Quadruple split

Chapter 1701 [Ye Yinzhong]

Silence fell.

Within five minutes after Mo Tan said what he just said, everyone in the third conference room, including Xia Liya, who always looked at ease, was digesting the news with their mouths open. No one spoke.

If Mo Tan chooses to take the opportunity to forcibly form the [Guards Regiment], and plans to have a tough battle with the attackers from the Blood Feather Platform, who do not seem to have the intention of coming to fight the garrison to the death, this is still conceivable, then when After he announced that Mino Paladin would be the commander-in-chief when facing the enemy, including Shallya, who had been following his pace, all looked like they had seen a ghost, looking at the old god in disbelief. of Black Brahma.

"is there a problem?"

After letting the atmosphere in the conference room condense for a while, Mo Tan finally said with a chuckle: "What's your reaction? I don't think I said anything incomprehensible."

Lao Luo laughed twice, shook his head and said: "No, no, no, to be honest, Brother Hei Fan, you... I really can't understand it."


Xia Liya raised her hand feebly, glanced at Mo Tan angrily, and said angrily: "Why didn't you discuss this with me earlier?"

"Because it's not a big deal, and I'm not discussing it."

Mo Tan smiled at Xia Liya without any force, then turned to look at Mino: "Okay, regardless of what other people think, what do Mino think?"

Mino blinked in confusion, and after a while he said in a daze: "It's weird..."


Mo Tan tugged on a strand of black hair on his forehead and asked curiously: "How do you say this? What's weird?"

"It's weird everywhere."

Mino frowned and said bluntly: "No matter how you think about it, it would be more appropriate for you to command this battle."

Mo Tan blinked and continued to ask: "Why is it more appropriate for me to take command?"

"Because this is not a practice battle. The opponent is a real blood barbarian. It is a war that will cause casualties and bloodshed."

Raymond, who was sitting next to Mino, looked up at Mo Tan and said seriously: "After experiencing the previous practice battle, we all have recognized your strength, Lord Hei Fan. It is true that I trust Mino and am willing to Let him command us, but if you, Lord Heifan, propose to form the [Guards Regiment], you are likely to achieve better results than Mino. In this case, at least from the standpoint of a warrior, I think Logically speaking, you should be the one to command us."

Phillip nodded slightly and agreed: "I feel the same way, I think so too."

"If you can save fewer deaths...it's better not to have more deaths."

Lao Luo scratched the stubble on his chin twice, and his originally lazy eyes seemed to become a little sharp, and he said in a very soft voice: "After all, ideas are ideas, and means are means, but it is a bit inappropriate to joke with human life. ”

"Oh haha."

Xia Liya glanced at Lao Luo in surprise at first, then turned to Mo Tan and said seriously: "I think so too. It's not that I think Mino is bad, but you also said just now that you plan to let the newly built [Guardian Guard" The group] has become the only positive force. Under this premise, you, the initiator, must be more suitable as the commander of the first battle, not to mention that you still have this ability. Not only that, I think I will lead everyone to fight a 'real battle'. Winning the battle can also make you more recognized. On the contrary, even if you do not participate in the command this time, if the result is not ideal, everyone will not blame Mino, but will point the finger at you."

Mo Tan nodded: "Well, so what?"

"So as Raymond said, both emotionally and rationally, you are the most suitable commander. No one will have any objections. If the results are better, everyone will trust you more."

Xia Liya frowned slightly and met Mo Tan's eyes, and said seriously: "So from the perspective of the adjutant, I suggest you reconsider."

Mo Tan smiled and nodded: "Your... no, it should be said that I received everyone's suggestions, but I chose to let Mino replace me as the commander of the next battle, and it was not out of whim. I have my reasons too."

"I've known it for a long time."

Shalia curled her lips and hummed: "So now you can stop showing off, right?"

"I'm not trying to make excuses, I just intend to explain it in a targeted manner."

Mo Tan innocently spread his hands, saying that he didn't mean it, then coughed slightly, and explained: "Let me explain briefly. First of all, the main reason why I let Mino be the next conductor is because I don't want to follow the past. The same, always just fighting with those bloody barbarians."

