Quadruple split

Chapter 1704: Escaping

Game time PM16:21

Over the southern gray plains

"Those damn dwarves."

The dark-haired woman flapping the pair of lightly armored gray wings on her back, exposing a large area of ​​healthy brown skin, with very graceful muscle lines, and two eagle claws below her calves, cursed angrily, with a rather attractive face, The only remaining eye was full of anger, and he cursed through gritted teeth: "We should catch those ignorant bastards in the sky and smash them into bloody cans!"

The harpy, who seemed to be in a very bad mood, spat forcefully. Although her body was broken and the defense area was not large, the black leather armor was definitely made of the best material, as well as her exposed lower abdomen, thighs and arms. It can be seen from those bloody tattoos that her status in the Blood Feather Terrace may not be that low, at least... it has not been that low before.

"Calm down, Riley, you're a little too emotional."

With a slightly hoarse voice, another red-haired harpy, who was dressed similarly to the one just now but looked much older, flew up from behind, turned around and said sternly to his partner: " At this juncture, we must not conflict with those gray dwarves. You must know that their [Meat Mincer Legion] has just withdrawn from the southern part of the mesa. If we provoke trouble, it will be difficult for the Queen."

"Oh, you really have the overall situation in mind, Nora."

The harpy known as Riley sneered, with suppressed anger surging in her eyes, and said angrily: "It's meaningless! It's meaningless anymore! Look, look at us covered with bruises, look Sisters in the back, we have been fighting for the captain in the past few months... no, it should be said to be for the Queen now. We fought desperately for her, fighting against the lizard people! Fighting against the gray dwarves! Fighting against the quilboar! Fight with people from other tribes! What’s the result? Tell me what the result is?!”

"Riley, don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything!"

As a short-lived species with a lifespan similar to that of humans, the nearly fifty-year-old harpy Nala is the oldest and most prestigious member of the team. Although her strength has begun to decline, her rich experience and experience still allow her to remain in the team. The most vocal person in the team, even Riley, the most irritable and powerful person in the team, always respects her.

But today, perhaps because she had been holding her breath and was stimulated by the gray dwarves before, Riley, who rarely talked back to Lana, exploded like a ignited powder keg this time.

"Don't know anything? What a joke!"

She flapped her wings violently, and while speeding forward, she roared angrily at the seniors who were following her: "I don't want to be too clear about it, we were abandoned! Abandoned by the captain we have always admired! We dedicated our lives to For loyalty and everything, he sent her to the throne, and fought with those bastards who teamed up with the lizardmen to the last person. What was the result? In the end, we won, and the captain became the queen, and you, me, and those who came before Those sisters who were all bruised and bruised in those hellish days, with only the last drop of blood squeezed out, were driven out! They were driven in front of those damn bastards of the Holy Religion Alliance! With those who have been pampering themselves every day, they have been recuperating for nearly half a year. , The well-equipped Holy Cult united to fight!"

Nora shook her head vigorously and said in a deep voice: "The queen has her own considerations, she..."

"She clearly wants us to die!"

Riley interrupted Lana angrily and said in a loud voice: "Why do you want to prove to the outsiders who are watching, or want to avenge the previous queen? She is simply cleaning up the house! She is just afraid of appearing. The second Celine Kuroki! The second member of the guard who has already coveted the queen’s throne!”

"Shut up!"

Following a burst of sharp edges, Lana, who usually kills people without batting an eye, but rarely gets angry with others, actually swung out a claw and scratched four bloody marks on Riley's face. She gritted her teeth and said, "Enough is enough. Little girl, I don’t deny the captain’s current ambition, but you must not slander her loyalty to the Lacerated Queen, let alone make such nonsense that the captain has coveted the queen’s throne!”

"Are you crazy too, Lana!"

Riley raised her hand gloomily and lost the blood on her face, and said coldly: "Tell me, why are you still speaking for the captain after being used to this extent? Tell me, if the captain is really not afraid of us, why? We are going to be sent to the city of Doumbuya to die!”

"No one wants us to die."

Lana stared at the junior who was deeply trusted by her and the Queen, and said word by word: "On the contrary, the Queen sent us here to protect all of us!"

Riley suddenly let out a sneer, revealed a sinister smile without any kindness, and said coldly: "One of us is definitely crazy."

"I'm sober, Riley. I'm just as sober as you, maybe even more sober than you are."

Lana shook her head expressionlessly and said in a deep voice: "I'll say it again, the Queen has never wanted to betray us. Believe me, if she really needs us to die, she will tell us face to face and order us to do it." She sacrificed her life, not to get rid of us under the guise of a unified hand of the Holy Religion, as you think."

"I do not believe."

Riley's expression froze, but she finally shook her head vigorously and said this through gritted teeth.

"No, you believe it."

Lana stared into Riley's eyes and said solemnly: "Others may not believe it, but you, who admires the captain the most, cannot not believe it. The reason why you said that is just because you want a reason to die." , because you cannot emotionally accept that you died in battle so far away from the Queen."

"Don't talk like you know everything."

Riley's eyes narrowed slightly, and she flapped her wings at high speed as if she was angry, further speeding up her speed.

"Look, you even distanced yourself from everyone as soon as you had a premonition of what I was about to say, for fear that the sisters behind you would hear something they shouldn't hear, which would affect the Queen's plan."

Lana, who was following Riley closely, grinned, and then without waiting for the other party to refute, she said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Let's put it this way, the Queen never wanted us to unite with the Holy Cult from the beginning. Shopping, the so-called revenge, is just a name for sending us out."

The former was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Why?"

"Because only in this way will those lizardmen, gray dwarves and wild boar people settle down, follow the ancient covenant of 'not attacking those who are at war with the Holy Cult', and completely give up plundering the Bloodfeather Mesa."

