Quadruple split

Chapter 1667 Sense of Oppression

Since a long time ago, the girl with red makeup has been mentally abnormal. Of course, this is not a big problem. After all, as long as it is an intelligent creature, there must be some problems in this area, some are big and some are small.

The reason why this is not a big problem is that in most cases, we can use rationality, morality, ethics, three outlooks, etc. to tightly constrain our problems and limit them to a basically unreasonable situation. Within the framework of what big problems it will cause.

The most obvious example is cholera and Mr. Tian's severe secondary disease. Although this kind of emotion is not strictly a disease, if it is not controlled, it will still have a serious impact on his normal life. In this case , their solution is not to simply suppress, but to relieve their emotions by chatting in online communities and irregular offline gatherings while ensuring their normal lives, which is extremely effective.

Putting aside the fact that he is a solitary and talented person who suffers from cholera, Tian Xingdao has to deal with people almost every day. Not only does he have to deal with his family, colleagues and leaders, but he also frequently interacts with a large number of little kids and big kids, but Tian Xingdao has not shown any signs of weakness at all, until now. , no one around Teacher Tian discovered that he was actually the original snake soaring in the thunder sky...

All in all, abnormal mental state is actually quite normal in modern society. Hongzhuang is not so fragile that she turned into a mental illness beyond common sense because of the Internet violence in which no one wrongly accused her. She is just a little too fragile. It's just a morbid psychology within the control range.

And 'controllable' means that as long as the parties involved are willing to control it, it will not cause any problems.

In other words, if the parties do not control or even allow their own behavior, problems will inevitably arise.

Of course, even so, the red makeup is far from serious. If you really want to say that after letting yourself go, you will completely become another normal person (note, I am talking about normal people here and have nothing to do with Mo Tan and others). It must be the Miss Spider that Mo Tan saw in the Free City. Regardless of the degree of perversion or pathology, or even her self-discipline under normal circumstances, Spider is more than a little stronger than Hongzhuang.

It is precisely because of this that the current Spider, as a senior cadre of the Harlequin brand, can unscrupulously show off his personality and become an 'upper-class player' in this game. He is qualified to cooperate or plan those truly crazy conspiracies and enjoy the game. With the ultimate pleasure brought by liberating nature, Hongzhuang...

Now she could only watch with cold sweat as the figure that made her feel chilled from the bottom of her heart silently raised the halberd and flapped the pair of dragon wings like guillotines, with a lazy posture that was completely consistent with this posture. A figure approaching him at an inconsistent speed.

Although she had already guessed that the other party was not simple, she still did not expect that the half-dragon could be so simple.

As the absolute controller of this area, or the den, Hongzhuang was the first person to discover Mo Tan and Ya Ya. Although she was a little nervous when she first discovered the two intruders, but just after Mo Tan By playing with a fan, she defused the first round of traps and killed two poisonous queens. Hongzhuang's newly worried heart was relieved.

The reason is very simple. As a very discerning person, Hong Zhuang is always paying attention to Mo Tan and Ya Ya's every move through several special poisonous beasts. Although these two people do have a certain level of strength, they are [Hunting Zhuang]. The level that is easy to grasp, without taking any action yourself, you can easily persuade or kill the male pets and poisonous beasts sent to the periphery.

The initial performance of the two people indeed proved Hongzhuang's guess.

Yaya didn't do much in the whole process, and was always in the stage of being protected. Hongzhuang could see that she was not the kind of master who kept her secret. The reason why she was so far behind the man was probably because of her ability. She may not be able to protect herself perfectly. In other words, she may not be weak, but she is definitely not strong.

As for that man, in Hongzhuang's eyes he was not weak, strong, and a bit handsome, but only to this extent.

In terms of appearance, he is indeed quite handsome, but compared to the various handsome guys she has painstakingly collected, Hongzhuang thinks that Mo Tan's appearance is just that. Although it is not that he cannot 'accept' him, it still doesn't matter. It's not the kind of top quality that you have to do whatever it takes to get it. As for strength...

