Quadruple split

Chapter 1578 Hostility

Game time AM09:11

Northeastern continent, northern edge of the Holy Union, in front of Doumbouya City

As the holy carriage filled with various alien-enhancing magic circles slowly came to a stop, the short vacation of less than a week for the Black Vatican Priest came to an end.

One thing to say, this trip has reduced Mo Tan's workload a lot in recent days. After all, not long ago, the role of 'Tan Mo' was still being prepared in the Free City, and the role of 'Mo' in Tianzhu Mountain was Whenever I have free time, I practice with Cordoba and others, which can be said to be quite busy.

Not only that, 'Tan Mo' also had to take time to go to a public space to hold Mu Xuejian and Shuangye's thighs and abuse them. There was also something wrong with Yaya's physical condition at Tianzhu Mountain. To be honest, if it wasn't for Hei Fan' has always been relatively leisurely here, and the difficulty of time management will definitely increase significantly.

But that’s as far as today——

Because on the 10th day of the Flower Moon in the Sacred Calendar, 9571, at 9:11 am, Pastor Black Van arrived at the city of Doumbouya, which was not yet loyal to him at the time.

Fortunately, at this time, 'Tan Mo' has left the Free City and gone south to the Violet Empire. The Wangwang team currently located in Tianzhu Mountain is undergoing pre-departure repairs, so aside from excluding the fragmentation problem, there is actually quite a bit of time left. .

Since being able to actively choose a character by returning to the public space, Mo Tan's game rhythm has been greatly improved compared to the past. Although the two problems of fragmentation and disconnection are still unresolved, it still greatly increases the possibility of allocating his time. The operability and (anti-harmony) game experience are much better than before.

This is normal. After all, in the past, if Mo Tan wanted to change characters, he could only change his personality after leaving the game cabin at the cost of a splitting headache and then go online again. Not only did he have strong side effects and poor stability, he even had a lifelong problem some time ago. It was an unforgettable weird experience, that is, three personalities appeared in a certain 'consciousness space' at the same time. Not only was I almost trapped to death in it, but after I woke up, I was almost driven crazy by the memories of the same time period from three perspectives.

Even Mo Tan, whose personality was in the state of 'Lawful Good', was able to break through his defenses and was tortured to the point of rolling around on the ground with his head covered. The intensity was even more severe than that of Gawen when he used [Sin-soaked Bullets]. .

Therefore, Mo Tan rarely took the initiative to change personalities after that, and as which character can be played depends entirely on fate, the difficulty of time management has naturally increased, and every day has been fragmented and dire.

It wasn't until the news of the "Inquisition of Crime" was made public and the function of "Inquisition of Crime Simulated Battle" was implemented in the public space. After discovering the outrageous function of 'Character Selection' and sighing with the system to the point of being admitted to the hospital, Mo Tan started to work again. Got the gaming experience, and it's a pretty good gaming experience.

Although it is far inferior to other players, at least compared with Mo Tan himself, it is already quite good.

[Unfortunately, it is only limited to simulation battles and competitions. If you think about it carefully, if you can exchange an appendix for a lifelong role choice, it is actually quite profitable. 】

Mo Tan smacked his lips, and then stopped thinking. After adjusting his collar, he turned to Phillip, Avery, Luna and Yi Zuo who were standing behind him and smiled slightly. He breathed a sigh of relief and then Opening the car door from the inside, he looked into the eyes of the Grand Knight of Dawn, [Crime Killer] Green Tyree, who was already waiting outside the car.


Green, who only came to visit Mo Tan once on the way, and happened to catch up with the latter who was offline, smiled, lowered the ladder of the holy carriage himself, and joked: "The youngest person in charge in the history of Doumbuya City .”

Mo Tan saluted Green, walked briskly out of the car, and smiled: "I feel pretty good."

"Having confidence is a good thing, but young people can't...forget it."

Green shook his head and patted Mo Tan's shoulder gently: "If it's you, you don't need to worry about impetuousness and inflation, right?"

Mo Tan scratched his cheek and said, "Actually, I am also a young man..."

"That's what I say, but ordinary young people will not completely shirk the credit for defeating the cultists in Sumir, even if he is an outsider."

