Quadruple split

Chapter 1639 Adjutant

Mo Tan's task for Shalia was to sort out a reorganization plan for the Doumbouya City garrison in the shortest possible time without sectarian barriers and purely based on combat strength and functionality. That was what he had said to him that night before. The 'reorganization' that everyone has said is a split and reorganization specific to each individual, canceling all the past numbers and replacing them with new ones.

There is a saying, but it is almost impossible for a normal army to accept the nonsense remarks of a newly arrived airborne leader. For the vast majority of soldiers, this kind of reorganization is almost equivalent to erasing everything in their past, whether it is Achievements and pains, or achievements and sacrifices, will be lost forever as the numbers are revoked one by one, and there will be no tomorrow.

It is true that the garrison in Doumbouya City are all members of the United Holy Religion, but although they have the first identity of 'believers', they are also undoubted warriors, so this proposal initially seemed to everyone to be the worst provocation. , the favorability of Mo Tan almost instantly dropped to the freezing point, or even negative.

Everything Archbishop Jost had painstakingly prepared for this young man was completely destroyed by the latter himself in an instant.

But this does not mean that the bishop's busy work has been in vain, because even if the negative emotions towards Pastor Heifan have increased sharply, everyone will still inevitably have some expectations for this man with many auras, although everyone seems to have I didn't expect this arrogant guy to do anything good, but I vaguely felt that he might do something good.

Especially after Mo Tan seemed to take the initiative to give in and made the promise that "if everyone is still unwilling to accept it after both parties have established a certain understanding of each other, then everything will continue as usual and the reorganization plan will be abandoned directly." Everyone's Curiosity suddenly became stronger.

And everyone's curiosity was quickly satisfied, because in the second simulated battle, Mo Tan himself led fifty members of Team B, whose strength was far inferior to Team A, and defeated them thirty-nine to fifty. The results directly wiped out the former, which almost shocked everyone's attention.

At that moment, everyone knew that the Dawn Sect might have picked up a ghost this time, and that the outrageous situations spread by Archbishop Jost were most likely all true, and even... they had reservations.

And no matter how strict a soldier is, he has to admit that the weight of the certificate of surrender handed over by Pastor Hei Fan is a bit outrageous, even to the extent that it can impact the entire Doumbouya City garrison system!

In other words, everyone was shaken by his previously outrageous remarks.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the same advice has different effects from people with different specifications. If everyone took the reorganization as a joke at the beginning, then when the 'Black Van Priest' showed his command, After people revealed their incredible strength, they had to take this possibility seriously.

It’s uncomfortable to have your designation revoked and deny the past, but what if after the reorganization there might be a radical change?

After all, that person has proven that this kind of thing is not impossible, because the B team with him in the simulated battle and the B team without him are completely different things. To put it bluntly, the difference is just clouds and mud!

So... if he does as he says, will the entire Doumbouya garrison after reorganization also be so huge like Team B that people can't believe the leap of their own eyes?

Just when everyone inevitably had such thoughts, Mo Tan added two more bombshells in an understatement.

Just as he said to the two saints before departure, first of all, Mo Tan decided to cancel the special treatment of the sect to which the person in charge of Dubuya City belongs, and raised the treatment of all personnel by two levels. After being treated specially in the past, The 'direct line' sects are equal, which can be described as naked inducement.

Secondly, he also dropped a heavier 'bomb', that is, he expressed the hope that he could make a little difference during his term of office, such as directly defeating the blood barbarians.

This time, although everyone's first reaction was still 'bullshit', they were all a bit unreasonable and weak.

There is no other reason. After all, they all thought it was nonsense that Team B could beat Team A. But in the end, Priest Hei Fan actually won, and he won with dignity and no fault at all, and his Guardian Knight And the two His Highnesses the Holy Son, who seemed to be following their lead, did not participate at all.

