Quadruple split

Chapter 1567 Dilemma

Never leave the mountain! ?

After hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned, and all showed blank expressions.

It's not that the price is so serious that it's beyond the reach of Mo Tan and others, but no one expected that there would be such a puzzling restriction as 'never leaving the mountain'.

You must know that although Tianzhu Mountain is somewhat isolated from the world to a certain extent, it is just their style and stance. As for access, there are no visible restrictions.

Although ordinary people can't go directly to places like the Seventh Outer Mountain like Fimiguer, the First Outer Mountain, which is located on the outermost side and is also the largest, can be said to be overcrowded all year round. Many chambers of commerce and forces have their own establishments there. industry, the Coliseum that Noyce is responsible for is a landmark building, not too lively at all.

Even though Mo Tan and others seem to rarely enter and leave here through mainstream methods (mainly teleportation, riding a dragon and being launched), they don't think that people have to go through five levels and kill six generals if they want to go up the mountain, and they have to go through five levels and kill six generals if they want to go down the mountain. Break into the 18th Bronze Man Formation or something like that.

Leaving aside outsiders, a large number of agents often leave here, such as Cordoba who died countless times outside, Fimiguel who is currently training Wang Badan, and There is Farah, who originally fell in the Southwest Continent and has recently become the focus of Mo Tan's investigation.

All in all, this is a limitation that no one could have anticipated in advance.

But after Zai Lu said this, Mo Tan, who was shocked, suddenly felt that this matter seemed quite reasonable.

After all, from a literal analysis, the identity of 'Tianzhu Mountain's representative' is the existence that walks in the world on behalf of Tianzhu Mountain. If you think about it according to this idea, it will derive 'Why do these people want to walk on behalf of Tianzhu Mountain?' this problem.

So, if the answer is that some beings who need to grasp the current situation through a large number of intelligence sources are 'restricted', or people who need to use the hands of agents to do something are 'unable to leave the mountain', this logic seems to be established.

In other words——

"Could it be that……"

Mo Tan's surprised eyes swept over Long, Lu Wei, and Noyce, and said in shock: "You can't leave this place?"

Luwe Fizilban, the chief scientific researcher of Tianzhu Mountain and equal to the high-level observers, curled his lips, then scratched his big wrinkled ears twice and snorted angrily.

Noyce Hua Shao, known as the "Analyst", shrugged, with a wry smile on his lips.

And Long nodded extraordinarily calmly, and whispered in his always soft voice: "That's right, Brother Mo, as you guessed, in principle we cannot leave Tianzhu Mountain."


Although he had already guessed the truth, Mo Tan was still stunned for a moment after Long admitted it. He was silent for a while before nodding: "So that's the case."

Because Lu didn't explain it in detail, Mo Tan didn't ask any more questions. On the one hand, it was out of consideration and politeness, and on the other hand, he felt that the news might not be suitable for him to listen to.

In fact, if given the choice, Mo Tan would even hope that the conversation just now would not happen, but unfortunately this is not realistic.

After all, what everyone is discussing at this moment is how to treat teeth. If some things are not explained clearly, things will not be able to continue.

[I hope I’m overthinking...]

Mo Tan, who subconsciously connected this topic with the fall of Farah Ossis, sighed silently, then suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart and continued to think about Yaya.

In any case, the top priority now is that Yaya is safe, and everything else is unimportant.

Under his current personality, Mo Tan never felt that he was a good person with the world in mind. Although he was often teased by Yi Dong, he always believed that he would only take into account the things within his field of vision as much as possible, and did not have any lofty plans.

So at this moment, he doesn't want to think too much.

"Wait... wait a minute!"

At this moment, Ji Xiaoge, who had also come to his senses, suddenly turned to Lu Wei and said in confusion: "This doesn't make sense! I still remember when I and Mo were answering questions at Longzhong, one of the questions was about the pioneering work of battlefield engineering. Originator, isn’t the correct answer the Lu Ban, your pseudonym, Mr. Lu Wei?”