Green, who had obviously grasped some core information, blinked at Mo Tan with a strange expression: "But I really didn't expect you to agree so happily, and you also specifically requested that His Highness Wangyu not be allowed to accompany you."

"Because this is not something I can decide."

Mo Tan, who had too many secrets to reveal, shrugged helplessly and did not answer the question about Yu Chen. He just spread his hands and said with a bitter smile: "Either we make a hypothesis. If I really make a decision under my authority, After everything is arranged and you refuse to obey, what do you think the outcome will be, Mr. Green?"

Green touched his chin and said in a deep voice: "The sect should try its best to make you obey the order. After all, the Black Van Priest is different from us. Well, although it may not be appropriate, but in the words of His Highness Xia Lian, you even There will be no life-threatening danger in this world, so..."

"So unless I plan to completely break up with our sect."

Mo Tan sighed and said helplessly: "Otherwise, I shouldn't be able to escape."

As a senior member of the Dawn Sect, Green coughed slightly in embarrassment, and finally told the truth: "Yes, when you were still in Academy City, His Majesty and His Highness had already decided that if you didn't go, Let the Forgotten Saint go first."

"I've guessed that such a sinister... well, I mean the informal coercion method is most likely the work of our Saint Xia Lian."

Mo Tanpi nodded with a smile, and said dryly: "So there is actually no room for me to resist from the beginning. In that case, I might as well agree more happily so that I can negotiate the terms later."

Green's face froze when he heard this, and after a while he narrowed his eyes slightly: "Indeed, the conditions you proposed almost prevented Your Majesty from returning to the embrace of the goddess. Those who know the situation know that you came to Doumbouya City to fight. Bloody Barbarian, those who don’t know better would think that you were arranged by the Dark Night Sect to enter our Shuguang house and ransack it.”

[Hey, hey, hold on, Lord Green! You are one of the few serious people in Dawn Sect, please don’t be influenced into making complaints! 】

When Mo Tan heard this, he immediately vomited in his heart without saying a word, then coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment: "I actually don't know if what I want is suitable. After all, we are from another world, so for this place The prices are still…”

"Come here, your list is made by an expert, right?"

Green flicked Mo Tan's forehead angrily, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, okay, no one blames you. Even though Your Majesty Ambrosia was very angry, you can make good friends." He is still very pleased. Your Highnesses should also get off the car. Although it is not appropriate to say this, I will ask you to take care of Hei Fan in the future."

The last words Green said were to Avery and Phillip, who were still embarrassed in the car at this moment. Luna had already staggered down, and Yi Zuo was following closely behind Mo Tan, and these two were in the car. When I was about to get off the bus, I suddenly found that the Grand Knight Commander was chatting with Pastor Hei Fan, so I stood at the door without embarrassment because I missed the good opportunity to get off the bus.

"Your Majesty is joking."

After getting out of the car, Phillip shook his head sternly and said to the famous [Conviction] Grand Knight Commander rather cautiously: "We originally came here to study. Even if we have to take care of us, it is Pastor Hei Fan who takes care of us. That’s right.”

Avery, who was next to him, nodded vigorously and agreed: "Yes, yes, we are not people who care about status in the first place. Brother Hei Fan is the boss here. It's the same thing to be a favored one by God. Just follow orders." It’s another thing, we know who we are here.”

"Your Highnesses are too polite."

Green shook his head, but as he spoke, his expression softened a lot, and his favorability towards the two young men suddenly increased.

In the final analysis, no matter how good his character is, no matter how impartial he is, he is still the Grand Knight Commander of the Dawn Sect and a devout believer of the Dawn Goddess Paksi. Although Mo Tan is not a favorite of the Son of God, in Green's eyes he is We are still a proper family. It is impossible to say that we are unhappy after hearing the unpretentious statements of these two His Highnesses.

Besides, as the saying goes, everyone has a love for talent. Leaving aside priests and priests, people like Green who take the paladin route admire Mo Tan very much, and this has nothing to do with whether he is a bole or a bole. You must know that Gelbin, who was born in the Violet Fernand family of the Justice Sect, has sincerely invited Mo Tan to change jobs countless times.

