Quadruple split

Chapter 1646 Decision

"Do more on my behalf? To please Skulker?"

After hearing these words, Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then reacted and suddenly raised his head to look at Luna, who had a calm expression: "You mean, except for the alchemy creation called [Sweet Rice Ball], In addition, you need extra..."

Luna nodded simply and interrupted: "Yes, because essentially [Sweet Rice Balls] do not have any positive effects on the human body. Those people you mentioned before can use them temporarily. They will return to Dun After Bua City, you can still eat normal food, right?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan rubbed the alchemy chess piece between his fingers and replied hesitantly: "Although what Shalia said before does make some sense, I don't think the garrison here is so stingy that they even care about how many more mouths they have to eat. What's more, they are still people with little fighting ability."

Luna re-opened her alchemy notebook that she seemed to never finish, and said without raising her head: "But the people on the other side, they don't get normal supplies, and they lack enough survival resources. In addition, ...It seems like you are going to put forward a lot of conditions that will make things difficult for those people?”

"That's what it looks like on the surface."

Mo Tan shrugged and said seriously: "If we want to reach cooperation with Skolke without suffering too much criticism, we must let everyone see our tough side, but..."

Luna stopped turning the page: "But what?"

"Huh, it doesn't matter what I tell you."

Mo Tan took a breath and said softly: "I have already told Ms. Chao Yuekui in private that I will sign another contract with Skolke in my own name, and the content will be on the surface. Make a check and balance on the more unfair parts.”

Luna paused for two seconds, and then said frankly: "I don't understand."

"You can understand that, assuming that the contract on the surface says 'this side will sacrifice Skolk first when necessary', then in the supplementary terms I signed with them privately, it will say 'Priest Black Van guarantees that in Treat Skolke the same on a tactical level'."

Mo Tan scratched his cheek and explained patiently: "This is actually not complicated. Although there will be strict requirements at the level of the Holy Religion Union, as long as I, as the actual executor, do not fulfill those contents, the first contract will Content that would be unpleasant is almost canceled out."

Luna raised her head and glanced at Mo Tan, and said sternly as if to prove that she was smart: "Offset, I can understand it. There is also a theory of offset in alchemy, but... it may not go smoothly, right?"

"Definitely. After all, the impression left by both sides on each other in the past was just that they were 'not enemies.' It was okay here, but Skolke was often coldly rejected by Doumbouya."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, shrugged and said: "Coupled with the conditions that can be imagined to be very overbearing and arrogant, even with my personal guarantee, the initial stage of cooperation will probably not be too pleasant. Barriers and suspicions are inevitable, but then It is also a necessary process, and whether it is despicable or taking advantage of others' danger, if they want us to accept those compatriots who have no fighting ability, they must agree to the conditions proposed here, even if they are full of doubts, even if they are unwilling."

Luna looked at Mo Tan with some surprise, but her voice was as calm as ever: "You mean, you are bad?"

"I just think this method is not 'good' enough, but I don't think I'm 'bad'."

Mo Tan spread his hands and smiled briskly: "Because from an objective point of view, I have no intention of persecuting Skolke. On the contrary, while I want to gain his power, I also sincerely hope that I can Helping them is like me deliberately tricking a hungry person into the room, but the purpose is to let him have a full meal. Although the act of 'cheating' is not commendable, my purpose has a positive meaning. ."

Luna easily understood what Mo Tan meant, nodded and said: "It seems that's right, then you are not bad."


Mo Tan smiled and nodded, and said with a smile: "In short, everything so far is under control, so you just need to do what I want you to help with. There is no need to go to Skolk and suffer." .”

"No, I want to go."

As a result, Luna shook her head, lowered her eyes and looked at the notes on her lap again, and said lightly: "I have nothing to do here for the time being. If I go over there, it will be useful."

Mo Tan pinched his eyebrows and shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no..."

"I heard that they had no doctors and many of the injured would die easily."