After that, Mo Tan, who completely guessed everyone's mentality, immediately announced the disbandment, took his two royal highnesses, his guardian knights and Shalia back to the prayer room, and directly entrusted the person in charge of the logistics of the Doumbouya City garrison. Xia Liya formulated a reconstruction plan, of course, with his vision as the core.

Shalia, who had long understood the situation, was somewhat reluctant because of the heavy workload, but she finally chose to accept the job. As one of the smartest people in Doumbouya, this A girl from a knowledge sect could always keep up with Mo Tan's rhythm, and could vaguely guess that the other party really wanted to play it real, so she chose to cooperate without much struggle and directly took over the huge workload.

These were all within Mo Tan's plan, but the only thing that was outside of his plan was what he just saw. Shalia directly arranged a position of [Adjutant to the Commander-in-Chief] for herself.

The 'commander' here naturally refers to the current top leader of Doumbouya City, the Black Van Priest from the Dawn Sect.

The position of 'adjutant' is naturally familiar to everyone. For example, during the first battle in Misha County, Mo Tan's adjutant was Yu Ying, and his adjutant when he was in the Holy Mountain Sumir was Yi Zuo.

As for Yuchen in the [War League] in Academy City, although he is also an adjutant in a strict sense, he can actually do countless things, because in a game of the level between Mo Tan and Theresa, whether it is Yuchen It's Miss Lian again. To put it bluntly, she is no different from a megaphone.

In comparison, after excluding Shua Yuchen, a special talent who can bring many permanent BUFFs to Mo Tan, although Yu Ying and Yi Zuo are both excellent, the former needs to be truly stronger. There are two main reasons. On the one hand, Yu Ying and Mo Tan are both players, so there is almost no gap between the two. On the other hand, compared with the talent, which is mainly based on personal combat effectiveness, then As an assassin with no emotions, he has a more detailed and comprehensive view of the overall situation, and naturally performs his duties as an adjutant more effectively.

All in all, for a commander, a considerate and reliable adjutant is completely necessary.

In the war stage, the role of the adjutant is self-evident. Things that are important but cannot be done personally by the commander, such as conveying instructions, compiling battle reports, and troop dispatching, all require the adjutant as the commander's only "offline" hand to handle; during non-war periods , such as the current situation, the adjutant also plays a decisive role. Whether it is making plans, paperwork or administrative work, for a healthy military force, this unit is irreplaceable.

In the direction given by Mo Tan before, the most ideal candidate for adjutant is actually Raymond Hunting Roar, and the alternative is Mino Paladin. To put it simply, he is one of the three people he named individually during the previous practice battle. Any one except Shalia is fine.

It's not that Mo Tan thinks Shalia is incompetent, but from an objective point of view, this girl is the busiest among the three. She is in charge of the logistics system of Doumbouya City. , or earlier when Knight Commander Harrington came to fight, he was the one in the garrison who handled the most affairs and had the most complicated and arduous responsibilities. Although he did not go to the battlefield, his work intensity was much greater than that of the frontline soldiers.

If Mo Tan asked her to be his adjutant under such circumstances, no one would believe her if she had no personal grudges.

From a subjective point of view, Mo Tan, who is heterosexual, doesn't really want the opposite sex to be his adjutant. Well, this sentence may seem a bit contradictory at first glance, but it actually makes sense. To put it simply - 'self-discipline'.

As for why he is so self-disciplined and for what reasons, everyone knows it, so I won’t go into details here.

It is true that Mo Tan (current personality limit) does not think that he will be attracted to other girls now, but this does not mean that he will turn a blind eye to the beautiful girls (such as Yi Zuo) who often hang around him. He is not a person with pure six senses. As the saying goes, he has food and sex. Although he will not have any thoughts that he shouldn't have, he will still look at him twice as much as he should.

And Priest Xia Liya Ain is also very capable in terms of appearance and figure. Although it is far from the ceiling level, it is definitely at the top level. After all, the racial advantage is there. Using Xia Lian in the City of Light What I said when I was chatting with Mo Tan was that - elves, there are very few people with crotch-stretching looks.

