Quadruple split

Chapter 1590 Qianluo Yizi

"Take apart 1+1, which was originally greater than 2, and turn it into 1.3 or 1.5, which is only a few points stronger than here?"

Sitting behind a tall orc robe, Xiyue, who had just fired two [Signal Arrows], narrowed her eyes slightly, raised the corner of her mouth in an inconspicuous arc, and murmured in a low voice: "Obviously there are only fifty An individual can make such a degree of tactical changes. Not only that, but the overall layout is insignificant even if it is seen through. As long as he does not make any mistakes, it will be difficult to crack the conspiracy head-on. Gee, it seems that the post circulating on the Internet really does not You're lying, Pastor Hei Fan..."

That's right, Xiyue, who had previously performed a mission with Futu in the suburbs of Doumbuya City, and who had just been transferred back yesterday, was also 'randomly' selected by Mo Tan into the B team, and his strength is no less than that of the A team. Average level. In the last practice match, he suddenly eliminated Mino with a cold arrow and completed a textbook decapitation.

As a top student at the National University of Defense Technology in the game, although Xiyue humbly told Futu that he was not a top student, he, who was full of practical information, made a judgment early in the preparation stage, thinking that this Black Van priest had done something to him. I can really help everyone win this game.

Unlike Futu, who usually doesn't pay much attention to the forum and after the game is closed, he basically goes to the playground to play basketball or make up for his homework. Xiyue, who is considered a top student, is not under a lot of academic pressure and has no interest (and physical strength) to make school arrangements. Apart from aerobic exercise, I usually pay more attention to the forum.

So when the two returned to Doumbuya City and heard that the person in charge who was about to take over the place was named 'Hei Fan', he vaguely remembered the popular serial post "Misha's Diary" a few months ago. The protagonist is also called 'Black Brahma', and he is also a member of the Holy Religion Alliance.

There is no doubt that Xiyue immediately guessed that this Black Brahma was that Black Brahma. At the same time, she also dispelled her previous doubts about "not being capable and not knowing herself", and she began to look forward to it.

But he didn't tell Futu about this, because based on Xiyue's understanding of his friend, after reading that post, the other party would probably have a strong and unilateral impression of Hei Fan, and compete to be his boss. Be a horse.

This was too ugly, and it was too embarrassing for me as a friend of Futu, so Xiyue simply didn't say anything.

"It would be nice if he was someone with a better character."

Xiyue leaned out half her body from behind her teammates and glanced at Mo Tan not far away. Then she quietly raised her long bow and put two slender arrows on it, and sent them in in an instant. A rogue templar who was about to attack a certain priest of his own side stood in front of him, forcing the other party to give up the angle. He watched helplessly as the orc priest with a stern face ran behind him.

Like Futu, Xiyue also has a strength that is equivalent to or even better than the average level of Team A. Although his profession is a relatively ordinary [Breathless Ranger], combined with his calm, calm and overall-oriented personality, he is very suitable for this profession. The compatibility is excellent, and the Innocence of Innocence is not a game about strength based on professional specificity. Suitability is more important.

He didn't paddle in the practice match just now, but his main focus was on researching the "randomly selected" lineup of the Black Van Priest. At this moment, he was given a fixed task and had already begun to go all out. .

One arrow! Two arrows! Three arrows!

Xiyue, who started firing at high frequency, shuttled through the crowd like electricity, never staying in the same place for more than three seconds, and had no intention of watching the situation outside the formation. She just concentrated on providing relief to those who had been trapped for more than three seconds. Five minutes later, the vanguard of Team A added to the problem.

His attacks are not powerful, and neither his speed nor strength are outstanding, and he does not have the magnificent fighting posture of Futu, but each of his arrows stably appears where the target is most uncomfortable and most vulnerable. The frustrating and most disgusting angle is just like the blocking flow in backgammon. It seems negative, but it makes the opponent extremely constrained and unable to exert 80% of its original strength.

But even this kind of battle with only a hundred people has little to do with personal heroism. Unless there is a foreign-level monster like Mu Xuejian joining in the team battle final of the Knight Fighting Competition in Academy City, otherwise it will not be possible just by relying on it. Personal strength cannot change the situation of the battle.

