Quadruple split

Chapter 1653 Strike up a conversation

Harold, the manager of [Desolate Store·Eighth Branch] is undoubtedly a person with super mobility. In less than two minutes, he personally helped Mo Tan and others set up a table outside. After bowing slightly, he walked away from the table with a smile, not even leaving a menu for everyone.

Obviously, although this person was very cooperative with Mo Tan and others' low-key ideas and did not give any special treatment on the surface, there was a high probability that this meal would not cost the Wangwang team. God knows how those three rooms were used. The same goes for the spare room.

"How should I put it..."

Looking at Harold's back helplessly, Jadeka smiled dryly and twitched the corner of his mouth, sighing: "You are truly worthy of being a member of the Wanderer Hostel. It doesn't matter that Mo was so popular in Academy City before, why can't I even do it?" Can be recognized by him."

Mo Tan chuckled, waved his hand and said: "Old Jia, you are wrong. No matter what people think, I am here for you. I am just a dispensable addition. This should be within the gold rush triangle and about 100 meters away from Caselo." The closest place to the grassland, although it is separated by the Principality of Freya and the state of Toril, the influence of your Diesel family can still be radiated over, so we can get this treatment mainly because of your face."


Yaya patted Jadeka hard on the shoulder, then gave him a thumbs up, nodded vigorously and said: "Woof!"

Lujiang held her little face in joy and sighed softly: "Ah~ Is this the happiness of guanxi households? Suddenly I started to understand those little girls who like to find uncles with successful careers."

"Calm down, Lu-chan, you are a boy!"

Ji Xiaoge slapped Lujiang staggering with one wing, and then sighed: "It's really amazing. This is the so-called multifaceted businessman."

As a result, the old mage snorted softly, stroking his beard and said angrily: "I don't think that Harold is very smart. If you think about it carefully, you will know that although my surname is Diesel, I have been with my family for a long time. The relationship is gone, if he was smarter he shouldn’t fawn over me.”

"Oh, Lao Jia, please stop being awkward."

Ji Xiaoge winked at Jadeka narrowly and said with a smile: "I still remember that before you just stayed with us for a few days, that uncle Darien specially asked someone to give you a ride. It’s a mage tower. It was the same in Academy City at that time. The entire Diesel delegation was respectful to you. If they don’t fawn over you, who are you fawning over?”

Mo Tan also nodded and echoed a fair statement: "And since we have accepted his kindness, you will have to talk to Mr. Darien after you go back, even if it is just casually. The benefits of [Huangdian Eighth Branch] and that 'Supervisor Harold' are worth countless meals and rooms. After all, this is a business managed by others. Let us have a free meal. How much trouble can a one-night stay have?”

"Those businessmen are all smart. Every one of them has ulterior motives."

Wang Badan, who was lying between Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, curled his lips and said in a loud voice: "So we can eat and sleep as much as we can, and don't forget about him. When we meet Old Man Jia's grandson later, Just tell him that my brothers were robbed in this store, and ask him to lead people to raid the place... Oops!"

At the same time, Wang Badan, who was kicked on the left and right sides of his face by his eldest brother and eldest sister, let out a wailing cry and retracted his head into his shell in frustration.

"In short, this is a good thing. After all, the problem of food and lodging tonight has been solved."

Mo Tan encouraged Wang Ba again and smiled at Jadeka who looked a little awkward: "You, don't continue to insist on drawing a clear line with your family. You are such a person, you should have thought about this a long time ago." opened."

Ji Xiaoge immediately nodded his head and echoed: "That's right, Lao Jia, think about it for yourself, everyone in your family, from the head of the Darien family to the juniors like Leah and Scarlett, likes them all." Even your parents, your great grandfather, will definitely hope that you can return to your roots. Is it your own initiative to run away from home? Did anyone say that they would not let you go back? Who said that they would follow you? Have you severed the relationship?"

"Oh, this...isn't what happened..."

Jadeka opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just tried weakly to refute.