Raymond was stunned for a moment, and then repeated angrily: "A small fight?"

"That's right, it's just a small fight."

Mo Tan nodded with a very firm tone and said sternly: "It is true that at first glance, we have indeed been fighting the blood barbarians back and forth, sometimes taking the initiative, and sometimes engaging in encounters. In addition, There are also a series of frictions such as infiltration behind enemy lines and logistical sabotage, but the scale of these frictions has always been limited to a very narrow range. At this point, whether it is our city of Doumbouya, or the same northern border, and This is true in the gospel mountain city where we watch each other.”

Mino took a breath and looked at Mo Tan with burning eyes: "We have never stopped sacrificing."

"Yes, we have never stopped sacrificing. Whether it is the bloody barbarians or us defenders, they are constantly bleeding. I will not say that the blood we shed is meaningless, but we must also admit that , this trend is negative.”

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes, knocked on the table hard, and said in a deep voice: "Because if this continues, even though the defense line in the northern border of the Holy Land will never be breached, those blood barbarians will never be able to pay a truly painful price. It is even less likely to disintegrate or be destroyed. The greatest result we can achieve is, at best, what Knight Commander Jeff Harrington did before, which was to cripple a certain blood barbarian force and give everyone a break for a year and a half. It’s just an opportunity.”

Lao Luo nodded with interest and said curiously: "That's indeed what happened, so Brother Hei Fan, what do you mean..."

"What I mean is very simple, that is, if you want to change this somewhat decadent inertia, necessary changes are indispensable. To put it simply, I hope to have the opportunity to conduct large-scale battles, rather than meeting the opponent step by step. Recruit and dismantle.”

Mo Tan took a sip of the coffee handed by Yi Zuo, and then asked Mino in a calm tone: "So, do you think that the battle between the [Guards] and those harpies in the near future can be regarded as a large-scale battle?" What?"

"According to past standards, it counts."

Mino said this first, and then added softly: "But if it is what you just said, it doesn't count."

"Yes, that's it."

Mo Tan smiled slightly, spread his hands and said: "In my blueprint, a conflict of this level is not considered a large-scale battle at all. If we follow the past rhythm, then it will be more than enough for me to be the only commander in the entire Doumbouya City. Mino, it doesn't matter if you sleep every day or play music every night, but the problem is that I don't want to waste your ability and talent, nor do I want to waste my own time and energy."

Everyone present was not a fool, so when Mo Tan said this, everyone basically understood what he meant. Except for Lao Luo, who had a somewhat decadent temperament, including Xia Liya, their expressions became obviously excited. .

It is true that Mo Tan is not a very inspiring speaker, but the problem is that his incredible resume and his performance in the previous practice battle are enough to make everyone face up to his 'fantasy'.

"Maybe I am indeed a better choice than you, Mino."

Mo Tan calmly stared at the thin and gloomy believer of the God of Melody in front of him, and said softly: "Perhaps, if you replace today's commander with me, the battle damage will become better, but I believe that there will always be a need for you in the future. It's time to stand up and take responsibility, and at that time, I may not be able to be 'another choice', so don't slack off because of my arrival. Believe me, your pressure and responsibility will only be greater than before."

Mino opened his mouth, but no words came out. In the end, he just nodded with a slightly blue face.

But Mo Tan still gave him an approving smile, and then gave Shalia a look. After the other party understood, he sent the rosters to others and said: "The next step is what we will continue today [Konoe] The third topic after the two key points of the formation of the regiment and Mino taking command is the new scout establishment of Doumbouya City. Like the [Guards Regiment], I asked Shalia to follow my request. We conducted an initial screening based on the core conditions and came up with a roster that can catch up with the battle in the evening as quickly as possible.”


Sitting in the corner, 'Romeo and the Pig's Nighttime', who had very obvious player characteristics, blinked and raised his hands hesitantly: "So is there something wrong here? Why does my name appear in this book? On the top?"

Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "This may be because, at this stage, both I and Shalia agree that you are very suitable to be the general person in charge of [Ye Yin]."

"Ye Yin, Ye Yin... tsk tsk, a leaf blinds your eyes and you can't see Mount Tai. This name is quite suitable for a scout."

