Quadruple split

Chapter 1671 Are you smart?

"Mo, did you always look like this before?"

This was the first thing Yaya asked Mo Tan after he recovered from the shock.

The reason is self-evident, that is, the 'Mo' at this moment does not look like the person who has been getting along with Yaya day and night for more than half a year, making the latter extremely familiar. In fact, compared to the previous image, It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a different person.

From the appearance point of view, even if Mo Tan puts aside the racial characteristics such as dragon tail and scales, his image is far from the 'Mo' that Ya Ya is familiar with. For example, his original height of nearly 1.9 meters has dropped to 1. He is a little over 170 centimeters tall. Although his naked upper body looks relatively strong, it is far less strong than before. Not only that, even the shape of his face and facial features have changed to a certain extent. Although the shadow of the previous one can be vaguely seen, But it is completely different from the character of 'Mo'.

However, if appearance is put aside, Yaya is completely sure that the person in front of him is 'Mo', because whether it is the temperament, taste or the feeling he gives to him, it is the same as before, making people feel warm and comfortable, making them want to take a nap.

So when someone else might have subconsciously asked "Who are you?", Yaya just asked Mo Tan with some confusion: "Mo, did you look like this before?"

It was obvious that she had no doubt about the identity of the man in front of her.

And everyone must know the answer to this question...

Yes, Mo Tan's appearance at this moment is exactly the appearance he exposed to a second person for the first time under his current personality and in the realm of innocence. That is, he is exactly the same as himself outside the game, from top to bottom. Inside and out, there is no difference at all from the image of 'Mo Tan'.

As we all know, the various races in the Innocence Realm are slightly different in appearance and talent. Among the intelligent races that players can randomly find, the one that is least like normal people is probably the dragon. There seems to be only one of them. The race that the player successfully obtained does not look like a human creature when viewed horizontally or vertically, but the problem is that unlike ordinary dragons, the dragon player Christina will become a human being from the moment she creates her character.

As far as Mo Tan knows, Christina maintains her human form in most cases, acting as a shield warrior with the three sisters Cassena, Lucie, and Mika. Although her race is half-dragon, if If you don't observe carefully, you can't tell. One of the reasons is that there is a small chance that female half-dragons don't have a tail. On the other hand, Christina's scales are very low in proportion, and they are all in relatively hidden places like the collarbone, so in general The situation is almost no different from normal humans.

By the way, the purity of the dragon blood of half-dragons can usually be seen directly from their appearance. For example, 'Mo' and Yi Zou have relatively high blood purity, except for the relatively high proportion of scales and the brighter color. In addition to being crystal clear, the vertical pupils with corresponding attribute colors are also an important reference. As for Christina, she looks more like a half-dragon whose dragon blood purity is less than 20%. For example, she has almost no scales. Not very obvious vertical pupils.

Of course, this statement is not wrong. After all, Miss Christina is indeed not a 'half-dragon with pure blood', but a 'dragon with pure blood'.

All in all, dragon players like Christina are a special case, and artificial humans like Cordoba cannot be used as a reference. But for most other players, even if they don't do anything about their appearance, they will still be affected by the game. There are changes in the image of different races in the game, except for 'human'.

For orcs, the muscle ratio will be higher, the body will be much stronger, the skin color will be randomly darker, redder, or bluish, and the joints will inevitably be thick. In terms of appearance, although there are some particularly handsome ones like Huo Yanyang, they will generally become It is relatively rough. Although it will not directly reduce the appearance, it will not become as thin and tender as the male favorites of Hongzhuang who were chopped off by Mo Tan. The change is not small.

Elves and half-elves are relatively popular races among players. The reason is naturally that the skin will become more delicate and the facial features will become more delicate. After all, everyone knows that in most cases, elves follow handsome boys and beautiful girls. This type of concept is not to say that there are no ugly people among them, but I have to admit that their foundation is worse than that of ordinary races, but there are also shortcomings. The muscles of elves are generally not very developed, and their bodies are relatively thin, so In terms of physical fitness, let alone orcs, even humans, who are the benchmark race, are slightly inferior.

Lizardmen are a relatively balanced race, and their talents in all aspects are slightly better than that of humans as the benchmark. However, the problem is that the heads of lizardmen are not human heads, so they are a relatively unpopular race among players.

Dwarves and gnomes are known for their physical strength and spell-casting talents respectively. The former ranks first among the races that female players dislike the most. For no other reason than the fact that they all have beards regardless of gender is really unbearable.

Goblins have a figure similar to that of a dwarf, but are slightly stronger physically and can do some heavy physical work, but they are still similar.

Half-orcs... It depends on the situation. There are Ji Xiaoge, who has no changes except for an extra pair of wings, and Yaya, who has ears, a tail and an accent (but generally not as serious as her), and Mammoth. The tribe is bigger than the ogre. In short, each has its own characteristics and cannot be lumped together.

As for the half-dragon race of the character 'Mo', he has a stronger physique and physical strength than ordinary people, and also has features such as scales and tails. Because he looks human-like and has good qualities in all aspects, It is second only to elves in popularity among the player community.

The function of [Reverse Scale] is to temporarily block the 'half-dragon' part of the Black Tan race, which is the sentence in the skill description that 'the user's dragon bloodline is recessive'. From this, we A formula can be drawn in a literal sense, that is, 'half-dragon-half-dragon=human'. In other words, the race of the character 'Mo' became human in a short period of time.

Under this premise, Mo Tan, who did not make any modifications to the appearance of this character, naturally became what he looked like in reality.

Of course, things are not that simple. The reason why Mo Tan looks exactly like himself outside is actually the result of a large number of factors. For example, his hidden race value is '45.7% thunder dragon blood + 54.3% pure blood human', among which Humans account for the greater part. If it were the other way around, Mo Tan, who has less than half of his bloodline power left, would probably age about ten years based on his out-of-game appearance after losing his 'half-dragon' trait, and it might also be accompanied by... Some other side effects are too complicated to describe in detail.

