Quadruple split

Chapter 1618 Start over

In Mo Tan's senses, those first few seconds were still a bit difficult.

Although he didn't know that his body was covered with the so-called 'Asura's Flame', this did not prevent Mo Tan's eyes from turning black and he keenly felt that the domineering and arrogant power was intruding into his body. Stirring the intense pain that theoretically the player has no chance to feel.

This was an extremely brutal 'baptism', but after Mo Tan relied on his tenacious will to survive the first round and prepared for a protracted battle, the force became extremely gentle when it swept over again. , or even...obedience.

Mo Tan was startled. After all, in his understanding, Ji Po was most likely 'encouraging' him in some way with disastrous consequences, and the scorching power entrenched in him was It is a 'specific means', so in theory the oncoming force will only become more fierce with each wave, and there is absolutely no possibility of 'compliance'.

But the facts shocked Mo Tan. Instead of continuing to rampage violently, the power he felt was even integrated into his body gently and silently.

If you think about it carefully, this actually does not violate logic.

The essence of Shura's Flame is not actually fire, but the embodiment of the power of Ji Po that he has called 'Shura's Ultimate Intent'. It can be regarded as a very stylized 'trait', and although this 'trait' cannot be seen, It is intangible, but it can be sensed or comprehended in a specific way. Its nature is somewhat similar to the "passing on skills" in martial arts novels.

The difference between the two is that normal martial arts novels generally teach standard internal strength, the kind that lasts for five years, ten years, and twenty years, but the fire of Shura in Mo Tan's body is similar to that of "pure strength". To put it simply, things like "Yang Sword Intent" and "Taiyin Demonic Body" are not standard internal skills, but special skills designed for use in certain moves.

If you want to use the [Tai Chi Bagua Sword], you have to use the 'Pure Yang Sword Intention'; if you want to use the [Tai Chi Tribulation Finger], you have to first practice the 'Tai Yin Demon Body'. Anyway, the one that stands out is a non-mainstream one. .

The flame of Shura that Mo Tan had just absorbed was the key, or introduction, that Ji Po hoped would allow him to understand his [Shura's ultimate intention].

Almost at the same time, Ji Po, who noticed that the first wave of diluted 'Shura's Flame' was directly absorbed, also made up his mind and popped out a flower that was much smaller than before, but the saturation was abnormal. The flame was so high that it turned into a burning man the next moment it came into contact with Mo Tan's body.

Then... Li Huo went out, Mo Tan woke up, and Ji Po was dumbfounded.

He had really calculated everything, but he never expected that Mo Tan would absorb two full levels of his Shura Flame in an instant, and he seemed to be fine.

"Senior Ji Po."

Mo Tan, on the other hand, quickly got up from the ground, and with a rather respectful expression, he bowed to Ji Po, who had no expression on his face (didn't react) and had a serious look (in fact, he was confused), and said sincerely: "Please take the trouble." Yes, thank you very much.”

【ah? Is this effective? 】

Ji Po narrowed his eyes slightly, then snorted coldly and waved his hand impatiently: "Go away."

Mo Tan nodded immediately, bowed again, then turned around and left.


"Wait a moment."

Ji Po suddenly shouted this without looking back.


And Mo Tan, who always felt that the other party had to explain more or less, immediately stopped.

"Don't rely too much on the Shura Halberd."

Ji Po's back with an aura of at least 180 centimeters looks very majestic, and the fashion value of electronic music is still very online: "It is not a weapon that a scum like you is qualified to control, even though I just gave you the ability to use it. Its key, but you'd better be somewhat self-aware and not disturb it easily."

【Are you caring about me...】

Mo Tan, who could vaguely sense the other party's subtext, sighed in his heart, but on the surface he nodded in response very obediently and respectfully: "Okay."

"Well, get lost."

Seeing that Mo Tan was still taking his instructions seriously, Ji Po, who was afraid that [Shura's Ultimate Intention] would have a strong backlash against him, breathed a sigh of relief and continued to pose with satisfaction, with the pair of long-term contracted men above his head. The one hundred and fifty centimeter dark purple pheasant feathers also trembled happily.