It is actually quite difficult for Shalia, who has two-thirds of elven blood, to look good.

All in all, Fen Changzhi is as good as Mo Tan in terms of public and private, emotional and rational, and rational and sensual. His combat power is even equal to that of Mo Tan (that is, he is very unbeatable). He also serves as the only logistics force in Doumbuya City [Ain Construction]. There are numerous reasons why Shalia Ain, who is the head of the Corps and the head of the only intelligence agency in Doumbouya City, is not suitable for the position of adjutant.

Compared with her, whether it is Raymond Hunting Roar, who is quite influential in the garrison and has a good character, he is also unique in the field of military command and has a considerable understanding of all the regiments in Doumbouya City. The Mino Paladin looks much more suitable at first glance.


In fact, it’s just at first glance.

[Raymond's character is too straight and lacks flexibility. Although he can faithfully execute orders, he is very inflexible. In addition, he is actually a very independent person but stingy in expressing himself. Although from an inclusive perspective, this It's an advantage, but under certain circumstances it can easily create a gap between you and the coach...that is, you.

Remember that practice battle? When you asked both parties to regard each other as blood barbarians, Raymond was the first to disagree. Although he did not agree with you at the time, blatant disobedience is blatant disobedience, so at least in this initial running-in stage, I think he is absolutely Not an ideal candidate.

Oh, by the way, if you want to take actual combat into consideration, Raymond is one of the highest combat effectiveness of our Doumbouya City garrison. The loss of not being able to appear on the frontal battlefield is actually huge. You have to know that he is a guy with a very charming personality. But it is very good at mobilizing morale, or do you plan to follow him to the front line? Uh, just you? 】

The above is one of the 'reasons' that Shalia attached to the other page after directly identifying herself as [Adjutant]. As for the second reason, it is naturally——

[As for Mino, what can I say? Maybe you can indeed create some sparks in how to fight, but I still think this is a bit too outrageous. Dear Sir, I believe you should have seen what Mino is. What kind of person is he? He is a proper cold-on-the-outside and hot-on-the-inside type. In other words, his rectum may be warm, but his expression, behavior and work style are all very cold. His prestige is a little bit, but his affinity can be said to be infinitely approaches zero.

If you let him serve as an adjutant and interact with big guys very frequently, are you going to have trouble with him or yourself? If you think about it for a moment, you will know that Mino is most suitable as the second core besides you, cooperating or assisting you in executing tactical strategies when necessary.

Besides, as far as I know, you are the only two people capable of commanding a group-level battle. If you are put together, if something unexpected happens, you won’t even be able to find an alternative commander. It doesn't matter if you plan to stay in the city like Uncle Jost, but don't you want to do something practical? Don’t you want to spread your blood? Then it would be best to separate from Mino during military operations. 】

It has to be said that, although she had just met the 'Priest Black Van', she had already been dealing with Raymond and Mino for several years. Mo Tan, who was frowning, had no room to refute.

And the last thing, the reason for Xia Liya's "self-recommendation", made Mo Tan smile bitterly and gave up the idea of ​​going to her to argue.

[To tell you the truth, I have actually been lazy these years. Although I look very busy, whether it is the 'Construction Corps' or the 'agencies', they have already formed a fixed operating mode. As long as I We can give directional suggestions. In the actual operation process, we, the top leader, are not needed. It seems very busy, but it is actually an illusion created for the outside world.

So if you are worried that the role of 'adjutant' will increase my burden, then you are simply overthinking it. If you are worried about other aspects, such as whether it will make your girlfriend angry or something... Haha, that is about Isn't it written in the report of the 'outsiders' that even if you aliens don't want to keep yourselves clean, you still have to keep yourselves clean, so what do you have to worry about?

So, if you want me to believe you and that you really want to spread the blood, make your decision wisely, Your Excellency.

——Shalia Ayin】

Chapter 1,630: End

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