Quadruple split

Chapter 1624 Ninth Form

In fact, Mo Tan is not weak, or in other words, Mo Tan's strength in the current 'illusion' is not very weak, at least not much weaker than the beautiful woman in front of him who still has the charm.

Note that the strength here refers to basic values ​​such as strength, speed, and physical fitness. In other words, although the two sides are not much different in these aspects, they may not be different in other aspects.

And it was this "not necessarily" that allowed Mo Tan to last less than twenty moves after the beautiful bustard flew up to attack him before his life was ended simply, neatly and painlessly.

During the first five attacks and the suppression of the subsequent dozen or so moves, Mo Tan could clearly feel that the opponent's martial arts was not actually very strong. Although he was definitely much better than a modern person like himself in terms of routines, he still couldn't. Not to the extent that Mo Tan was completely helpless to fight back.

However, although the opponent's level of 'martial arts' was still within the range that Mo Tan could barely cope with, his achievements in 'killing skills' were a bit too high.

This is not a conflict, just like 'Taekwondo', 'Haikido', 'Wing Chun', etc. are definitely worthy of recognition in the field of martial arts, but if the purpose is to kill people, then the physical quality and actual combat experience are not the same. Under similar circumstances, if the first three were to face off against the 'Israeli fighting technique' which was completely dedicated to actual combat and killing, the probability of losing in a life-and-death fight would actually be very high.

Of course, what this refers to is 'life and death struggle'. If we go all the way, there is actually not much difference between the two sides. After all, the concept of 'not killing for the purpose' does not mean 'fancy and flashy', it is just a side view of both parties. The focus is just different.

As the most representative intelligent creatures, humans throughout the ages have actually tended to stop at it in most situations. Even rivers and lakes that are not bound by the law in many cases have their own rules and regulations, no matter what. According to the rules of the road, killing is always the last resort. In other words, if you can, don't kill if you can. The consequences of killing may be very serious.

Let’s not talk about Bai Dao. Kill people to pay off debts and pay back money. You kill the boss next door and Laowu. If the court rebels against you, you will be executed. Everything is done according to the regulations. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

In the arena where the rules of the White Way don't work very well, it's actually the same. Among the various forms of 'bad rules', killing is always the worst. But in the eyes of most people, in terms of 'morality', fairness, justice, and retention are the worst. One's life is always the most basic thing.

This is why under special circumstances, some people often say, "There is no need to pay attention to the morality of the world with this XX." The implication is naturally, "We need more people to bully the less people," and "We need to kill him." This is enough to show the morality of the world. The stuff is actually quite substantial.

To sum up, whether it is Wing Chun, Taizu Quan, Taekwondo, Judo, which are still popular today, or those Wudang sect, Emei sect, Shaolin sect, and Shushan sect that existed in ancient times or stories, most of them Martial arts moves are strong and strong, fierce and fierce, but they basically follow the basic principle of "using the right and the right to win by the strange", and all moves are in a way that can be used freely to defeat the opponent instead of killing him.

As for killing moves and the like, there will definitely be none, but the more famous the so-called decent family, the lower the proportion, and the closer to the so-called 'evil family', the higher the proportion.

And the madam sister in front of Mo Tan was obviously the most evil and crooked group in the evil sect. She used extremely sharp killing moves. It only took a few seconds to force Mo Tan into a desperate situation, and then It gradually blocked all vitality of the latter, and finally completed the harvest easily.


"Well, it seems he is a professional killer."

The second after he was painlessly killed, Mo Tan, who reappeared on the platform, rubbed his forehead, narrowed his eyes and began to think. After a moment, he shook his head, sighed softly, and backed away. He took two steps away from the [Plain Snow Spear] floating quietly on the forge in front of him.

He thought about it carefully just now. After taking all the situations into consideration and simulating it several times in his mind, he felt that it was impossible for him to survive fifty moves at the hands of the bustard sister, so he directly give up.