While flipping through the notes on her lap, Luna said calmly: "Although I'm not a pharmacist, I should be able to help a little if I go there."

Mo Tan scratched his hair tangledly and sighed deeply: "I don't support your decision. The current situation is more complicated. Both of us can't even do the most basic mutual help. Let's leave you there." Too dangerous."

"I will come back when you say we can help each other."

Luna closed the huge alchemy notebook in her hand, turned around and walked out the door, saying without looking back: "I'll pack my things and set off with them later."

Seeing that the girl no longer wanted to talk to him, Mo Tan quickly stood up and chased after her. His tone was a little anxious: "I have the responsibility to protect you."

"I have just proven that I can protect myself."

Luna turned to look at Yi Zhao, who was walking with Mo Tan with a reddish complexion, and then looked at Mo Tan's worried black eyes, and the corner of her mouth curled up with an imperceptible arc: "And you let me I came here originally because I wanted to play some role, as an alchemist."

Mo Tan opened his mouth, but was speechless. After all, what he said was right. In terms of self-preservation ability, the red-faced female knight behind him was knocked down in one glance. The reason for the latter The shameless reason for letting Luna follow him was indeed because of her irreplaceable alchemy skills.

In addition, the garrison in Doumbouya City has not yet begun to reorganize, and the materials for the alchemy workshop have not yet been delivered. There is really no use for Luna to stay in this city that Mo Tan thinks is 'full of waste and waiting for development'. , and if she goes to Skolk to help in the name of 'Black Van Priest'...


Mo Tan let out a sigh of relief and said sternly to Luna: "I still don't want you to go."

"Well, then you don't want to."

Luna, who knew very well that the person in front of her was always worried about 'taking responsibility for her own accident', nodded lightly, then turned around and walked out. As she walked, she said to Mo Tan, who was standing there blankly: "Come here and help me."


“There are a lot of things, and it’s very tiring to pack them by yourself.”


"Well, let's go."

twenty minutes later

Game time PM19:21

Doumbouya City Officers' Quarters, Room 1

"That's probably it."

Luna stuffed the last two bundles of suspicious reagents into the space bag, patted her little hands gently, and nodded to Mo Tan, who looked helpless: "I've finished packing."

The latter twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and looked around at this 'room' where Luna had only lived for one day, but could hardly see its original appearance. He smiled dryly and said: "After you finish cleaning up... then the rest are all What is it?"

"If you can't bring anything with you, come here."

Luna said something casually, then dragged Mo Tan to the center of the room, pointed at the square metal table in front of her and said: "This is my alchemy table. The maps you often use can go to Put it on top. The surface layer of corrugated steel has a rubbing effect. You can leave traces of the latest map on it, and then..."

She casually opened a mezzanine on the side of the alchemy table, took out two exquisite small boxes and placed them in the groove on the corner of the table.

"I made it out of boredom some time ago. This is the latest model of chess piece. It can be adsorbed on the alchemy table and leave traces of different colors when you drag it, just like the lines and arrows you usually draw on the map. .”

Luna opened one of the boxes, brushed her white index finger over a row of lifelike chess pieces, and said lightly: "Oh, by the way, if you keep holding this thing in your hand, it will emit a certain amount of heat and be very warm, but The magic power inside is limited. If you find that it no longer lights up or heats up, just put them back into the box and stuff them back into the alchemy table, and they will be replenished quickly."

Mo Tan nodded in confusion, with a rather astonished expression on his face: "Oh!"

"Then this way."

Luna put the exquisite alchemy chess piece in her hand back into the box, then walked to the wooden wall cabinet between the two windows, pulled it open and pointed at the pile of various labels inside. The crystal bottle said: "There are some potions in here, most of them are for replenishing physical strength. I have written the effects on the notes, and some are for nourishing."

Mo Tan's expression froze: "Nourishing..."

"Well, because I don't like to sleep, I'm not in good health and I need nourishment. But I have all the materials with me. Just leave these finished products here. I will get a batch of new potions with better effects later. You are in the cabinet. You can use it however you want.”

