Quadruple split

Chapter 1655 Curse?

"Transporting food?"

Lu Jiang looked at the secure uncle next to him with some curiosity, and asked doubtfully: "Is it going to be shipped to people in my hometown?"

Because Largo had said before that they were rushing back to the Savage Highlands, Lujiang's first reaction was to 'carry food to the family'.

Reality often does not have so many reversals, and this principle also applies to the realm of innocence, which is not reality but is the same as reality. In other words... After hearing this, Largo smiled and nodded, confirming Lujiang's guess.

"That's right. Our mercenary group probably transports food to the settlement three or four times a year."

Largo, who had a good rapport with the Wangwang team, smiled, casually pinched a ball and threw it into his mouth, and explained in a cheerful tone: "You may not know that Highlanders actually have very big appetites, especially when they are teenagers. After getting older, compared to the appetite of adult orcs, our family has at least ten times more appetite, and not only the amount, but also the requirements for confrontation."

Ji Xiaoge, who became more energetic at the mention of food, immediately opened his eyes wide and asked enthusiastically: "Do you want something particularly delicious?"

"That's not true. Picky eating is a personal habit and has nothing to do with us Highlanders. Although the food is definitely more delicious and popular, taste is not actually a hard requirement."

Largo chuckled and shrugged: "What we need is nutrition. Whether we are hungry or not is secondary. If we consume food with low nutritional value for a long time, it will have a very bad impact on our family, ah, but You don’t have to worry, Birger and I have already had dinner at the camp before, and we just brought that kid to sit here in Huangdian for a while just to let him see the world."

Jadeka stroked his beard and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I have met a few friends from the Highlanders before. A whole mercenary group like yours belongs to the Highlanders, so there shouldn't be many of them, right?"

"Haha, it's not just that there are not many."

Largo laughed, raised his index finger and shook it slightly: "I can guarantee that our [Destruction King] mercenary group is the only one in the entire continent that is composed entirely of highlanders. As for other tribesmen, in my impression, at most To get together seven or eight people at the same time would require a very powerful first-class mercenary group, but I have met some adventurer teams composed entirely of highlanders."

Since the Highlanders appeared after the Dragon's Pride was bulldozed, Wang Badan, who had no relevant knowledge, poked his head in with interest and said, "Then why do you guys rarely get together with a bunch of the same race? Is that so?" A fight?"

"Good guy, a talking turtle-shaped monster? It's very powerful."

Largo smacked his lips, and then cheerfully explained to Wang Badan: "We won't fight when we get together, but raising a Highlander warrior costs a lot of money, whether it's for others or for yourself. , Apart from anything else, even a mature Highlander like me needs to eat almost thirty gold coins worth of food in one meal, while a guy like Birger who is still growing can eat twice as much as me. Much, this expense is not a small amount."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said suddenly: "I see, that means that highlanders like you are mainly used as elite forces in ordinary mercenary groups to attack difficult situations, so it is difficult for the proportion to increase."

"Yes, after all, we are too difficult to raise."

Largo spread his hands, first chuckled and mocked himself, then patted his chest quite proudly, grinning and said: "But [Destruction King] is special. Although it is a bit harder, we are still here after all." I found a way out before I starved to death, and now I can even feed my own tribe back."

Jadeka's eyes widened in surprise, and he said in astonishment: "You are all from the same tribe?"

"That's right, we come from the tribe [Loya], which consists of eleven settlements. Although it is not a big tribe, it is our proud hometown."

When he mentioned his hometown, Largo, who had a calm temperament, seemed to have a light shining in his eyes, and his voice became a little excited: "Our tribe has about two thousand people, and most of the middle-aged people are in [Destruction King] They joined us on missions all over the continent, while the children and middle-aged people stayed in the settlement. Boys and girls like Birger were responsible for hunting monsters in the east and ensuring that the tribe had enough food reserves. This was an arduous task. After all, as I said just now, both children and the elderly need to consume a lot of resources."

"Because my mother died in the war a few months ago, I left the village early and joined the regiment to help."

Birger smiled shyly, scratching his cheek shyly, and said: "Although our mercenary group has a lot of people, we are basically carrying out many tasks at the same time, so the manpower is never enough. In addition, my reaction time is relatively slow and I can’t catch any prey in my hometown, so I just asked my uncle to take me out.”

Mo Tan glanced at Birger, who was taller and stronger, but still had a hint of childishness, and said sternly to this young man who was only seventeen or eighteen years old at most: "I think you are already outstanding, really. "

Birger pursed his lips reservedly, while Largo patted him on the head several times, shook his head and said, "Humph, this kid still needs to practice."

However, everyone could see that this approachable mercenary captain actually doted on his nephew, otherwise he would not have taken him from the camp to the abandoned shop to "see the world."


Lu Jiang blinked and suddenly asked Largo in hindsight: "Mr. Largo, you just said that only children and middle-aged people stay in the settlement, what about the old people?"


Largo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled casually: "We highlanders don't have the concept of old people, because even the longest-lived people can only live to be over fifty years old at most."

Only then did Lu Jiang react. Thinking of Jadeka's previous popular science talk, she blushed and shrank her neck, and apologized repeatedly: "Yes...I'm sorry, I've obviously heard about this, and I just said it." Such rude words..."

"Haha, what's the matter? Goblins won't mind if others say they like to engage in explosions, dwarves won't mind if others say they are short in stature, and of course we highlanders won't be jealous of the fact that our own race has a short lifespan."

Largo waved his hand to comfort Lujiang indifferently, and suddenly smiled and said: "And if I have to say it, not only am I not against talking about this with others, I even feel proud when I talk about it."

Wang Badan, who was lying under the table, blinked his eyes and asked curiously: "Are you proud of your short life?"


