Quadruple split

Chapter 1585 Combat Power Crush

Everything was prepared at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, a total of one hundred Doumbouya City garrison soldiers were standing on both sides of the center of the school ground, with subtle expressions on their faces, ready to fight.

Perhaps because they were afraid that everyone would worry, or perhaps because they wanted to prove their determination, Avery and Phillip, after obeying Mo Tan's order, imitated the long hair of Grand Knight Green Tyree during the day in full view of the public. After the two holy sons directly stated in the name of God that they would be good 'referees' to ensure that no unexpected situations would occur, no matter how hypocritical they were, they did not express any unnecessary opinions.

After all, compared to the Grand Knight Commander who is easily noticed by the gods because of his own efforts, if the two people who are favored by the gods break their oaths, the price will only be more serious. They have no reason to risk their futures, so they will definitely go all out. .

Not only that, a practice battle is a practice battle after all, and the method of eliminating the opponent must be relatively gentle. So even if Mo Tan said that everyone can treat it as fighting a blood barbarian, but excluding factors such as mistakes and superiority, no one will be stupid enough. Use all possible means to kill your own people.

In the concept of these garrison, it would be no problem if the two Holy Sons could perfectly perform the tasks assigned to them by the Black Vatican Priest. Even if they accidentally missed it, there would only be a few seriously injured people at most, and most of them would be The kind that can be cured.

Under this premise, it is just right for the two fools who rashly swore without knowing how much they weighed. Anyway, even if the City of Light wants to pursue the responsibility, they will only find the priest Heifan, who just obeyed and took responsibility. People's orders don't matter to everyone.

Ever since, the matter was settled, and the speed at which both sides selected people could be regarded as vigorous and resolute.

In the finalized list of Group A, both Raymond and Mino were among them. Although Shalia, whose name was also mentioned by Mo Tan, did not join, the other 48 members were all chosen by her.

Group B was relatively simple. Mo Tan threw fifty [Laws and Shields] around, and the ones that glowed just went out of the queue. Of course, those who were randomly sampled did not need to participate, but everyone was very interested. Those who gave face did not refuse.

I don't know why, but everyone has an unfounded expectation that Pastor Hei Fan can do something amazing.

It's not because of the sixth sense or any other messy reasons. It's because the foreshadowing was done so well that everyone thought this person would do something.

But giving face to everyone is one thing, but intensity is another.

Although the girl named Shalia Ain did not join Team A, she was responsible for the intelligence of the entire Doumbouya City. This time, she did not hesitate to match Raymond and Mino with an outrageous strength. team.

It is true that no matter how good Shalia's brain is, she cannot remember the specific information of tens of thousands of people in the city at once, but if this range is narrowed down to the strongest three hundred or five hundred people , she can definitely tell everyone's name and characteristics without hesitation.

Under this premise, what she had to do was very simple, and that was to find the 48 people who were theoretically the most suitable to cooperate with Raymond and Mino among the hundreds of strongest people.

In fact, the second after the matter was settled, she reported the list she had made in her heart at an extremely fast speed. Within one minute, she finalized all the candidates and excluded herself, without even giving Lei Meng and Mino had a chance to talk.

However, the two of them did not express any objection to Shalia's decision. Whether it was Raymond, who did not intend to form a crushing lineup, or Mino, who was theoretically the most suitable person to be responsible for selecting people, they all expressed their disapproval of the logistics manager's decision. Support it unreservedly.

On the other side, although the people selected by Mo Tan looked similar to their opponents, their average level was completely incomparable with Team A. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength gap between the two sides was so big that any local in Doumbouya City could not see it. They will all shake their heads.

In other words, before the battle begins, Team A knows that it will win, and Team B also knows that it will lose.

To be honest, until the moment when the Black Vatican Priest loudly announced "Let's go", neither party had any idea what kind of medicine this man with a frightening resume was selling in his gourd.

However, this does not prevent both parties from responding immediately.