Of course, even if there is a monster like Mu Xuejian, it may not be able to change the situation of the battle. After all, everyone should still remember that the battle ended with Diesel's team winning.

And this time...


Without any warning, a Templar from Team B who was not under great pressure suddenly shone brightly. He was stunned for less than a second and then immediately turned around and withdrew from the battle, followed by a [Condensation] Light Arrow] rushed towards the east side of the position where nothing happened at present.

Immediately afterwards, another priest of the Mist Religion with melee capabilities was inexplicably blessed with a [Law Order·Shield], and then he put down the enemy in front of him and followed the [Condensing Light Arrow] closely behind and rushed to the northwest side of the position, causing the original Teammates who fought side by side faced the Templar of Team A in front of them alone.

"Look down on people!?"

The Templar, who had been suppressing the two of them after being divided, suddenly became furious. He waved the sword in his hand and asked the Holy Son to take the person in front of him away. However -


"Hey, haven't you eaten?"

The tree elf monk who was left behind grinned and actually held the opponent's blade that was directly pressing down on him with one hand. Although it didn't look easy, he still blocked the opponent's determined blow and asked cheerfully. Said: "If you haven't eaten yet, why don't we eat something together later?"

"That's unreasonable!"

The Templar warrior who was holding his sword was shocked and said in astonishment: "Did you ask someone to make a body for you?"

The elf monk rolled his eyes and did not give any decent explanation. He just sneered: "Stop talking nonsense, can you find me someone from the city who can play with the human body? I'll use my head as a ball for you. If you can't beat me, you can't beat me. You're like a bitch."

"If you're not afraid of being beaten to death by a bitch, just shut up that bitch of yours."

Not far away, an orc female knight from Team B who belonged to the same division turned around and cursed, shaking her middle finger.


The Templar of Team A suddenly became even more furious, and then began a furious offensive. However, although he could not defeat the opponent, and could even overpower the opponent, he was still unable to achieve real results, let alone severely inflicting damage on the opponent and causing him to be eliminated. Out of the game, he couldn't even grab a position and break out of Team B's formation.

Is this reasonable?

[Of course this is unreasonable! I could obviously beat the two of them before, so why is there only one of them now... Could it be that I'm getting weaker? Or has he...become stronger? ! 】

The Templar waved the weapon in his hand angrily, but he didn't know that he had already guessed the reason.

Yes, he has become weaker, and the opponent in front of him has indeed become stronger in a sense.

As for the reason, Mino, who was busy dispatching outside at this moment, has already guessed it, that is, the seemingly confusing principle of 'splitting 1+1 into two 1'.

This was also the strategic point that Mo Tan first put forward after officially joining Team B.

If you analyze it carefully, it is not complicated. Otherwise, he would not be able to let everyone in Team B understand his ideas in less than twenty minutes.

[It can be seen that everyone was a little embarrassed in the previous battle. This is normal. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is there. But on the real battlefield, the enemy will not show mercy because our average combat effectiveness is not as good as theirs. They will only show mercy. Ravaging us more and more excitedly~]

Recalling the opening remarks of Priest Hei Fan when everyone got together, the tree elf monk held his breath and concentrated, and directly chose to exchange injuries for injuries. At the cost of a bloody mark on his left shoulder, he slapped the opponent's wrist vigorously and dislocated it.

[But we don’t have no chance of victory. Well, don’t look at me like that. I said ‘us’, and just now it was ‘you’. These are two different things. 】

Not far away, a fertile priest turned his head and glanced at the black priest who seemed to be standing in the center of the battlefield. He smacked his lips and raised his hand, flicking out a soft light green light filled with vitality.

[Although I consider myself a very devout person, the dawn of my faith has not been around for a long time. If nothing else, everyone here is older than me. However, I know very well that the advantages of our Holy Religion Alliance in combat have always been It's not about extraordinary individual strength, because things there rely on personal talent, and there is no violent organization that is famous for its personal talent. In the final analysis, the unique advantage of our Holy Church Alliance is that we have something that other forces can't even dream of doing. , into an organized auxiliary team. 】

Even though it was just a cost-effective and low-consumption magic, the wound on the monk's shoulder still began to heal visibly to the naked eye, and he himself rushed forward again before the magic took effect, breaking off his dislocated wrist just now. The 'enemies' pursued and beat them fiercely, with mediocre results, but they gradually regained their previous disadvantage.

