Quadruple split

Chapter 1554 Hanging peacefully

[Shaman’s totem? Isn't he a warlock? 】

Xinglong subconsciously glanced at the stupid demon guards on the ground. He did not interrupt his powerful kick, but raised his left arm to protect it in front of him, and opened an additional [Air Wave Shield] as insurance.

"Hey, you won't be able to catch me after I go to heaven~"

Ah Sang, who was squatting on the totem pole, grinned, and was immediately swept away seven or eight meters by a burst of madness that suddenly appeared beside him, perfectly out of the attack range of the awakening dragon, and then made a crisp snap of his fingers with his backhand - —

boom! ! !

A bolt of lightning as thick as three people hugging each other crashed down, landing straight on the totem pole like a lightning rod, and instantly turned into a thunder storm with a radius of more than 500 centimeters, under the gloomy sky. Like a thunder sun.



With a crisp sound indicating that his cervical vertebra was broken, Ah Sang, who thought he was out of the attack range of his opponent, let out a muffled groan and fell straight from the air, hitting the ground like a rag doll.

After the opponent is sent away by a hurricane, he immediately detonates the [Air Wave Shield] in front of him. While stopping the momentum, he reverses his body and sweeps out a kick. Xinglong uses this move [Flowing Waterfall Kick] to directly change direction and dodge to After A Sang's death, he kicked the latter's neck cleanly.

【Fake? 】

Although he had clearly completed the 'fatal blow' from an objective point of view, Xinglong, who did not hear the system prompts, did not hesitate at all. After the time in the air obtained by the force of the counter-shock reached the limit, he immediately sank and moved smoothly. Step out with [Meteor Fall] and step straight down.

1.2 seconds later, his dynamic vision and psychological quality were both excellent. After discovering that his opponent was not within the range of his landing point, Xinglong easily canceled the skill and landed on the ground in a standard Terminator-style crouching position.

Almost at the same time, the demon guards who had been waiting for the awakening dragon for a long time roared over and rushed over. They all had high-level strength. Although two of them were killed by the former before being caught off guard, their strength is still not to be underestimated...

【Sad Kite Confession】

Stomping on the ground and running in both directions with several demon guards at the same time, Xinglong opened his arms and simply and crudely 'stuck' those alien creatures that had an instant acceleration of no less than 30 miles in place, and then stamped his feet hard. , activated [Landmine Shock].

With a roar, the strong bodies were shocked into the air in an instant, and Xinglong, who had completed this round of strong control easily, made a knife with his fingers, and cut several palms around at the same time, using the [Afterimage Fist]. The special effects can kill these instantly, which is actually not weak, but in this level of battle, high-level demon guards can only be regarded as trash... or cannon fodder.

We all know that from high level up, each level up will have an absolute crushing effect on lower level positions, but this does not mean that similar situations will not occur between the same level positions.

They are also high-level. It would be another matter if these Demon Guards were at the level of half-step epic. Now, at this level, at least for the Awakening Dragon, if you want to kill a few of them in seconds, it would be a waste to use one more move. .

This is the background of the top brother in the domestic e-sports circle, and it is also the strength of the first page of the ranking list of Innocence.

Things like common sense actually don't have much reference value for this kind of people.

If you want to compete with Awakening Dragon, you have to be a genius. As for people who are only at the 'talent' level... such as Liadrin, the younger generation of the Diesel family, the fate of facing the former will never be worse than those of the demon guards. How much better.

"Have you hidden it..."

As if he just dumped a bag of garbage, using only normal attacks combined with the detail of 'fatal damage' to instantly kill the miscellaneous fish around him, Xinglong's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he took a deep breath and turned around. lock up.

And during the execution of his action, two mist-like qi energies without any real effect swept out like long whips, surging away from the awakening dragon at extremely fast speeds, and swept across them in the blink of an eye. Nearly eighty meters around.

【Dragon Cannon】!

Xinglong, who had just stopped, suddenly turned to the left and forward, raised his hand and struck out with a long-range attack that was even as powerful as the half-step epic level. This move was the same as the previous Thunder Shock, which he had followed not long ago. The skills that Mo Tan used when they were randomly gathered together, but the difference is that this virtual image of a dragon head with light cyan mist flowing around it is stronger than the move he used against Mo Tan in terms of speed, lethality and attack range. More than twice as much as before.

