Quadruple split

Chapter 1685 Black Brick

Mo Tan is thinking, thinking very hard and attentively, but he knows very well that no matter what the final result will be, it will always be just an unfounded guess before obtaining tangible evidence. At most, it will only determine the direction of investigation for himself. That’s all.

In view of how busy Mo Tan is in [The Bound of Innocence], it is almost impossible for him to have the opportunity to personally conduct investigations on related matters. In the end, he will have to let his Harlequin Card, Jun Wu of the Wanderer Hotel, or other third parties Power helps.

So in the final analysis, under the premise that he had already asked others to help pay attention to the situation in the northwest continent, Mo Tan's current thinking was simply useless. He himself knew this, but he still couldn't help but think about it.

However, due to some special circumstances, he didn't actually think about it for too long before he was forced to concentrate on dealing with the trouble.

Let's not get too close here. The trouble Mo Tan has to deal with is - the crowds.

What exactly is the popularity? To put it simply, it is the morning rush hour of the Monday subway in City B!

As a metropolis with a population of nearly 30 million, the morning rush hour in City B can be said to be very, very, very crowded, and September 13th is not a special day, so most people during this time period The subway lines in the city are so scary that even a person with a slightly weak constitution may not even know if he or she will survive.

Mo Tan was actually mentally prepared for this. After all, he had lived in city B for so many years, and usually took the bus and subway to go to school, so it was okay, but the two girls Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao were... I have never seen such a battle before.

This is not because the two girls are some otherworldly young ladies. The main reason is that although the first-tier city in J Province where they used to live has a lot of people, the morning rush hour is far less powerful than here. After the city went to the city, the two sisters usually took a taxi to school. Not that they were willing to spend money. The main reason was that they only had classes on Monday morning. Therefore, Ji Xiaodao, who didn't want his sister to squeeze into the subway during rush hour, decided to go to school every week. Take a taxi to go to school.

Therefore, for the above reasons, the two of them have never experienced the Monday morning rush hour subway in City B. Today, because they are going to school with Mo Tan, Ji Xiaodao is worried about the latter's mood (she already knows Mo Tan's economic conditions Average), so I didn’t mention taking a taxi and just followed the bus and subway.

At this moment, Ji Xiaodao vowed that if God could give her another chance, she would put a knife on Mo Tan's neck and convince him to take a taxi with her sisters!

too! squeeze! Got it!

It’s really too crowded!

Although they chose routes and trains with relatively few people (so that the staff would not push people in from the outside), the sisters still felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable while being shocked by the huge crowds.

Fortunately, Mo Tan, who was mentally prepared, quickly pulled them away, barely squeezed a path with his own body, and escorted the sisters to a triangular area near the door. Although the surroundings were still crowded with people, at least they were far away. There is a risk of being squeezed to the point where your feet are off the ground after the next stop.

In this way, Mo Tan, who is not very tall and is only two centimeters taller than the Ji sisters, grabbed the armrest and supported it on the outermost edge. Ji Xiaodao occupied the area that Mo Tan could not take care of and could directly threaten his sister. The route was well prepared, but Ji Xiaoge himself was excitedly clenching his little fists and looking around. Although his pretty face was a little frightened, he was more curious about new things.

Of course, this curiosity does not conflict with her thoughtful approach of curling up as much as possible and trying to reduce the pressure on Mo Tan and her sister.

The reason why the two of them are so vigilant is actually not difficult to understand.

To put it simply, it is summer now, and although sisters Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao are not wearing the relatively cool summer uniforms of Tanhua University, their youthful combination of short sleeves + denim shorts + leggings is still quite attractive... ...Okay, maybe there is nothing special about this look, but I have to admit that both sisters are the kind of beautiful girls who can make people shine.

Especially Ji Xiaoge, even though she had short hair, wore a peaked cap, and even had some supernatural means applied to her, it was still difficult to completely offset her heart-stopping beauty.

Therefore, under his current personality, Mo Tan will naturally take the initiative to become the flower protector. In this regard, thanks to his experience as a "mo" in the game, he can basically be said to be instinctively familiar with the road.