Lao Luo smacked his lips and said in a dumbfounded voice, "But isn't it a bit too childish for a salty fish like me to be the general manager or something like that?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head vigorously, and while shaking his head almost out of the afterimage, he said seriously: "No, no, no, everyone is also a salty fish. Since I can become the talker of this city, Lao Luo, you must be in charge of a mere scout group. no problem."

Lao Luo was also unambiguous, shaking his head even faster than Mo Tan, waving his hands to death and saying: "No, no, no, what virtue can I have..."

"You are so virtuous and capable."

However, Shalia interrupted him and raised her eyebrows: "In fact, in the first two months you came here, I even suspected that you were a spy sent by some heretical organization. If it weren't for your resume, It's so clean, and you haven't done anything suspicious from beginning to end, so my people have been staring at you for so long without getting any results. I have long since treated you as a person who can quickly mingle with the people around you at any time to protect yourself. Suspicious individuals with extraordinary abilities were thrown into the Inquisition in the south of the city."

Lao Luo immediately raised his hands and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "I am a good citizen, and my piety to the God of Wealth can be learned from the sun and the moon."

"Not to mention whether you are pious or not, the reason why I didn't catch you in the end is because you are indeed a good citizen, even though you are a 'suspicious' good citizen."

Shalliya lazily poked the word 'Romeo' on the top of the title page of the booklet in front of her with a quill, and said lightly: "With the arrival of Priest Black Van, your 'suspicious' secret has also been revealed. Well, to sum it up, 'Romeo is an alien with great communication skills and an extremely dangerous sense of smell'. If I speculate further, I think you may have a high social status in your world."

"Ahem, Miss Shalia, you are exaggerating. I am just an ordinary businessman over there. I earn some hard money through business practices such as valuing peace and being kind to others. How can I get a higher social status?"

Lao Luo smiled bitterly and waved his hands to deny Xia Liya's speculation. He shook his head and said: "But I probably understand what you mean. To put it bluntly, I am afraid that most of the members of this scout team named [Ye Yin] are me. This kind of 'player' is correct, right?"

Mo Tan nodded without hesitation and admitted: "Yes, that's it."

"I think so. After all, the characteristics of 'players' doom us to have advantages in areas such as investigation and liaison over the vast majority of native-born 'locals' like Miss Shalia. In addition, given that we all have items and luggage, This kind of unreasonable thing also has cross-era significance in terms of logistics. On this basis, 'Alien' can almost be equated with 'Rich War' in a certain sense."

Lao Luo snapped his fingers and grinned: "Unlike the 'locals', we 'outsiders' rarely have too many devout believers, so we want to bring a group of players together for a long time. , you must start from the perspective of the players' own interests, so you need a communicative talent who is smooth, smart and good at understanding people's hearts."

Mo Tan clapped his hands in approval and said seriously: "If you can think of things to this point, you have undoubtedly exceeded my requirements."

"Haha, although I really want to negotiate terms with you, this is a game after all, and it's meaningless if it's too utilitarian or too philistine."

Showing a refreshing and bright smile to Mo Tan, Luo Ou, who has been shortlisted in the top 10 domestic young entrepreneurs for nine consecutive years from 2039 to 2048, is the founder of the Red Constellation E-Sports Club and the chairman of Red Star Network Technology Co., Ltd., nodded vigorously——

"Okay, little brother Hei Fan, I will be the leader of the group you mentioned."

Chapter 1,692: End

First of all, I wish you all a Merry Christmas~

Then there are two more things I want to talk about:

①: Although it was not a hard time some time ago, I have turned negative. Everyone who knew that I was infected before, please don’t worry. At the same time, please also protect/take care of the elderly at home, because children, young adults and even me This kind of sick and weak body can withstand Omicron relatively easily, but the elderly are not easy to deal with this virus. To put it bluntly, the fatality rate is not low. So please be careful.

②: The Christmas gift I promised you before, that is, the update of "The Edge of This World" will be released in half an hour.

So, I wish you all a Merry Christmas again~

Also be sure to take good care of yourself and your family.

—— Microleaf Sycamore

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