[I don’t want to make it too complicated. My requirements for the second practice battle are also very simple, that is, when the opponent uses the most cost-effective tactics to launch the first wave of charge as before, at least fifteen of them should be left behind. I have memorized everyone’s names. I will arrange some positions and make a few simple changes below. I hope you can remember them~]

As the only free person besides Mo Tan, Xiyue knew that this moment was the most critical moment. In order to resist Team A's powerful offensive from the outside, Team B could only choose to remove people from the main formation to compete. With the help of intuition, Mino's reaction was very fast, so even if everything was according to plan so far, as long as there is a problem on either side of the internal and external aspects, the situation that everyone worked hard to develop will come to an end.

And he, as the core node that balances the internal pressure of the battle formation, must not cause problems at this time!

[Okay, this is all you need to remember. I will convey all subsequent changes to you with specific magical signals. Remember, as long as we persist through the initial period, the pressure we will face will be great. The amplitude is reduced, as long as we push it through, the rhythm will be taken into our hands! 】


It was clear that the number of enemies was the same as our own, but not only were they unable to break through the seemingly thin obstacle, but even the several Templars of Team A who were gradually forced back into the battle formation almost had their teeth broken, but they were completely unable to do anything about the few in front of them. The strength of the guy is far inferior to his own, because the opponent's random blessings, treatments and buffs have not stopped from the beginning of the battle until now!

[As far as I know, the ratio of direct combatants to auxiliaries that our Holy Religion United invests in regular battles is about 3:1, while the current mainstream regular combat teams are generally 4:1 or even 5:1, because we We have paladins with the strongest continuous combat capabilities, and priests and priests with stronger auxiliary and healing abilities than water mages, shamans, and druids. On this basis, if we can successfully intercept the opponent's forward troops and kill them Isolating other people's vision, this data will become 1:2 or even 1:1. In other words, after we complete the division, each priest or priest of Team A will waste at least one-third. combat value, because the number of people available for their assistance has been greatly reduced. 】

"Tear open the gap! If you move faster, the two three-person teams at eight o'clock will be reduced to zero by me. It doesn't matter if they are eliminated. Just go in and get them out!"

Mino's voice, which only he could hear, became more and more anxious. He now updated the command almost every ten seconds and redid the schedule every twenty seconds, but he could never break it. Open a channel for both sides to meet, because more and more people from Team B are participating in the volley!

[As for the vanguard troops that were cut off by us, as long as everyone in the rear continues to disperse and purify them, and wipe out the status of those who have been blessed before the battle begins, you can still enjoy the blessings of your own people. , the original strength gap should be enough to be smoothed out, right? 】

"If I can be killed by you in this situation..."

A Team B thief with more than a dozen buffs including but not limited to [Prayer of Healing], [Bloom of Fertility], [Vital Vitality], [Prayer of Justice], [Aura of Serenity], [Blessing of Wisdom], etc. With a low shout, he rushed directly between the two Templars of Team A who could kill him within thirty moves in a head-to-head duel. The dagger in his hand brought out dozens of afterimages in mid-air, and directly killed the two templars. Everyone was suppressed and shouted: "I have no shame eating in the same pot with everyone!"

[All in all, if everything goes well, nearly half of the opponent's templars and paladins will basically lose a lot of buffs, and their priests and priests will become helpless in this case. Although after careful calculation, there are only a few We have the advantage of one head, but in this case we still have a high probability of letting the other party take the lead in reducing the number of people. Next...]

“It’s time for a chain reaction.”

After Avery, who served as the referee, broke into the formation for the first time and rescued a Templar of Team A who had accumulated a lot of injuries and could not be healed, Mo Tan waved away the sand table in front of him without hesitation, revealing his That signature friendly smile.

Chapter 1581: End

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