Quadruple split

Chapter 1676 Next work

As the most useful thug in [Harlequin Card] at present, Mu Xuejian, who is the Ace of Spades, has not been idle much since he and Mo Tan returned to the Free City, especially during this time, the 'Absolute Control Zone' is being opened. Xiao Ai would give Mu Xuejian a list almost every day, which was full of names of people who needed to be 'beaten' or 'beaten to death'.

On this basis, coupled with the fact that Leisha, who has become a member of the street committee, also needs bodyguards, Mu Xuejian, who can play games online 24 hours a day, is busy for at least 18 hours, and cannot take a moment to relax. There is no way to guarantee the time to get used to the [criminal mock battle] with Mo Tan and Futaba.

Because of this, there are more opportunities for the two ghost cards to be alone during this period. However, given that the way they get along with each other is completely irregular, it is impossible to sum up anything from it. So there is nothing to talk about up front.


Futaba turned around and hugged Mo Tan's waist, pressed her chin on the latter's shoulder, looked down at the magazine that was considered a serious pornographic issue twenty years ago, and said curiously: "I'm afraid you didn't have a mother since you were a child. Is that why you’re so keen on those useless fat lumps?”

Mo Tan raised his hand and poked Futaba's cheek casually, and said in a calm tone: "Yes."

"Tsk tsk, let me tell you, maternal love is more reflected in the big ear scraper than that pair of useless things."

Futaba puffed up his cheeks, pushed away Mo Tan's fingers and said seriously: "In this regard, I can definitely do your job for you!"

Mo Tan yawned lazily and said without interest: "Oh, I will trouble you when I have this idea."

"What's going on with this guy?"

Futaba angrily grabbed the hair near Mo Tantian's spirit cap, and tugged it back and forth while saying angrily: "Have I offended you? Why does it feel like I'm in jail as soon as I enter the house!"

Mo Tan blinked and shrugged, "I've always been like this."

Futaba twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "Fart, why didn't you do this the first two times?"

"Maybe it's because Mu Xuejian was there the previous two times."

Mo Tan licked his index finger, slowly turned the page of the magazine, and then stared at the white-haired girl above, who had a rather delicate figure but a rather delicate figure, and said lightly: "You know, both men and women need something called freshness. That's something you, a yellow-faced woman, can't give me, but Mu Xuejian can achieve perfect score without doing anything, so there is When she’s around, I’m naturally more energetic than usual.”

Futaba sneered, stood directly on the mattress and kicked the magazine out of Mo Tan's hand, humming softly: "Don't think I can't see it, you seem to be very busy recently, what happened to you outside the game? Are you in trouble?"


Mo Tan sighed deeply and said with a dead face: "Car loan, house loan, credit card, daughter's tuition fee, two installments of insurance that was tricked into signing by a beautiful salesman, grandpa's medical expenses in the ICU, my life is a mess. gray."

Futaba rolled her eyes, and while squatting unsteadily on the edge of the bed, trying to jump steadily on her slippers, she said with a disdainful expression: "Next time, please find a more reliable misleading direction."


Mo Tan immediately slapped his forehead hard and said suddenly: "Yes, how can a person like me be short of money!"


Although he successfully got out of bed, not only did he not step into the slippers, but he even almost fell off his butt. Futaba held on to the edge of the bed unsteadily and said in a brisk tone: "I mean, how can a beast like you do it?" Comes with a family.”

Mo Tan smacked his lips, lying on the bed in a rather enchanting posture, holding his cheek and saying cheerfully: "But these personal attacks of yours are quite substandard. Why, is it so stressful to be on an equal footing with me?"

Shuangye walked to the bar and took out a bottle of Dr.Peper. After unscrewing the cap, he turned to Mo Tan and made a face: "That's not because you don't want to kneel down and lick my feet."

"I can't help it. After all, I am a low-key person, and going to the dental department to see athlete's foot may cause a fire."

Mo Tan also slowly got down on the bed, casually picked up the magazine that Futaba kicked away, stretched and walked to the latter's side, leaned on the bar and reached out to hold Futaba's left hand. Then he lifted it up gently——


Then, the girl who was drinking was forced to drink the entire bottle of Dr.Peper. After spraying the last half of the mouthful on Mo Tan, she coughed violently. After a while, she looked up angrily. To the latter who was wiping his face with a handkerchief: "You are sick!"


After admitting without hesitation that he was suffering from a serious illness, Mo Tan sat on the bar chair next to Futaba and suddenly started a very serious topic: "Let's not have a mock battle today, Mu Xuejian is not here. , there is no need for the two of us to get along."

Futaba nodded and flicked his glasses: "That's okay. All that needs to be practiced now is Mu Xuejian and I's dual-core combat. There's no need to struggle with our two strategies to dual-core. By the way, I gave it to you before. Have you read the list of imaginary enemies you sent me?"

"After a brief review, there is probably no problem. Now it depends on whether we need further information from professional players."

Mo Tan also took a bottle of Dr.Peper for himself. After unscrewing the cap, he pressed Futaba's head to prevent her from getting in, and said leisurely: "We must admit that the innocence of the world's protection of player information is even stronger. To surpass the CIA’s external network.”

Futaba slapped Mo Tan's hand away and asked with interest: "Oh? How does it compare with the CIA's intranet?"

"Sorry, I don't have the courage to go there yet."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said in a brisk tone: "We are indeed top-notch in terms of business capabilities, but if we compete with the state machine, huh... Unless there is a state machine behind me, only fools can do this. Will touch it.”

Futaba nodded noncommittally, and rarely refuted Mo Tan directly. There was no other reason. There was nothing wrong with what the latter said just now.

This seems to be somewhat contradictory to the two people's unruly and magnificent "great achievements", but in fact, there is no principled conflict between "they dare not prove their toughness against those behemoths" and "they are always actively committing cyber crimes" .