In this way, Mo Tan quickly left the realm of Ji Po. The time he stayed here was very short. Although it was not as fast as practicing the three moves in the realm of Ji Po, the total time did not exceed five minutes. It can be said that It's quite efficient.

Not only that, Mo Tan could clearly feel that although he did not learn even a little bit of knowledge, routines or techniques about the 'War Halberd', he did gain something more valuable, although the specifics still need to be verified. , but Mo Tan already had some idea at this moment. All in all, his journey in the Ji Po realm was much easier than he imagined.

Of course, this relief was just an accident in the final analysis. After all, although Ji Po was not as scary as he looked, he had actually tried to kill Mo Tan before, but the Shura Flame did not have the effect it should have. It's just an effect. If you were in a normal mental state, you would probably have been ejected from the game by now. After all, the pain that is not limited by the system's sensory protection is no joke.

Soon, Mo Tan returned to the central area again, and briefly checked with Ji Xiaoge about the situation outside. Knowing that Wang Badan would not wake up for at least an hour or two, he sat next to the cauldron and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes and decided to settle down for a little while.

Mo Tan, who was stimulated by Ji Po's fire just now, had a particularly clear mind at this moment, so he took the time to recall the chop he had made with his sword soul, and recalled the bone-shattering attack. After feeling the pain, he raised his hand to wipe his sweat, and then began to review the previous discussion between himself and Qian Po. After getting past the key points that the latter said, he began to dismantle the three moves that Qian Po demonstrated for himself. , until every action detail is reproduced exactly.

Finally, Mo Tan slowly closed his eyes, immersed in an impure darkness, listening to his heartbeat and breathing.

At this point, except for being unable to relive the uncontrollable burning sensation in the Ji Po Realm, Mo Tan has already reviewed everything he has experienced since coming here.

After dealing with the 'owners' of these five weapons: the Ruthless Sword, the Snow Spear, the Red Lotus Sword, the Thorn of Everlasting Sorrow, and the Shura Halberd, even though Mo Tan did not see any immediate improvement in terms of data, he knew very well My future path has been broadened a lot, and it has been confirmed once again that [Akatsuki] is definitely a weapon with almost no upper limit.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that all the forms of this thing looked [ruined] at a glance, and there was only one solitary [Akatsuki Ruthless Sword] with ordinary quality, Mo Tan would have started to wonder if he had been accidentally worn. A protagonist.

In any case, there is no doubt that the benefits are huge, and both the quality and efficiency are very satisfactory.


A few minutes later, Mo Tan opened his eyes again. He stood up and walked energetically along the next chain. Although his expression was not comfortable, he looked relaxed. After all, it was the domain of the ax soul. Mo Tan felt that As the first person to deal with him, the other party should not do anything to deliberately embarrass him, so he has a very peaceful mind.

In fact, Ax Soul did not embarrass Mo Tan. The dwarf man, who did not carry an ax at all, did not even think about doing it, but simply said——


Next to the wild forge embedded in the mountain wall, Mo Tan, who was shaken by the snowstorm and could not even stand firmly, stared at the axe, his eyes widened: "Here?!"

Ax Soul spread his arms with a contented expression on his face, lovingly hugging the blizzard that almost blew Mo Tan away, while grinning at the latter and said, "Is there any problem?"

"No problem, probably."

Mo Tan took a step with some difficulty and came to the large forge that was so hot that it was always distorting the air. He stared at a ball of metal on the big iron felt with twitching eyes: "What is this..."

Ax Soul walked up to Mo Tan like a stroll, and looked at the black thing on the iron felt: "It looks like a pile of waste full of impurities."

"What does it mean..."

While maintaining the stability of his figure, Mo Tan looked at Ax Soul next to him with a dumbfounded look: "You must have prepared this thing!"

Ax Soul shrugged and stopped pretending: "Well, these are indeed the scraps I prepared for you...well, scraps."

"Then what?"

Mo Tanxu raised his eyes and looked at the two huge forging hammers next to him that were constantly swaying in the snowstorm: "What should I do?"

"Didn't I tell you just now that for blacksmithing, I have prepared both the sledgehammer and the small hammer for you."