As a garrison in Doumbouya City, even if everyone in this school field is not experienced in hundreds of battles, they have at least dozens of battle experiences, and they are all bloody battles where they may die at any time, especially the fifty people in Team A. , they are basically the kind of wolves who crawl out from the dead, and each of them has at least dozens of lives on their hands. They are basically the same as many troops who have the title of soldier but have rarely seen much blood. Just two concepts.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in ordinary practice battles, it is not uncommon for this group of people to suffer injuries as severe as broken bones and tendons. After all, this is a semi-fortress-style border town under the Holy Religion Alliance. No matter how scarce supplies are, treatment is There is nothing wrong with the quality and quantity of the product.

So as long as they don't have disabilities such as broken arms and legs, and don't care about the hidden diseases left after overdrafting the body to heal the injury, ordinary 'serious injuries' are really nothing to these people.

But the nature of this practice battle is slightly different. On the one hand, according to the order of Pastor Hei Fan to the two Holy Sons, even ordinary 'serious injuries' are not allowed to occur. On the other hand, people say that they will die. To fight, it's best to use the same posture as when fighting against the blood barbarian.

Okay! Since you said so, let’s give it a try!

"For those in front, let's each find the most comfortable angle and crash into it without any difference..."

Standing in the middle of the team, Mino, who looked sick with two dark circles under his eyes, gave the order very simply.

Except for Raymond, who seemed to have some scruples and was afraid of hurting his comrades, the Templars in front immediately pounced on them with ferocious expressions, looking as if they planned to eat their comrades on the opposite side alive!

"Sorry, guys!"

A muscular orc man stepped directly onto the ground and leaped up. His strong fighting spirit instantly caused the two-handed battle ax in his hand to shine brightly, and it hit several people not far away like a meteor, roaring loudly. : "If I cripple you, let our new boss support you for the rest of your life!"

The few people he targeted could only shake their heads and smile bitterly. Although they had no intention of giving up the game directly, they knew better than anyone how big the gap between the two sides was. Take that orc, who didn't know whether he was honest or had a bad temper. As for the berserker, although he is only at the peak level of a high-level person, he can use his professional advantages to hit more than ten powerful attacks in a short period of time with an intensity equivalent to a 'half-step epic'. Although the upper limit of his body temporarily drops to It's a side effect of entering a high level for the first time, but within those dozen moves, this guy's threat is simply outrageous!


The dwarf warrior at the front of Team B roared angrily and waved the tower shield in his hand to withstand the jumping attack. Although he was not seriously injured, the entire lower body... simply put, everything below the crotch was crushed. The kind that goes into the ground and cannot be pulled out.

"Go to Gan Da Di!"

With just one blow, the orc from Team A was able to incapacitate Team B's most proficient in defense and cover front-row members. Similar scenes were happening in all directions, and it was basically the people from Team A who were crushing them. Fight with the people from Team B.

Let's talk about it, both sides played very seriously, but the gap in strength was really too big.

But after all, everyone really wouldn't kill each other as a blood barbarian, so the orc berserker didn't hit his dwarf partner who was trying to pull himself out of the ground, but instead made a backhand strike that was completely made of blood. The bright red blade turned into light and directly swept away the two Templars from Team B who were about to come over for support.

"Those who get the position should concentrate and cut from the middle to the back. The others will follow to expand the opening."

There was no need for amplification scrolls. Mino, who was born in the Melody Sect, didn't even open his mouth. He just blew the [Long Drink] in his hand twice and let the slightly distorted sound spread across the battlefield, and also took advantage of the opportunity to coat the body of the orc's crazy war. Added a layer of high-level magic [Quiet Melody] that exudes sparkling light like water waves.

The orc warrior who instantly understood Mino's meaning immediately changed [Rational Fury] to [Bloody Fury], but his eyes that should have turned red due to severe congestion still remained clear, and he even raised his battle axe. It spun around and roared, 'Get out of here if you don't want to die' while strangulating forward. The target was the spellcasters who were covered by the front row of Team B.

The surrounding Templars of Team A who heard the order and saw the label immediately followed, using the berserker at the front as a spear tip to directly pierce Team B's main formation.

