Quadruple split

Chapter 1592 It’s better to be Yang

Game time PM21:39

Doumbouya City, School Ground

Mo Tan stood in the middle of the school field with his usual friendly smile, followed by Yi Zuo, Avery and Phillip, and in front of him were two neat little square formations.

Among them, on the left are the members of Team A, headed by Mino and Raymond, as well as Shalia, a total of fifty-one people; and on the right are Team B, which has exactly fifty people after Mo Tan is thrown away. Each of them has a smile on their face. Red light, looking energetic, only a dejected impartial priest stood in the corner. He was the unlucky kid who was unfortunately drawn into the lottery and was replaced by Mo Tan before the second practice battle.

The school ground was shrouded in an atmosphere of confusion and there was no sound, whether it was the spectators in the distance who had not yet come to their senses, or Yi Xiu, who was standing behind Mo Tan with a reserved smile and calm composure, or the two of them. His Royal Highness the Holy Son, who was constantly exchanging glances, stood quietly as if the mute button had been pressed, looking as disciplined as possible.

Obviously, although the battle has been over for some time, everyone is still immersed in the afterglow of the second practice battle at this moment. The reason is naturally that no one in Team B, including themselves, is optimistic about it. Miraculously, they won the game under such circumstances, and finally won the game with a gap of more than ten people.

At first glance, the gap between just ten people does not seem to be very big, but the problem is that this practice battle only has a hundred people. Under this premise, the gap of this level is already quite terrifying.

You must know that there is no collapse in this kind of internal practice battle. In other words, even if everyone knows that their side is destined to lose, they will try their best to persevere until the last moment. But this is not the case on the real battlefield. That's right, even if the soldiers intend to fight to the death, the commander must also consider issues such as retaining manpower. Therefore, unless it is an extreme situation, there will rarely be a situation where the entire army fights to the last soldier.

To sum it up briefly, Team B's victory in the second practice battle was absolutely well-deserved, because even if this was not a practice battle, but a real life-and-death battle on the real battlefield, the final outcome would not have been the same. any changes.

Everyone present knew this, and they also knew what...or who had caused it.

a moment later

"Priest Black Van."

Maybe he noticed that Raymond's dazed eyes had regained clarity, maybe he noticed that Mino, who had a pale face, might not be able to recover for a while, or maybe he heard the chatter gradually starting to sound around him, Charlie Ya blinked her pale pink eyes with the same color as her hair, walked up to Mo Tan with a smile, and stretched out her white little hand: "Welcome to Doumbuya City."

Although the Knowledge Sect does not have any magic similar to [Amplification Barrier], the girl's voice still spread throughout the school. According to Mo Tan's observation, it should be a certain engineering creation on Shalia's body that is working. Let the sound within a certain range centered on her resonate with the [Voice Crystal] placed nearby, thereby achieving the effect of a loudspeaker broadcast.

"That's very welcome. It's an honor to work with you all."

With the magnificent victory just now as the foundation, Mo Tan, who was so stressed that he could hardly breathe, also relaxed. However, he did not shake hands with Shalia, but responded with a standard Dawn Sect etiquette. , the brisk voice echoed through the entire school grounds through the engineering equipment on the opponent's body: "I wonder if you are satisfied with this letter of nomination?"

Suddenly, the gradually noisy school grounds suddenly became silent, but in the next second, the completely incomprehensible shouts came from all directions like an explosion, almost shaking Mo Tan. If Yi Zuo hadn't come from behind in time, With a little support, this person might just sit on the ground.

"It seems that everyone is still very satisfied."

Shalia smiled slyly, covering her ears, and then clapped her hands vigorously. After the unexplained cries and howls around her calmed down, she continued to ask: "So, given that you are so popular, what else do you want to say? What do you think? Or should we just let us go back to sleep?"

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "If something embarrassing just happened, I promise to be the first one to go back to bed, but now, I really plan to delay everyone's time and talk a little nonsense."

"I'm sure that's some pretty valuable crap."

Xia Liya chuckled, then paused for about five seconds to let everyone laugh as well, then raised her little face and said sternly to Mo Tan: "Please."

The latter smiled, raised his hand and took the prop called [Low Power Sound Transmission Component A] that was similar in shape to a hairpin handed over by Sha Liya, and skillfully clipped it to his collar: "Then, let's do it Let’s start with the little things…”

After saying that, he walked slowly to Mino, who was standing in the front row of team A, with his head lowered and his face ashen as dust. He raised his hand and patted the latter on the shoulder, who looked a little lost, and revealed a refreshing and bright smile. Smile: "Hey."


Mino then raised his head as if he had just woken up from a dream. He first let out a soft cry subconsciously, and then with a bitter look on his face, he tried hard to squeeze out a smile that was not much better than crying. He said in a hoarse voice: "It's you. Win, Lord Hei Fan."

"It seems so."

Mo Tan nodded, and then whispered under Mino's stunned gaze: "But this does not mean that you are a loser, Mino Paladin, so please don't show a loser expression, just like yourself It feels like being abandoned by the whole world. To be honest, it’s so ugly.”

Although Mino was surprised that the other party could see through what he was thinking, he still shook his head and muttered: "But I am a loser."

"Is it?"

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows, slowly rolled up his sleeves, and asked calmly: "Tell me your strength level."

"The pinnacle of advanced levels."

Although Mino was a little confused, he still answered honestly.

"Oh, forget it, I can't beat you."

Mo Tan immediately put down his cuffs and said with a serious expression: "But I hope you understand that I really wanted to beat you just now."

Mino: "..."

Onlookers: "233333333!!!"

Obviously, this black priest with a down-to-earth style is becoming more and more attracted to them.

