Quadruple split

Chapter 1571 Engagement

half an hour later

Game time PM16:03

Griffin Imperial City Broread, third floor of Blood Lion Palace, between the pearls


He casually pushed open the jade door covered with exquisite reliefs in front of him. The Blood Lion Emperor, who was slightly tired of the boring 'cut scene' just now, suddenly laughed out loud and raised his hand to let the man who was following him stand. After Dany stayed outside, she strode in and said with a smile: "What day is it today? I can actually see the two most dazzling pearls of my Griffin Dynasty between the pearls at the same time."

Elisa Logan, who was leaning against the window, tilting her head to watch the nobles leaving in an orderly manner, raised her eyebrows. Then the second-in-command, who was wearing a long black dress and always had a charming smile on her lips, The princess complained dissatisfiedly: "Brother, if you see Sister Gaweier happy, just tell her. I usually stay here a lot."


On the sofa on the other side of the room, Gaweier Logan stood up and made a skirt-lifting ceremony to Chiwetel. The eldest princess, who was wearing a flawless and complicated long dress with a hint of melancholy between her eyebrows, She laughed loudly: "Today is a big event for me, Griffin, after all. Even I can't help but want to care about it."

The Blood Lion Emperor, who knew very well what Gaweier really cared about, walked forward slowly, patted his eldest sister on the shoulder, and then gently pushed her back to the sofa: "If everything goes well, The jingoistic empire will be fine.”

"Is it……"

Gaweier did not show an expression of relief, but nodded slightly and said lightly: "That'll be fine."

Eliza, on the other hand, lazily stretched her body and swayed her waist as she walked over slowly, sat opposite her sister and elegantly folded her curves and tempting legs: "Are you really sure? ? Brother, you must know that although the overall national strength of the Chauvin Empire is not too weak, it is mainly in the economic field. In terms of combat effectiveness... huh, at least judging from the investigation report submitted by [Lion Eyes] before, it is really not on the table. , not to mention that the feared Farah Ossis is still dead."

"If your negotiations with the other side are correct, then the Chauvin Empire will indeed be fine."

Chiwetel glanced at Eliza and said calmly: "Don't scare Gavel on purpose. Everything is going according to your plan."

Eliza flattened her mouth and said angrily: "Brother, you are just partial. You do everything for Gaweier. If you have good things, you always give them to her first! Think of her first in everything!"

"That's because you will get what you want by yourself, and you don't need me, the older brother, to worry about it."

Chiwetel smiled. Even if he was the feared Blood Lion Emperor in front of the world, he would relax a little in front of these two sisters. Of course, this may also be understood as the calm before the storm.

Eliza rolled her eyes, held her chin and looked at Chiwetel provocatively: "What you say is nicer than anyone else. Obviously, brother, you don't understand our dear Gavere like I do. She is now... different from before. But it’s quite different, otherwise we wouldn’t be in this place where there is nothing but conspiracy and intrigue.”

"You're overthinking, Eliza."

Gaweier smiled softly, and then turned to look at her royal brother: "So, Duke Valyria has been fooled by his brother, and promised that Mr. Terry will definitely lead the 19th Chapter. We’ve secured the southern border, right?”

Chiwetel frowned, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. He did not immediately answer Gaweier's question, but asked instead: "Gaweier, why do you know such a thing."

"I just said it, brother."

Eliza patted the velvet cushion in her arms before Gaweier spoke, and said with a smile: "Since Sister Gaweier will appear in the Blood Lion Palace, a place she has always resisted, there is naturally a reason. , Oh, by the way, as for why she knows these things, it should be because I have been sending information to her since many years ago, well, all kinds of things."

Chiwetel's brows furrowed even more tightly: "Send information? All kinds of things?"

"is there a problem?"

Eliza blinked and said innocently: "The so-called Griffin royal family is actually the three of us brothers and sisters, right? If only the two of us know everything, and Sister Gaweier doesn't know anything, then it's okay It's so pitiful, of course, I don't think Sister has read a single word of those things, at least... that was the case until a few months ago."

Chiwetel was stunned for a moment, and then cast a searching look at Gaweier.

"I've been restless lately and wanted to find something to do."