Hehe, he was already panting from exhaustion before even meeting the male favorite he had carefully cultivated. He obviously consumed a lot of physical energy. What can an ordinary high-level person say?

As a result, when Mo Tan met Hongzhuang's first male favorite, the latter finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and an emotion called 'fear' gradually began to grow in his heart.

There was no other reason. It was just that the handsome half-dragon was too ruthless, especially the one who poured out a rain of blood with no expression on his face, leaving behind two mutilated corpses and then walked forward without looking back. The scene almost made Hongzhuang, who was holding her breath subconsciously, suffocate herself to death.

It was from that moment that Hongzhuang discovered that the other party was not easy to handle, but she did not try her best until she confirmed that this was the lair of her group of people.

No matter which personality he is under, Mo Tan is a very terrifying existence when he is serious. Although Hong Zhuang does not know the former, she has already made this rather insightful summary immediately.


She is still too naive.

It is precisely because of this innocence that Hongzhuang made the decision: "Although he is really strong, he is only at the level of a high-level peak. As long as he continues to wear him down, and let others take a little more seriously, such as taking him with him." The more you circle around in this area, the more you fight guerrillas, etc., you will eventually be able to wear out this handsome boy who has not even touched the threshold of the epic.' This is an outrageous judgment.

All in all, after that, Hongzhuang immediately made new arrangements and layouts, and in the next period of time, she watched Mo Tan very efficiently use her own equipment that not only had high-level strength, but also had many poisonous beasts to assist her. The male favorites were hacked to death one by one.

As a result, until the last moment, Hongzhuang thought that the reason why this happened was just because everyone underestimated the enemy. If they went all out from the beginning, there would never be much difference between the two high-level people, so she felt that as long as she was on the other side [ Kuva Tiger] can work together with the super considerate 'No. 1', and he will definitely be able to subdue that troublesome man and woman.

Then... the Kuva Tiger, who was originally just observing Mo Tan, caught the aura of the former and chased him for two miles before pulling him out and killing him. No. 1, who had high hopes from Hong Zhuang, couldn't even sustain two moves.

If the discovery of Kuva Tiger can be explained as the beast's carelessness, then the death of No. 1 can be said to have shattered Hong Zhuang's last illusion, because the latter never relaxed his vigilance from the beginning. On the contrary, No. 1 From the very beginning, he was the type who would go all out and leave no regrets no matter what the opponent was. The reason why he couldn't survive even two attacks was entirely because the opponent showed such strength that it was like cheating!

If Mo Tan was still a difficult but not too strong threat to Hongzhuang before, then when he killed the Kuva Tiger, he immediately made a gorgeous transformation after thinking for a moment. Behind him, Hong Zhuang, who couldn't even catch its movements immediately, was already a little desperate.

In addition to despair, there is also a little bit of covetousness.

This is not entirely due to Hong Zhuang’s mental illness. After all, Mo Tan is indeed very popular after completely liberating the talent of [Reverse Scale]. For example, his pair of half-moon-shaped dragon horns that are about 30 centimeters long and beautifully shaped; Those pair of dark purple electric lights, calm and clear vertical pupils; for example, his set of original equipment was directly assimilated into a set of pure natural full-body armor with complicated shapes and extremely high fashion value.

In addition, there is also the dark purple diamond-shaped crystal in the center of the forehead, which looks like a dragon's eye. When it is held up, it looks like a guillotine, and when it is lowered, it looks like the dragon wings of a cloak. It can be said that it has made Motan's fashion value rise several times. Times, it can be said that he is handsome at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

He's so handsome that Hongzhuang's heart beats like a deer, and Yaya's heart beats like a puppy.

The only difference between the two is that Yaya, who is protected by Mo Tan, can wander away and indulge in male sex, but Hongzhuang has absolutely no way out at this moment. She can guess without thinking that even if she runs away now, it will be nothing more than It just extends the time it takes to get caught, but it doesn't change the outcome at all.

What's more, until now, she doesn't really want to leave...

The reason was the man lying like a corpse in the huge crucible not far behind Hongzhuang, with everything but his head immersed in green liquid.