All in all, Mo Tan was lucky. He had more than half of the human blood in the Innocence Realm and did not suffer any additional side effects. He just changed his appearance back to his own.

Moreover, the duration of the negative effect of [Scale Reverse] is really not long, at least compared to the terrifying CD of [Herrscher's Determination] that lasts for 720 hours, which is 3 months of game time. It is not mandatory to be online for 12 hours. Hours are so approachable. It is true that if Mo Tan himself were in the game, [Reverse Scale] would definitely end faster (1 hour of real time in offline mode is equal to 1 hour of cooldown, and 1 game time in online mode is equal to 1 hour of cooldown). But if you think about it carefully, it won't exceed 12 hours of real time anyway, so it doesn't matter if it's a few hours earlier or a few hours later.

The premise is that Yaya can be successfully made to accept this situation...

"This is a side effect of the form I just took. Although it won't last long, it will make me...well, lose some of the characteristics of the half-dragon for a period of time."

Although the muscles all over his body were sore, Mo Tan still raised his arm and rubbed Yaya's hair, and smiled: "You can understand that if I were a human being, I would be like this now."

Yaya blinked in confusion, and after holding it in for a while, he finally managed to say: "Huh?"

"Don't act stupid..."

Mo Tan flicked Yaya's forehead lightly and said with a smile, "You can understand it, right?"


Ya Ya, who was trembling after being knocked by Mo Tan, shrank his neck and said coquettishly: "Just do it, you are from another world anyway, so it's not surprising what happens to you, but..."

Seeing that the girl's face suddenly turned serious, Mo Tan couldn't help but straighten his expression: "But what?"

"But the way you are now..."

Yaya's eyes flickered for a moment imperceptibly, and then he looked at Mo Tan's face solemnly, and said seriously: "It seems that you are not as good-looking as you usually are, but you still look pleasing to the eye with your original appearance! Well, change back quickly!"


Faced with the girl's sincere comment, Mo Tan didn't even know whether he was being scolded or praised for a moment, but before he could think of how to answer Yaya, he was shocked by the latter's next words.

"Oh right~"

Ya Ya clapped her little hand gently and looked at the unfamiliar face in front of her with a smile: "Mo, why don't you want Sister Ye Ge to see you like this?"

【! ! 】

Mo Tan was stunned immediately, and after a long while he smiled bitterly. He did not answer Yaya's question directly, but asked with a helpless expression: "Is it obvious?"

"I can't say it's obvious, but you can still see it a little bit."

Ya Ya walked around behind Mo Tan briskly, and gently wiped his bloody back while smiling: "And I think, if there is no need to avoid Sister Ye Ge's matter, you will definitely choose to bring it with you." She came here instead of taking mine.”

Mo Tan nodded and murmured thoughtfully: "Well, that makes sense."


Yaya slapped Mo Tan hard on the back and shouted with an unhappy face: "It makes sense no matter what you call it! You just admitted it so happily! Even if it is true, you should refute it a little bit! Really, everything is Sister Yege..."

"It's incomparable."

Mo Tan resisted the stinging pain in his back, turned around and said sternly to Ya Ya who kept mumbling: "Ye Ge is a foreigner like me. If it were us, even if we accidentally died, we would still have to do it again. opportunities, but you are different. You and Lao Jia are all people of this world. You only have one life, so this kind of dangerous thing may happen... If I have to take someone with me, I will definitely Priority will be given to those who sing at night.”

Ya Ya blinked, tilted his head and said, "So compared to Sister Ye Ge, you actually care more about whether something happens to me, Mo?"

"What's your problem..."

Mo Tan shrugged helplessly, shook his head and said, "Didn't I say that in this world, your and Lao Jia's lives are more valuable than mine and Ye Ge's."

Yaya thought for a while and then asked: "What if we all only have one life? Who will you bring? Sister Ye Ge, or me?"

"I'm not coming at all."

Mo Tan turned his head and gave Yaya a white look, and then sighed softly: "Actually, I feel a little regretful now. I thought I could at least protect you, but in the end, I almost let that woman succeed. If there is really no chance to do it again, I will Naturally, I would not risk the people I cherish. If I have to say it, I think it is also irresponsible to seek justice that is too costly."

Ya Ya gave a noncommittal 'hmm', put away his handkerchief, hugged his knees and sat next to Mo Tan, leaning his head on the latter's shoulder: "You can always say such powerful words. .”

"Maybe it's because I feel powerless too many times, so I always say such useless beautiful words."

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead, then looked at Ya Ya solemnly: "I'm sorry, I still put you in danger."

Yaya waved his hands impatiently and hummed: "Stop talking nonsense, we are not partners, and I am not the kind of person who can hide behind with peace of mind just because my life is more valuable, and sit back and watch you or Sister Ye Ge die. That kind of person, please tell me in advance, if there is a next time, I will still rush out when I hear those words!"

Mo Tan glared at Yaya and said nothing.

"But then again, that woman is really funny."

And Ya Ya suddenly laughed out loud, and said cheerfully: "The cruel words were really powerful, but the bug actually exploded by itself. Thinking about it, I feel so embarrassed. Fortunately, she was hacked to death by you, otherwise How embarrassing!”

"Strictly speaking, she is not dead. Just like me and Ye Ge, that woman is also from another world, so she just lost all her past accumulation and started all over again."

"Wow, thinking about it this way makes her feel even more pitiful. How stupid!"

"I think it's not because that woman is stupid..."


"No, it's nothing. You are right, she is indeed not very smart."

"Hey hehe~"

Chapter 1,662: End

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