"Wow! You actually found me!"

For some reason, the Asang monster, which had become exactly the same as the surrounding environment and looked like a humanoid chameleon, cried out with excitement on his face: "This player is so awesome!!!"

After that, two stone slabs with a large number of dark golden lines on their surfaces rose up from the ground, perfectly protecting A Sang himself who was about to be bombarded by the dragon cannon. The first stone slab only lasted less than half a second before being completely destroyed. The hole penetrated and disintegrated directly in the air, and although the second stone slab behind it was full of cracks in the blink of an eye, it still blocked Xinglong's sharp and jaw-dropping 'casual blow'.

But this is just the beginning.

Almost at the same time that the dragon cannon had finished its castration, the awakening dragon rushed over at high speed with the blessing of [Cloud Body]. There were no unpredictable special effects or erratic movements, just simply— -quick.

Although Xinglong can perform at least seven or eight variations of the Cloud Body skill, in this situation, he only needs absolute speed, and his purpose is simply to close the distance with the opponent.

This is based on a very simple and almost mentally retarded principle, that is, if the melee profession wants to defeat the mage, it must close the distance.

Therefore, Xinglong simply chose the method that could best bring the two parties closer, which was simple, crude, and effective.

His style is like this. No matter what kind of game or competition, Awakening Dragon's tactics are always the simplest, most practical, and most cost-effective.

This has also resulted in many opponents being unable to even review the operation of Awakening Dragon, because it is often considered to be a stroke of genius on the spot, and in subsequent analysis it is often -

'He went to kill the healer' - because healers are the most important in team battles.

‘He got it all by himself’ – because he was the only one with the highest survival rate when used as bait.

‘He chose to move around’ – because it’s a bit difficult or impossible to hit from the front.

‘He played conservatively’ – because he ran out of energy towards the end of the game.

‘He switched professions’—because his main profession was targeted by the opponent.

‘He took a gulp of water’ – because he was a little thirsty.

‘He went to the toilet’ – because he drank too much water.

It's so reasonable, so reasonable, so reasonable that it's even a little irritating.

However, everyone in the professional circle knows very well that this annoying 'reasonableness' is exactly the powerful manifestation of the awakening dragon, because it will create a situation where you can't stop him even if you know what he is going to do. .

Unless you judge the situation faster than he does, or he accidentally makes a mistake.

As for the former, everyone's reaction was actually half-hearted. After all, the upper limit of the game is lower than that of the players, and everyone in the same industry knows each other's intelligence quite well. As for the latter...

How to put it, expecting Xinglong to make a mistake is tantamount to giving the initiative to the other party.

And no matter how bad a professional player is, they all know how to play when they have the initiative. After all, this is equivalent to the basic qualities of an athlete.

So what is Xinglong’s basic literacy in this area?

This is an endless cycle with no solution.

That's why people in the industry have such a headache when facing the Awakening Dragon, because this guy is really difficult to deal with. Unless you can sneak up on him while the Awakening Dragon is in the toilet like the typing warrior (Aramis) from the Yufeng Guild, otherwise It's really frustrating when the game limit is so high.

But Ah Sang was not helpless, because he was not an insider, and he didn't know that the guy in front of him with his face wrapped in a turban was the Awakening Dragon God.

This also led to Ah Sang, who had almost no chance to fight against real people... to have a small misunderstanding about the average combat power of the players in the Innocence Realm, and then under this small misunderstanding, he felt a big difference. pressure.

And what this pressure derives is unreserved extreme performance!

He was reminded of the pressure he still endures today, walking on the edge of life and death every day.

"The cow's chariot..."

Looking at his opponent who was approaching him, Ah Sang muttered again, but at this moment, he had entered a state of seriousness that was infinitely close to hysteria.

Why do you say it's hysterical?

To give a simple example, if we in front of the screen were airdropped from time to time into the pit dug by Brother Zheng for various literati, the prisoner of war camp that had just surrendered to Bai Qi, and the French army at Waterloo on the afternoon of June 18, 1851 The front line, the most suitable place for stargazing in Wang Mang's camp in the Battle of Kunyang (PS: No research on the legend), or any of the parties in the Battle of Kursk, would probably all be a little neurotic like him.

