Quadruple split

Chapter 1587 Destroy everyone

Game time PM20:47

Doumbouya City, School Ground

Mo Tan returned to the middle position, Yi Zuo and the two Holy Sons were still standing behind him, and a little outside, stood Shalia and two teams that had not yet been disbanded, Bai Avery and As a result of Philip's gift, not even one of the hundreds of men lost their fighting ability, and the most serious ones were just leg cramps and a few innocuous wounds.

The first practice battle ended quickly, and the result did not exceed anyone's expectations, but the process still left a very deep impression on everyone.

Although the people at the back may not be able to see clearly, after the popular science among the front row audience, everyone understood the situation in just a few minutes after the practice battle ended, and they also recognized the newly arrived airborne troops a little more.

That's right, even though the first game ended with Team A's overwhelming victory, Raymond and others were not the protagonists, nor was Team B, which was almost beaten head-on. After all, we are all comrades in arms, and there is a strong relationship between them. It can be considered that we know the basics, and no one will be surprised by this result.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to have a deep impression on Priest Heifan. After all, this person has basically done nothing except organizing this practice battle and then immediately selected 50 people to form Team B. He still maintains a certain degree of mystery. It feels like, except for caring people like Shalia and Mino, no one paid much attention to him.

What really shocked everyone was the strength of Avery and Phillip.

Everyone here knows that as a sect that has received the hope of being favored by the gods when they were young, the resources of the two holy sons must be ridiculously good in all aspects, so from the beginning they did not feel that they were pure second generation ancestors, and they also know Their strength is definitely not weak.

Perhaps for ordinary people, advancing to the epic level depends on luck, and those who can reach the legendary level are even rarer. But for the extremely rare gods' favored ones, advancement to the legendary level is basically inevitable, and breaking through to the epic level is even more important. It is just as natural for ordinary people to live to the age of eighteen, so I don't think there is anything wrong with the two young saints having epic level strength.

But even so, the abilities displayed by the two are still somewhat exaggerated.

What is more intuitive is Philip's [Sprouting] that made the eyes of the clergy of the same sect go dark. Avery, who walked through the battlefield like a leisurely stroll and only drew his sword once in the whole process, was also revealed because he competed with Philip for the 'record'. With his unfathomable knowledge, he not only easily took over attacks that even the attackers could not contain in time, he even had the time to 'reset' the battle situation. The technical content involved would make many close combatants think about it just by thinking about it. The professional felt creepy and looked at the two His Highnesses with a hint of awe.

There is no doubt that all this was premeditated, and the person who planned it could only be Mo Tan, who assigned tasks to the two His Highnesses.

Just imagine, if the enemy had been replaced by those damn blood barbarians, the two of them might have saved fifty-one lives in just ten minutes. Although this calculation method is not reliable, but no matter what , For the garrison in Doumbouya here, there are definitely not too many comrades like Avery and Philip.

The two His Highnesses have proven with their own strength that not only are they not the 'old soldiers' that everyone is most afraid of, but they can even play an extremely critical role in any situation and even turn the tide of the war.

Of course, the premise of all this is that they will not be treated differently and will actually fight side by side with everyone.

"Sorry, I forgot to mention it just now."

Mo Tan, who tore open the second amplification scroll, apologized emphatically, then lightly tapped his head and said in a rather casual tone: "If you don't have any objections, I plan to Within a few weeks... we will reorganize our garrison in Doumbouya."

Immediately afterwards, when everyone was still a little confused, Shalia walked into the range of the amplification magic very naturally, widened her beautiful light pink eyes and shouted softly: "What? Your Excellency Hei Fan You don’t mean to...cancel all our current numbers and split and reorganize them without leaving anything behind, right?"

Mo Tan gave Xia Liya a refreshing and bright smile, nodded firmly and said: "That's true, and it will be specific to everyone."