Luna ignored Mo Tan, just walked to the low cabinet at the head of the bed, pointed to the teapot-like thing on it and said: "This is for refreshing, the smell is pretty good, I made it at the time After I made this one, I felt it was ugly, so I was a little dissatisfied with it, so I made a new one, and this one is here to stay.”

Mo Tan leaned over to the object with the words "Awakening Incense Burner·Specialized Night Use" on the panel and smelled it. Sure enough, he smelled a refreshing aroma, which felt a bit like coffee beans.

"Oh, by the way, I also got a statue of the Goddess of Dawn in the cubicle over there. I bought it in the City of Light at that time. Although it is very cheap, it should also be used for praying."

Luna yawned and sat lazily on the bed. She kicked off her boots sleepily and flipped through the alchemy notebook. She said in a sleepy voice: "It's okay. I'll read for a while. Let's leave when we set off." Someone call me."

Mo Tan tried to make a final struggle: "But..."

"If you don't call me, I'll go there by myself. I'll remember how to go."


"You don't have much time, right? Do you really want to stay here?"


a moment later

"Senior, do you really want Miss Luna to go with you?"

On the way back to the chapel, Yi Zhao whispered uneasily behind Mo Tan: "I also think it's a bit too dangerous over there."

Mo Tan sighed softly and said helplessly: "It's too late. I think she may have sympathized with Skolke directly after hearing what Yue Kui said. She wanted to do something to help those people. I said everything I needed to say. , but as you can see, she couldn’t listen at all and was not even willing to talk to me on the same channel.”


Yi Zuo paused for a moment, opened his mouth hesitantly, and finally said nothing. He just frowned unnoticeably and easily kept up with the opponent's gradually accelerating pace.

She could see that Mo Tan was actually a little anxious. In fact, as one of the people around him who knew the ingredients of 'Black Brahma' best, Yi Xuan felt that her senior's rhythm was particularly tight during this period. Having said that, he was not 'awake' for more than an hour every day, and even when he arrived in Doumbouya City, he was never 'calm' for even a minute in the true sense.

So looking at Mo Tan's helpless and anxious profile, Yi Zhao almost immediately put aside the clues that he had just noticed instinctively, and meekly and obediently stopped talking.

Facts have proved that Yi Zuo's guess was not wrong. Mo Tan's current rhythm is indeed extremely tight. You must know that it is already past dinner time, and Ji Xiaoge and others are still waiting for Mo Tan at Tianzhu Mountain. 'Go online and set off, but he has to arrange most of Skolk's things within today. In addition, Luna suddenly made a mess again. Although it can't be said that it burned his butt, it seemed to be a little bit at this moment. Worried.

But even so, when he walked into the office at the end of the second floor of the chapel, he still tried to look calm and calm. After all, Shalia and Yuekui were different from Luna and Yi Zuo, and they were not Mo Mo yet. Tan's 'own people'.

So he should hold it or hold it.

"How's the research going?"

Mo Tan, who didn't even knock on the door and walked directly into Xia Liya's adjutant's office, walked straight to the table in the center that was piled with documents and could almost block people behind, and asked Xia Liya who was busy writing at the desk. road.

"I came just in time. I just finished the draft and haven't had time to discuss it with Ms. Yuekui."

Shalliya first turned her head and glanced at Yue Kui, who was sitting next to her, and then directly handed the parchment in front of Mo Tan: "You should take a look first."

"Hmm...I don't think there's anything wrong with the general direction."

Mo Tan took the parchment and glanced at it a few times, then smiled and said, "I think the details can be adjusted a little."

"For example?"

"Give me the quill, and I'll make a new version for you."

"Take it."

five minutes later

Shivering, she put down the draft of the contract in her hand, which was no less than ten times more extreme than before. Xia Liya looked at Mo Tan as if she had seen a ghost, even her voice was trembling——

"Are you crazy!?"

Chapter 1,637: End

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