"Listen, man, if you feel like a loser just because you lost such a practice battle, then I can tell you responsibly that you don't even know what the so-called 'failure' is."

Mo Tan's tone suddenly became stern, and his calm and cold voice echoed throughout the school: "You persisted until the last moment in that rigorous practice battle, and you didn't neglect even half a second before you were eliminated. You believed in your companions and did not betray anyone's trust in you, and these are never qualities that a loser should have."

Mino opened his mouth: "I..."

"You just lost a battle where you thought you had a great advantage, but I'm sorry, but in my opinion, from the first second I joined Team B, the so-called advantage no longer belongs to Team A."

Mo Tan, who is too low-key in most situations (current personality limit), changed his past style and said calmly: "It is never a shame to lose to a strong opponent. Of course, if you insist until now that you are a Loser, please answer my two questions, Mr. Mino Paladin."

Mino, who had completely controlled the rhythm of the conversation by Mo Tan, pursed his lips and said in his signature gloomy voice: "You ask."

"If I remember correctly, we should have played two practice battles."

Mo Tan raised his right hand and waved it in front of Mino in a gesture of scissors: "Then please answer me now. If you did not participate in the command in the first game, but let team A and team B rely entirely on their own If you get used to fighting, will the results change?"

Mino shook his head without hesitation: "No."

"In other words, you think Team A will still win without a commander, right?"

Mo Tan nodded, and then said something that made Mino feel like he was falling into an ice cellar: "Then can I understand that the fifty people in Team B are all so-called 'losers' in your eyes?"


Mino, who was all cold, immediately shouted with wide eyes, then looked at the B team formation not far away in an extremely panic, and explained stumblingly: "I...I definitely didn't mean it like this, I just... …I……"

Mino did not continue speaking, because he was shocked to find that those who in his imagination should have misunderstood him and glared at him all smiled invariably. Although no one spoke, they all used soft eyes invariably. To reassure yourself.

"The respect you earn for yourself is not lost by just a few defeats."

Mo Tan's slightly smiling voice sounded in Mino's ears. After turning off the loudspeaker component on his collar, he patted the latter again and said softly: "If you don't respect yourself, you don't respect those people." People who respect you, I hope you can have a clearer understanding of yourself. Only tools will be despised or ignored when there are better alternatives. But the problem is that I am neither your substitute nor you. You are not everyone’s tool, you are everyone’s companion here.”

After saying that, Mo Tan left Mino, stepped back a few steps to stand in the center of the two square formations, and turned on the loudspeaker component on the collar again: "Then there are the soldiers who worked hard to cooperate with me today, Team A. Be it Team B, you have proven to me the strength of the Doumbouya City garrison. Don’t think this is nonsense. You must know that you are not the only ones standing here with a scrutinizing eye today. If you talk about the practice match just now, It was me who gave the certificate of support to the city of Doumbouya, so what you just performed is the certificate of support that the city of Doumbouya gave me.”

No one felt offended, because based on Mo Tan's performance just now, everyone felt that he was indeed qualified to say this. Again, being unruly does not mean that he is mentally ill. After eating these, I don't know if he has. After all, in the eyes of people who hang their heads on their belts every day, as long as you show strength enough to conquer them, you are qualified to win their respect.

And Mo Tan has obviously used the simplest and crudest way to let everyone know himself again. He is not the little boyfriend of Her Majesty the Saint, not the legendary young talent, but a man who can turn the tide of the war on his own. of...partners.

"It's an honor that I have proven myself to you."

Mo Tan put his right hand on his chest, looked around and saluted everyone, then put his hands behind his back and smiled: "I'm very happy that you have proved yourself to me."

What answered him was a chorus of responses that were not uniform as they came from various sects, but were full of momentum and respect.

"Well, let's stop with the nice words here, and I'm going to talk about something practical next."

After everyone returned the greetings, Mo Tan's expression immediately returned to his usual kind, kind, harmless, like neighbor's character, and he said with a smile: "The first and most important thing is One thing, I have already said hello to the City of Light before coming here. From today until the day I leave, all supplies and rations in Doumbouya City will be treated equally. Listen, I mean, everyone All denominations are treated equally.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the school, except for Yi Zang, Avery and Phillip, who had known about it for a long time, including Xia Liya, who had been smiling half-heartedly beside her, all had suffocated expressions, and then At the same time, he gasped, as if he had seen a ghost.

"By the way, in order to prevent my Dawn Sect compatriots who originally thought it was hard to get through the fight from resenting me, the supply specifications of all sects in the future will not be lower than the home level."

Mo Tan grinned and said loudly: "In other words, everyone's supplies will be increased to the level when their sect was in charge of Dubuya City, and members of the Dawn Sect will receive an additional one silver coin per month. I know this thing is useless at all, but I really have no money, so I paid for it myself."

Everyone took a second breath neatly, and members of the Shuguang Sect, who were members of the Motan family, applauded their family members in a dignified manner, showing that they didn't care at all.

"Then here's the key point. As for me, although I'm somewhat capable, to put it bluntly, it's the gilding sent here by the sect. This is similar to the two His Highnesses the Holy Son behind me."

Mo Tan smiled self-deprecatingly, then turned to look at Avery and Phillip, who had very reserved expressions, and said in a very calm tone: "From my personal point of view, gold plating is a matter of course. The more achievements I can make, the better. I don’t want my resume during my time in Doumbouya to be ‘eating two hundred kilograms of grain’.”

Everyone burst into good-natured laughter, and then... they couldn't laugh anymore.

"Ahem, so I plan to set a small goal for myself."

Mo Tan coughed twice, scratched his hair in embarrassment, and laughed shyly——

"Why don't we get rid of those bloody beasts?"

Chapter 1583: End

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