To put it simply, the levels of things are different.

To give a simple example, if you go to the supermarket downstairs and steal a ballpoint pen, it is illegal. Mo Tan and Futaba have done this level of things.

Then, you stole the truck used to purchase goods in the supermarket downstairs, and installed a camera to expose the supermarket owner's naked photos. Activities of this nature are criminal offenses, and Motan and Futaba have also done it.

As for the top level, those who can have an impact on a country are comparable to Edward Snowden's "Prism Gate" feat. Motan and Futaba have never done it.

The reason is very simple. It is exactly what Mo Tan said just now. Without the support of the state machine, he does not intend to go against the state machine. Futaba also has the same idea in this regard, even though the two have world-class skills. network security technology, but this still does not mean that they will not suffer serious consequences.

This is why [Black Sun] has been active until now, while many equally well-known hacker organizations suddenly disappeared after a certain period of time. The reason is that the latter expanded to the point where they thought they could compete with the country. As a result, ...Naturally, he will either be recruited by the other party or be laid to rest.

Occasionally expose a boss's scandal, occasionally invade the database of a private hospital, or even occasionally tease the local police. Although the corresponding area's network security forces will take action, the intensity will not be too high. Big, but if someone really feels that he is invincible and wants to do something more extraordinary, it will attract the power from the top.

From a scientific point of view, under the premise of providing unlimited hardware assistance, only a few hundred first-class hackers whose level is one level lower than Futaba and half a level lower than Motan are enough to block the two of them.

From a metaphysical point of view, Mo Tan feels that although most people in the world do not know the existence of a 'superman' like his own school director, those at the top of the national pyramid may not be unaware of those things that go against common sense. matter, and even... there is likely to be a stable connection and cooperation between the two.

All in all, Mo Tan had no intention of dying like this, so he bluntly stated that he had never done anything similar, and he did not lack the courage to hack into the [World of Innocence], but it was a pity that he had never done anything like this before. He couldn't get in at all.

In terms of hardware, it is not as good as Mo Tan, but it has superior technology. Even a super artificial intelligence-assisted Futaba was hit on the head and bloodied.

In other words——

"Hacking [Innocent Company] to obtain the game information and even personal information of the contestants, checking the specific schedule and calculation methods of related conditions, and even secretly manipulating the matching... We can't do this properly." ."

Futaba grabbed Mo Tan's wide sleeves and wiped his mouth, a reflection flashed on the lenses: "But among the people who threaten us, except for many unknown wild high-end players... such as me and Mu Xuejian In addition to these players, there are also many well-known professional players. Putting aside the individual competitions, those more powerful clubs and studios may threaten us in group battles."

Mo Tan took a sip of the drink in his hand that few people liked to drink, and grinned: "And their club database is probably far from the high-standard firewall of the Innocence Company."

Seeing this, everyone must have understood what these two people were discussing. Yes, it was cheating!

To put it simply, illegally collecting intelligence through means other than competition is a very low-end, despicable, shameless and no-limit behavior!

If it is those people with good values ​​and sportsmanship, such as Xinglong and other serious people, it is naturally impossible to consider such a despicable method, but the problem is, whether it is Futaba or Mo Tan at this moment , they are all the kind of people who can listen to the above series of derogatory words as compliments and praises, and there is no concept of morality, lower limit, etc. in their minds.

Therefore, compared with those characters in the story who are upright and rely on hard work, sweat, bonds and luck to fight their way out of the critical competition, Mo Tan and Futaba hit it off, and they have already reached a villainous atmosphere the moment the topic is raised. Strong consensus——

"Leave [Broken Wind Bird] to me."

Mo Tan directly skipped the link of 'should we take action?' and simply started his speech based on 'how to take action': "How about you investigate [Red Constellation]?"

Futaba nodded indifferently, smiling and swinging on the bar chair that was a little too high for her: "No problem, as for other first-tier clubs, we will directly use the popularity on the search engine as a reference. Apart from the two clubs just now, I am responsible for the even numbers and you are responsible for the odd numbers."

"Okay, let's arrange the studio in the same way."

Mo Tan also agreed happily, and then cast a searching look at Shuangye: "Then... do we need to share the information we investigated with Mu Xuejian?"

Futaba pondered for a few seconds and then said hesitantly: "I don't think the problem is big. Although she is a good girl like me, she doesn't seem to reject evil heretics like us."

"Then we will simply refine it and send her a copy directly. You can go to her and ask for her contact information. As a man, it is inappropriate for me to ask this."

Mo Tan gave Futaba a wink, shrugged and said, "Workplace romance is a bad culture."

The latter snorted softly, acquiescing to this plan, and then murmured with a slight frown: "But I feel that it is very troublesome to go out to find the information of those players..."

"That's not easy, just pack it all up and bring it back."

Mo Tan answered without thinking, and said calmly: "There is no need for those financial statements. As long as they are related to the Innocence, copy them all and read them slowly. This is the fastest and has a higher safety factor." higher."

Because there is artificial intelligence NAVI that can help with classification, Futaba, who had been planning to do this from the beginning, pretended to hesitate and said: "But if this is the case, the workload will be a bit heavy. You don't plan to leave it all to me. Let’s sort and filter?”

"When the time comes, they will all be put together and sort out what they are responsible for. Whoever does it quickly will do more, and whoever does it slowly will use their brains more during the competition."

Mo Tan, who also had his own little calculation and tried to find some clues through various clues, immediately gave a solution.

"Okay, then it's such a happy decision."

"Although I don't think there's anything pleasant about it, let's just leave it like this for now. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"So what have you been up to lately?"

"Find a way to hold you two back less."


Chapter 1,667: End

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