Quadruple split

Chapter 1682 Food for thought

Game time AM01:21

The silent slaughter finally came to an end. Under the cold moonlight, the Black Blade warriors began to clean up the battlefield efficiently and quickly. As the leader of the advance army of the 19th Legion and the only survivor, he lost two arms. , Milanson, who couldn't even pick up the weapon, sighed dejectedly, with no trace of sadness on his dull expression.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the gap between the two sides is so big that he is not even qualified to feel sad, because even if he only looks at the strength that the other party has just displayed, he does not think that the force under his command has even the slightest bit of strength. chance of winning.

"Is this the true strength of the Chauvinian Empire?"

Milanson staggered back two steps, leaned against a flourishing Leno tree, and licked his chapped lips: "If this is really the case, then the Rhinoceros Horn Fortress will be in danger..."

Arthur, who had never killed Milanson, shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Looking at it now, your statement is not wrong, but threatening the Western Rhinoceros Fortress has never been our purpose."

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly and said: "What? Do you still want to kill me, Griffin? I'm afraid this is a bit of a joke."

Arthur blinked with interest and asked curiously: "How to say?"

"I admit that your strength, whether it is you or the soldiers under your command, are elites that are a bit hard to understand."

As a dying man, Milanson did not hide it, but bluntly said to the chauvinist prince in front of him who should be dead: "But even if you can defeat the new 19th Legion to which I belong, Before Griffin's true power, he is still nothing. Neither I nor the legions of Rhinohorn Fortress, nor even the Valyrian family behind them, can represent even the tip of the iceberg of the empire's profound heritage."

Arthur nodded slightly and chuckled: "It can be seen that you don't seem to be proud of your current army, are you a member of the former main army?"


Milanson smiled noncommittally, and then said in a deep voice: "You are very strong, very strong. Even if you are compared to the most elite special operations force of the Adolf Free Territory, you are not willing to give in, but to be honest, your strength is still not qualified. Let Chauvin become Griffin's opponent, even if you add the Knights of the Tsar's Sword and the Hurricane Mage Group."

"To the point, correct."

As a result, Arthur nodded approvingly and said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter. After all, we have never thought of challenging Griffin, the terrible lion, by ourselves, and the one you saw The army is just the beginning, I believe I can always see a more magnificent scenery."

Milanson frowned, but stopped himself from thinking about these words. If possible, he wanted to remember his wife and children more before death, so he simply closed the door. The eyes, while trying to imprint the figure of the missing person deeply into the depths of the soul, are calmly waiting for the end of life.

However, his expected death did not come as expected.

"If you stay silent like this, I will look stupid..."

Arthur scratched his temples, leaned over and picked up Milanson's right arm that was still holding the long knife: "Especially when I don't intend to kill you immediately."

Milanson opened his eyes suddenly and couldn't help but shouted to Arthur who was walking towards his left arm: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can feel your nostalgia for this world...or for a certain person, and it was this nostalgia that made me change my mind about not leaving even one alive at least tonight."

Arthur picked up Milanson's left arm, turned to raise his eyebrows at the latter and said: "In fact, compared to Arthur Bohe in the past, I now have a deeper understanding of many unclear and unexplainable things. For example, your nostalgia for someone at this moment, for example, the person who saved you in the first place, she was thinking about you before she died, and she did not even regret her decision for a single moment. "

Milanson's pupils suddenly shrank: "Launi..."

"Launi? It turns out to be a woman."

Arthur clapped his hands in confusion and said apologetically: "Sorry, I was too far away when I launched the first attack. Although I locked your breath, all I could do was determine the general direction. Although I could Your emotions and actions are vaguely captured, but there is no way to determine your gender."

Milanson did not speak, but pursed his mouth into a straight line, and his already bluish complexion became pale.

Arthur asked in a brisk tone: "So, the woman named Launi is your lover? After all, she values ​​you more than herself."


Millanson swallowed hard and said in a hoarse voice: "She is just my adjutant."

He only said this, among other things, including the fact that Laoni liked to ask him for advice when she was in the lower division of the Military Academy. After graduation, she rejected the marriage requests from two viscount families and joined the Seventh Main Battle without hesitation. Legion, and was 'forced' to retire due to 'making a mistake' in the second year after he left there, and had to come to the newly compiled 19th Legion to 'deserve' to himself. Milanson knew what he had just suddenly realized. Not mentioned.

He was deeply in love with his wife and children and just lowered his eyes with red eyes, deciding to be kept in the dark by Laoni like in the past.

And Arthur did not continue the topic. He just said calmly after a long silence: "I'll give you a chance to choose, Mr. Milanson Valeria."


"Die here, or join my army and dedicate everything to sin and the king."

"Sin and...King?"

"Epic powerhouses are precious after all, and since you don't disgust me, I'm willing to make this 'venting of anger' less pure. So, choose."

"I don't think there's any point in an epic story without arms."

"There are specialties in the arts, that's not something you or I need to worry about."

"My wife and son are still in Griffin."

"Inside the Valyrian family's absolute control area?"

"No, they are in the imperial capital Broled. My son is in the preschool at the Imperial Academy of Arts and lives in the old city with my wife and parents..."

"What if I am willing to promise that you will be reunited with them in a week at the latest?"

"I will give my loyalty."

"That will be an extremely painful process. Believe me, if you die here, it may be much more comfortable."

"I am of use to the Valyrian family. They will not continue to take care of my wife and children after I die in battle, and... uh..."

"Haha, I understand, it seems you have a beautiful wife."

