Quadruple split

Chapter 1658 The Broken King of Destruction

next day

Game time AM07:27

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Northwest Continent, north of the Gold Rush Triangle, Huangdian·Eighth Branch [Room 305]

"Phew, I hope it's not too late."

Mo Tan, who had just sent off Yuekui, Avery and Luna from the city of Doumbouya, opened his eyes tiredly, jumped off the bed lightly, and then felt something was not right.

The room is empty, which is not a problem. After all, Jadeka has the habit of getting up early for morning exercises. Normally, he goes out at around six o'clock and runs away with weights. And Yaya will not be so direct when they are not in the same room. Chuanwu ran over here, so it was definitely normal for Mo Tan to be alone in the room.

As for what the specific difference was, Mo Tan himself couldn't tell, but he just felt that something was wrong...

However, this situation did not last for a few seconds. After all, under his current personality, he was very bad at intuition, so he immediately discovered the clue. The source turned out to be from a friend's message and the blood contract between himself and Wang Badan. connect.

There is nothing unusual about the blood contract connection itself. What is wrong is that the distance between Wang Badan and Mo Tan is a bit too far, so far that they cannot even communicate with each other using a function similar to telepathy.

Something must have happened!

Mo Tan opened the message bar without hesitation and immediately found seven or eight messages from [Ye Ge], all sent within twenty minutes.

'silent! If you see it, please reply immediately! ’

‘Something happened, uh, it wasn’t us. The news couldn’t tell clearly. In short, the kid named Birger just came over and his condition looked very bad. ’

‘Let me put it simply, it was probably the [Destruction King] mercenary group that was attacked. ’

‘Don’t worry too much, no one is dead, but everyone plans to go and check the situation. ’

‘Call me as soon as you get in. Don’t act rashly, you can easily lose yourself. ’

‘We’re here, not far away. After you get in, ask me to pick you up. ’

‘Don’t worry, Lujiang is already helping with emergency treatment. It turns out she, ah no, turns out he can not only turn into various small animals! ’

The news ends here.

And Mo Tan also fully understood the cause and effect. After all, what Ji Xiaoge said was very clear. Just take it literally. The key points are:

First, all members of the Wangwang team are safe.

Second, Largo and Birger had a good chat last night. Something happened to the [Destruction King] mercenary group they belonged to.

Third, there seemed to be no bloodshed, but Ji Xiaoge and the others had already rushed over.

Fourth, Ji Xiaoge prohibited herself from acting alone and asked her to contact her to pick her up as soon as she came online, because she would lose herself.

Fifth, Lu Jiang seems to have made achievements in the field of saving lives and healing the wounded.

"I always feel that one of them is redundant. Well, maybe it's not that redundant..."

After muttering this in a low voice, Mo Tan immediately opened the input box and quickly sent a message back to Ji Xiaoge: 'Yes, how is the situation now? ’

About a minute later, Ji Xiaoge's message came back, and the content was relatively positive: 'The situation is stable. In short, everyone is fine. Just wait, I will pick you up. ’

‘I can go there myself. I have a blood contract connection with Wang Ba Dan. At this distance, I can vaguely feel its location. Even if I can’t tell the direction, I won’t get lost easily. Really. ’

Mo Tan took a deep breath and tried to prove himself.

‘Okay, okay, I know you can come here on your own. Okay, just wait. I can’t help here. I can’t cook a meal for them, right? Aren't you afraid that they were fine at first, but ended up being messed up by me? ’

Ji Xiaoge replied directly and dismissed Mo Tan's protest.

There was no way, this girl had already begun to laugh at herself about her cooking skills. If she didn't give her any face, I'm afraid Ji Xiaoge would really be able to make breakfast on the spot and wait for her to come over.

So, after briefly weighing the pros and cons, Mo Tan felt that it was better to wait for a while. After all, the situation there seemed to have stabilized, and even if Wang Ba had the guts to make a positioning, he actually had no confidence in himself... ...It’s not like I’ve ever gotten lost without wearing a little genius phone watch.