Suddenly, the whole school was in an uproar. After all, the proportion of veterans here is extremely high, and there is no one idle, including the cooks in the cafeteria. In other words, everyone has their own 'troop number', and we all know it well. The so-called military soul and sense of belonging are mostly based on these numbers that are continuously passed down.

The meaning of Mo Tan's words just now is to completely break up the [Tiger Roar Chapter] led by 'Lemon' and even the entire first combat sequence to which it belongs. The [Ain Construction Corps] led by Shalia and [Organization] is also not exempt from vulgarity.

There is no doubt that this approach will definitely cause an extremely strong backlash. For example, now, the harsh noises are starting to sound from all directions, and there is no good intention in them.

You must know that even a person of Jeff Harrington's level will never easily choose to revoke the designation of a certain unit, because in the eyes of many people, this is simply a provocation that is almost insulting.

In just a moment, people's interest and good impression of Pastor Hei Fan had dropped to a freezing point. It had nothing to do with personal ability. What he had to do was really too much.

Therefore, the two Holy Sons, who are sweating coldly at the moment, believe that if Mo Tan cannot give these people an answer that satisfies them, even if he really shows outstanding or even amazing talents, he will still be dismissed. The seriously offended warriors resisted and ostracized.

"I'm very aware that this decision is offensive in some way, so..."

Mo Tan, who had already finished the draft, did not show any signs of panic. He just smiled in the gentle voice of his current personality: "I can guarantee that if we all understand each other's thoughts to a certain extent, Finally, if you are still unwilling to accept this proposal, then we will continue with business as usual."

The second half of this sentence made everyone stunned, a little baffled, and at the same time, the hostility in their hearts was not so strong.

"Well, let's stop chatting here. Now let me talk about the arrangements for the second practice battle."

Mo Tan did not use a consultative tone this time, but said directly and solemnly: "The next match will still be a practice battle of fifty people versus fifty people. The two His Highnesses will still serve as referees. In terms of personnel allocation, , the fifty members of team A remain unchanged, and for team B, I will take part in the battle in place of the most seriously injured member."

As soon as these words came out, except for Shalia, who had been looking thoughtful, and Mino, who had been informed of the arrangement in advance, all the garrison in Doumbouya City were shocked, but it was only a surprise, after all, everyone was also They all vaguely guessed what the Black Van Priest would definitely do, and although his intention to join Team B and directly participate in the war was unexpected, it made sense if he thought about it carefully.

"It's getting late. If everyone has no objections, let's prepare as soon as possible."

Mo Tan took off the cross hanging on his chest and wrapped it around his right wrist in a leisurely manner. He said calmly to Raymond, the actual person in charge of Team A: "During the twenty-minute break, let Team A Everyone, please stop being merciful, you have just seen the strength of the two His Highnesses, there will be no accidents."

Raymond nodded first, and then said hesitantly: "But..."

"If you are worried about me, there is no need."

Mo Tan interrupted the other party with a smile, and said with a smile: "Rather, I personally think it's better for you to target me specifically."

"I will."

Mino, who was standing next to Raymond, nodded slowly, then patted the former on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."


Raymond sighed helplessly, and finally gave up on persuading Mo Tan, who was very good at first glance, not to participate in the practice battle, and walked with Mino to the members of Team A not far away.

At the same time that the two left, Mo Tan walked up to the fifty members of Team B and asked kindly: "Does anyone want to take a rest?"

What answered him was silence and a slightly scattered posture.

Seeing no one responded, Mo Tan could only scratch his cheek and said helplessly: "Okay, since no one takes the initiative to apply for rest, then I will check your injuries..."

"Ahem, Lord Heifan."

At this moment, a powerful-looking half-dragon priest suddenly cleared his throat, and his tone was a bit sarcastic: "Well, in fact, no one was injured at all. Even if there were any small problems, they would be fine after the fight. The wounds were treated with holy water and magic as soon as possible, so..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mo Tan waved his hand and interrupted with a half-smile: "Anyway, nothing will happen to those two people watching from the side. Why not join in the fun and see what this Black Vatican Priest can do?" What’s the trick? That’s what you think, right?”