Lu Wei nodded and said calmly: "Luban is me."

"That's not right!"

Ji Xiaoge flapped her wings subconsciously, with confusion written all over her pretty face: "If you can't leave Tianzhu Mountain, how could it be possible..."

Noyce also flapped his wings with a sense of confrontation and interrupted: "Of course it is possible, because Lu Wei is different from us high-level observers, so he can achieve it through a series of complex methods. 'Leaving Tianzhu Mountain' is something that cannot be replicated."

"Let's put it this way, my body is the same as theirs and can only stay in Tianzhu Mountain, but the rune body I control is not subject to this restriction."

Lu Wei smiled at Ji Xiaoge and explained rather dotingly: "Noyes and the others can't do this kind of thing. Even if I tailor-made a rune body for them, the latter will leave before they leave." The area within Tianzhu Mountain was instantly wiped out, because their power is special, and I...I don't have the power."

Cordoba, who was usually tortured by Rubi the most, laughed twice and expressed his thoughts directly: "Are you kidding me?"

"I like the saying of you aliens very much - knowledge is power."

Rubi glanced at Cordoba and sneered: "If you look at it from this perspective, you can think that I am very powerful, but in terms of specific 'power', without the help of my creations, I am not even as good as a bird." Low-level monsters are powerful."

Hao smiled slightly and added: "But so-called high-level observers like Noyce and I are different. As residents of Tianzhu Mountain, we are subject to many more restrictions than Lu Wei, so he can The way it is used, we can’t use it.”

"In the beginning, Lu Wei was not on an equal footing with the rest of us. The reason why he was able to obtain the authority equivalent to a high-level observer was entirely because of his efforts and achievements."

Noyce smacked his lips and shrugged: "Once upon a time, he would still say 'Sir' when he met me, even though he didn't really want to."

"how to say……"

Lu Jiang looked at Master Lu with admiration and sighed: "That sounds really inspiring."

"Let's end the digression here."

Hao said lightly, then turned his head to the largest screen in the center of the room again, and said softly: "In short, if you choose the first method, Yaya's physical dangers will be eradicated, and there is no need to bear any risks in the process. But... because if you want to change this situation from the highest level, you must use the power of a high-level observer. After she is reborn, she will belong to Tianzhu Mountain from the root level. In other words, she will get people like us. Same treatment..."

"She can even live longer than the elves."

Noyce shrugged and said in a concluding tone: "However, she will never leave the scope of Tianzhu Mountain. If I leave, I will be obliterated."

Jadeka's face turned pale and he said in astonishment: "Erasure means..."

"Erasure means that she will no longer leave any trace in this world."

Lu Wei looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Note, that is not a concept like death, but a direct removal of all evidence of her existence in this world, including her body, spirit, and soul. Leaving even the slightest trace, it will not even appear in our memory. Of course, little pigeons and people from other worlds like you should be able to remember it. After all, your essence and roots have never been in this world."

Mo Tan and the others froze on the spot as if struck by lightning, and it took a long while before they exchanged looks of fear.

Obviously, the concept of 'erasure' is the most cruel consequence for an intelligent life. It is an 'absolute denial' that makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Although people from other worlds may be exempt from this negative impact to a certain extent, neither Mo Tan nor Ji Xiaoge thinks this is good news.

Jadeka, who was destined to be affected, shook his head in confusion and muttered: "No, this won't work."

"It doesn't matter as long as she doesn't leave here."

Noyce coughed slightly and tried to liven up the atmosphere: "Think about it, our Tianzhu Mountain has everything you need, and the place is not small. If Miss Yaya really becomes a part of this place, she will know and see She will get to play more than before, and everyone will definitely take good care of her. The original life limit of only a few decades no longer exists for her. If you think about it carefully, it is actually not a loss."

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, if people are asked to choose between 'continuing to live their original lives' or 'surviving for almost infinite years, although the scope of action is first, everything is around them, and they are always carefree', there is no time to think about the choice. There are definitely people in the former category, but they are definitely not all of them, and may even be relatively small.

