary level."

Lu Jiang took a breath of cold air, his expression was very horrifying: "It is said that you are invincible in half a step!?"

"It's not that it's invincible, it's that it's hard to have an opponent."

Lu Wei glanced at him and corrected him very strictly: "Other people's things belong to others after all, and among the more than seven million battle data in Cordoba's head, none of them can match his rune body, so It can only serve as a reference and reference. If your opponent is very powerful, you will easily lose even if you have the information."

Ji Xiaoge nodded thoughtfully and said hesitantly: "It's like that... Even though I'm taking the exam with the answers, it's still difficult to complete the questions within the specified time? Or can't even understand the answers? "

"There is still no answer."

Lu Wei added casually and said calmly: "More than seven million pieces of data may seem like a lot, but if we actually fight, there will still be a lot of blanks. In order to make up for this, I added to the rune body the ability to collect combat data on the spot. function."

A row of ellipses flashed across Cordoba's monitor and he asked bluntly: "What do you mean?"

"This means that as soon as you enter a combat state, the database will start to draw new samples."

Lu Wei explained angrily, with a somewhat impatient tone: "But this has a premise, that is, you must 'subjectively' study the enemy during the battle. If you just fight mindlessly like before, you will lose a million dollars." It’s all useless.”

Cordoba was stunned for a moment, then smiled proudly (:-D) and said triumphantly: "That's easy to handle, I..."

"You'd better not think about that public space."

Lu Wei sneered and interrupted him, and said calmly: "Although you can appear there as a rune body, it is not a real rune body, but an existence similar to a projection. You can The existing data is mapped together with the rune body, but there is no way to bring back the data collected from the other side."

Cordoba's monitor suddenly flashed [0.0], and he said dryly: "Then when I go back there..."

"Still based on the real rune body."

Although Lu Wei looked very impatient, he explained very carefully: "In other words, the information you collected there will not be returned to the database the next time you appear there. , as long as you leave the public space, the extra data will be...well, in the words of you people from other worlds, it will be formatted."


Cordoba cursed without hesitation.

"So, if you want to get results in the [criminal debate], don't think about taking advantage of the situation."

After stunned the surrounding players with one sentence, Lu Wei said casually: "What you need to do now is to adapt to your new function as quickly as possible... No, it should be said that it will already exist tomorrow, but you I just discovered the basic functions of usage.”

Cordoba was down for a while, and then complained in a troubled tone: "You really know everything."

"It's not something that can be hidden."

Lu Wei snorted indifferently and glanced sideways at Cordoba: "And if it weren't for this, you wouldn't be so cooperative, right? You're not afraid of being embarrassed."

Cordoba didn't refute, but just said in a low voice: "Anyway, you have to make me more awesome. Do you have any big data benefits like that? Install them all for me. It's best to be me when the time comes. Once you stand up, you will know how the opponent will fight."

"Your rune body will no longer be upgraded in a short period of time."

In the end, Lu Wei said this seriously, and said in a deep voice: "I have installed the good things for you a long time ago. It was only now that I barely activated the database once, just because you never paid attention to fighting. That’s all, if you want to continue to become stronger, instead of counting on me, you’d better work hard on your own.”

Cordoba, who knew very well how valuable that 'database' was, didn't press forward. Instead, he stood up and moved his disposable body while humming angrily: "Give me a direction." Well, if you need me to continue playing in the arena, I will go back to No. 1 Outer Mountain now."

"Being not."

Lu Wei weighed the wrench in his hand, then suddenly raised his arm and pointed at Mo Tan: "Boy Mo, you should practice with him first."

Mo Tan, who didn't expect that the matter would involve him, was slightly stunned, pointed at himself and said in shock: "Me?"

"Yes, it's you."

Lu Wei nodded and said seriously: "I asked Cordoba to practice in the arena before because he needed to be in that extreme environment to activate the combat database, but now that he has taken the first step, There are some more efficient methods that can be used.”

Ji Xiaoge pouted and looked at Lu Wei with his hands on his hips and said angrily: "Teacher, please make it clearer!"

Therefore, Lu Wei, who was the only one who had no idea about his apprentice, could only cough lightly and reluctantly gave a rather detailed explanation.

We can summarize it into a few points -

First, given that Lu Wei did not stack the combat database directly on Cordoba's soul center, those millions of data cannot theoretically be consulted at will, let alone be directly imprinted in Cordoba's mind. , but it needs to be 'activated' before it can be used.

Second, the method of activation was determined by Lu Wei to be high-intensity battles, which means that Cordoba must engage in uninterrupted deadly battles with all his strength, and have a strong sense of victory in the process. It is possible to fully activate the combat database and make it effective.

Third, after the first activation was successful, Cordoba still needed to get used to and stabilize the process. In order to prevent him from being overloaded and crashed directly due to too much data, Lu Wei once added a lot of restrictions to the database, all of which were done as much as possible. It is possible to fit the design of 'Cordoba' rather than 'Rune Body', and the specific results are the pictures that Cordoba saw in the previous battle, those illusions that he called 'possibility' .

To sum up, Lu Wei believes that Cordoba, who has completed his first activation, does not need to go to the arena to be abused in a short period of time, but needs to focus on 'habit' and 'stability'. Under the premise, an opponent like 'Mo' is definitely a very good sparring partner.

"Helping Cordoba feel better will also help you improve yourself."

Lu Wei finally said something to Mo Tan in a concluding tone, and said seriously: "Although I do hope that Cordoba will stop being a waste, it is also my obligation to provide help to you, the light of the apocalypse, of course. , you can choose not to accept it.”