Several diversionary spells including [Holy Word Spell: Barrier] flashed out from behind, but several templar warriors with long-range attack methods behind the orc warrior stopped him in time, and occasionally one or two The magic that slipped through the net could not stop the former who had turned into a human meat grinder.

In desperation, several Templars at the forefront of Team B chose to retreat, trying to cover their caster teammates and keep the distance, but one monk type who did take Mo Tan's previous words seriously The Templar warrior stepped forward to meet him!

This young man knows very well that if the opponents at this moment are those blood barbarians, the Queen's Guards of the Blood Feather Mesa, the Forbidden Army of the Steel Teeth Tribe Nation, the scavengers of the Gray White Plains, and the Gray Lizard Hunters of Sleepy Head Cliff, then This level of cover is simply not enough to allow the casters to escape to a safe distance!

Unless someone cuts it off! Someone sacrificed! Someone is dying!

"Stop it!"

I saw the half-orc boy from the panda family who seemed to have the same two dark circles under his eyes as Mino, but actually looked like he was wearing smoky makeup just because of his bloodline, and punched out with bated breath!

"I can't fucking stop right now! You're dying! Run!"

As a result, the orc warrior in the center of the storm, who was extremely clear-headed because he was blessed with [Quiet Melody], roared even louder, because the berserker who was using the skill [Heavy Storm] at this moment was attacking the enhanced version of [Bloodthirsty Storm]. , so there is no way to stop in just a few seconds by his own will, and this means that even if he tries hard to brake and the teammates behind him don't take action, the monk in team B who is blocking him will still be stopped in an instant. Was torn apart!

At this moment, the originally enthusiastic orc berserker's hands and feet were cold, and Raymond, who was following closely behind him, immediately raised his sword and threw out two sword lights, the stronger of which was directly twisted into the [bloodthirsty] The other one, which was relatively soft, shot at the stupid monk, trying to knock him into the air.

But everything happened too fast. Even for a person like Raymond who had only half-stepped into the epic, and who would surely advance to the next level in time, he could only barely grab two moves, two moves that were at the peak of high-level strength.

The first sword light rushed into the [Bloodthirsty Storm] smoothly, but it was like sinking into the sea without any ripples. However, the angle of the second sword light was still a little off, missing the weapon of Team B by about half a meter. monk.

The next second——

Under Raymond's desperate gaze, the blade claw on the boy's arm was cut into several pieces in an instant, and its user would also suffer the same fate within a second.

If this is a real battlefield, if they are real blood barbarians, if there is no referee in this practice battle.

Fortunately, these ‘ifs’ don’t exist.

An arm that was not very strong but very calm and stable suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed the outer edge of the armor at the back of the monk's neck, and directly threw him out of the battle with his backhand, while his other hand , is firmly against the edge of a two-handed battle ax that is flowing with rich blood!

Immediately afterwards, Avery Davidson, who seemed to have no energy, blinked, and with a slight flick of the hand that was clearly holding the palm of his hand against the edge of the blade without leaving any trace, he forced the man to 'brake' The orc berserker turned around again!

He even completed the opening and closing of [Brilliant Halo of Justice] in an instant, evening out the extra physical strength of the orc warrior that he had consumed, and the strength of his hand was just enough to make [Bloodstorm]'s The speed returned to the level before it was disturbed by himself and even Raymond's sword just now.

"Oh no, you should have killed someone by now."

After doing all the above, Avery suddenly patted his forehead lightly, and then threw out a set of armor from the storage ring. After the latter was subconsciously crushed by the berserker, he nodded with satisfaction and pointed his toes. With a gentle tap on the ground, he returned to the outside like a ghost, patted the young panda who had just walked around the gate of hell, and said with a smile: "Good boy, very energetic."

"Holy...His Royal Highness the Holy Son?!"

"hold head high."

"Did you just save me?!"

"hold head high."

"How did you do it?!"

"Uh... eat a balanced diet and exercise more?"

Chapter 1576: End

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