A vein popped up on the foreheads of Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge at the same time, and they stared at the table with anger.

"Hahahaha, a short lifespan is nothing to be proud of."

Largo was not as knowledgeable as Wang Badan. Judging from his expression, he seemed to find it quite interesting. Then he lowered his head and explained sternly to the latter under the table: "But I feel that I can do more of myself in my short life." It seems like the right thing to do is something to be proud of.”

Wang Badan nodded expressionlessly: "Oh, so, do you plan to have a hundred children in your limited life?"

"Although continuing the family line is a big deal, having too many children is not a good idea. It is easy to be unable to feed them."

Largo shook his head and grinned: "Actually, the thing that makes me proud has been mentioned before, and that is the fact that our [Destruction King] mercenary group can feed back the tribe."

Birger next to him also puffed up his chest proudly, his tone full of pride: "Our 'Loya' tribe is the only tribe in the entire Savage Highlands that has its own cemetery."

The only tribe with its own cemetery?

Hearing this, several members of the Wangwang team were a little confused for a moment (of course, this did not prevent Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge from kicking Wang Badan at the same time to shut him up), and they could not say anything after reacting for a while. Continue.

Largo, who has been outside for many years, immediately saw the confusion in the eyes of Mo Tan and others, and then explained in a brisk tone: "Some of you don't know. In fact, we highlanders, whether they are small settlements, Regardless of the big tribes, they basically don’t set up cemeteries in their own territory, because most highlanders don’t die at home.”

"You won't die at home...you mean?"

Mo Tan first raised his foot to stomp on Wang Badan who was flashing his eyes, probably because he wanted to say something sexy. Then he cast a searching look at Largo, because the latter obviously had no intention of hiding anything, so he He didn't pretend to be considerate and silent, but took over the conversation naturally.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are the norm for all races. From this perspective, we Highlanders are not an exception. However, although we are not exceptions, we are still slightly different from you humans, elves, half-dragons, and half-orcs."

Largo raised his glass and drank the wine that Lujiang had just poured for him. He wiped his mouth and said softly: "Highlander babies will basically not die in infancy. As long as the nutrition can keep up, the babies will suffer from diseases and deformities. The probability is zero, and his vitality is also very tenacious. Just like the child Birger, my sister ran back to the mercenary group as soon as he was born. As a result, he was fed bread without breast milk and grew. Big one, if that thing were a baby of other races, let alone a human, even a half-dragon, it would take two months to grow full teeth, right?"


Seeing Largo looking at him, Mo Tan, who had no idea how long it would take for a half-dragon to grow long teeth, could only scratch his hair and said with a dry smile: "This... this touches on my blind spot of knowledge, but it should be It has to be two months, right?"

"Who says otherwise? Except for pure-blooded blood seekers who are born with two canines, how can any baby have a set of good teeth right from the start?"

Largo laughed, then changed the topic and said seriously: "But we highlanders can grow good teeth within two hours after birth."

Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang looked at each other in confusion. After all, for these three aliens, a baby that could grow a set of good teeth and chew cakes within two hours after birth was a bit out of line. However, They didn't show too much surprise. After all, this was a fantasy world where even a bastard could curse, and everything was possible.

"No one knows why, but the vitality of us highlanders is terrifyingly strong, and we seem to have very strong immunity to most diseases. Conditions such as colds and fevers will not happen to highlanders at all. .”

Largo knocked on his solid chest and said proudly: "Not only that, our physical fitness is also far better than that of the orcs who are recognized as having strong physiques, even the highlanders who have not undergone any professional training. They are comparable to most middle and low-level professionals, so until entering the [Decadence Period], except for falling on the battlefield or during adventures, Highlanders will almost never die due to reasons other than natural disasters and man-made disasters. Death from illness is more important to us. It’s an unfamiliar term.”

Ji Xiaoge pursed her lips and asked softly: "Then, Mr. Ralph, the [decline period] you are talking about is..."

"That's why our lifespan is much lower than other races."

Largo spread his hands helplessly and said with a wry smile: "No matter how strong a Highlander is, as long as he is over forty years old, he may enter the state we named [Decadence Period] at any time. The specific manifestation is The body loses activity rapidly, and the demand for nutrients increases exponentially. At the same time, there is a phenomenon that alchemists call "collapse", which is the countdown to the death of the highlanders. Once the "collapse" reaches the extreme, our bodies It will collapse immediately and die suddenly."

Including Yaya and Wang Badan, no one spoke. Although they had a general idea from Jadeka before, it was completely different from the explanation given by Largo, a highlander.

"Some say it's a curse hidden in our blood, some say it's retribution for the highlanders being born so strong, some say it's the gods' punishment for heretics, but there's no reliable explanation."

Largo, who had the most relaxed expression, chuckled and said in a brisk tone: "In short, Highlanders will definitely enter the [Decadence Period] between the ages of forty and forty-five years old, and the [Decadence Period] lasts until the eighth year of highland life. Even if a person is alive, he will die suddenly at a certain moment, so theoretically, the maximum age we can live to is fifty-three years old. Of course, that is just a theory, after all, no one has really lived that long. "

Jadeka, who has theoretically lived two lifetimes of an ordinary highlander, nodded with a complex expression and asked softly: "Then you just said that your tribe is the only tribe with a cemetery because..."

"The vast majority of highlanders will not choose to wait comfortably for death after the [Decadence Period] arrives, because 'hunger' is a very cruel torture."


"Yes, hunger. As I said just now, the nutritional needs of highlanders will increase exponentially after entering the [Decadence Period], and our hometown Savage Highlands... is a very barren and barren place."


"They would choose to leave, wandering deeper into the wastes with a maddening hunger, and... return to the dust along the way."

Chapter 1,646: End

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