The fifty people in front of them didn't say anything, but they obviously all thought so. After all, the excitement was for nothing, and it would definitely be more interesting to join in as a party than as an audience.

"Well, in that case, let's draw lots."

Mo Tan sat cross-legged on the ground and took out the soda bottle stopper from his bag to use as a sign. He said: "Time is tight and the task is heavy. Let's introduce ourselves a little bit. Briefly tell us your name, occupation, rank and general description. It’s best to mention your style and special strengths. If you don’t mind, I’ll give you instructions later.”

As a result, at this moment, the elf priestess who had been rescued by Avery suddenly said abruptly: "What if you dislike it?"

"If you don't like it, just endure it."

Mo Tan said this without raising his head, and then added: "Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the battle and I accidentally lose, whether it is because of my insufficient level or not, I will throw all the responsibility on On you."

Immediately, the little girl from the Justice Sect shrank her neck and stopped talking, and there was a round of good-natured laughter all around. It was obvious that Mo Tan achieved his goal in a way that was almost rogue, and did not use his identity to suppress her. What people do is very popular.

Although this good impression is not enough to offset everyone's doubts about him as a new official and their dissatisfaction with his 'inappropriate remarks' just now, it can at least make the second practice battle go smoothly.

Time flies, time flies

In the blink of an eye, twenty minutes passed.

Soon, the original team A and the newly added team B returned to the center of the school field. They were ready under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes. Sha Liya and other interested people noticed that Hei Fan The forty-nine people around the pastor all looked in a daze, and their expressions looked confused.

"Ahem, then I'll announce~"

Standing between the two referees Philip and Avery, and shoulder to shoulder with Yi Zou, Shalia jumped on the spot energetically, and released an engineering creation similar to the Sky Monkey into the sky. With the sound of explosion As the sound rang, he shouted excitedly: "The second practice battle begins!"


Accompanied by the pleasant melody, a ripple-like hazy light rippled out from behind Team A. Mino's voice sounded from all directions, issuing the same command as at the beginning of the game: "Find the angle you feel most comfortable with. Try to push in."

Following the commander's order, the Templars at the front of Team A who were already ready to attack suddenly accelerated and rushed directly towards the group of Team B partners not far away who seemed to be still dreaming, full of fighting spirit.

Most of the people in the school used magical scrolls including but not limited to [Eagle Eye Technique], [Vision Technique] and other magic scrolls, and magical techniques such as [Eye of Dawn] to pay full attention to the Black Brahman. Priest.

Intuition tells everyone that he will definitely do something!

However, Mo Tan himself did nothing. He just held the holy book and the cross at the back of the team, and blessed the templars in front with magic like an ordinary priest. He had a prayer of healing in his left hand and a halo of tranquility in his right hand. It was a lot of fun to play, and it looked like a lot of work, but the actual effect could only be regarded as 'better than nothing'.

There is no other reason. It is just that the level is not enough. Although it is barely enough to reach the high-level threshold in terms of character attributes, this level of level is really not enough here.

High-level players are not uncommon in Innocence. Players aside, the reason why people like Liadrin and Scarlett appear to be very strong is because they are compared horizontally among the younger generation.

What is strong is not the high level, but the person who can reach the high level at a young age.

And Doumbuya City is not a boy barracks. The oldest active short-lived here is over sixty this year, and his strength is also high-level. Such people are definitely better than those young talents who have reached the same level in their twenties. No, but it may not be defeatable.

Mo Tan, who had no advantage in terms of individual strength, annihilating everyone was simply inevitable.

As a result, just a few seconds later, accompanied by the exclamation of the movie, those who were still staring at the Black Van Priest turned their heads to look——

Okay! The vanguard of team A, who had just rushed in with great momentum, was swallowed directly!

Chapter 1578: End

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