As for why Ji Xiaodao is a guardian rather than a guarded character, it is because her individual combat effectiveness is very high and her reaction speed is extremely fast, so she can always stop those who do not intentionally bump into her in time. Secretly teach those scumbags who deliberately want to get around to take advantage of you a lesson.

Of course, thanks to the improvement in the per capita quality of the current society, there are really few people with evil intentions along the way, so although Mo Tan and Ji Xiaodao are working hard, it is just hard work.

As a result, just when the subway was about to arrive at Tanhuaxi Station, which was underneath the school's second cafeteria, an unexpected accident happened.

When the announcement that they were about to arrive at the station sounded and the group of three people just breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps it was because the driver used a little too much force when operating the driver's control, which caused the inertia during the deceleration process to be slightly greater, which caused many people to They were all caught off guard and fell into an unstable state.

However, at this moment, a man who looked like he was in a suit and holding a briefcase suddenly came towards the three of them, looking like he was going to throw himself directly into Ji Xiaodao's arms.

While the latter stood firm, his eyes were focused. Suddenly he raised his arms sideways and let the young social beast with impure motives bump his elbow with his belly. As expected, the man immediately let out a cry. There was a mournful cry similar to the crow of a chicken, and he stumbled back the way he came.

Obviously, a crisis of this level would not cause any harm to Ji Xiaodao, but the problem is that while she was fighting back against those with ulterior motives, she was inevitably distracted, so much so that her sister's foothold was unstable and she almost When he was about to fall, he was half a beat too slow.

To be honest, we can’t really blame Ji Xiaoge’s foot plate for not being solid enough, because the not-so-smooth braking just now caused most of the standing passengers to stumble, but Ji Xiaoge’s current position is Somewhat dangerous.

If she completely loses her center of gravity, she will probably hit the door next to her. Although she will probably not be injured, now that she has completed the braking, the door will probably open immediately. At this time, she relies on the ability of the school director. When the 'Tanhua Station' was built, almost no one would get on the bus. In other words, Ji Xiaoge would most likely fall out the moment the door opened.

Of course, given that the current safety measures are still in place, the most she can do is fall and get a scratch, and basically there will be no more serious consequences, but this is still something Ji Xiaodao doesn't want to see. of.

So even though it was a little too late, she still stretched out her hand to hold her sister.

Unfortunately, it backfired. After cleaning up the gangsters, she was not in a good position to immediately catch Ji Xiaoge who fell in the opposite direction, so——


Subconsciously shouting out this line that he shouted to Ji Xiaoge countless times in the game, Mo Tan took a half step back like lightning, put his left arm between the opponent and the car door, and his right hand Instinctively, he touched the place where [Akatsuki] hung on his waist.

If nothing unexpected happens, in the next second, he should hold the girl's waist to protect her from injury. Then everyone will blush politely, Ji Xiaodao will exude a little more murderous aura, and the matter will be over. .


【Well? 】

When Mo Tan came back to his senses, he found that he was just standing on the spot. Although his right hand was indeed holding on his waist, his left hand that was originally stretched out was hanging peacefully by his side.

On the other side, Ji Xiaodao, who was reaching out to try to pull his sister, also changed into a posture with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the subway ring, his eyes seemed a little confused.

Ji Xiaoge, who was about to hit the door, stood firmly in his original position, his expression looked a little baffling, and then he subconsciously turned to Mo Tan and said: "Mo... uh..."


Mo Tan immediately put on an expression that said, "So you have forgotten my name" and continued the words, saying seriously: "Ink's Mo, Sandalwood's Tan, I met you last Christmas, and now we are Went to the same school."

Ji Xiaoge was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, waving his hands and saying, "No, no, I haven't forgotten you, just now..."

Mo Tan blinked and asked curiously: "What happened just now?"

"I can't tell, I didn't react. Anyway, it was a bit weird. In short, I almost thought you were another person."

Ji Xiaoge, who suddenly stopped mid-sentence, frowned and pondered for two seconds before replying. He didn't say anything like 'maybe it was my illusion'.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, touched the tip of his nose with a normal expression and said with a wry smile: "How should I put it? This is the trouble of public faces."