Gaweier nodded slightly and directly admitted Eliza's statement. She looked calmly at Chiwetel's black eyes that were not angry and self-defeating unless he was smiling: "Those things Eliza sent Things are quite suitable for passing the time.”

Looking at his sister who, although born into the royal family, has always remained gentle and innocent, almost the opposite of Eliza, Chiwetel was silent for a long time before sighing helplessly: "I'm sorry, Gaweier, Arthur ·Bo He’s matter has nothing to do with my brother. If possible, I don’t want to make an article out of his matter, but..."

"Nothing is wrong, everything is just my own decision."

Eliza waved her hands impatiently, and fell on the sofa with her arms in a mess: "If you want to blame me, blame me. I brought Gawen who killed Arthur, and so did I. I let him go on purpose, so in a sense, it’s okay even if you blame me for his death.”

Gaweier shook her head, looked at Elisa with the same doting look as before, and said softly: "I know that Arthur's death has nothing to do with Elisa. As for what happened next... you did it for Griffin too. ,Is not it?"

Eliza grinned, gently brushed away a strand of hair hanging on her shoulders, and said in a leisurely tone, "Isn't that right~"

"Eliza, stop talking."

Chiwetel sighed helplessly, and then looked at Gaweier: "You can trust our sister. Although her character is so bad that it gives people a headache, she is still relatively reliable in this kind of thing."

Gaweier pursed her lips and smiled, indicating that she didn't care about what Elisa had just said, and then picked up the topic again: "I don't think the Duke of Valyria wants the regular army to intervene, but The Howard family and the Xinglan family... he should bring them with him, right?"

"Yes, he refused the support of the Seventh Main Battle Corps, but he said that before defeating the vanguard of the Chauvin Empire and marching southward, he would let the armed forces of the two families plunder the formation for him. The superficial reason was to increase stability. Effectively capture the Chauvinist capital of Trone.”

Chiwetel sat on the sofa in the middle and looked at Gaweier in surprise: "To be honest, although I am not surprised that you can think of this, but..."

Eliza raised her hand to cover her small mouth, and finished Chiwetel's words with a smile: "But to use the term from outsiders, sister, you seem to be a little out of touch with your painting style now...well, or maybe it's your personality."

"I don't understand people from other worlds, and I don't know what character design style is, but people have to grow."

Gaweier calmly poured herself a cup of black tea, added sugar to the cup and whispered softly: "By the way, I hope to get engaged to Mr. Fast of the Howard family."

Chiwetel suddenly stiffened and subconsciously widened his eyes: "What did you say?"

Eliza, on the other hand, fell directly from the sofa. Rarely, she raised her head from the carpet and looked at her sister: "Eh?"

"I wish to be engaged to Fast Howard."

With her eyes lowered, Gaweier picked up the black tea and blew it, and said calmly: "I know that he has been interested in me since a long time ago, and as one of the most powerful nobles in our Griffin dynasty, the Howard family has been in power for three generations. If we want to go further, other than the unrealistic method of overthrowing our royal family, the only way is to have those legitimate sons marry me or Eliza and become relatives of the country."

Eliza, who simply lay down on the carpet, blinked and asked in a voice that was close to a scream: "Is that the problem?"

"I need an explanation, Gaweier."

The Blood Lion Emperor returned to the expressionless state that made him most comfortable, and asked in a low voice that was almost emotionless: "Why do you suddenly want to marry Fast Howard? The person you like is not Arthur... "

"Arthur Boho is dead. I saw him die in my arms."

Gaweier put down the tea cup in her hand, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Chiwetel calmly: "He won't come back, will he?"

The latter shook his head and stared at Gaweier with a gloomy and terrifying gaze: "Don't try to fool your brother, dear sister, of course I know that Arthur Bohe is dead and will not come back, but I You also know that Fast Howard, who has been coveting you for many years, will never be able to seduce you. Not to mention that attending the same banquet with him will make you feel disgusted. Even if he is an impeccable man, he is not enough to become the person you were just now. Reasons for the decision.”

Gaweier smiled weakly: "It's just an engagement."

Chiwetel shook his head firmly: "Even if it's just an engagement."

Gaweier sighed and murmured: "We are not engaged now."

Chiwetel frowned and ordered slightly impatiently: "Speak clearly."