Under his current personality, Mo Tan has never been a person who belittles himself. He is humble, but he has always been able to objectively look at his outstanding points. For example, in many fields including but not limited to combat, regardless of 'consciousness', ' Both his understanding and talent are top-notch.

And precisely because he could see himself clearly, Mo Tan was extremely calm when he made the judgment that "no matter how hard he works, he can't win in a short period of time" and accepted this reality very easily.

Frankly speaking, if Mo Tan can fight as 'Mo' in this illusion that is probably closely related to the soul of the gun, even a few people at the level of the bustard sister will still be no match for him, but The problem is that his physical fitness has been severely limited, and he only has a spear as a weapon, and his strength has been weakened by God knows how many times compared to his original body.

Under such circumstances, it is somewhat unrealistic to survive fifty moves in front of a killer who kills without mercy, at least at this stage, unless Mo Tan stays here and dies hundreds of times. , first understand all the methods of that big sister, and then practice the spear skills through actual combat that can be repeated infinitely, only then can there be a glimmer of hope.

Mo Tan was not a fool, and naturally he would not choose such a cost-effective method to grind hard, so when he realized that he could not get through the current level through conventional means, he gave up the idea of ​​'continuing', and not only made up his mind I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to try, and even gave up the idea of ​​taking a look at what was hidden in the remaining weapon forms.

the reason is simple--

"Although I did come here..."

Mo Tan looked away from the [Snow Gun], and while walking forward, he murmured softly: "But this is actually just an accident, and it is not a place that I am qualified to touch 'now'."

At this point, Mo Tan, who has never stopped thinking, has clarified a lot of content. Although the accuracy may not be 100%, it still has a clear enough context, and it also has a not too solid logical support.

All in all, he believed that it was a complete accident that he was able to communicate with Ax Soul and others who were staying in [Akatsuki]. It is worth mentioning that the 'accident' here is not an accident on the level of logic and world view, but a 'game' 'An accident on the level, in other words, Mo Tan used a 'player' way of thinking this time.

Judging from the information he has now, no one in [Xiao] should 'wake up' at this point in time, let alone recover enough to communicate with him, because if Under normal circumstances, each form will probably have to go through several rounds of 'forging' before it can gradually regain its strength, and the corresponding soul will also slowly regain consciousness during this process.

In the words of Sha Po, taking Sword Po as an example, if these eight people in [Akatsuki] want to restore their thinking ability, the corresponding form must be at least [Excellent] quality, especially if they want to communicate with Mo Tan. It must be of at least [excellent] quality. In fact, except for the 'Ruthless Sword' form that can be promoted to [Normal], the current [Akatsuki]'s seven forms are all [broken]. If you want to achieve communication, There is simply a long way to go.

So if we follow the standard process and develop normally, it must have been a long, long time before Mo Tan communicated with Ax Soul and Shan Soul.

As a result, Tianzhu Mountain appeared out of nowhere and broke this supposedly step-by-step process by relying on some rules that seemed different from the outside world.

The follow-up to breaking has been in the present continuous tense until now, so there is no need to go into details.

All in all, the only thing Mo Tan can be sure of is that he did not deal with [Xiao] according to the normal procedure, so at this moment, he does not feel that there is anything wrong with the two neat deaths just now.

To give an inappropriate example, it’s like when you were playing a certain traditional RPG game, you used a system bug to send yourself to the maze where the final BOSS is located not long after you left the novice village. You only qualify after seeing some late-game characters. I encounter an NPC and get some benefits that are completely stronger than your current level. Is this reasonable?

Putting aside the seriousness of exploiting system bugs, this is actually reasonable. It is unreasonable for an NPC that only appears later in the game to give you [Level One Hemostatic Grass] and [Twenty Copper Coins].

So, when you enter the final maze, is it reasonable to rush out due to force majeure?

This is of course reasonable. It is the final maze after all. It would be unreasonable to spawn some [level 1 slimes] for you to chop and play.