Ji Xiaoge waved his hand, and then jumped out happily after the car door opened. He playfully turned to Mo Tan and Ji Xiaodao who followed him out and stuck out his tongue: "I'm sorry, I was there before. I'm in a bad mood, so I'm worrying you two."

"elder sister……"

Ji Xiaodao looked at Ji Xiaoge, who was smiling as brightly as usual, with some uneasiness, pursed his lips, and hesitated to speak.

"Okay, it's okay. You really don't have to worry about me. No matter whether it's a game or life, it won't always be smooth sailing. I still know this~"

Ji Xiaoge hugged his sister from the side and rubbed the latter's face with a smile: "Don't underestimate me, sister!"

Facing his sister whose mood turned from cloudy to clear, Ji Xiaodao breathed a sigh of relief, nodded obediently, and then turned to Mo Tan and suggested: "Where do you want to go? Let's see you off."

Mo Tan's expression froze: "Uh..."


Ji Xiaoge also clapped his little hands suddenly and said seriously: "Anyway, we two have half an hour to go to class. If you leave Mo Tan alone, you won't even know if you can find the classroom before dark, ah!" "

At the end of the sentence, Ji Xiaoge suddenly opened his eyes wide and let out a very loud cry.

Mo Tan was immediately startled and said hurriedly: "What's wrong?"

"The person I mistook you for just now is the one you met in Academy City before. His sense of direction is also terrible!"

Ji Xiaoge looked at Mo Tan with burning eyes, frowned and said, "How strange!"

Although his heart stopped for a moment, Mo Tan, who knew that the other party did not doubt his identity at all, still laughed calmly and complained helplessly: "Looking at what you said, don't road idiots have no human rights? I don't either. Okay, that person’s online name is Brother Mo, he is a human being equal to you, and he should not be discriminated against just because he can’t tell the difference between east, west, north and south.”

As a result, Ji Xiaoge hadn't spoken yet, but Ji Xiaodao, who had been expressionless since just now, smiled and nodded: "That's it."

This smile that looked like melting glaciers made Mo Tan dumbfounded at the time. He was a little surprised. What's more important is that we have known each other for almost a year. The number of times Ji Xiaodao laughed like this can be counted with one slap. .

Ji Xiaoge was also shocked, and then he hugged his sister hard and rubbed her face wildly, saying with eyes full of intoxication: "Our Xiaodao is so cute!"

"Ahem, you guys talk first, I have to go to class."

Mo Tan pointed at the little genius phone watch on his wrist, and smiled at the two sisters hugging each other in front of him: "Don't worry, I still know how to get to the academy from here. Keep walking after exit B and go upstairs. Then just look to the right, bye."

After that, he waved to the two of them and blended into the crowd and left quickly. As for the reason, on the one hand, it was because he was in a hurry to go to class, and on the other hand, he felt that the topic just now was very dangerous. After all, Ji Xiao Ge twice associated himself with the person named 'Mo' in the Innocence Realm, which was definitely not a good thing.

All in all, it's definitely wise to leave the scene quickly.

In this way, Mo Tan smoothly followed the route he had memorized by rote, and with the help of the little genius's phone, he left the underground from Exit B, which had only one way. After nervously turning his head and looking to the right, he felt relieved. Take a breath.

Thank God, he did not lose himself this time, but successfully found——

Bang! ! !

With a crisp sound coming from a short distance away, Mo Tan's eyesight went dark, and then he lost consciousness due to a strong headache.

Time flies, time flies

About twenty minutes later, Mo Tan, who was destined to be late for signing in, woke up leisurely in a utility room, and then——


He has messy black hair and is reasonably good-looking. He is wearing an unconventional black T-shirt (with 'Fresh Flying Syndrome' printed on the front and 'No Likes of First Graders' written in mysterious cursive on the back), jeans and sneakers. The man who looked listless as if everyone owed him a few dollars raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to say hello: "Are you okay?"

"I am..."

"You were hit from behind and fainted. Fortunately, your skull was not injured. I have checked it for you. If nothing else goes wrong, you shouldn't even have a concussion."

"Thank you, then you are..."

"The person who just hit you with a brick."

Chapter 1676: End

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