"It's just pretentious."

Wang Ba, who was huddled in his shell, muttered something boldly, and then added a second sentence in an unsatisfactory way: "It's just cheap!"


"You are the last person to call others mean."

Ji Xiaoge angrily kicked Wang Badan's shell, then turned to Jadeka and shrugged: "But what he said is not entirely wrong. Lao Jia, you are indeed a bit hypocritical."

Mo Tan nodded and added: "And the reason why you proposed to go back to the Cassero Grassland this time cannot be said to be 100%, but there is definitely a certain factor because you want to go back and have a look, right? Don't be harsh, we are not outsiders, there is nothing wrong with it. That’s easy to say.”


In desperation, Jadeka sighed again, shook his head and said, "Probably so. Actually, I don't know, but...how to put it, I do feel a little homesick."

"That's right, no matter how you came out, it is your home after all."

Mo Tan chuckled and said with a smile: "In addition, there are still many family members who care about you. Everyone would want to go back and visit often. If you ask me, you might as well stay at home for a year and a half... Okay, okay, I won’t say anything anymore, you make your own decision.”

Under Jadeka's glare, Mo Tan did not finish his words after all. Obviously, it was a huge improvement for the old man to admit that he was homesick, and he wanted him to stay there and enjoy family happiness. , it seems somewhat unrealistic now.

"Change the subject, change the subject."

Jadeka knocked on the table with a red face, as if he couldn't bear it anymore.

And no one continued to make things difficult for him, an old comrade. After laughing a few times, they casually changed the subject and started talking nonsense.

The food was served very quickly. I don’t know if it was because of the special instructions from Director Harold. Anyway, less than a quarter of an hour after everyone sat down, several waiters came over and stacked the table with "swish, swish, swish" There was a full meal, including wine, meat, vegetables and soup, and although some of them looked ordinary, when Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and others took a look at their chopsticks, they knew that these things were not simple.

There is no other reason. These foods are all considered 'items' and are explained on the panel. Therefore, even if they can fool a layman, they have no clue about the existence of players who can ignore the appearance until the essence. So Mo Tan simply ate it. After going around and picking up a little bit of each dish, you can roughly judge the value of the dishes on the table.

A conservative estimate would be that this dinner, which they were destined not to pay for, would cost at least 300 gold coins. And those tasks that were more suitable for the strength level of the Wangwang team would hardly cost each person 300 gold coins on average after completion.

Therefore, the person in charge must have spent a lot of money. Although he did not make the scene particularly glamorous, and some of the valuable hard dishes were even deliberately made unsightly, the core was very high-end. Completely in line with the 'understated yet luxurious concept'.

Not only that, Mo Tan, who had studied the item descriptions in detail, was keenly aware that the dishes that fit the above description were all of the types relatively close to Caselo. In other words, although a 'layman' like himself would not Most of the time you won’t be able to tell that this is a good thing with the help of the system panel, but Jadeka Diesel can definitely taste it, which makes people have to sigh at the high level of Director Harold.

There are no benefits to be gained from doing good deeds without leaving your name, so the best way is to leave your name in a less obvious way.

This approach may be a bit philistine, but it is not annoying. After all, you are not the second uncle of the family. If you don't want anything, why should you be treated specially?

All in all, a few people were eating and drinking happily. Mo Tan, who currently doesn't like alcoholic drinks much, even had two drinks with Lao Jia. Everyone was eating food, drinking wine, gossiping, and chatting all over the country. The atmosphere is great, just like a normal adventurer team.


People who understand know very well that the development of things is actually not right.

The reason is simple, this is so smooth and normal!

For others, this can almost be said to be 'daily' and 'normal', but for Motan and his group, it is a bit like a supernatural event.

In Wang Badan's words, it is - things force one's constitution.

Of course, this kind of feudal superstition was naturally scorned by Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, but in fact, these two people occasionally became frightened because the painting style around them was too normal. They always felt that God knew when Bo Da would come. .