Green didn't feel much at first. After all, in his world view, even if he is a member of the Holy Religion Union, job-hopping is a taboo. But since he learned that Mo Tan is an outsider who is difficult to be bound by rules, Your Excellency, the Grand Knight Commander, feels a sense of crisis.

He had not experienced the battle in Misha County that shocked Gelbin, but he had personally witnessed and cooperated with Mo Tan's plan in the battle of the Holy Mountain Sumir, and it was the latter who took the lead and established the victory in one fell swoop. plan.

The moment the cultists were completely defeated, Green knew that the Dawn Sect had found a treasure. This young man, who was supposed to be just a pendant of the Saint of Forgotten Words, would surely become a terrifying battlefield master in time.

As long as he doesn't die prematurely, as long as he can guard against arrogance and impetuosity and not be arrogant.

As a result, it didn't take long for Green to discover that not only was this kid not inflated, he even despised those achievements and wished he could blame them all on others to hide his merit and fame.

Later, he learned some information about people from other worlds, and understood that even Hei Fan had almost no chance of dying unless something happened to him in his own world.

From then on, although Green didn't say anything, he was almost happy in his heart. He looked back at his apprentice Kevin, who was also from another world, and directly killed him in anger. The training intensity of the operator was increased three times, making the unlucky child play games every day as if he was punching in at work. Moreover, it was not a blessing of 996, but a crazed 007.

It is precisely because of this——

"I didn't ask Kevin to come with me this time. With his current strength, even if he comes, he will be a hindrance to you."

Green nodded to Mo Tan and said with a smile: "After a while, when he becomes more successful, I want him to come here to experience the real combat atmosphere, so..."

Mo Tan immediately understood and nodded happily and replied: "Don't worry, when Brother Kevin comes over, I will definitely guarantee..."

"So you can leave it to him to do any errands that are close to death."

Green also nodded and said with a smile: "I know that he is an alien like you and is not afraid of death."

Mo Tan: "..."

Avery/Philip: “…”

Obviously, this 'rare and serious person in the Dawn Sect' also has a dark side, and it is too dark.

"Okay, let's stop talking here."

Green glanced at the open city gate on the other side of the convoy, turned around and walked over with a long stride, and said without looking back: "Follow me, be alert. This place and the City of Light are two different worlds. Between you, Before being recognized and accepted, the eyes around you are not the most critical, only more critical.”

In this way, under the leadership of Green, Mo Tan, Avery, Philip, and Yi Zuo walked towards the towering city gate that was thick, dark, and covered with blood and rust. Luna did not go with them. Foreign aid volunteers As a member of this team, she will enter the city later with one hundred and fifty high-level clergy from the Justice, Plenty, and Dawn sects.

As mentioned before, three-quarters of the total 200 entourage will stay directly in Doumbouya City, and these people will be the core force before Mo Tan and others gain a foothold in Doumbouya City. After all, here The atmosphere here is not simple at all, and Green, the great knight commander, cannot stay here to support Mo Tan.


Halfway through, Green suddenly frowned and his expression suddenly became gloomy.

Philip and Avery, who were walking a little behind, were also stunned and exchanged meaningful glances with each other. Well, the reason is actually not difficult to guess...

[The city gate is half open instead of fully open. There are less than a hundred soldiers lined up, and they seem to have been pulled directly from the training ground or during the mission...]

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, completed the analysis in a blink of an eye, and came to a conclusion that surprised him——

Archbishop Jost, who is about to take over from the 'Pastor Black Van' and is still the highest person in charge of Doumbouya City, seems to dislike his own group and does not hide it at all.

Sure enough, when the five people passed through the dark and damp city gate, which had many torches but not half of them were lit, what greeted them was not a warm and polite smile, but a face that was so cold that it was almost disgusting.

He was a wealthy old man dressed simply, with white beard and hair, and a somewhat stooped figure.

Jost Astre, the bishop of the Sun Sect and the head of Doumbouya City, had naked disgust written on his wrinkled face.

Obviously, this is a pointless, yet uncomfortable move.

Chapter 1569: End

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