"The moon of song, pray for four days."

Gaweier turned to look out the window and smiled: "As far as I know, that is a day that is very popular among couples from other worlds. I think that day is very suitable for getting engaged."

Elisa, who was lying on the ground, twitched her lips and couldn't help but spit out: "You just said that you don't understand people from other worlds."

"I just lied to you, Eliza."

Gaweier smiled sweetly at her sister, her beautiful eyes narrowed into two crescent moons: "I always look at you, so I can feel your joys and sorrows, good intentions and lies, but you rarely Look at me, that’s why I didn’t realize that my sister can actually lie too.”

Elisa's pair of eyes that were as beautiful as Gaweier's suddenly shrank, as if it was the first time she met the sister in front of her who had been with her day and night since she was a child: "You said...what?"

"Didn't I just say it, Eliza?"

Gaweier threw a few sugar cubes into the already sweet and cloying black tea and said with a smile: "People will grow up, I just grew up later than you and your brother."

Chiwetel, who didn't look as surprised as Eliza, frowned, ignored the in-depth conversation the two sisters had just had, and asked bluntly: "What does the Song of the Moon Praise for Four-Day Engagement mean? "

"I want to go to the Moon of Song to pray for four days because I don't want to be anyone's fiancée, at least not now."

While stirring the black tea with a delicate silver spoon, Gavel Logan said calmly: "The reason for getting engaged to Farrell Howard is because his family needs an attitude, one from the royal family, that can make them willing to give up some of their interests. , Correct your attitude towards eating and drinking."

Chiwetel nodded solemnly: "Continue."

"Even if they are just private soldiers, the private soldiers under the Howard family are powerful enough. If they really cooperate with the 19th Chapter, the 'millstone' used to consume the power of the nobles will easily be broken. If Chauvin cannot hold on, , the Dreamland Theocratic State will not go to war, which is a very serious uncertainty factor."

Gaweier took a sip of the overly sweet black tea and analyzed calmly: "So I don't think they should be allowed to go south. If we promise a marriage, smart old Howard will definitely show sincerity and reciprocate. For example... not only will they not go to 'support' the 19th Chapter, they will also prevent people from the Star Blue family from getting a share of the spoils, and then let most of the Valyrian family's spoils be turned over to the royal family."

Chiwetel frowned: "Isn't this statement a bit too roundabout?"

Gaweier shook her head and smiled: "The nature of aristocrats is to beat around the bush. They always like to think a lot. They want to be decent but also want benefits. They want to be clean and prosperous, so in the larger world, In the face of temptation, they will go to the extreme in superficiality when giving up immediate benefits, and what we need is their superficiality."

Chiwetel pondered for a few seconds and then asked: "So, what is your purpose?"

Gaweier answered without thinking, with her gentle and soft voice saying slowly: "Let the millstone run as smoothly as possible, and in the process, the interests of the Howard family and other nobles will be separated, and finally... in All the noble forces were sent to the front line to take the lead in the fierce battle."

"What makes you think the Howard family would do this?"

At this time, Eliza suddenly interrupted and asked.

Gaweier smiled and raised her glass to Eliza: "Because this is also part of the statement. Of course they can refuse to take the lead or even refuse to go to the front line, but the emperor also has reasons to withdraw his previous verbal promise." got engaged'."

"Do you think this plan will not be suspected?"

"If everything goes according to Eliza's plan with the leaders of the Chauvin and Dream delegations when you were in Academy City, the Dream Kingdom will soon send troops south, and that country is far stronger than the Chauvin Empire. If a marriage was proposed at that time, the Howard family would only think it was a solicitation and would not have any suspicion."

"What's the end?"

"at last?"

"I mean, what if we win? The Howard family will be part of the winning camp."

"Of course it is."

"Then you and that Fast..."

"The Moon of Songs prays for the fourth day. If the war is still going on by then, the engagement will naturally be postponed."

"I mean--"

"Other than that, I think there are only two endings. If you fail, there will be nothing. That's fine. As for Eliza, what you said, if we win..."


"Now that we have won, the Howard family, who is qualified to enjoy the victory with us, is no longer qualified to enjoy the victory with us."

Chapter 1562: End

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