For example, when they went to the Golden City before, just two minutes after the painting style got on track, they were involved in a series of incidents. In the end, not only did they go to the ruins of the Sun Dynasty, but they almost lost Aliang and a certain person. The kobold chief got married and even witnessed a magnificent dragon battle.

So except Lujiang, although everyone didn't say anything, they actually started to be wary in their hearts. Even Yaya, who was still feasting, had already prepared that something would fall from the sky and hit him in the next second. In preparation for the broken dining table, I am currently staring closely at a few of my favorite meat dishes, preparing to rescue him as soon as possible in case of an emergency.

Facts have proved that everyone’s vigilance is not unfounded——

About half an hour later, when Mo Tan and others had eaten and drank, and only Yaya and Wang Badan were left cleaning the final battlefield, a drunken voice suddenly sounded close by.


Without any warning, a handsome blond elf appeared next to Lu Jiang, casually inserted a blue lantern flower that could be seen everywhere in a radius of more than ten miles in her ear, raised the cup in his hand and smiled: "Excuse me. Would you be honored to have a drink with me?"

Lujiang, who was a little confused, blinked and reacted for a while before letting out a dumbfounded voice: "Huh?"


The visitor was minding his own business, knocking the drink in Lujiang's hand with his own wine glass, and smiled: "Cheers to your beauty."


Lu Jiang was stunned again. Seeing that the other party drank down the glass of wine in his hand, he shook his head helplessly and raised his own drink: "If you want to strike up a conversation, you have found the wrong person."

"Miss, you are overthinking. I am simply shocked by your beauty."

The handsome elf man chuckled, then raised his chin to the side and said with a smile: "Just like my friend who has been attracted by your friend and wants to come over and bother you no matter what."

Lu Jiang followed his gaze and found another rabbit boy who looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old, with beautiful white curly hair and a pair of long ears standing on top of his head, standing next to Ji Xiaoge with a red face. Holding a cup awkwardly, he looked like a cute little milk dog... er, a little milk rabbit.

"Who are you?"

Ji Xiaoge, who looked a little lazy because he had eaten too much, turned to look at the little nanny rabbit, and asked in a gentle and polite tone that Mo Tan knew was business-like: "What do you want from me? "

"I...I, I, I..."

The half-orc boy from the Rabbit Tribe was trembling with a red face, and kept casting glances at the elf man next to Lu Jiang not far away for help. However, he was completely ignored by the other party. In the end, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and said: "I...I just said I said I wanted to make friends with my eldest sister, and then Brother Chengfeng brought me here, right...I'm sorry!"

I have to say that this boy's temperament is indeed very cute. Coupled with his lovable appearance and contrasting tall figure, if he were an ordinary big sister, he would probably be bumped into by someone like this unexpectedly. For a few moments, the negative impact of the conversation was minimized because the main responsibility was placed on the blond elf who seemed to like playing pranks.

All in all, in this case, most girls will instinctively have a favorable impression of at least ten percentage points. This has nothing to do with superficiality or anything. Since ancient times, good-looking people have meant that it is easy to win the favor of others. Because the yearning for beautiful things is the instinct of all intelligent creatures.

But unfortunately...

Ji Xiaoge, who was chatted up by this little naughty bunny, is the ultimate embodiment of the concept of "beautiful things", even the most vivid, so her resistance to similar things is really strong. It would be okay if she is a girl. , but as for boys... to be honest, the one who can make this girl have psychological fluctuations with his appearance must be at least at the level of Ultraman or Godzilla.


"It doesn't matter."

Ji Xiaoge smiled tenderly at the little nanny in front of him and said with a smile: "I forgive you. Let your brother take you back quickly. Children may be in danger if they come out so late."

The young man blinked and asked very innocently: "Danger refers to... beautiful people like you, big sister?"


Ji Xiaoge shook her head, then raised her little hand and pointed under the table with her white and slender index finger——

"For example, this bastard raised by my eldest sister likes to bite children's crotches~"

Chapter 1,644: End

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