Just like that, Mo Tan left the room and went down to the first floor. Just as he was about to leave the hall, he saw Harold, the manager, coming up to him with a smile.

"Good morning, I won't ask you if you had a good rest last night, Brother Mo."

Harold coughed lightly, then winked at Mo Tan and asked in a low voice: "Can I lend you a step to speak?"

Anyway, waiting outside is waiting, and waiting inside is waiting. After nodding slightly, Mo Tan 'borrowed' Harold a step, followed the latter to the relatively quiet counter, and also asked in a low voice: "What are you looking for?" What's wrong with me?"

"This...can't be considered a problem."

Harold smiled, and while flipping through the account books on the counter, he said without raising his head: "In fact, I saw your partners before...that is, Mr. Jadeka and they were very anxious. They left, and the Highlander boy who came to find them didn't look very good, so he did a little investigation."

Mo Tan blinked and repeated, "Have you investigated?"

"Haha, after all, I came from Wanderer Hostel. I probably won't be able to get rid of my bad habit of trying to figure out everything in this life."

Harold smiled faintly, and then continued: "But in principle, as the manager of a deserted store, I shouldn't...well, I shouldn't talk to customers about things that have a biased position. After all, we all know that this The world is never black and white. The barren store has no intention of doing evil, but there is no reason to help any justice, so... I am just chatting with you, Brother Mo, about some useful things. For example, the turnover of our eighth branch store is How high, how high or something like that, right?”


Mo Tan hesitated obviously. Although he could clearly feel Harold's meaning and knew that the supervisor was kind to him, he could not say after a knowing smile, "Of course, you said That's right, the reason is very simple. Harold actually didn't mention the turnover to him, and at this moment, Mo Tan couldn't lie.

Therefore, after a brief silence, Mo Tan could only cough lightly and said: "Don't worry, I understand what you mean, and I don't mean to embarrass you."

"Haha, I know that Brother Mo must be a trustworthy person. In this case..."

Harold pursed his lips, took out a twice-folded piece of parchment from his pocket, casually stuffed it into Mo Tan's palm, and said in a brisk tone: "I won't waste your time, hope." Have a nice trip.”


Mo Tan nodded, then quickly left behind the counter and walked straight out of the eighth branch.

A few minutes later, Mo Tan found a relatively secluded place and made sure there was no one around. He took a breath and opened the parchment in his hand that had been folded twice.


He was confused!

Really, he couldn't help but be confused. Although he might not be confused if he were another person, let alone Mo Tan at this moment, even Mo Tan at that moment and that moment, he would probably be shocked when he saw this thing. My eyesight goes dark.

The reason is simple. What Harold gave him was a hand-drawn map!

A hand-drawn map that shows the painter's skill is very good!

A map with no messages, no prompts, and no unnecessary words, just a map... a map!

[Ah... I'm in trouble now...]

Sighing in his heart, Mo Tan shook his head and stuffed the map into his bag.

He didn't know what Harold's purpose was in giving him this map, but at least two points were clear -

First of all, based on the relative position and logic of Wang Badan in the blood contract connection, it is absolutely impossible that the place pointed by this map is the [Destruction King] mercenary group camp where Jadeka and others are currently located.

Secondly, although the meaning of this thing seems unclear now, Mo Tan thinks that it will probably come in handy, because Director Harold does not seem like the kind of person who does useless work, and judging from his attitude just now, this thing is probably quite good. important.

[In short, before we figure out what is going on, we can only wait and see what happens. 】

Mo Tan shook his head, then closed his eyes, folded his arms and leaned against the crooked tree behind him, seemingly falling into a state of sleep.

But that's just the look. There are too many things he needs to worry about now.

Things about Doumbouya City, things about Skolke, things about the foggy area east of Violet, things about guilt and controversy, things about the Harlequin card, things about Yaya’s body, things about monthly exams... things about attendance rate, etc. .