Ax Soul pointed at the forging hammer hanging on the shelf next to Motan, and said cheerfully: "Although the pile of things in front of you is scrap, if it is forged properly, you can still squeeze out some good things."

Mo Tan nodded, and then took off the heavy armor on his upper body. Although he was not a strong but strong upper body, he walked towards the iron felt. He raised his hands and took off the clothes hanging next to him. Sledgehammer and Small Hammer: "Okay, how should I forge it specifically?"

Ax Soul was stunned immediately and said in astonishment: "Wait a minute, isn't what you agreed to be too happy? Don't talk about teaching you how to play with an ax, I'm even asking you to use a hammer!"

Mo Tan smiled casually, and while looking at the dark metal that was flowing under the high temperature with great interest, he smiled and said: "It's not a big problem, I think you won't hurt me."


He had obviously prepared a long speech in response to Mo Tan's question, but it turned out that he was so stuffed up that he almost couldn't take a breath and just whipped it out. After a long time, he said with a stinking face and angrily: " The thing in front of you used to be a set of quilboar armor. I can’t remember exactly where I saw it. My only impression is that someone can make a piece of garbage become even more garbage through smelting and forging. And the task I give you is to get out the only valuable precious metal here."

Mo Tan nodded vigorously and asked without hesitation: "How?"

"Hammer it."

Ax Soul raised his chin at the two forging hammers, one large and one small, in Mo Tan's hand, and said with a smile: "Although the quality of this forge is average, as long as your hammer is efficient and powerful enough, you can directly crush those impurities. Strip the precious metals out of it.”

Without saying a word, Mo Tan immediately raised the sledgehammer in his right hand, aimed it at the thing that was once the armor, and smashed it down. As a result, there was only a "clang" sound, the sledgehammer was raised high, and the target was unharmed.

"Press the pedal at your feet as soon as the hammer strikes to keep the forge heating the iron felt."

Ax Soul hugged his arms and started to instruct loudly from the side. He yelled with his broken gong voice: "It doesn't mean it doesn't work. Don't stop. Only continuous attacks on this thing can shake its structure." "Although metal is stronger than flesh, it can also be exhausted. Don't slow down your movements, let alone give it a chance to breathe. Use a small hammer to transition."

Ax Soul said it very simply, at least it didn't sound complicated at all.

But the problem is that this really only sounds simple, but in practice it is quite difficult.

The first is the problem of pedaling. This thing that is similar to a small engineering mechanism is actually quite easy to pedal. It does not require much strength and the design is not anti-human. It just... can easily cause Mo Tan's lower body to become unstable.

Yes, the bottom plate is unstable, because the hammer in his hand is very heavy. Under this premise, Mo Tan needs to correct his posture every time he swings, and the center of gravity when exerting force is basically relatively lower, almost no It may coexist with the action of 'stepping', so if you want to maintain the 'knock, step, step', Motan must frequently switch the body's center of gravity between 'double feet', 'left foot', and 'right foot', so it is originally stable. The bottom plate of his body will become more and more unstable as the frequency of strikes increases, and eventually Mo Tan's entire body will become shaky.

In addition, as Ax Soul said, Mo Tan must continue to hit the piece of metal to shake its structure. Not only that, but the only thing that can really have the effect is a sledgehammer. Mo Tan can feel that in his left hand The small hammer in the ball can barely control the thing from recovering in just a few seconds. If you want to get feedback that there is indeed a 'change' in the feel, you must use a sledgehammer.

It is still a sledgehammer after increasing the strength, otherwise the effect is directly the same as that of a small hammer, that is, "it is not a waste of effort", but there is no advancement bar.

In other words, Motan must simultaneously meet the requirements of 'forging with a large hammer and a small hammer at a stable frequency', 'the pedal must be stepped on every time the hammer falls', 'ensure that the strength of the sledge hammer gradually increases', 'ensure that the overall rhythm continues to accelerate' ' and other conditions can be successfully completed, and as long as there is even a slight mistake in any of the above links, it means——




"Well, let's do it again."

Chapter 1609: End

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