"I hope you keep your promise."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

Game time AM03:21

Griffin King's Capital, Brorid, White Rose Palace, Third Floor Terrace

"Your Highness."

The female official in a palace dress appeared quietly in front of the tea table, and gently put a velvet cloak on her master.

"Thank you, dear Naya."

The eldest princess of the Griffin dynasty, Gaweil Logan, who has dazzling long pale golden hair, a slender figure, and a delicate and soft appearance, smiled slightly and squinted her always clear and bright eyes, as clear as sapphires. It turned into two crescent moons and said softly: "But I'm not cold yet."

The female officer named Naiya shook her head and glanced helplessly at the pile of parchments on the table that seemed chaotic but actually followed a certain pattern. She suggested for the countless times: "It's time for you to rest."

"It's been hard for me to sleep lately."

Gaweier spread her little hands and looked at the friend who had almost grown up with her with an innocent face: "Even if you go to bed early, you will be awake for a long time. If you are too upset, you may still dream about it after you fall asleep. Arthur, I’m going to cry a lot when the time comes, so why not just blow some air here and find something to do to pass the time.”

Naiya pursed her lips, remained silent for a while, and finally made up her mind and said, "I think that since Your Highness has been able to face up to the matters related to Prince Arthur, it may not take long..."

"Can you get over missing him? After a few years, maybe you can find a new love? Let that guy become a mottled page in your memory?"

Gaweier interrupted her friend with a chuckle, shook her head slightly and said: "Unfortunately, Naiya, I know very well that I will never be able to do it, and that person probably knows it very well, so if you can understand it too. Very good."

Naiya was stunned for a moment, then asked curiously: "That person? Which person?"

"Of course he was the bad guy who was irresponsible at all and died casually after stealing my heart."

Gaweier let her beloved quill spin around in her fingers, while seemingly casually scanning the scattered information about taxes, people's livelihood, and banquets in the empire in the past three months, and said calmly. : "If I hadn't been convinced that I could no longer drive him out of my own world, he wouldn't have said something like asking me to forget him."


The female officer, who had a hard time following Gaweier's thoughts, blinked and was unable to continue her words.

However, Gaweier didn't expect the other party to say anything, so she just continued on her own: "In short, that's what it means, so Naiya, don't expect me to forget that guy in the future, and in time I can live without any burden. I can’t embrace a new life or anything like that.”

Naiya sighed deeply and whispered: "But I don't want you to suffer forever, Your Highness, and I feel so hard just looking at the things you have done during this period..."

"But it's not hard work, at least for me."

Gaweier smiled reservedly, raised her little hand and touched the tip of her nose: "Didn't I tell you, I'm just looking for something to do to kill time, just like you have a part-time job at Lion Eyes" The nature is similar, it looks very busy, but actually it doesn’t do much.”

Naiya's expression suddenly froze: "Your Highness, I..."

"The reason why you joined Lion Eyes is for me, but as the youngest half-step legend in the history of this country, Naiya, you are destined to not be a female officer with me, at least not in name."

Gaweier said the words in a chatty tone that made Naya almost tremble out of the afterimage. The smile on the corner of her mouth looked very happy: "My wet nurse, your mother, was originally a nominal member of the royal intelligence agency. Although she was My brother was disbanded after he succeeded to the throne, but the [Lion Eye Guards] he re-integrated is actually very similar in nature, so it is logical that you would be absorbed into it."

Naiya swallowed hard and stuttered: "I... this... uh..."

"Don't be nervous. I know you just kept silent because you were afraid that I would worry."

Gaweier patted the back of Naiya's hand and said softly: "And I also know that my brother loves me, so even though you have entered the lion's pupil, it is just more of what you would have done originally [protect Gaweier]. It’s just a duty.”

Naiya scratched her black shaggy hair and said with a wry smile: "So when did you find out, Your Highness?"

"It's been a long time, but I haven't said anything because I was afraid that you would have random thoughts."

Gaweier put down the quill in her hand and said softly: "But I may ask you to do something in the future, so I think it would be better to pierce this layer of paper now, um... I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you. of."

The half-elf Naiya Qingsong, who has always pretended to be a harmless ordinary girl, is actually 'the youngest half-step legend in the history of the Griffin Dynasty' as Gaweier said. , after holding it in for a long time, he finally managed to say: "I wasn't too scared... huh?"

Before she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly froze, and then relaxed the next second.

"What's wrong?"

Gaweier put down the quill in her hand and asked curiously: "At this time...could it be that Eliza is here?"

Naiya, who had just verified her identity as an 'uninvited guest' through aura locking, nodded with a complex expression and said with frustration: "Yes, Your Highness Elisa has just arrived in front of the palace, but... Your Highness, how did you know?"


Gaweier replied lightly, then took out a second cup from under the table, and slowly prepared tea for her sister while saying: "Then please ask her to come up, and then wait for a while on the second floor. Well, Eliza will come over at this time, I’m afraid there is news from the south.”

three minutes later

"I just received two messages."

The first time she stepped onto the terrace, Eliza Logan said directly to her sister: "The first one is from Gawen. She asked me to ask for a family. She is the newly formed 19th Legion. The wife, children, and parents of Miranson Valyria, one of the commanders."

"That is to say..."

"That's right, the vanguard army led by Milanson Valyria has been dismissed."

"What about the second news?"

"I placed a lot of outsider insiders in the 19th Legion, and one of them happened to be a member of this advance army, and he sent a rather intriguing piece of information before his death... …”

"How intriguing is that?"

"Quite intriguing."

Chapter 1,673: End

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