Yes, attendance rate is also one of Mo Tan's headaches now. Although under the threat of Director Yao, Mo Tan has been forced to become a relatively normal and good student, but strictly speaking, he can only attend school when he is absolutely neutral. Only with the two personalities of Lawful Good and Lawful Good, Mo Tan will obediently attend class. As for Mo Tan, who has the chaotic neutral personality, he will find ways to take advantage of loopholes and try to skip classes through various deception methods.

It's not that he wants to skip class to do something, he just simply enjoys the fun of playing hide and seek in mischief under the nose of 'Superman'. Of course, there is still some sense of propriety in this. For example, although he still skips class, However, the attendance rate will not be lower than the grade average, and in most cases, given that he is very planned to skip class every time, the amount of [absenteeism] at the data level is actually very small, so 99% of it is not What could go wrong.

Under the supervision of 'Superman', this almost risk-free act of 'resistance' was Mo Tan's last bit of stubbornness, even though he felt that this stubbornness was unnecessary when under the other two personalities.

But in the final analysis, regardless of others, 'you' still have to wipe your own butt.


While Mo Tan was thinking about all kinds of messy things at high speed, he couldn't help but sigh softly.


As a result, in the next second, with a gust of fragrant wind blowing by, Ji Xiaoge, who had fallen from the sky, was already standing in front of Mo Tan. He asked with slightly frowning eyebrows: "Why did you sigh as soon as I came here? What are you doing?" Do you have any objections to me?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head and said sincerely: "No, no, I was thinking about something just now and didn't even notice you coming."

Ji Xiaoge: "..."

Obviously, she wasn't sure whether it was more disturbing that "Mo sighed when he saw herself" or "Mo didn't notice herself at all".


At this moment, Mo Tan also felt that his reaction just now was a bit too straightforward, and quickly changed the subject: "Why are you back so soon? I thought it was quite far away."

"Because I went with everyone when I went there, and I was alone when I came back."

Ji Xiaoge glared at Mo Tan angrily and said, "Girl, I'm not that easy to calm down." Then he couldn't help but show off with a smile: "How is it? I'm awesome, even if I use my teeth, hands and feet to run, I can't I’m quick!”

Mo Tan couldn't help but laugh at this one-dimensional girl. He chuckled twice before saying seriously: "Then just lead the way. Tell me what happened on the way."

"Okay, then I'll use a speed that you can almost keep up with."

Because they have been partners for who knows how long, Ji Xiaoge is very familiar with Mo Tan's strength, and knows exactly what kind of speed he needs to maintain so that he can keep up with him relatively easily, so he flutters his wings, as if leaving. The shot shot out like a badminton ball at low altitude, and Mo Tan followed closely behind.

The two of them did not take the main road, but because there was open plain terrain nearby, and Mo Tan, who was already a high-level knight, was many times better physically than those professional athletes outside the game, his speed did not slow down much. He can even say a few words while running.

"So, what happened to Captain Largo and the others? Were they attacked by enemies?"

Holding [Dawn·Everlasting Hatred Thorn] behind his back, Mo Tan's figure was swaying and moving at high speed. His movement pattern was more like that of a thief than a knight.

"They are indeed enemies, and most of them are newly formed enemies rather than old ones from the past."

Ji Xiaoge always maintained one position ahead of Mo Tan, and said with a serious expression while flapping his wings: "And rather than saying it is an 'attack,' this matter should be more of a 'conspiracy,' because the method used by the other party is... …poisoning.”

Mo Tan's eyes narrowed and he immediately asked: "What kind of poison?"

"I don't know, but in Lu Jiang's words, it is a poison that can directly kill ordinary people. As long as the strength is below the epic level, the probability of death in a short period of time after ingestion is extremely high."

Ji Xiaoge looked at Mo Tan and said solemnly: "The poison was poured directly into the large pots at the mercenary group's station, so after they had breakfast today, they were all infected..."

"Then what!"

"It's been going on until now..."


"Well, until now."

Chapter 1,649: End

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