Mo Tan, who planned to stay in Tianzhu Mountain for a few more days, naturally had no objections. He immediately nodded and said: "Of course I am willing to help. As long as the time is right, I can practice with Cordoba several times."

"very good."

Lu Wei nodded slightly and said with great satisfaction: "Then the matter is settled like this. Although it is still predictably unstable, since it is the first time, Cordoba will activate the database smoothly again, even if it happens again. It should be no problem to suppress his strength to its high-level peak."

As a result, at this moment, Ji Xiaoge suddenly flapped his wings twice and said loudly: "Mentor, mentor! I want to express my opinion!"


Rubi gave his approval without hesitation to the opinion of God knows what.

"That's right, I want to form a team with Mo to participate in the [criminal debate]."

Ji Xiaoge smiled sweetly at Lu Wei, and then turned to Mo Tan, who theoretically should not know her idea, but in fact had already guessed it, said sweetly: "But only if you agree to take me with you. , you haven’t been online much these days, and I haven’t even had the chance to tell you.”

Mo Tan, who originally planned to refuse or not participate at all, but was emboldened by the system's paid (one appendix + slight bone fracture) [Character Selection], nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, there should be no problem."

"So you also want to participate in the sparring session between Mo and Cordoba?"

Lu Wei frowned and was silent for a while before nodding: "It's not impossible, but there is a premise, that is, I must be present when you participate, otherwise there is no need to talk. After all, this kid from Cordoba doesn't have any serious intentions. .”

Cordoba, whose attack was indeed inconsequential, snorted and said nothing.

The result was just then——


Lu Jiang, who had been sitting obediently next to him since just now, suddenly raised his little hand and said timidly: "I, can I compete with you? Sister Ye Ge, Brother Mo."

Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were both stunned, and then they smiled in unison and said in unison: "Okay~"

Due to personality reasons, the two of them agreed without hesitation without even asking what kind of strength Lu Jiang was now.

Lujiang, who was quite surprised, immediately stood up with a blushing face, weakly waved his little fist that could be broken, and said seriously and cutely: "I will definitely try my best not to hold you back. !”

(But he is a man)

In this way, the character 'Mo' inexplicably gathered the minimum three people in the team competition, and together with two beautiful girls, Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang (although Lu Jiang is a boy), won the [Battle of Crime] team competition. qualifications.

"Uh... Xiaolu wants to come too?"

As a result, Lu Wei suddenly looked embarrassed. He turned around and glanced at the excited silver elf girl with some confusion, his brows furrowed into a very obvious "Chuan" shape.

Lujiang immediately looked at Lu Wei nervously and asked with fear on his face: "Ah, is there any...is there any problem?"

"It's no problem, but if you get involved..."

Lu Wei pinched his eyebrows and muttered: "Then I can only suppress Cordoba's strength to a half-step epic, and there is no way it can go any lower."

Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were both stunned, and even Cordoba, who was warming up, paused for a moment, and then turned to look at Lu Jiang who was smiling shyly.

The latter just stood there innocently, just like the rookie druid who was smashed by the "Absolute Safety Express" and could only become a chicken, a tortoise and a salted fish.

fifteen minutes later

The seventh outer mountain of Tianzhu Mountain, large open space

"So, you girl... Bah, you are actually scary strong?"

Lu Wei has locked his maximum output into a half-step epic. Cordoba, who is carrying the Punisher's Staff and moving his hands and feet, is doing radio gymnastics while turning his head and using [=. =] faced Lujiang with an expression.

Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, who were next to them, also looked at the big girl...well, the big boy with curiosity.

"You can't say that."

Lu Jiang waved his hand and smiled awkwardly: "But it should be true that he is not weak...if he puts on the equipment."

[Put on equipment? 】

The three of them were stunned.

Ji Xiaoge even asked directly without thinking: "Are you naked now?"

"Actually, I was wearing underwear issued by the system, but it didn't look good, so I covered it up."

Lu Jiang scratched his cheek and explained: "I have actually maintained my slime transformation state. Although it is difficult to manipulate my head, the clothes and other things are actually part of my body."

Cordoba shook his arms and asked in a daze: "So you have a streaking fetish?"

"They say I'm wearing clothes..."

Lujiang emphasized in a dumbfounded way, and shrugged: "I'm just afraid that my brother will feel uncomfortable, so I haven't worn any equipment."

Suddenly, the way the three of them looked at Lu Jiang changed.

"I mean, I might be on the charts if I wore gear."

The young girl... the young man who looked like a girl immediately explained, and then laughed dryly and said: "It turned out yesterday that I was worried for nothing. My brother is much better than me. If it weren't for special reasons, he would have been on the list long ago... Well, wait a minute. , I will... Phew, okay!"

Lujiang, who suddenly stuffed a bunch of things from his luggage into his body, let out a long sigh of relief and nodded to indicate that he had finished changing his equipment.

And Lu Wei, who had long been unhappy with the few people standing here chatting, suddenly waved his hand and shouted: "Start!"

Bang! ! !

The next moment, a dragon wing that covered the sky and the sun swept across, knocking Cordoba into the air. Then three cold lights that could tear the air suddenly appeared, and they 'swatted' him fiercely. Return to the ground.

Under the dazzling sunlight, under the horrified gazes of Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, a giant beast that was more than eight meters long and covered with golden manes was roaring with its neck raised (literal translation: wow, I am so powerful!).

At the same time, in the personal strength rankings in the public space, the rankings of more than a hundred people from the middle of the third page dropped neatly by one place.

A new name was born——

[No.54: Lujiang-Lawful Neutral-Mountain and Sea Walker]

Chapter 1532: End

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