Of course, Ah Sang's neurosis is limited to the "Innocence Realm" and will not affect Fu Sang himself in reality, so he can still live his life normally, but it is easier to get distracted when playing games.


Being bullied by Xinglong, Ah Sang casually shook the rolling pin (like a staff) in his hand, then stared into Xinglong's eyes, his pupils instantly turned silvery white, and shouted in a low voice: "Dominate. "

The next moment, Xinglong, who had originally planned to directly drag the rhythm of the battle into a close-up bunt, felt his body sink, and then he was horrified to find that his right hand was quickly raised. The posture seemed to be about to slap himself, and he suddenly stopped with a look of horror on his face. He stopped and used the explosive energy to dispel the opponent's extremely weird control skills. When he regained control of his body and was about to rush forward again, a weapon with a diameter of more than ten meters and burning with miserable green flames appeared. The 'meteorite' has crashed down!

Although Xinglong made the most correct judgment at the first time, he did not retreat and dodge but threw a punch [Xingyi·Yanhuang], but this move once instantly killed Mo Tan in the reverse scale state, but his skill was only A small part of the 'Hellfire Meteorite' was shattered, leaving it with only one left arm missing after it transformed into a human form.

[Xingyi·Dragon Fist]!

Realizing that the hellfire puppet in front of him was definitely at the peak level of a high-level one, and was even close to a half-step epic in some respects, Awakening Dragon didn't hesitate at all. He immediately jumped into the air and punched again, accompanied by a cyan beam of light that looked like a laser cannon. Suddenly, the hellfire puppet that had just propped itself up fell apart and shattered on the ground.

It has to be said that both the power of this punch and Xinglong's instant judgment at that moment proved that he was worthy of his reputation.

But the problem is... the other side seems to be crazy.

Just when the awakening dragon defeated the hellfire puppet that had not had time to stand up, and was about to continue to entangle A Sang's body, a full circle of stone totem poles about two meters high had already surrounded him, and they were all ——[Earthbound Totem]!

Xinglong, who almost fell down as soon as he fell back to the ground, immediately activated [Reinforced Iron Bone] to stabilize his body, and in order to save time, he directly activated [Wind, Fire, and Thunder] to separate the attributes of 'Cloud' and 'Fire'. The two clones fired three [Dragon Cannons] with a cooldown time of only 30 seconds at the same time, clearing more than 70% of the totems.

Then... he was shocked into the air by the negative energy blast that exploded from underneath him. Although he was not hurt even though the effect of the steel and iron bones was still there, he secretly said something bad.

Sure enough, as Xinglong expected, just as he adjusted his posture, a red cloud with an unknown light suddenly formed above his head, which contained a power that made his scalp numb.

Without any hesitation, Xinglong immediately chose to evade. [Double Jump], this seemingly insignificant but well-understood magical skill, allowed him to escape from the violent high-density fire element at the critical moment, but then What happened almost shocked his jaw.

A dark and deep door opened silently behind him, filled with substantial negative energy. At the same time, large snowflakes that froze the bones fell in the air. They were some kind of water element that had transformed into Not only that, there were even a large number of tornadoes carrying orange-yellow flames around him, and the ground under his feet was constantly churning out waves of rock, as if they were determined to bury him inside. He was so passionate and crazy.

If this is nothing, then further away from the Awakening Dragon, a large number of ferocious beasts from different dimensions have begun to line up, and countless elemental puppets are also marching forward uniformly, as if they are anchored in mid-air. Totems also gradually began to play a role, expanding their control range in a very hierarchical manner, and gradually began to suppress the 'fire coverage point' like a hell drawing!

"There's nothing else to focus on later."

Li Lei finished his last sip of yogurt and shrugged at the stunned friends around him: "All in all, I lasted about twenty minutes..."

Everyone said in unison: "What then?"

Li Lei rolled his eyes in a rare move and put down the chopsticks in his hand with a smile on his face——

"Hang very peacefully."

Chapter 1545: End

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