He was a young man of about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a pair of pointed rabbit ears, a delicate and pure appearance, and a special temperament of a puppy. It was the young man who wanted to strike up a conversation with Ji Xiaoge last night, but was hit by Largo with a punch. On the chest, someone beat him until he was half dead.

As for the other one, he had already died due to limited treatment resources, and his corpse had already been turned into nutrients and completely absorbed by the crucible.

That's right, the reason why Hongzhuang has been avoiding the topic of 'running away' from the beginning is because the young man from the rabbit clan in the pot behind her can no longer bear the torment.

One thing to say, Largo deserves to be the leader of the [Destruction King] mercenary group. The destructive power of the punch he threw out last night was so powerful that it could almost be said to have shattered the internal organs of that little puppy. , directly reducing his survival rate to less than 1%, and Birger is a typical "little kid who doesn't know how to attack". Largo asked him not to cause trouble, but he acted as if he would definitely not be able to kill the Highlanders. I punched the man, and he was so shocked that he was out of breath.

The reason why the little half-orc puppy from the rabbit tribe was able to save his life, or in other words, was not dead for the time being, was due to the poisonous beast that Hongzhuang planted in his body in advance to prevent them from escaping. This inspiration came from outside the game. The legendary voodoo technique, in short, Hongzhuang, who rushed to the scene as soon as she realized something was wrong, finally took them back, and then tried her best to save the little milk dog.

The latter's name is 'Evila', and he is the only person in the entire [Hunting Zhuang] besides Hongzhuang himself whose name has not been replaced by a number, but is allowed to keep his real name. In addition to cooperating with everyone's work, he also He is a relatively simple and innocent boy who wears red makeup.

Although this innocent boy often followed the crowd and caused trouble to the little girl, in Hongzhuang's eyes, it was just because Avila, the NPC, and herself, the 'player', could not have any excessive super-friendship relationship, so she was forced to I have no choice but to find someone else to have sex with.

All in all, this young man Avila is different for Hongzhuang, and can even be said to be like a white moonlight. It is precisely because of this that she will not hesitate to destroy her two poisonous beasts with her own hands, but also to prepare this Guo [Limb Melting Decoction] revived the opponent, and he personally sneaked into the camp of the [Destruction King] mercenary group to poison him last night.

That's why she didn't want to run away. After all, as long as Avila was moved, she would be almost helpless.

Although the other party is just a so-called NPC, every time she thinks of the child acting coquettishly with her, the urge to escape in Hongzhuang's heart will be forcibly suppressed until now.

While Hongzhuang was monitoring the fierce, high-speed approaching figure through the special poisonous beast in the cave, she stood up and walked slowly to Avila in the crucible, looking at the other person with resentment, a pair of weak and boneless hands. He clenched and unclenched, loosened and clenched again, and in the end he didn't say a word. He just took a deep breath and tried to stop his legs from shaking.

But this seems to be in vain, because the figure that is walking through the darkness, with the thunder in its eyes, is too oppressive, whether it is the calmness when he kills Hongzhuang's male favorites, or the shadow that always lingers in his eyes. The murderous aura, or the aura fed back by various poisonous beasts, silenced this woman who had never seen strong winds and waves.

But even so, she still did not choose to escape after all. Instead, she stood firmly in the deepest part of the lair even though she could use offline escape to temporarily escape all this. She clenched her silver teeth and thought hard, trying to get out of this situation. Find a chance of victory in a desperate situation.

At this moment, Hongzhuang seems to have given up worrying about gains and losses, but is working hard with a mentality of 'doing her best and obeying fate'. This is completely different from her in the past, but because of this, Hongzhuang thought of a few possibilities. Something you can try!

As a result, the woman who found the clue immediately took action, and quickly started to arrange things nearby. As the initiator of the pressure that almost suffocated Hongzhuang, Mo Tan also held the latter under the guidance of Yaya and unbelievably After all, the speed was this way, and it took less than ten minutes to appear in Hongzhuang's hiding place.

And it seems that he doesn't even intend to listen to her last words...

Chapter 1,658: End

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