If others don't say anything, people of Jadeka's age would probably prefer the second option if given a choice.

not to mention……

"She can still make friends, fall in love and so on~"

Noyce blinked and continued: "You can come to accompany her at any time. If she has a man she likes, she can also let him settle in Tianzhu Mountain. After all, Yaya is the second generation resident of Tianzhu Mountain, and the descendants Nine times out of ten, they are not subject to this rule.”

I have to say that this [analyst], who has been a host for who knows how many years, is very eloquent and his ability to create atmosphere is top-notch. After a few words, even Jadekar, who was originally the most resistant to this option, fell silent. .

But Mo Tan did not remain silent, but continued to ask without hesitation: "So, what about the second method you mentioned before?"

Noyce first exchanged a look with Lu Wei, and then tried to exchange a look with Hagi, but because the latter had no 'eyes', he had to give up. Then he coughed lightly, spread his hands and said, "The second method is more risky. To put it simply, it is to increase Yaya's physical strength without resorting to the power of Tianzhu Mountain, and then let her counteract the forces in her body and forcibly integrate them, achieving perfect control without suffering backlash. result."

"The problem is that……"

This time, before Mo Tan and others could speak, Lu Wei took the lead in explaining: "According to our rough calculation, if we want that puppy to have the capital to counteract the messy things in her body, it will require at least legendary level strength. In other words, before reaching the legendary level, she always bears the risk of physical collapse."

Hazy nodded slightly, and then said: "If you want to choose the second method, then you need to forcefully reshape Yaya's mental state first. We just discussed it and thought that she had memories of the past because she became stronger. Gradually recover, and the past memories will trigger a mental breakdown. Once there is a problem on the mental level, the body will naturally enter a high-speed collapse process, and after the collapse reaches a certain level, everything will become irreversible. In other words In other words..."

"Death is certain."

Noyce sighed and shook his head: "We have no way to rescue her after her body collapses to an irreversible level. Even if I can make her fall into 'stasis' again, once the 'stasis' is lifted, her body will still be It will quickly collapse."

"not only that."

Master Lu said while paddling the magic crystal board at high speed: "The stronger she is, the easier it is for her to think of things that will make her mentally disturbed. In my calculations, once she reaches the peak of an epic or a half-step legend, She must stay in Tianzhu Mountain until she completes the breakthrough, and in this process, her strength improvement speed will also be greatly affected. You also know how rare the legendary level is, in that case..."

"In that case, the Diesel boy, unless he is a talent of your level."

Noyce suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Jadeka, and said to the stunned latter: "Otherwise, if you want to advance to legend... your hope is very slim."

Lao Jia is a self-aware person. Of course, he would not misunderstand that Noyce was praising his talent as a mage. He also knew how terrible his potential as a knight was, so his face immediately became ugly.

And Lu Wei once again made matters worse on this basis, saying in a deep voice: "Also, when Yaya breaks through to the epic level, the first plan will be scrapped. Although those chaotic forces will not become stronger, they will definitely compete with her. Totally integrated.”

"Then...then we can take the teleportation device you gave me, teacher, and give Yaya permission."

Ji Xiaoge raised her little hand nervously and suggested: "As soon as Yaya has a problem, I will take her back to Tianzhu Mountain as soon as possible. In this way..."

"It's useless, even if I am willing to give her permission."

Lu Wei shook his head and said seriously: "As long as something goes wrong, she will no longer be able to teleport. In other words, when the physical condition of this puppy is unstable, you don't want to know that she will be teleported back with you. What is it, how much is it.”


"So, choose."

"Do you want the first one or the second one?"

"You are Miss Yaya's most precious partners, and Tianzhu Mountain respects your opinions."

Noyce, Lu Wei, and Hazy issued an ultimatum.


Mo Tan, who had been silent since just now, suddenly raised his head and looked at the three of them with burning eyes——

"If possible, I want her to choose."

Chapter 1558: End

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