In the final analysis, everything is reasonable except the BUG itself.

After bringing it into Mo Tan, we will find that Tianzhu Mountain is the BUG. The eight souls who have dealt with Mo Tan before will only appear in the later part of the game (when Xiao's corresponding form is [Exquisite]) NPC, and the 'Murder Case at Snow Mountain Villa' and 'Murder Case at Brothel House' just now are the results of skipping the maze.

In Mo Tan's view, this place is probably a space that [Xiao] can open to him only after he is promoted to 'Excellent' or even 'Epic' as a whole. The secrets contained in it are by no means as simple as the two murders, but now I am simply not qualified to study it.

The same 'memory illusion', the same physical quality, the 'Mo' that has upgraded each form of [Akatsuki] to 'refined' or even 'epic level' is not comparable to the current 'Mo'. If you think about it, It all makes sense.

There is no need to be anxious, the time has not yet come.

Mo Tan walked briskly past the weapons floating quietly on their respective forges, and finally stopped in front of the constantly twisting, metallic object.

He didn't know what it was, but he could vaguely guess what it was.

Mo Tan clearly remembered that although there were only eight souls here, the panel of the weapon [Xiao] had a total of nine characteristics corresponding to different form transformations.

in other words--

"It stands to reason that the last form will not be developed until a long time ago..."

Mo Tan raised his right hand and slowly stretched it towards the object that was constantly twisting and having an unclear shape. A hint of implicit excitement flashed in his eyes: "Can you give me a preview now?"

Buzz—! !

The next moment, after a familiar spin, Mo Tan found himself under a clear blue sky, standing in a large area that looked very much like the world's best martial arts in the classic "Dragon Ball" A place where you can compete.

Outside the ring, there is a wilderness with no end in sight. Although there are no cattle or sheep, it is full of an artistic conception of the vast sky and wilderness, which is grand, magnificent and beautiful.

And the twisted object that was originally floating on the last cauldron is now restlessly spinning about half a meter in front of Mo Tan. At first glance, it looks like the spiral three-color cylinder at the entrance of a barber shop. .


Mo Tan, who originally thought he would enter a specific memory and get a glimpse of the lineup of the ninth form of [Akatsuki], was stunned for a moment. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and failed to understand the situation in front of him at the first time.

He had never calculated that he was already here, but the thing in front of him still looked ambiguous, like a ball of noble plasticine.

[Is there any problem in any link? Is the card BUG excessive and causing system disorder? 】

Mo Tan touched his chin and thought subconsciously.

And he has always had a problem, that is, when he is alone and thinking about something, he will hum something unconsciously. This is also because besides having a special liking for coffee, Mo Tan is rare in any personality. common habits.

Of course, he likes to hum different things under different personalities. Mo Tan under the 'Absolute Neutral' personality will hum some popular tunes; Mo Tan under the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality will hum some popular and popular tunes. Songs that have been modified by his own demons; while Mo Tan, who has a 'lawful good' personality, has a playlist that he often adds content to, and usually just picks out a song and hums it according to his mood.

But he usually just hums and doesn't know how to sing, for example -

‘Dancing on the wind up and down again~’

‘Round and round the bend~’

‘Fa la la la la la~’

‘From a flow’ry bed to the clouds ascend…’

【ha? 】

Mo Tan was shocked when he heard the sweet singing that suddenly resounded in the air, and suddenly realized that it was the old song he was about to sing, namely "What Angel Wakes Me".

He could tell that the clear and sweet BGM echoing in the air was definitely the lossless original! Logically speaking, it is a lossless original version that has nothing to do with [Xiao]!

So the question is, why does this song appear in this place?

【etc! Could it be that……】

Mo Tan, whose brows were furrowed, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then suddenly stretched out his right hand to grab the twisted object in front of him, and then——

In his hand was a dusty and unattractive [nine-tooth nail rake].

Chapter 1615: End

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