Lana took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Only when they have made enough gestures, will other tribes be willing to be integrated by the queen who made the greatest sacrifice, and then they can unite under the Lacerated Queen like in the past. Just like everyone else, unite around our captain, the new queen of Bloodfeather Mesa, and..."

Riley, who looked obviously shaken, pursed her lips: "And what?"

"And that hateful Jeff Harrington has already left the city of Doumbouya. According to the last information we got, the old bishop who replaced Jeff in charge of the city of Doumbouya is a fearful person who doesn't have half a year's ability. "

Lana sneered and raised the corner of her mouth with a hint of contempt: "So as long as we don't directly attack Doumbouya from the front, the opponent will inevitably choose a relatively passive defensive counterattack. In the face of the mobility of our harpies, as long as we If the other party doesn't make up its mind and rushes out to confront us head-on, it won't be a decent threat."

Riley frowned and asked in disbelief: "How is it possible? It's not like we have never fought against people from the Holy Religion Union. No matter how useless their leaders are, the defenders will not be easy to mess with. !”

"Having said that..."

A hint of cunning flashed in Lana's eyes, and she whispered: "But what if we only provoke them to a limited extent? Think about it carefully, we have less than a thousand sisters, and including you and me, nine of them There are injured people in Chengdu, and there is nothing we can do.”

Riley's eyes suddenly widened and she said in astonishment: "You mean, we are just here to show off?"

"if not?"

Lana nodded as expected and said without hesitation: "How many magic sticks do you think we can kill? One hundred? Or two hundred? Even if each of us can pull one magic stick to death, this pair For the Queen, what use is it to the Blood Feather Platform? As for honor and other things, those magic sticks who belong to the Holy Religion Union never belong to us. In this case, why bother fighting to the death?"

Riley was shocked: "Is this what the Queen means?"

"Based on my knowledge of the Queen, and the fact that she chose me as the leader of our 'remnant army'..."

Lana nodded slightly and said solemnly: "This is the only possibility."

"I still can't understand it."

Riley shook her head and said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, why didn't the Queen tell us earlier? In the final analysis, she never said these things. What you just said, Lana, is just your own subjective opinion. It’s just conjecture!”

"Listen up, girl, the fact that the queen chose me to be solely responsible for this operation is her position."

Lana looked sharply at Riley, who had a complex expression, and said majestically: "As for why the queen didn't tell us earlier... the reason is simple, because her identity is no longer the captain of the guard, but the entire The Queen of the Terrace! As the ruler of the Blood Feather Terrace, she must be the most ruthless, cruel, cruel, and decisive person, so it is impossible for her to say 'survive' to us face to face, do you understand?"

Riley pursed her lips, and her tone was many times weaker than before: "I..."

"You can't be naive anymore, Riley."

Lana interrupted her rudely and lowered her voice: "Listen, the only thing you have to do now is to bring as many sisters back with me as possible. Remember, the queen must be the most perfect ruler. The ruler of this land must be a tyrant who can frighten everyone under his command, so everything this team does next is my own initiative and has nothing to do with the queen. You are not allowed to reveal half of it to her other sisters. A word."

Riley took a deep breath, nodded with stern eyes, "I know!"

"Very well, slow down the speed. We are almost leaving the other sisters behind."

Lana raised her hand and rubbed Riley's head carelessly, then narrowed her eyes and looked down at the land beneath her that had been coated with a layer of golden color by the setting sun. She said softly: "There are three buildings around Doumbouya City. Layer the defense zone, and soon we will be able to see the outermost part of the north."

"The outermost defense zone..."

Riley nodded, her words no longer irritable at all: "Should we start there?"

"Start? No, no, no."

Lana shook her head vigorously, turned to Riley and smiled -

“The outermost third zone is not the starting point.”

On the northern outskirts of Doumbouya City, in the temporary command tent in the center of the First Internal Defense Zone, Shalia Ayin slammed the table and said loudly to Mino, who was sitting opposite with his head bowed and thinking about something: "It's the other party. The end point of this attack! Yes, they will probably break into the defense zone directly from the north, and then continue to move irregularly with their super high mobility while causing destructive chaos. Finally... they will leave at high speed after causing enough trouble. .”


Mino gently hit his head twice and turned to look at Shalia: "What is your basis?"

"The number of opponents, the current situation of the Blood Feather Terrace, and the character of the new queen."

Shalia was flipping through the latest report at high speed for the seventh time, while simultaneously reading a large amount of old information about the 'Death Claw Queen'. She spoke quickly: "And according to the latest news, the leader of this team is very... It could be Lana Bladethorn, she is the most important subordinate of the new queen, if she is just sent to die, the weight would be too heavy."

Mino nodded first, and then said: "But didn't Hei Fan say before..."

"We are the ones who are going to fight this battle. It doesn't matter what he thinks anymore."

Shalia interrupted Mino impatiently and said angrily: "Besides, Hei Fan is not a god, so not all speculations may be 100% able to get to the core of the problem, especially those that are insignificant and insignificant. "

Mino stood up and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back a little anxiously: "So you insist...those harpies will only carry out symbolic destruction, so what I should do is not to defend and counterattack, but to Do you want to keep those enemies who have been retreating from the beginning?"

"What you should do and how you want to do it is your business. I am just giving suggestions for my own functions. In terms of strategy and tactics, I am far behind you."

"Then if I choose to trust your judgment, I end up betting on the wrong possibility..."

"You bear half the responsibility, and Hei Fan who entrusted this battle to you bears half the responsibility."

"Then if the bet is right..."

"That's because I have a sharp eye and can predict things like a god. I should be the first to contribute."

"That makes sense."

Chapter 1695: End

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